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Ariana Grande - feat-Iggy Azalea Problem

feat-Iggy Azalea Problem
: feat-Iggy Azalea Problem
: 3.16 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 615 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 545 İndirme
: 07-02-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Ariana Grande - feat-Iggy Azalea Problem )
  1. Atharva Daulatkar

    Jay Z did it better

  2. Neera Saraswat

    Anyone in 2030?

  3. Шайыргул Орозбаева

    Кто зашел чтобы посмотреть похож ли эта песня на песню Айданы Деки?😂Кто понял тот понял

  4. Pranav Nagarkar

    Hozier's cover of this song is way too better than this garbage

  5. Yamani Bryant-McCray

    Yes bop

  6. Bethel Girma

    This will always remain my favorite song from her😍😊

  7. Roaring Lion

    Ariana Grande featuring Jeffree Star.

  8. Lucas55 Perez

    Warum ist der Hintergrund nur in der Mitte und an den Rändern ist die Spirale nicht da

  9. Emilia Kurzmann

    You so cool ❤❤❤💎💎💎🦄🦄🦄

  10. Angie Cruz

    Máaaaaas popoorfis

  11. Midier Hernadez

    iggy espectacular como siempre!!!

  12. Łukasz Kowalczyk

    I love you ❤️❤️❤️

  13. Antony Standen

    01.30 fwwwaaa whos that fitty

  14. Ebie Gillie

    I love this!!

  15. MimiWolfie

    I just really like to listen to old songs.. It makes me think about past, all that memories.. I love you Ari

  16. Briyan Gohil

    Goodbye old generation.

  17. M Riski

    Anyone in November 2019 ? 😴👐

  18. gracie

    uh oh! back again~

  19. Jerome

    Iggy is so underrated

  20. Agents Monkey07

    Who’s here cuz Bart baker parody

  21. Victoria Buettner

    Is it bad I still know Iggy's rap part😂 1:49

  22. Stan Tae Edits

    Amo demais essa música

  23. Pinkfluffy Starlight

    I love thsi skng but um going to bille eilish now

  24. Julinho suarez

    very good song

  25. Kaylin Brown

    I literally just watched Sam and Cat Ariana is in there

  26. Valdilene Silva literalmente de boca aberta

  27. Lyndell Nepe

    Pepole were hating you by making a vid that was making fun ov you

  28. Kamilla Miller

    who ever disliked this video has a "problem"

  29. nora xx

    Im always crying while watching this videoclip..When it came out i was by my grandma, i was listening to it the whole day. She died like a year r 2 ago. This song reminds me of her😭🥺

  30. laura Cortes

    No me gusto 😕😕😕😕😕😕😴😴😴😪😝

  31. Sandra Abidi


  32. Wiktoria Drozd

    2019 november ❤?

  33. Primrose Everdeen

    ~ "I got rib meat stuck between my teeth..." ~

  34. maria sasaguri

    La mejor canción que e escuchado

  35. さいとうきりと


  36. bubble butt

    *_2020?_* 💋✨

  37. honeymoon bae

    idk y but this song brings back memories

  38. Victor Manuel García Hernandez

    Amo a Ariana grande

  39. Gumball 4870

    I miss this ariana

  40. muncha buncha fritos

    shout out to my principal when I dressed up as this Ariana Grande for Halloween and he didn't give me candy 🖕🖕

  41. isabella Noreiga

    I love you soooo much Ari

  42. Batuhan Akyel

    I love you ıggy

  43. Maryna Brodova

    0:39 мне одной послышалось "голый спал на даче"?

  44. Clamburgers

    Nobody:Me when I was 8: "I GOT ONE LESS PROM WITHOUT YA!"

