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Awolnation - Sail

: Sail
: 3.80 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 309 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 134 İndirme
: 22-02-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Awolnation - Sail )
  1. Mick Moyer

    Whever he says sail i see a corgi jumping into the water xD

  2. Paddy B

    Real question tho who killed the selves to this song Show of hands

  3. Ha Luong Hang

    came here bc of Keanu

  4. RSERG3

    Yo, for anyone still listening to this song here in November 2019 and beyond. I made a remix, check it out if you want

  5. Quinn Oats

    SMITE brought me here! I ❤️this song!

  6. kanisha smith


  7. david thorne

    I remember being dope sick as fuck and wanting to go get high so bad. But knowing I couldn't. So I s as t in my basement listening to music and this played. Not saying it helped but I've been 3 years sober

  8. Ran Dose World

    For the part everyone likes 0:29

  9. xx vikkii xx rowe

    I know you don't care but I'm sat here listening to your favourite song I don't care about ur adhd I still love u and always will xx

  10. Tharawut Chaiyarat


  11. matrixab435

    When I walk into Macys and my jacket is on "SALE"

  12. Karl Beltran

    Got here because of that Keanu Reeves vid... I am so Thankful 🔥🔥🔥

  13. Aslan Amirov

    so where is two girls on backyard?!?

  14. Jeroen Timmer

    Best csgo music kit ever!

  15. Van Silva

    Maravilhosa essa música

  16. G SHORTS:)

    Just Released He looks like Roman Atwood FUCKING TUNE ALWAYS🤣🤘🤘🔥🔥


    0:51 me calling my dad at 3am to come back

  18. Min Yoongi

    I love this song everytime i hear this i always have to say sail than rhyme too it

  19. nlol, executive memer

    so I’m here from the vine of the guy playing piano

  20. Aurabella Mancini

    Soo f#ckn hot

    Aurabella Mancini

    The song not so much the video

  21. Little Bomb


  22. street punkisa


  23. Bamboozle


  24. Master Azu

    So this is among the songs that we have been heard but we dont know the tittle.....😂

  25. I'm HERO WHO

    00:27 MVP 😂

  26. John Doe

    I used to listen to this on repeat when it came out because it would help me edit my montages and funny video compilations. Miss the old times...

  27. Beaky Turf

    Who the fuck is Keanu Reeves?

  28. cup


  29. P Gaven

    I'm listening to this in 2019 because of Dion Jordan...

    Beaky Turf

    We Dont care....I'm listening in 3798 because of history of the 21 century class....I bet you don't care.

  30. champz141

    3 min add is retarded

  31. Xastino 3003

    Wait ... He stole the sweatshirt of sans !!

  32. Psycho Gamer

    fleabag s01e02

  33. Dóra Gőgh

    Most néztem az american horror storyt es egyik résznél ez volt bevágva és igy wt

  34. Laurence Gehannin

    Love this song soooo bad ! 🖤

  35. Dragoș Robu

    1:44 voice crack

  36. Nelizeu Matos gbn

    No mene isaque

  37. Caleb DiCaprio

    when your the last one survivng on cod zombies and everyone is depending on you

    Soulja Boih

    Dude fuckoff cod is bad

  38. Chilly Mcfreeze

    Waiting on the parody Oh La la la

  39. Tadashi Uzumaki

    ''SAIL WITH ME INTO THE DARK!!!"me: yeaaah... you know what...i'm just gonna download the beat/instrumental...

  40. Dhak4ry

    i found this cuz of the CSGO MVP song :)

  41. 》《аsтяid уiкеs 》《

    When you have 6 minutes left to finish the test before the bell rings

  42. Canal Zé Pedroka

    cmo br domina tem BR 2019 ?


    Tem sim kkkkk

  43. AlphaBanjaxedBanshee

    the internet thinks it owns my life and cpu but it can go stuff itself

  44. AlphaBanjaxedBanshee

    if it was created post 1999 it's got no source and doesn't matter, exist or count for shit. KYSF

  45. AlphaBanjaxedBanshee

    pass it on it's OCD baby

  46. Waffentrager Auf

    Csgo :l

  47. Stev0o

    Hugz (っ◔◡◔)っ

  48. Spooky Awper

    blame it on the illuminati 1:00

  49. Skunk Ranger

    Is he talking about what i think hes talking about

  50. GRT 7Penguin

    Sooo the illuminati got him or what?

  51. Yo! My playlist on fire!

    When Kyle's drink red bull instead of monster.

    Ana Clara Araújo De Lima

    Me jeje

  52. S.A.M. 082986

    Just to make clear I am Aware as well as others from your illuminati pictures to your hanging galaxies planet subliminal messages I always look for producer of video and song writer on all i observe movements darlin Data is here to assist not just you now one other thing besides hypnosis think how hypnosis is possible why lifes a game or movie or song why are you on electronics to be entertained why it's hard to put them down boo it's a beautiful system I mean mind body heart 😁cheese beotch

  53. S.A.M. 082986

    Resemble guardians of galaxy

  54. Vann Frere

    CSGO brought me here

  55. Liza Port

    My song🤘🏽

  56. Alan Thomas

    This is the way I think,unfilled and far too quick.after a time I fiund out I have adhd so it means even more to me now. This song is blisss

