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Audioslave - Black Hole Sun With

Black Hole Sun With
: Black Hole Sun With
: 4.86 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 81 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 67 İndirme
: 10-08-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Audioslave - Black Hole Sun With )
  1. Sushila

    this song has initiate the end of MTV.

  2. freek musbach

    love ya bros. check wondertrees. newly respect. no grunge but new ideas comprised from these guys.

  3. Erica Heisler

    Carol Ann #Heisler

  4. Nicholas Bezanson

    Just here missing the 90's in 2019

  5. Rakim

    I listen to this song every day. My 21 yr old Son. My 15 yr old daughter. My 5 yr old Son and his Sister 4yrs old has memorised it. You see what people never realise is music never dies. I see Chris every day. He speaks to me through his music. RIP in peace ✌🏼 Big bro. I’ll see you again.

  6. Isaiah Sandee

    Everyone in this must have done LSD because this is by far the weirdest music video I have ever seen. But it is still a good song. I am learning it on drums rn


    This is devious so how does it feel ta too far sometimes not gone yet well I'll make sure lil gair y still not see you sleep around what I can't stop so here's to one day too offer #1 in order but #2 in country see ya that's all yolks

  8. Bullets Forteeth FULL AUTO


  9. Chris S

    No 2019 comments? I'm disappointed


    I’m here !

    Zach Lee

    I was happy

  10. Kermit

    Killed by Big Pharma.

  11. Kutta

    Rip lad. EmilyEat your Cornell

  12. Misur Obando

    Beautiful song

  13. Rest in peace

    0:19 Four horsemen of apocalypse.

  14. Siena Walus


    Siena Walus

    and also this music video is effing scary lol

  15. Michel Olivier

    i guess this video looks like Donnie Darko movie

  16. Lynette Obrien

    I never got this song. Until I found out how we are being deceived. I will just leave it at that.


    Care to explain?

    Zach Lee

    christian_breemes apparently not


    @Zach Lee I guess not lol

  17. El CID71

    Never mind I figured it out it’s the evangelical viewpoint of the last days and the rapture

    El CID71

    Don’t get it twisted, NOT knocking anybody’s beliefs. In my defense “they” do make it sound like a crazy situation. Whoever came up with this concept probably had it in the back of their mind. Up until the climax of the vid, you gotta admit the peeps look crazy wicked. From the old man in hat to the girl eating the ice cream(and everyone else) just Fucken creepy! I guess now we know what it’ll look like b4 the shit hits the fan!!

  18. El CID71

    Wtf is this weird ass song about? Anybody?

  19. Man of Action

    It's ART, bitches. It means what you want it to mean. That's why Cornell was such a force. These fucking legends spun shit into gold back in the day. Live forever, you Magnificent Bastards!

  20. Kawwaii Cat

    Oh god we only have a matter of time before the Jojo hoard invades. I am sincerely sorry to Soundgarden fans.

  21. Jimmy Segura Ramírez

    I'm amazed how creativity both musically and visually was lost throughout the years

  22. Stiched Life

    30k miserable people or there hating against the greatest band in the world.godless bless this mess.first song that I mesmerized every single word.loved the 90's

  23. Samuell DK

    Video do tatu fumando e bebendo cachaça!

  24. Natto Bretas

    Cadê os Br's?!

  25. Jeffrey Richardson

    lauries hemorrhoidtripped light fantastic avoidavoiding the noid (spiritual incest assault by strangulation)

  26. Mohammed Kulmiye

    When I was a kid, I didn't appreciate this song

  27. Matías Varas

    I love this song!

  28. jose luis

    2:20 great tetas😎

  29. Ms 7

    Stand by me

  30. Harriston Miller

    a very creepy music video still enjoyable after all these years and a fitting memory to the life of Chris Connell regarding the lighter side of his nature as an musician and the rest of his band Soundgarden

  31. Kitty Ceres

    Saturn comes back around...

  32. bubble boy 2000 dragon

    And so the 🦎 peeps were depicted back then holy fucking molly

  33. Tharxis

    kinda reminds me of Heart-Shaped Box

  34. shawnbob showalter

    I tried to turn it off but I could not bring myself to do so.