  45. Dubstep Cool

    2019... like

  46. Mia E

    I love ariana grande and cuara too i think sfb

  47. doura daffra

    Ariana grande I love you 🤭 liiike and Subscribe❤

  48. Mellamo Paupau

    Uh huh, it's Iggy IggzI got one more problem with you girlAyeHey, baby even though I hate yaI wanna love yaI want you And even though I can't forgive yaI really want toI want youTell me, tell me, babyWhy can't you leave me'Cause even though I shouldn't want itI gotta have itI want youHead in the cloudsGot no weight on my shouldersI should be wiserAnd realize that I've gotOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemI know you're never gonna wake upI gotta give upBut it's you I know I shouldn't ever call backOr let you come backBut it's you Every time you touch meAnd say you love meI get a little bit breathlessI shouldn't want itBut it's youHead in the cloudsGot no weight on my shouldersI should be wiserAnd realize that I've gotOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemIt's Iggy Iggz, uhWhat you got?Smart money bettin', I'll be better off without youIn no time, I'll be forgettin' all about youYou saying that you knowBut I really really doubt youUnderstand my life is easyWhen I ain't around youIggy Iggy, too biggie to be here stressingI'm thinking I love the thought of youMore than I love your presenceAnd the best thing nowIs probably for you to exitI let you go, let you backI finally learned my lessonNo half-steppingEither you want it or you just playin'I'm listening to you knowin'I can't believe what you're sayin'There's a million you's baby booSo don't be dumbI got ninety-nine problemsBut you won't be oneLike what!One less, one less problemOne less, one less problemHead in the cloudsGot no weight on my shouldersI should be wiserAnd realize that I've gotOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problem

  49. Doug Iceman

    Please donate organs I won’t to save lives!!My life is not important :) respect to those who deserve to live!!

  50. Simply_Uni

    Nobody else notices but Ariana was skinny in this vid and now she is more thicker.

