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Ann Lee - Voices

: Voices
: 3.77 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 110 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 68 İndirme
: 03-03-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Ann Lee - Voices )
  1. canal do plinskin

    Achei, essa música me marcou de mais😍❤

  2. Julio Solano

    31 de octubre 2019

  3. Dennis Destro

    Amazing voice! ♥️

  4. Itstrue mammanon

    back when it came out in my teen its was the best song for me on my rides on shrooms

  5. Jorge Luis C.d Sousa Carneiro D Sousa

    Niguem sabia quem cantava ou nome da musica ,mais eramos levado pelo balanço muito top,, plis anos 2000👏👏👏

  6. martor2

    03 october 2019 with out metiorito

  7. Ana Belen

    October 2019?👋

  8. Emilio Castro

    Ella tiene una voz increíble canta muy bien, recuerdo los 90 😍😍😍😍😍


    Ela foi a vocalista real da Whigfield mesmo. Sannie dublava

  9. Christina Gaffney

    Love this wee song

  10. sss klt 1995

    baita som até hj uma das melhores

  11. Geovane Guimaraes

    kind hard to find but here we are

  12. jesssy kerr

    From time to time there's an emptinessa little something I surely misssay what it is and will it ever pass Sometimes it flows over me so strongmy heart is saying there's something wrongto get along make me understand Voices speak of lovingvoices in my mindvoices tell me somethingI can understand Sometimes I move in a open spacehave I deserved it to feel like thisI really miss something to ever last Sometime it runs over me so wildit makes me feel like a lonely childto get on by got to understand Voices speak of loving… Can you hear them running around in my mindrunning around in my brainyou know I don't sleep at night they're always in myhead they're everywheretime after time and all over againand they tell me that I'm empty inside so deep inside Voices speak of loving…De vez en cuando hay un vacío un poco de algo que seguramente se pierda decir lo que es y lo pasará jamás A veces fluye sobre mí tan fuerte mi corazón está diciendo que hay algo mal para llegar a lo largo de hacerme entender Voces que hablan de amor voces en mi mente voces que me dicen algo Puedo entender A veces me muevo en un espacio abierto he merecido que se sintiera como este Realmente echo de menos algo que dure siempre En algún momento se ejecuta sobre mí tan salvaje me hace sentir como un niño solitario para llegar por llegar a comprender Voces que hablan de amor ... ¿Puedes oírlos dando vueltas en mi mente dando vueltas en mi cerebro tú sabes que yo no duermo por las noches siempre están en mi cabeza están por todas partes una y otra vez y otra vez y me dicen que estoy vacío interior tan profundo dentro de Voces que hablan de amor ...

  13. ozono light

    Me encanta su voz, muy hermosa 😍😍

  14. andrea galleguillos

    En la radio en 2009

    José Asunción Silguero Arriola

    Esta canción es de mucho antes 1999. Yo tenia 9 añitos.

  15. andrea galleguillos

    La escuche en la radio

  16. Christopher Barrientos

    Im super high and this video is life hahahahahaha

  17. Free Movies

    Still listening 2019 from 🇵🇭

  18. Senhor Las

    Ann Lee você não me conhece, mas eu sei quem é você! Você é cantora, né?

  19. Nathan Dawthorne

    Wonderful song. Really bad video.

  20. Christian Pablo#16

    Shout out Anne lee

  21. Christian Pablo#16

    Kamusta Anne lee

  22. Jesabel Balusan

    nw find the list of my songs....allmost complet

  23. Luis Reyes

    Oh god ! I love this song , me encanta y me trae lindos recuerdos , la mejor música de los 90s-00..

  24. Josef Yamín Díaz Acuña.

    Me encanta mi epoca

  25. _FUCK HINS_


  26. Ivan Maza

    Hasta que por fin pude encontrarte no sabía cómo se llamaba que lindos recuerdos 😭😢

  27. valentino contreras

    Yo escuchando está rola en 2019...quien más?

