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Bob Marley - Concrete Jungle

Concrete Jungle
: Concrete Jungle
: 3.88 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 99 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 75 İndirme
: 01-05-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Bob Marley - Concrete Jungle )
  1. Kevin Loera

    Smoking some frosty herbs to this mann

  2. Ninjah

    TRADUCTION EN FRAujourd’hui, le soleil ne brillera pasLa lune jaune ne se montrera pasLes ténèbres ont chassé ma lumièreEt fait de mes jours des nuits obscuresOù est l’amourQue je cherche ?Que quelqu’un me dise !Parce que la vie, La douce vie,Doit bien se trouver quelque partPour remplacer cette jungle de bétonOù la vie est trop dureDans la jungle de béton Mec, il faut faire de ton mieuxJe n’ai pas de chaînes aux piedsMais je ne suis pas libreJe sais que je suis en captivité iciJe n’ai jamais connu le bonheurJe n’ai jamais su ce qu’est une douce caresseJe ne fais que ricaner comme un clownQue quelqu’un me vienne en aide !Parce que je dois m’arracher d’iciDans cette jungle de bétonQu’avez-vous à m’offrir ?Dans la jungle de bétonPourquoi vous me laissez ici ?Je me dis que la vie, La douce vie,Doit bien se trouver quelque partAu lieu de la jungle de bétonDe la connivence !Du désordre !La jungle de bétonTu la veux, tu l’asDans la jungle de bétonQu’avez-vous à m’offrir ?

  3. TheMatron'sMilitia

    I really dig this version, when was it recorded?


    The message is sad, but this song, contradictorily, make me feel so good... I love it!

  5. charlotte etridge E

    best song

  6. john sports

    159 dislikes , wtf , very very sad people out there, Lively up yerself an dont b no..... ☘️☘️🔥

  7. john sports

    Fucken deadly ☘️☘️☘️

  8. Joe Smoe

    Bob’s face said it all, all the hurt the pain and fustration of a song was all over his face.

  9. Marcelo Tiko

    2019 🔥❤️🍀

  10. Cleber Santos

    Alguém 2019

  11. Mlchael Wray


  12. Deschanels 07

    One of the best Bob's song

  13. Zakari Mohammed

    The thougest

  14. James Grant


  15. Mick3y Abb9y


  16. Javier cordero sanabria

    They were genius. Bob u were a fighter through your songs. Thank u so much

  17. Javier cordero sanabria


  18. Jack

    wish I knew who plays the lead guitar on this.the solo is the best

    therese fassie

    It's peter Tosh

  19. Linda Redlick

    What seems effortless to him is heaven to my ears. ❤️

  20. bamadeadhead

    I be always laughing LIKE A CLOWN👍🏼😫👍🏼

  21. Goren Spall

    NO chain around my feet but i m not free ..

  22. Gwangmu Lee

    This is the best recording in my personal opinion.

  23. Mario Frigo

    Peters voice in the background always gives me goosebumps.. Amazing!

  24. BTRAXX

    One of my all time favourite songs and this performance also. Bless up Gong & The Wailers!

  25. Eliverto Scherer

    This is so sublime

  26. geocitygt77703


  27. Jack

    This is one one my fav songs of B. Marley

  28. Downtown Outlaw


  29. talented 10th

    if this doesn't put you in a transcendental state you are literally infertile !. its like a seed falling on rocks if this doesn't make you wish for a complete overhaul of mankind . Im not a Rasta but Im a decendant of enslaved Africans and hearing this makes me feel like this planet was never for me . im trapped here even though I love this earth. now who's with me.

  30. VOIZES

    This is one of the greatest live performances of all time. What an arrangement, too. THIS is the heights of magic music can reach. People watching must have lost their minds.

  31. Kadda Hk

    2019 ✌️

  32. 100__niki !

    Love this one & stir it up ... No chains around my feet but im not free. This song makes me depressed and gives me strength all in one, thus life.

  33. ataraxia

    This is intense.

  34. Goren Spall

    No chain around my feet but i'm not free I know i'm bounded here in captivity. ..

  35. bendada reda

    I like playing guitare Peter Tosh

  36. PJ anedapain

    MEAN!!! :)

  37. Mr. & Mrs. Barron

    Anybody from 2032 here?