  51. Ethan Hand

    i liked it so amazing thats my favorite song yesssssssss

  52. Yuu Taka

    [Iggy Azalea]Uh-huh! It's Iggy Iggs!イギーよ!I got one more problem with you girl, hey!問題は1つあるのよね(One less, one less problem)(やっかいごとが1つ減ったわ)[Ariana Grande]Hey baby, even though I hate yaベイビー、あなたのことがいくら憎くてもI wanna love ya, I want youやっぱり愛してるし、あなたを求めてるAnd even though I can't forgive yaあなたのことがいくら許せなくてもI really want to, I want you許してあげたいと思ってしまう あなたが欲しいからTell me, tell me, babyねえ、どうしてWhy can't you leave me?あなたは私から離れていったの?Cause even though I shouldn't want itいくら、そうするべきじゃないって分かっててもI gotta have it, I want youやっぱりあなたと一緒にいたいのよHead in the clouds, got no weight on my shoulders空想にふけっていれば、嫌なことも経験しなくてすむけどI should be wiser, and realize that I've gotもっと利口にならなきゃ 現実を直視しないとね[Big Sean & Ariana Grande]One less problem without yaお前がいなくなって厄介ごとが1つ減ったよI got one less problem without yaお前がいなくなって厄介ごとが1つ減ったよI got one less problem without yaお前がいなくなって厄介ごとが1つ減ったよ(I got one less, one less problem)₍問題が1つ解決 厄介ごとが1つ減ったの)One less problem without yaお前がいなくなって厄介ごとが1つ減ったよI got one less problem without yaお前がいなくなって厄介ごとが1つ減ったよI got one less problem without yaお前がいなくなって厄介ごとが1つ減ったよ(I got one less, one less problem)(問題が1つ解決 厄介ごとが1つ減ったの)[Ariana Grande]I know you're never gonna wake upあなたは絶対に改心したりしないI gotta give up, but it's youあきらめないといけない でもあなたのせいでできないのI know I shouldn't ever call backもう電話を折り返すべきじゃないことも分かってるOr let you come back, but it's youあなたに電話させたりしたらダメなのに、できないのEvery time you touch meあなたが私に触れるたびにAnd say you love meあなたが愛してるって言うたびにI get a little bit breathless息が苦しくなるのI shouldn't want it, but it's you求めちゃいけないのに、でもあなたのせいでHead in the clouds, got no weight on my shoulders空想にふけっていれば、嫌なことも経験しなくてすむけどI should be wiser, and realize that I've gotもっと利口にならなきゃ 現実を直視しないとね[Big Sean & Ariana Grande]One less problem without yaお前がいなくなって厄介ごとが1つ減ったよI got one less problem without yaお前がいなくなって厄介ごとが1つ減ったよI got one less problem without yaお前がいなくなって厄介ごとが1つ減ったよ(I got one less, one less problem)(問題が1つ解決 厄介ごとが1つ減ったの)One less problem without yaお前がいなくなって厄介ごとが1つ減ったよI got one less problem without yaお前がいなくなって厄介ごとが1つ減ったよI got one less problem without yaお前がいなくなって厄介ごとが1つ減ったよ(I got one less, one less problem)₍問題が1つ解決 厄介ごとが1つ減ったの)[Iggy Azalea]It's Iggy Iggs! Uh, what you got?さあ、イギーの出番だ、見せてごらん?Smart money bettin' I'll be better off without you賢くお金を賭けていくから、そのうち貴方なしでも十分やっていけるわIn no time I'll be forgettin' all about youすぐに、あなたのことなんか忘れちゃうからYou sayin' that you know, but I really, really doubtあなたは理解してるっていうけど、私はずっと疑ってたYou understand my life is easy when I ain't around youあなたがそばにいないほうが私の人生はラクなのよIggy Iggy, too biggie to be here stressin'イギー、イギー、ここにいるとストレスがビギ―(Notorious B.I.G.)のように大きすぎるI'm thinkin' I love the thought of you more than I love your presenceあなたが目の前にいるよりも、あなたを想ってる時間のほうが好きなのよAnd the best thing now is probably for you to exitあなたと離れるのが今は最善なのI let you go, let you back, I finally learned my lessonだからもう行ってちょうだい やっと私も学んだのよNo half-steppin', either you want it or you just playin'中途半端な別れ方はいらないわ 本気なのか遊びなのかどっちかよI'm listenin' to you knowin' I can't believe what you're sayin'理解してるって言葉、ずっと聞いてきたけど、言ってる事が信じられないのよThere's a million you's baby boo, so don't be dumb俺のベイビーなんて100万回言ったって、何の意味もない、やめてよI got 99 problems but you won't be one私は99個も厄介ごとを抱えてるの でもあなたはそのうちの1つじゃないのよLike whatだから![Ariana Grande]One less, one less problem問題が1つ解決 厄介ごとが1つ減ったのOne less, one less problem問題が1つ解決 厄介ごとが1つ減ったのHead in the clouds, got no weight on my shoulders空想にふけっていれば、嫌なことも経験しなくてすむけどI should be wiser, and realize that I've gotもっと利口にならなきゃ 現実を直視しないとね[Big Sean & Ariana Grande]One less problem without yaお前がいなくなって厄介ごとが1つ減ったよI got one less problem without yaお前がいなくなって厄介ごとが1つ減ったよI got one less problem without yaお前がいなくなって厄介ごとが1つ減ったよ(I got one less, one less problem)(問題が1つ解決 厄介ごとが1つ減ったの)One less problem without yaお前がいなくなって厄介ごとが1つ減ったよI got one less problem without yaお前がいなくなって厄介ごとが1つ減ったよI got one less problem without yaお前がいなくなって厄介ごとが1つ減ったよ(I got one less, one less problem)(問題が1つ解決 厄介ごとが1つ減ったの)[Big Sean & Ariana Grande]One less problem without yaお前がいなくなって厄介ごとが1つ減ったよI got one less problem without yaお前がいなくなって厄介ごとが1つ減ったよI got one less problem without yaお前がいなくなって厄介ごとが1つ減ったよ(I got one less, one less problem)(問題が1つ解決 厄介ごとが1つ減ったの)One less problem without yaお前がいなくなって厄介ごとが1つ減ったよI got one less problem without yaお前がいなくなって厄介ごとが1つ減ったよI got one less problem without yaお前がいなくなって厄介ごとが1つ減ったよ(I got one less, one less problem)(問題が1つ解決 厄介ごとが1つ減ったの)

  53. Ebenema Cyber Cafe

    how come big sean was never acknowledged?

