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Awolnation - Kill Your Heroes

Kill Your Heroes
: Kill Your Heroes
: 3.65 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 43 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 27 İndirme
: 22-02-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Awolnation - Kill Your Heroes )
  1. Venice 1987

    This song makes me miss my childhood

  2. Mad Alic

    This song is probably the most uplifting cynical song I've ever heard haha. That chaotic contradiction is why I love it though ^^

  3. Raiders Majr4


  4. Anthony Darpel

    reminds me of my Grandpa, );

  5. skAt FPV

    This song is so nice that it inspired me a short video clip

  6. vigierpent '


  7. Ishimwe

    Rookie blue brought me here

  8. Magnolia Yulan

    Thanks for the music

  9. Jaszs

    I remember the day my grandpa died. I went all the journey to my hometown listening this song (I liked it a lot that time), but I can't no longer hear it...

  10. The Malak

    Kill your heroesSlay your Demons kid

  11. booby scoo

    If you're here right now, you're prolly not dead yet.

  12. Alex Foley

    I remember listening to this in high school when it came out. This song resonated so much at the time but I didnt know why. 8 years later...have to say fear has decided my fate so far. Wish I could hit rewind back to then...

  13. Christian Hedegaaard Borch

    i liked the icecream part ^^

  14. MonsterOverflow

    When the "lyric video" is literally an alternative music video. 👍👍👍

  15. johnny michalak

    Remember kids. Some day our demo will end

  16. Felix Penscal

    play at 1.25 speed, trust me makes an awesome song even awesomer

  17. ahsn ka.

    bu lyrics video harika amaaa💘💘💘

  18. Somerandomguybody

    1:33 SAIL

  19. Kr 887

    2012 and 2013. This song was everything to me...

  20. Putrick Stir

    I actually prefer this video over the official music video. Mostly because its gets right to the song. Rather than putting in filler like the music video does. As funny as the mr rogers parody is, its not really why i clicked on the video.


    *oh my* it’s Neil Armstrong

  22. 32megabytes

    Has it really been 8 years? This was my shit in middle school.

  23. AnnMarie Morison

    7 years later still LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Abrams

    This song is too short, but then I would have to cry for longer so maybe it's ok like this.

  25. ranchdressing

    This same message is why I left my terrible old tabletop group for my new one. Those memories are dead now. I still live by this song's message. That, and I like it because it's a fucking banger.

  26. Alyson Frederick

    Auggie grew up!

  27. Vehexia

    the 100

  28. Tom Skelly

    I soo want to go to bandito tour

  29. Rebeca Eaton

    I’m here to know the music before the banditø tour 🤘🏻

  30. red horse productions

    I hear New awol then this. I wonder if they could have messed up even more the new stuff is really bad

  31. MegaBiLord 013


  32. Lolll

    Night shift..

  33. Jenna S.

    note to writers: Do not take the title too seriously.

    Jenna S.

    @Grandpa well aren't you a ray of sunshine today...

  34. JKerman511


  35. Ferhþ

    This is some really good shit

  36. Red Hood

    Is it just me or is he screaming every lyric except for the ones in the chorus?

  37. Mr. Gentleman Robot

    I like the messages in this song.

  38. Alynov alyst

    hmm anyone want me to play this at a school talent show?

  39. the cripplingly Depressed sociopath

    What's the meaning of the video?

  40. Lucas Machado Zainote

    Um brasileiro esteve aqui e viu este conteúdo. XD

    Alysson Santos

    Lucas Machado Zainote iae

    Lucas Machado Zainote

    Alysson Santos tmj

  41. ilum on youtoube


  42. Veronika Konšalová

    Almost 10 milions.❤

  43. Huntley

    Somebody in May, 2018?Don't heart your heroes!

    My Name Jeff

    Huntley yea boi

  44. 丘鹏

    the instrument ver. sounds like post-rock, it's addicted to me

  45. 丘鹏

    from dota2

  46. Sore

    Anybody from Dark Side?

  47. Chompy Said

    Trains are superior to buses. No pervasive smell of urine.

  48. Kyle Hinish

    What is this song about?

  49. Mario Jump-man

    Reminds me of wonder, with the astronaut helmet.

  50. Lexi Allen

    *throws candy at kid* me

  51. Anti-Communist

    When there’s one thing you always wear and never want to take it off

  52. Robin Benfield

    Flipping awesome there is astro man lol

  53. Mary Akrivopoulou

    I love the optimistic approach om nihilism


    1:39 scene sponsored by Costco (look at the cart)

  55. father-chan

    Doc Scratch: The Early Years.

  56. Potato peeler

    They had too much fun filming this

  57. Sheol

    Kylo Ren's Theme.

  58. Yeah Yeah

    easy lyric,but difficult to understand.

  59. mr nazi niggr

    I thought it was kill your heroes in vain

  60. Live Nation Clubs and Theaters

    Did you hear that AWOLNATION is heading out on tour again!? Check out the tour video and show dates here: Has anyone seen them live before!?

  61. Chicken Noodle Soup

    I have that same clock in the beginning

  62. gbmpyzochwfdisurjklvanetxq

    James Holmes??

  63. Kosame

    You deserve way more subscribers

  64. McLovin

    2:26 reminded me of the opening of goosebumps :P

  65. Cask Blast

    When this has more views than the original...