  35. just george

    Producers: How many Instagram filters do you want in your video?Chris Cornell: *YES*

  36. Douche Vader

    Might sound crazy but this song has popped up at weird times my whole life. The first time I went into surgery, I was laying in the OR on the table and they were trying to put me under and they had the radio on. I kept pushing away the mask to listen to the song and it’s the last thing I remember. Heard it again when I was put under to get my wisdom teeth taken out, first time I went.. and many other times. I love this song and the music video fucking rules

  37. Casie At The 393

    This music video gave me nightmares when I was a kid. I fucking love it.


    Why dose every person in this video looks like they did a whole bunch of acid

    Moistman Sol

    you just answered your question with your question

    Me Kel

    Because they did

    Brian McK

    Dam I haven’t tripped in a long minute...

  39. Christopher Andrade

    Is that noho hank 00 :34

  40. analogaudio rules

    Blackhole sun, drum and bass mix, ill be putting up isolated vocals and everything else to, crank it up and shake your house, the kickdrum has weight to it.

  41. MyNameIsChizei

    This video was made for me

  42. Elßa Blackflag

    This music is so sad but i love it

  43. twcstc1

    Whoever designed & created this weird , crappy video is mental case and should be banned from ever making vidoes . Totally does the song injustice the music industry needs to eradicate these atrocious video designers from ever touching masterfully created songs like this one

    Andre Fwakom Viscal

    dont worry the designer has long retired, you are safe now

  44. Nicole Mitchell

    I love song! I like how the video is weird😳😀

    Kyle Williams

    Best way lol

  45. lyes jazziroquai

    this is not just a great song with a great music video , this is a master piece, RIP chris

  46. Derek Moore

    Vote Soundgarden.....2020 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Fan Vote!!!!

  47. Samuel De Leon

    this video keeps messing with my head

  48. Yasmine X

    OMG memories!!😝😝

  49. Beast8000

    It kind of makes me sad

  50. Hans Funkengruven


  51. Don't Forget to Rock

    Let's get rock music back on top! Check out these bands bringing back real rock: Revival Black, Blacktop Mojo and Lullwater.

  52. wildan mendi

    Can't Stop Listening This Song What A Great Song

  53. manuel torres

    teniai razon con este video washo ql loco ta bn sii xd! awante chris cornell

  54. Black


  55. Ahmed Juninho

    Un himno de mi infancia! 😍❤

  56. M Dame

    Worst Soundgarden song ever!! So terrible in every way.

    Mitchell Burton


    shawnbob showalter

    Stop smoking ICE!

  57. michel savard

    145 billions of view incredibile

  58. Stephcurrymcflurry96

    People when this music video was made: How terrifying is this music video?Soundgarden: *Yes*

    Haissam Elzein

    He proficieng the future..

  59. Marlene Mehl

    Biggie r.i.p

  60. Doofus Productions

    oh gosh that is scary

  61. Bradley Spinks

    Black hole sun please take SJW'S away

  62. VinnGlass

    Jesus fuck I haven't heard this is ages

  63. Asbury StJean

    Fan vote RRHall of Fame. Google "soundgarden vote"

  64. Tom Hato

    1995: Amazing song 2019: Amazing song2025: IS THAT A FUCKING JOJO REFERENCE

  65. Reg Topple

    Love this song ma your only sun! HB

  66. 우는시계

    What are you doing ciliak harris

  67. Derek Moore

    Chris was my favorite artist. This song holds a dear spot in my past. I just tried to listen to this song and it emotionally hit me so hard that I felt physically ill. I couldn't listen....Sorry Chris

  68. Annastatsea

    Epic and brilliant! Gorgeous plush sonic. RIP Chris so many hearts sadness that you suffered I am sorry for your pain.

  69. Stephanie Perez

    Hey! Trippin on acid here.. am I just super high or is there something wrong with the visuals and audios between 2:30 - 2:45 mark

  70. Bertie st. clair

    Loving this shit from ...ever.. Eagle Pass .. Kickapoo Indian, can relate.

  71. Paolo Quate

    0:36- That’s a really unsettling image...

    A.D Fairhurst

    Paolo Quate You chose that over 2:39?!

    El CID71

    The whole fukn video is weird as shit

  72. Eesh SinGer

    Technically I can see this can pass as a doom metal song

  73. Simone Rudov

    No one cares except for just look at the film clip...

  74. Kantor DB

    Billie Eilish: I have the weirdest music videosChris Cornell: hold my beer

    Big Ram

    Marilyn Manson

    Dupe Lock

    Shawn Hutchison Why is everyone smiling

    Yes Maybe

    when did that become a competitioon!?