  54. Ellenaaanszz kookoook

    Uh huh, it's Iggy IggzI got one more problem with you girlAyeHey, baby even though I hate yaI wanna love yaI want you And even though I can't forgive yaI really want toI want youTell me, tell me, babyWhy can't you leave me'Cause even though I shouldn't want itI gotta have itI want youHead in the cloudsGot no weight on my shouldersI should be wiserAnd realize that I've gotOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemI know you're never gonna wake upI gotta give upBut it's you I know I shouldn't ever call backOr let you come backBut it's you Every time you touch meAnd say you love meI get a little bit breathlessI shouldn't want itBut it's youHead in the cloudsGot no weight on my shouldersI should be wiserAnd realize that I've gotOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemIt's Iggy Iggz, uhWhat you got?Smart money bettin', I'll be better off without youIn no time, I'll be forgettin' all about youYou saying that you knowBut I really really doubt youUnderstand my life is easyWhen I ain't around youIggy Iggy, too biggie to be here stressingI'm thinking I love the thought of youMore than I love your presenceAnd the best thing nowIs probably for you to exitI let you go, let you backI finally learned my lessonNo half-steppingEither you want it or you just playin'I'm listening to you knowin'I can't believe what you're sayin'There's a million you's baby booSo don't be dumbI got ninety-nine problemsBut you won't be oneLike what!One less, one less problemOne less, one less problemHead in the cloudsGot no weight on my shouldersI should be wiserAnd realize that I've gotOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problem

  55. Jô Santos

    Como está a SAN

  56. Sunita Iawphniaw

    I like Ariana Grande focus song

  57. Lane B

    Who ever is here in November 2019...You are a legend.

  58. mike michael

    British lucifer: Ariana, wanna bangbang? Walk side by side with me, then you have an angel at your shoulderAriana: side by side?Lucifer: yes, a whole new world, I can fly away with you and you sing so much you need to relax, with me you have one less problem.Ariana: demi girl, come and play with me, walk side by side lady demiCordon: what is your motto?demi: I will surviveFellon: what is your motto in life?Demi: let it goShakira: do you have a pet?Demi: dog, bingo is his nameShakira: what is your goal in 2020?Demi: I created a new song today. My goal is to create disney Frozen Squarepants with the new intro songAriana: but when you do the squarepants intro, will you do an impression of Christina doing an impression of spongebob?Demi: yes, just let it go.Ariana: I'm so good I'm so good, I can do an impression of everyone.Shakira: very nice! But can you do an impression of Ariana Grande?Ariana: No sorry, my original songs are all impressions.Beyoncé: can you do an impression of Britney SpearsAriana: No sorry, Britney only sings by impressioning me.Ariana: But I can rap. Check it, I'm Ariana the best singer, I'm a winner, all for 1, lol. And except for 2 I can do impressions of all.If I did a soundtrack for the best game, I'd do the game Life is StrangeIf I played in the best animes, I'd play in Erased, Steins gate or Start from ZeroBritney: I'm the best singerChristina entersBritney: finally I finished my albumChristina: you mean this one?Britney: oh hi Christina are you applying for a job in this supermarket?Christina: nah, doing groceries. Good luck with workBritney: are you saying that even Ariana chewing her gum sounds better?Britney: Christina, at least let me serve you cappuccinoChristina: I prefer Grande

  59. Trí Cơ Đỗ

    What is the name of the boy rapper??

  60. Max PL

    This song of my life! 😍💗 How i love Ari here

  61. Rafael776

    0:30 best part

  62. Laeticia Pereira

    Je suis ta plus grande fane

  63. Oviya Gokulakrishnan

    Asmr 2019?

  64. Warrior

    Back when she was so adorable

  65. Cardi b on fleek

    Who else thinks this video was made to hypnotize us

  66. Rosa Galvez

    Arianna, there's a youtuber,named, Bart backer, he did a parody about this song, he made u look bad >:(

  67. Oshin Michael

    Isn't this the song that comes in KC undercover.....the one in which Judy sits on a table in the froyo shop with Pete......and five people sitting on the other table come near them and start singing....they have a band....YEAH!! The band name is Pentatonix!

  68. bloxburgnoodle

    Literally 1/7 of the world watched video😲😲😲❤️❤️❤️

  69. TheMusicalFeeling

    I didnt know Big Sean was in this song lol

  70. Trendy Melissa

    Welp here i am again that time of the month when i get early 2010's nostalgia

  71. las aventuras con ashlee

    Tell me = baby ??💓💓💓

  72. Rachel Dan-Harry

    When im doing mt homework: i got one less problem without ya

  73. ferreira rubems

    It’s a very popular song it has over a billion views ofc there’s gonna be people listening in the same year it’s not just going to get no views in a year

  74. caroline5708

    Who listen this in 2019?(like)

  75. NothingSpecial :P

    No one:That one kid during a talent show: 0:29

  76. 50 000 Subscribers with 0 Videos Challenge

    Who else started listening to old songs randomly?

