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Audioslave - Be Yourself

Be Yourself
: Be Yourself
: 4.32 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 433 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 416 İndirme
: 10-08-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Audioslave - Be Yourself )
  1. Punch Aim

    so many emo punck rock singers die young.

  2. Patricia Stanich

    Damn he was so good. Thank you YouTube for helping to keep him in my mind. Can Tom m. Play a crazy guitar

  3. Oksana Melnikova

    Как красиво!!!

  4. Kabz

    held his vocals back to make the song more impactful. selfless to the music and the message. RIP you legend x

  5. Michael O Callaghan

    Just here to appreciate his voice, his music, his words, his *legacy and message*R.I.P Chris Cornell - we all miss you. We all love you. We all ..forgive you.. ❤️

  6. Amy Wilson

    Love his voice so much. RiP.

  7. Vânia Queiroz

    Saudades meu amor! Chris ❤❤❤

  8. Heidi Gentry

    He studied man...cannot believe he is dead

  9. Ágnes Gyebnár

    Beautiful, like a stong!

  10. Neal Workman

    hate it when people kill themselves-lifes a party-dont ruin the mood for everybody else.

  11. Juan Matias Tolosa


  12. Juan Jose Calel Morales

    Ellos siempre vivirán en nuestros corazones noviembre quien?

  13. Lori DeMichele

    Never get enough of this beautiful voice. R.I.P CHRIS CORNELL.. Your music will live on forever.🤟🖤🖤

  14. Kumar Guni


  15. allan tavares

    Novembro de 2019 mais alguém???


    El cazador

  16. güneyin

    Still great song! RIP Chris

  17. cloudzinmyize

    This song has a very beautiful message. 😍

  18. Cintia Barbosa

    I miss you Chris😢

  19. El Armando

    This told you to be yourself, but by myself I'm just a shitty person, hypocrite, rude and selfish, so I don't wanna be myself :(



  21. Douglas Chitwood

    It's all you got, make it shine.

  22. siham didi

    One Tree Hill ❤️❤️

  23. Karen Dossey


  24. MarlonDitore

    Looks like the same room of "Like a Stone" video

  25. Gurumurthy K

    10-Nov-2019 : 20:10 Hrs

  26. KatO 9 Tailz

    ✨🎶🌻🎶✨ ...... #LeaveOutAllTheRest#LegendsLiveForever ..... ✨🎶💛🎶✨

  27. kobe Lane

    How do i already know the lyrics? Killer song

  28. Raul Torres Guillen

    alguien mas en 2006? menuda joya

  29. Ari Teja

    Nov 9 2019

  30. Cafecito

    oh god this music gives me nostalgia!! so much time without hearing this song!!

  31. موفق مصطفى

    HBK 😭😭

  32. Gengis Samael Lam


  33. Maryana Miguel Gomes

    viva chris cornell

  34. Patricia Salvatore

    Such an incredibly beautiful man. Llike flowers and most creatures in the animal world, the male is always much more beautiful than the female, with outrageous colors and physical presence. Embrace the beauty of the male creature, be mesmerized by it even, but even more so, listen to him, hear what things he doesn't easily reveal in words. Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington had this kind of presence. Their voices were what I listened to after my son's death in 2011, a terrible homicide of a good man, caused by a foolish woman's love of "drama". During that lonely, despairing, hopeless time I got strength thru Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington they conveyed the kind of power I needed.

  35. Os Channel

    PADI from Indonesia

  36. B L

    Tom Morello is the shit. Brad Wilk is a God. Tim Crommerford is insane. Chris, well Chris is just Chris, the one and only, FOREVER>>>>>

  37. Jan der Fuchs

    Hurricane 05 <3 1st Festival :)

  38. Vern Danual

    Today is my birthday and the mother of my children sent this to me, after dealing with so many of my families funerals, and struggling so much in life I was finally able to cry. Thank you Chris Cornell we miss you.

  39. Thunderturbine88

    Rest easy sweet soul. RIP Chris Cornell.

  40. Candice Perry

    Audioslave rocks

  41. Jose Hernandez

    Nov 2019, anyone else?

    Beeflord Schlachter

    Nah ur the only one



  43. otakus viciados

    Alguem ta escutando esse otimo som em 2019?


    Música boa não envelhece.

    tania viviana benites neyra

    Yo soy un niño de 9 años

    Rebeca Almeida

    otakus viciados muito bom nu

    otakus viciados

    @Rebeca Almeida kkkkk pois e

    otakus viciados

    033999457709 rebeca chama la kkkkk

  44. Макс Ермолин

    А чо правда,что это перелицованная RATM?

  45. Top Music

    noviembre 2019?

    Toño Pérez Ensástiga

    Claro hermano. ❤

    Вячеслав Егоров



    @Вячеслав Егоров there are languages besides English out there, you know.


    El cazador

    Вячеслав Егоров

    @Ilya Испанский?



    Heryson Raisthen

    Fala Clóvis...

  47. Eastern Man

    Be your's...

  48. Jesus Reyes

    soul power is Amazing 2:39

  49. Rick See

    I know it's generic, but being told it's ok to be myself, be who I am, has become my daily mantra. Good or bad.

    Anton Chigurh

    Be yourself and be better every day

  50. Ernesto Herrera

    Everyone talks about the return of Rage Against the Machine,but if you imagine if they had returned Audioslave?

    Emre Kızıltoprak

    With zach?

    Ernesto Herrera

    @Emre Kızıltoprak No, if chris stay alive.

  51. Lgr

    Voz lendária!!!!! Está entre o top five das maiores vozes de toda a história da música Mundial!