  66. Murray Hagman

    forgot all about this song!

  67. Stachli

    *The 100 brought me here!* :)

  68. glovesandtea

    for the longest time i thought it was 'fight fight baby don't cry' and i was like yeah fight for yourself

  69. Abi A

    The night shift season 4

  70. Amanda Vizenor

    SAY IT AGAIN FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK!play this at my funeral

  71. 林玟嘉

    came here because of The Night Shiftgreat song!

  72. Lidan Auburn

    He didn't give candy to the kid on the left. ;-;

  73. sophie

    Came from The 100.

  74. Ben Harrington

    0:46- me trying to fit in and failing miserably

  75. Hazel Grace

    The 100 anyone?

  76. mia bambina

    This is my fuck this shit I'm out song.

  77. Siraphong Sudjai

    hi , I'm thai . just I need to know this song what is music style. So Sail what is music style.because I like it too much

  78. Jason Pieters

    Who came here from watching episode 9 of T100?

    A.C. Harrison

    Jason Pieters perfect song for that scene.

  79. David Lancaster

    2119 people must be the vengeful heroes on which they've told us to kill

  80. Goosey Gooseman

    It's unfortunate that sail will likely be all awolnation is remembered for.


    like 44 ninjas i sure hope not

  81. luke hp

    This is a rare footage of ISIS members with astronaut helmets planting bombs in L.A.

    Val G

    luke hp XD

  82. Xper

    I want to be an hero

  83. Charlotte Goodwin

    Baby don't die because everybody will die. Since my babydaddy hung himself, I am not really into lyrics like this. I am still seking support if that matters. Just don't expect me to swallow a bunch of mainstream pap.

  84. WhackyJ in AK

    Why is he leaving his expensive equipment cases around the city?

  85. Jessie Rose

    this is sad

  86. Samuel Vieira

    almost 10 million

  87. Zaneon Meinhart

    Anyone else really want a tattoo of "Never Let Your Fear Decide Your Fate"? :3

  88. oh shit what

    Well I can't say I commend his choice in exotic. The Taikonaut is quite bad.

  89. Billy Bob

    This song has a meaning behind it that I find pretty interesting.You see, the main point of the song (in my opinion) is about not trying to be like the person next to you or to be a copy of a person that you find to be more of what you are. People would call it inspiration, but when you agnore things about yourself that makes it seem that's getting in the way, and when you come close to what the person that you want to be is, you will be a plain mess of mixed emotions that makes you nothing like what you want to become, and wish you would've followed of what you good at. Even if it means going awol.And when he says "we love you more then you know", it means that no matter what you become in life, people around you will always love you for who you are.Correct me if I'm wrong


    you can't be's your personal opinion and interpretation

  90. Ella H.

    2:10 me on Halloween.

  91. Johnny Supporter

    I'm heartbroken that I missed you guys at Lupos in Providence. -your biggest fan

  92. Jayden Nash

    I love the part when he throws the candy at the kid

  93. Yellow Heads

    ─────────────────────────█─█─────────────────────────█─█─────────────────────────█─█─────────────────────────█─█─────────────────────────█─█─────────────────────────█─▀█▀█▄─────────────────────────█──█──█─────────────────────────█▄▄█──▀█────────────────────────▄█──▄█▄─▀█────────────────────────█─▄█─█─█─█────────────────────────█──█─█─█─█────────────────────────█──█─█─█─█────▄█▄──▄█▄────────────█──▀▀█─█─█──▄█████████────────────▀█───█─█▄▀─▄███████████────────────██──▀▀─█▄█████████████────────────█─────███████████───▀▀█▄─────────▀█────█████████───▀▀▀──█──────────█────███████───────██─▀█─────────█────█████──▄──────────▀█────────█────█ Look son, a good song!███─▀─██──────█────▀█──────█────████─────────────────▀█─────█────████──────────────────█─────█────████─────────────▄▀───█─────█────█████─────────▄▄██────█▄────█────█████────────██████────█────█────██████────█──███████▀──█───▄█▄▄▄▄███▀▀██────▀─██▄──▄█───█───█─────███▄──────────██████───█───█─────█─██▄────────────▄▄────█───█─────█─███████─────────────▄█───█─────█──██████─────────────█───█▀─────█──▄███████▄─────────▄█──█▀──────█─▄█─────▄▀▀▀█───────█───█───────█▄█────────█──█────▄███▀▀▀▀──────██──▄▀▀────────█──▄▀──█──────────██────█─────────█─────█──────────██────────▀█────█─────█─────────███───────────────█──▄█▀─────────██──────────██───█▀▀▀───────────██───────────────█──────────────██▄─────────────██──────────────█─█▄────────────█───────────────█──██▄────────▄███▀▀▀▀▀▄────────█─█▀─▀█▄────────▀█──────▀▄──────█─█────▀▀▀▀▄─────█────────▀─────█

  94. Michael carré

    je suis l amie de Léa

  95. Nobody you know

    my dad used to sing this to me...

  96. Chrono ZX

    What kind of lyric is this? Kill your heroes and fly dont cry. Dont worry cause everybody will die. WTF? Why would I want to kill Batman?

  97. Oakley Page

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO AARON!!! November 11!

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