    2blessed 2Bstressed

    This is not. Old

    Max PL

    @Galaxy channel i know right for me its not veery old

    Coffee Gachas

    Me haha

    Daulat Khan

    Hey U were the moronic kid who begged for likes and compared JB to Michael Jackson

  77. Rainbow Quartz 2.0

    This came out so long ago dang

  78. pablo bell

    me e cato

  79. pablo bell

    abibi ne que numerro ase juego 100 548 102 458 101 103 579 104 791 276 572 105 764 873 106 467 107 549 764 108 548 168 109 245 110 549 483 111 734 973 112

  80. Potato lover. Join and unite with meh! XD

    I don’t like Iggy very much but she just makes herself look better with Ariana

  81. Martü_ Universe


  82. It’s Destiny!

    This was favorite song-

  83. Carmen Santos

    Gostam mais da bilie ou da ariana?Quem gosta mais da bilie põe comentário quem gosta mais da ariana põe like ❤️

  84. kety pink Santos

    I Love ariana grande

  85. Joseluis Valdivia


  86. Allex Nascimentto

    Que nostalgia!!

  87. Tiffany Finney

    1 less problem

  88. vishal yadav

    "Next to Taylor swift and that Iggy Ho"Is she the one?She looks Pretty though 😅

  89. Mirabel Land Pejoska

    I got one less problem when I hear this song.

  90. infinity

    2:40 When a cockroach lands on me

  91. Erin Williams

    Do you even remember the cast of Victorious

  92. Angelle Barrow

    Shouldn’t be Arianna Ft Iggy Azelea and Big Sean??? No? Okay

  93. Gildo Rodriguez

    What is the deal with other guys mouth 👄???

  94. Lacey Hansen

    I love Ariana Grande because my favorite rapper and I like her because she’s my beautiful and I like her with Cardi B and Nicki Minaj Pizza Ariana Grande have a great night I’ll up Skype to you

feat-Iggy Azalea Problem Şarkı Sözü
Uh huh!

It's Iggy Iggs!

I got one more problem with you girlOne less one less!


Hey baby even though I hate ya!

I wanna love ya

I want you!

And even though I can't forgive you

I really want ta

I want you!

Tell me, tell me baby

Why can't you leave me?

Cause even though I shouldn't want it

I gotta have it

I want you!

Head in the clouds

Got no weight on my shoulders

I should be wiser

And realize that I've got

One less problem without ya!

I got!

One less problem without ya!

I got!

One less problem without ya!

I got one less, one less problem

One less problem without ya

I got!

One less problem without ya!

I got!

One less problem without ya!

I got one less, one less problem

I know you're never gonna wake up

I gotta give up

But it's you!

I know I shouldn't ever call back

Or let you come back

But it's you!

Every time you touch me

And say you love me

I get a little bit breathless

I shouldn't want it

But it's you!

Head in the clouds

Got no weight on my shoulders

I should be wiser

And realize that I've got

One less problem without ya!

I got!

One less problem without ya!

I got!

One less problem without ya!

I got one less, one less problem

One less problem without ya

I got!

One less problem without ya!

I got!

One less problem without ya!

I got one less, one less problem

It's Iggy Iggs!


What you got?

Smart money bettin'

I'll be better off without you

In no time

I'll be forgettin' all about you

You saying that you know

But I really really doubt you

Understand my life is easy

When I ain't around you

Iggy Iggy

To biggie to be here stressin'

I'm thinkin' I love the thought of you

More than I love your presence

And the best thing now

Is probably for you to exit

I let you go

Let you back

I finally learned my lesson!

No half-stepping

Either you want it or you just playin'

I'm listening to you knowin'

I can't believe what you're sayin'

There's a million you's baby boo

So don't be dumb

I got 99 problems

But you won't be one

Like what!

One less, one less problem

One less, one less problem

Head in the clouds

Got no weight on my shoulders

I should be wiser

And realize that I've got (I've got)

One less problem without ya!

I got!

One less problem without ya!

I got!

One less problem without ya!

I got one less, one less problem

One less problem without ya

I got!

One less problem without ya!

I got!

One less problem without ya!

I got one less, one less problem

One less problem without ya

I got!

One less problem without ya!

I got!

One less problem without ya!

I got one less, one less problem

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