  52. MuZik Is My DruG

    The Lyrics Say it All his words and dedication to his Music is truly Something more then words can ever express he is very missed by Myself! God Bless you ChrisMay the Angels Praise your Company!

  53. Dipen Gautam

    2019, November.

  54. John Harrison Jr.

    Just scrolling through and still can't believe he's gone.....Appreciating the body of work he left behind. Goddammit I miss him!!!!

  55. David Mann

    True musicians n no fluff or bling

  56. David Mann

    It never gets old

  57. Oscar Salazar

    te amo chris cornell!

    Oscar Salazar

    fue mi amiga 77



  58. fabio .dasilvaliberato liberato

    Meu amado adorava as músicas do cris cornel que saudade dele quando escuto está musica


    Essa música toca na alma, q grande artista q perdemos! Grande voz, descanse em Paz.

  59. Ana Velazquez

    R.I.P Ashley Massaro and Chris Cornell Heaven has some awesome Angel's rn:*(

  60. Rodrigo Peres

    Vine buscando una canción y encontré un tesoro

  61. Ana Deisy Moreno


  62. Kathy Johnson

    Chris Cornell explained to Launch Radio Networks, "The 'Be Yourself' part really just came from a lot of things that I've gone through in my life and a lot of different changes and all the different tragedies and all the horrendously stupid mistakes I've made in my personal life."

  63. Savio Sousa

    Linda demais! 🖤

  64. Monica Wejmar


  65. Latuqui77

    alguien mas en 2019 y bla bla bla? pfff shhh.. Chris FOR EVER

    tania viviana benites neyra

    Yo 👽

  66. Job Jig

    I am...Just changed a few settings in my software... all the rest is me!😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛😛

  67. Riyanto sanmihardjo

    Chriss cornell and chester benington...misses both of them

  68. DaR1Us

    Wrestlemania 26

  69. JUAN vlogs

    Be yourself sicnifica se tu mismo 😀😁

  70. JUAN vlogs

    Like si quiers que cris no se ubiera muerto

    nicolas leon

    es hubiera

  71. Oliver Morel Morel

    Well done partner

  72. Abosamir71

    A masterpiece .

  73. Tarso Henrique R. Gomes

    alguem fala em portugues?

  74. tomas sandoval


  75. Josy Mota


  76. Michael Via

    I still wait for you like a stone

  77. Gaby Quevedo Reyes

    Like si eres de 🇲🇽

  78. iyeol

    The melody make's me wanna dance

  79. Alejandra fernandez

    ☻☻alguien más en octubre 2019

    el werou

    @Laolaora Mendoza claro

    Toño Pérez Ensástiga

    Noviembre. 🌃Estas canciones se escucharán por siempre. ❤

    Alejandro Escobar


  80. Officially Serious

    I hate the one who don't know that they are hating themselves sometimes knowing and unknowingly most of the times as they are stupid enough that they dont know why they hate themselves and in reality they are trying to show that they are hating others..That's why I say love yourself and be yourself..

  81. Andy D

    Every death is a tragedy, but we must learn to move on.Learn to celebrate the living instead of constantly mourning the dead.Enjoy every second of being around the ones you love who are still alive, because one day they won't not be here.Trust me, the regret of what could have been is almost as bad as death itself.Don't be afraid to live. We only get one life, so make the bloody best of it!Why don't you text that old friend you used to be so close to?Why don't you call your parents if you haven't seen them in a while?Why don't you get off your cellphone and speak to your Grandma?Why don't you tell that cute girl at school how you really feel about her?Why don't you say yes to that party you were invited to?Time and people may move on, but what you made of it will last you a lifetime.

  82. Charmaine Williams

    Happy Birthday to me. Rest In Paradise. We'll always have this.

  83. Dulce Sara

    El sonido de la guitarra me emociona, me encanta. Audioslave ♥️🇵🇪

  84. Souza Beta

    R.I.P. CRIS !!!

  85. Jmpsthrufyre * 665 years ago

    Such a good song. The guitar during the verses is so minimal. I don't think I've ever heard a rock song with just single string single notes behind the vocals. And the are my eyes sweating? It's cold and my eyes are sweating.Eric Andre for president.

  86. Aji karyadi

    Noone sings like you anymore, Chris...

  87. Dej merp

    more than 10 years ago one of the best. Kaway kaway sa mga FLIP dyan...

  88. David Christian

    For all those struggling for be yourself, keep doing it guys. It is all you can do, if have to change in order they like you, they like someone else, not u.

  89. S B

    Oh Chris...we miss you

  90. Ezra Simon

    hope this becomes heavens or wherever chris went to's national anthem,

  91. Ignatius Hernindio Dwi Ananto

    2:42 he's staring deep into my soul

  92. Lillina Blue

    🧚‍♀️Yes. Come there on board. ⛵Classic.🎶🔝

  93. Jake Smith

    head singer looks like rob schneider

  94. Barbara Castilleja

    I would love to see Jim Caviezel play Chris ,he reminds me of him what a dream

  95. Ja'Quandre Jones

    The last chorus takes away from the song, just leave it alone and let people experience/think

Be Yourself Şarkı Sözü
Someone falls to pieces
Sleepin all alone
Someone kills the pain
Spinning in the silence
She finally drift away
Someone gets excited
in a chapel yard
Catches a bouquet
Another lays a dozen
White roses on a grave

To be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do

Someone finds salvation in everyone
And another only pain
Someone tries to hide himself
Down inside himself he prays
Someone swears his true love
Untill the end of time
Another runs away
Separate or united
Healthy or insane

To be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do

Even when you've paid enough
Been put upon or been held up
With every single memory of
The good or bad,faces of luck
Don't lose any sleep tonight
I'm sure everything will end up alright
You may win or lose

But to be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do

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