  57. IICatsparklzII

    How is this my first ever liked video out 618 vids? I’m not complaining tho 😂

  58. Wolfman Roy

    Scanners from above for the FEARS below. Can you reconcile the oscillations of life to end DOUBTS? What can you do to reconcile the creation that is groaning for redemption? In our SHAMES, The destroyer, The Angel of Destruction, Wreck-It Ralph, The Blackened Red Dragon of the Dragon Queen, The Northern Bastard Snow Undead Warrior and Watcher on the Wall-The Good-hearted Winter Soldier of the Hydra! The King Of The North, East, South, and Wicked Worlock of the West! I may be the smallest of the horns but I'm also the Beast of Hotel California so I've seen, felt, heard, smelled everything I was cooking and I'm not too happy about these hypocritical 7 Churches of dimmockscarcity. This Bride of Frankenstein needs to be ALLLLIIIIIIIIVE!!! But won't even rise from the ashes and Radiation Acid Reign poisoning and WWWWWAAAAAAke UP!!!!GOOOOOOOOOD MOOOOOOOUUUUUURRRRRRNING UUUUUUUUSSSSSSAAAAAAA!!! IT'S BLACK FRIDAY,THE LIVING ARE DEAD IN DISGUISE.AND YOU ARE ALL OUT OF LIVES, DOLLAR BILLS, AND CONTINUES.THERE'S ONLY ONE HOPE LEFT,BUT IT'S A TWISTED, POWERFUL,INSANE DRAGON WEARING CLOWN MAKEUP,SPEAKING BUT LAUGHING LOUDLY MOSTLY,CARRYING A HUGE METAL WALKING WIZARD ROD, AND BIG PURPLE FLOPPY DOUBLE ENDED DICK STICK,AND HIS NAME IS, SATAN.WHAT DO YOU.... WHAT DO YOU DO???

  59. sergent chris

    1:21 ur welcome

  60. Un Gato

    The bomb has been defusedConter-terrorist win

  61. *Ķįm NaYö*

    Culpe meu add querida

  62. Jerika Ramey

    God I love this song haha😍😍

  63. Pixie Denehy

    i love your songs omg

  64. CiaranGh

    0:28 csgo enters the chat

  65. dimples p

    Sailing into 2020

  66. Michael Hovsep

    Nice music video.👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  67. Prabhat Kumar

    any CSGOO😟😕

  68. Тюлень Ка

    Я смотрю это видео в 2019 в ноябре это песня прям настольгия

  69. Mayaaa aaa

    Why does this guy look Swedish?

  70. Kyueen UwU

    My parents used to listen to this song all the time and putting it as loud as they can without it being *too* loud and the bass as well. It was back when it came out and for a really long time after. Even now when it plays very rarely now they still do it xD

  71. AndSo

    uhh I know this feeling

  72. KEn Mehl

    November 2019?

    Outhouse Brewery

    December 2019 🤙

    MR. Учёный

    Я из ноября

    kenan torrez

    Noviembre 900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

  73. Travis Montgomery

    Is this true

  74. johnny castillo

    My buddy said he met the lead singer at a strip club in Austin, Texas. Apparently the dude was coked out of his mind and throwing ones like it was nobody’s business. Long story short he ended up telling my buddy and his friend how depressing his life was and how much his band sucked. I believe it considering how shitty being part of the music industry can actually be.

  75. Lyra Frost

    This song kinda makes me think of like a schizophrenic. The constant worrying and paranoia, and finding the only way out is drugs or suicide. Sad a lot of people kinda ignore the lyrics. I think it's darker than most realize.

    Cookies 193656392720173640207 Daisy Merollin

    Charles Martel it is

    Charles Martel

    Cookies 193656392720173640207 Daisy Merollin Another one 🤣😂🤣 you fucking weak minded fools. Hope your families are embarrassed to raise weak cunts. No wonder 3rd immigrants are taking your places.

    Cookies 193656392720173640207 Daisy Merollin

    Charles Martel the lyrics are literal why say maybe i should kill myself in a song if its not literally? If he meant killing his mind he would of said mind. He said myself

    Charles Martel

    Cookies 193656392720173640207 Daisy Merollin So she attention seeks on YouTube instead of seeking professional help ? Yes makes fucking perfect sense you people are weak minded toughen the fuck up !

    Charles Martel

    Cookies 193656392720173640207 Daisy Merollin It’s a song ! If you silly cunts take it to literally meen slit your wrists they’d your weird perception.

  76. ROX3R

    yes sa fais des anne que je cherche cette chanson

  77. danielle carnicle

    FOCUS FORD... is the -150 GAME 4X4 LIFE... SAIL

  78. Не Тёма

    лайк если пришел с пацанского лета))

  79. Tommy Eaton

    I love this song it makes me feel like I'm not the only who has ADHD

    Desmond Wycoff

    ADD not ADHD

    Jamie Morton

    @Desmond Wycoff hahahaha

    Benjamin A. Shapiro

    Desmond Wycoff ADHD is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder while ADD is just Attention Deficit Disorder so they are basically the same thing just one has a hyperactive part

    Callum J

    @Benjamin A. Shapiro I swear ADD is Alcohol and Drug Dependence?

    sarah southwell

    I hear you 💜 likewise x

  80. mazorkaaa

    M A I L

  81. Landon Counts

    What’s the music video even about

  82. Nicholas O'Connor

    Got some badazz treable and bass

  83. Dovahkiin


  84. KDL

    lol i made a meme out of this song

  85. treekangaroo.

    when you're a shipbuilder from before 1783 and someone asks you the main way to power your ship other than rowing

  86. southsidepatrol 67


  87. Gaviões Da Fiel

    N O S T A L G I A. 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷

  88. Quadra

    Bro why isn’t he hitting the vape he’s screaming at? He quirky ngl


    Umm cause thats a tape recorder not a vape lmao



  89. mustafa durmuş

    who has come from fleabag?

  90. Casey Adam

    Weird flex but ok

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