  38. 7 Ascension

    its so much truth in this song.

  39. Ninjah

    Aujourd’hui, le soleil ne brillera pasLa lune jaune ne se montrera pasLes ténèbres ont chassé ma lumièreEt fait de mes jours des nuits obscuresOù est l’amourQue je cherche ?Que quelqu’un me dise !Parce que la vie, La douce vie,Doit bien se trouver quelque partPour remplacer cette jungle de bétonOù la vie est trop dureDans la jungle de béton Mec, il faut faire de ton mieuxJe n’ai pas de chaînes aux piedsMais je ne suis pas libreJe sais que je suis en captivité iciJe n’ai jamais connu le bonheurJe n’ai jamais su ce qu’est une douce caresseJe ne fais que ricaner comme un clownQue quelqu’un me vienne en aide !Parce que je dois m’arracher d’iciDans cette jungle de bétonQu’avez-vous à m’offrir ?Dans la jungle de bétonPourquoi vous me laissez ici ?Je me dis que la vie, La douce vie,Doit bien se trouver quelque partAu lieu de la jungle de bétonDe la connivence !Du désordre !La jungle de bétonTu la veux, tu l’asDans la jungle de bétonQu’avez-vous à m’offrir ?

  40. Alea Storm

    This is just amazing! <3

  41. boosie woody

    Put it on repeat until you understand Jah 1 love

  42. Chris Ward

    A hidden gem and one of the finest performances on the whistle test ever!

  43. Kofi Ofosu

    The pain of the concrete jungle could be seen by these I-tren through and through. “Never know what happiness is, never know what sweet caress is...”

  44. Zion

    Walk outside my door and see the concrete jungle we live in.

  45. Hetkanookanders

    So nobody is going to admit that this group was the Avengers of reggae music.

  46. Christopher Matthias

    As solo acts they showed that were class acts but together they were a phenomenon Peter Tosh once said that he and bunny wailer had a sound that decorated Bobs voice and made it beautiful I disagree Bob Marley's voice stands on its own and cuts through the mix the blend of all three is sublime Bunny `wailer once said that when all three of them got together it was like a gathering around the ark of the covenant he is right they sound heavenly.

    Will iam

    Christopher Matthias well said

  47. supced35

    Fan incommensurable!Ce son restera dans mon esprit jusqu'au trépas!Cette performance est une bombe sans commune mesure pour les adorateurs d'un son d'une nature musicale qui nous transporte vers Zion!

  48. kevin Serna

    Colombia escucha reggue ah

  49. Stephen Philips

    Astral as is REAL

  50. VOIZES

    THIS is true power. What an exceptional performance of a piece of music coming from the Truth of the Human Spirit, channeled through musicians with the utmost dedication. THIS is what music can be.

  51. Mohamed Jalloh

    This sound makes me cry.Reeeeal the baas

  52. Mike’s Reef

    Why is Peter's guitar cut out during the solo??? Its just keys. Ugh

  53. Oceans808

    What a sublime, fantastic live performance. These are real musicians. Makes me sad to see the kind of crap out there right now that people consider talent.

  54. Nick B1978

    A masterpiece

  55. Dilma Maria

    Oh sim Marley e mágico mágico extraordinário um excelente músico e compositor e pessoa com suas canções realísticas e sonoridade fez dele até hj um dos melhores artistas do mundo

  56. Donovan Dowdy

    Who thumed down bob marley?? Crazy balbhead people.. Thums up all day everyday jah!

  57. Yossi Molcho

    Music from god

  58. Brice Martin

    30years ago he allready felt what's happening those days; Survival is our Album; bless him;

  59. Eric Baker


  60. Will iam

    Its not to detract from the Marley persona but he was so perfectly supported and enabled by such a unique group of musicians. A complete sound

  61. Cycero Myzael Myzael

    Grande músico sempre será o rei do reggae 😎

  62. Nicola Soldá

    Yuh not change your way if yuh not tink is it great way to come up di mount Zion...Bad tings wi eliminate

    Nicola Soldá

    Mi boy dont Call me

  63. JCBAirmaster73

    "Jah Rastafari"

  64. Raghe Danan

    I will always laughing like a clown!!! Love this song...... I salute you from Mogadishu.