    Viper CRB

    I dislike her music.

    Tiger Doll

    Shawn Hutchison pure poetry

  75. Walter

    A 48 ascolto a tutto volume!..

  76. Walter

    Ascoltato mille volte...grande pezzo!grande gruppo!..

  77. Holger Diessner

    RIP Chris Cornell

  78. Jonas Lingenberg

    could somone pls help me to understand the meaning of piece of art


    The wretched thing that man has become in spite of all of the knowledge that has been surmounted throughout the ages has only mastered confusion, therfore as chris so eloquently sings with his beautiful voice mankind should be destoyed by the blackhole sun. Amen.

    Jonas Lingenberg

    @LOADB So my English is not very good but waht u are basicly saying is: He was against technical inventions and he didnt liked the direction of technical developemts. Like: "everything was better at good old times and now we should just die for our sins to the earth" or waht?

    Derek Moore

    You have to look into Chris' past. His heartache and losses. He had demons that he fought his whole life. Sometimes the most artistic people are always at war with themselves. One of the losses is Andrew Wood; his best friend. He is the "No one sings like you anymore" He just wanted all the bad stuff to get washed away.

  79. Luigi Capone

    Best song of the fucking world.

  80. Ercan Arslan

    Çok iyi

  81. colonel Angus

    Chris. Chris. My God. !! Chris you gave me meaning. I am 58 dying. Please. Please Chris ..RIP.I love you .sorry about the pain.!!

  82. orangequarter

    This is not grunge. Nirvana is the only grunge band as far as I am concerned. SG had real music, not just power chords. Chris Cornell, was not only one of the best vocalist you ever heard, but the best lyricist of my time. It fuckin' kill's me that he is dead. RIP Brother.

  83. Taunton SmokeShop

    so this is where snapchat filters originated from.

  84. Caroline Vd


  85. A illegal Bad Hombre from Tijuana

    This song is excellent for when you're about to die

  86. One Temple Down

    Great song.. please check out my cornell style song i wrote on my channel.. lightning strikes before the dawn .. no where as amazing as this song.. but i try

  87. Sebastian Santander


  88. KC Lorenz

    I remember this was my Myspace front page song back in 06/07.

  89. Danny355

    Hmmm, not sure about the HD....It looks different, it looks a bit wrong. And get those frickin' ads off the final scene, I wanna see Chris!!!!

  90. Ronald Alves

    Ai simmmmm 💪🏻😈❤️❤️❤️❤️

  91. Gale Valantine

    Just found this god of a human today.. pains me to learn he killed himself.... why can’t legends fucking live forever???

    Derek Moore

    If this is your first experience with Chris; dig deeper. He has some of the best lyrics and the voice, wow what a voice. The range was unbelievable.

  92. wratched

    The anthem for those who want to watch the world burn.

Black Hole Sun With Şarkı Sözü
In my eyes, indisposed
In disguises no one knows
Hides the face, lies the snake
The sun in my disgrace
Boiling heat, summer stench
'Neath the black the sky looks dead
Call my name through the cream
And I'll hear you scream again
Black hole sun
Won't you come
And wash away the rain
Black hole sun
Won't you come
Won't you come (won't you come)
Stuttering, cold and damp
Steal the warm wind tired friend
Times are gone for honest men
And sometimes far too long for snakes
In my shoes, a walking sleep
And my youth I pray to keep
Heaven sent hell away
No one sings like you anymore
Black hole sun
Won't you come
And wash away the rain
Black hole sun
Won't you come
Won't you come
Black hole sun
Won't you come
And wash away the rain
Black hole sun
Won't you come
Won't you come (black hole sun, black hole sun)
Won't you come (black hole sun, black hole sun)
Won't you come (black hole sun, black hole sun)
Won't you come (black hole sun, black hole sun)
Hang my head, drown my fear
Till you all just disappear
Black hole sun
Won't you come
And wash away the rain
Black hole sun
Won't you come
Won't you come
Black hole sun
Won't you come
And wash away the rain
Black hole sun
Won't you come
Won't you come (black hole sun, black hole sun)
Won't you come (black hole sun, black hole sun)
Won't you come (black hole sun, black hole sun)
Won't you come (black hole sun, black hole sun)
Won't you come (black hole sun, black hole sun)
Won't you come (black hole sun, black hole sun)
Won't you come
Won't you come

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