  65. dhjgjkd

    You'll never be as cool as Peter Tosh in this video

  66. shai m

    almost a perfect performancei just miss the guitar solo towards the end

  67. Ian Walters

    The base is like a power saw ---- sharp and cutting .Ian Walters.

  68. matteo8816


  69. Wisdom archive

    Great song.


    Best song ever made by @ human the grestest

  71. mandy o'brien

    my Pentecostal cremation song ... if there's such a thing👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  72. bamadeadhead

    Fave part of whole song...2:11 👍🏼😂👍🏼

  73. David Larson

    Even with goofy hats, Peter tosh is a badass

  74. Sharon Naylar

    Darkness has covered my light and has turned my day into night. Where is the love?

  75. IRL 59

    Slm qui écoute ça en 2019

  76. Karen Mccorkell


  77. Ridial Sy

    Trop cool

  78. sheldon26815

    im guilty of watching this hundreds of times. everytime i have to drive back to the city to work, where i once lived.

  79. aminata


  80. Pierrot Kashama

    jah please bless

  81. Luciana Lucizani

    Dessas 500.000 visualizações, pelo menos umas 100.000 foram somente as minhas.

  82. Pablo Theoren

    The most educated lyrics of all times. I love Bob.

    Pablo Theoren

    This song is based on everyone's reality

  83. GnopKing

    Rip Uncle Bob, Uncle Peter, Brother Carly, and Wyah , SEE YOU IN ZION T_TThe only bands in human history who sounded live INCREDIBLE as on recordings, are THE WAILERS and METALLICA (before Lars getting old)

  84. Moon Light

    La meilleure.Et ce live.... magique. Bob et ses textes sont dingues, tellement touchants et fort. Sa présence, sa voix, tout.A jamais <3

  85. Sami 67


  86. KnoxTN Yankee

    Brought me through the Early 80s:

  87. jerry wagener

    pur son

  88. Edilene Sousa

    The high yellow moon.......

  89. flavio Silva

    Until this day it is impossible Barrett´s bass lines.

  90. mahmood kadir

    This is still wild.

  91. Dj Rickey Ricardo

    Jah Rastafar I

  92. Mamadou KARAMOKO

    This is music

  93. The Rub

    one of the few songs that actually stirs my emotions, timeless and true in the realest way

  94. Martin Gracia

    Hello friends! I'll stop here!Music of the South.....

  95. Jomari Averille Romarate

    Long live Marley and the Wailers

  96. Sonja Martens

    The Grey Old Whistle eben ... ))))))))))) so good.

Concrete Jungle Şarkı Sözü
Bob Marley Concrete Jungle Sözleri

No sun will shine in my day today; (no sun will shine)
The high yellow moon won't come out to play:
(that high yellow moon won't come out to play)
I said (darkness) darkness has covered my light,
(and the stage) And the stage my day into night, yeah.
Where is the love to be found? (oo-ooh-ooh)
Won't someone tell me?
'Cause my (sweet life) life must be somewhere to be found -
(must be somewhere for me)
Instead of concrete jungle (la la-la!),
Where the living is harder (la-la!).

Concrete jungle (la la-la!):
Man you got to do your (la la-la!) best. Wo-ooh, yeah.
No chains around my feet,
But I'm not free, oh-ooh!
I know I am bound here in captivity;
G'yeah, now - (never, never) I've never known happiness;
(never, never) I've never known what sweet caress is -
Still, I'll be always laughing like a clown; Won't someone help me? 'Cause I (sweet life) -
I've got to pick myself from off the ground
(must be somewhere for me), he-yeah! -
In this a concrete jungle (la la-la!):
I said, what do you cry for me (la-la!) now, o-oh!
Concrete jungle (la la-la!), ah, won't you let me be (la la-la!), now.
Hey! Oh, now!
[Guitar solo]
I said that life (sweet life) - it must be somewhere to be found
(must be somewhere for me)
Oh, instead: concrete jungle (la-la!) - collusion (la-la!) -
confusion (confusion). Eh!

Concrete jungle (la-la!): baby, you've got it in.
Concrete jungle (la la-la!), now. Eh!
Concrete jungle (la la-la!).

What do you stand(?) for me (la-la!), now? [fadeout]

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