  28. Gilberto Sanchez Hernandez

    Te extraño

  29. Jairo Ramírez

    Anna lee quieres aser mi novia estas ermosa y tu música está bien bonito

  30. jazmin verania

    2019 quien mas esta musica me hace sentir bien

    Octabio Castillo Ibarra

    Claro que a mí también. Correme tu WhatsApp xfs

  31. Nagosis

    Parece musica infantil

  32. Nagosis

    Que videos tan caseros hacía esta wera

  33. Omega Rugal Ecuatoriano

    Que preciosa canción...Que tiempos aquellos, mis amados años 90s que no volverán 😪😢😭

  34. Francisco Sosa

    Me acuerdo de está música qué bonita es siempre me ba a gustar

  35. João Madeira

    2019? Im loving...

  36. Alanderson De Oliveira Lins

    escutando em 2019

  37. WindowsRetro

    Annerley i love you!!!!! The queen behind many Eurodance acts in the 90s as Whigfield, Charme and many others.. <3

  38. Androsfera Megaier

    Maravillosa canción, escuchandola en 2019

  39. Antonio Barboza Barboza

    eu amo 😍😍😍😍

  40. Paloma Mary

    Is she annerly Gordon???


    Yes and she was the real singer behind Whigfield too :)

  41. florencegabrielle Ybanez

    alaaaaahhhhh nakita rin kita😍😍😍😍😍🙏🙏🙏🙏so happy

  42. Jorge Sotomayor

    So i can say the same between Alanis Morissette and Dolores O riordan from the Cranberries the same voice. Who is the fake and who the real one?

  43. Zazabelle Laine

    Whigfield ! ! ! ♥

  44. Pedro Martz

    Where is my love? that voice Sound your name on my mind

  45. Andy Lauper Alfaiatelie

    Love Love Love Ann Lee 😍🤩🌹

  46. seth neil

    Wonderful lyrics

  47. seth neil

    Eden cinema

  48. Gilberth K

    2019 😊😊

  49. Ivonne Aguilera

    2019🇲🇽 🤠

  50. hawran hrafnain

    to je tak krásně krásný ::: devadesatky ::: dirty pleasure ::: : )

  51. jairo zetino

    Ahh great, actual music 🙂

  52. E preciso saber viver, pois a vida e uma só.

    2019!? 😎😙❤

    Luis Reyes

    E preciso saber viver, pois a vida e uma só. ...... Yoooooo , me encanta esta canción , lindos recuperados .

    Dante Maberit

    2019 07-25-19

  53. E preciso saber viver, pois a vida e uma só.

    Sdds desse tempo... 🍃❤ q não volta nunca mais 😢

  54. Elvis Alves

    I love this song

  55. Alvaro Alonzo


  56. 환희

    2018 /10/25 I will listen.

  57. Hau Tea

    🤪🤩😍 2018 tjrs aussi dans le moove !!!

  58. masflow504

    Estas rrolas de golpe me llevan al pasado 🙌

  59. Gil Lopez Perez

    I love her voice

    Theitalodisco boy

    You can hear the same voice also in Whigfield project, fronted by the model Sannie Carlson. But the real singer was Annerley Gordon

  60. Cheryl Baker


  61. lea rodriguez

    I've been looking for this song..keeps playing in my mind...

  62. Alejandro Gomez Ruiz

    que buen rollo habia en la musica que bailabamos en los 90, era divertida y pegadiza, que pena que todo esto se haya perdido hoy en dia, ahora es todo diferente, solo he escuchado una cantante que intenta resurgir todo esto y se llama INNA, el video de WOOW recuerda mucho a esta epoca

  63. marharlika espanya


  64. Fabricio_dj p p

    X finnn... 1eros pasos como dj

  65. Santos Tax

    La época dorada.

  66. saimon arias

    No cabe duda que los eurodance son los mejores super super

  67. José Alonso Zamora Hernández

    Yo lo escucho en este 2018.

  68. erno bjorn Larsen

    mega god

  69. coria Ann

    2000 😊

  70. yohan castillo

    Lo mejor del weekend Patty mix en las discotecas de Maracaibo en el año 2000

  71. edin zabaleta

    fantasticos exitos benditos los 90´s

  72. Ivonne Aguilera


  73. Pinhead Hellraiser


    Zazabelle Laine

    yeahhhhh :)))) Ann IS Whigfield !!! :)))

  74. Pinhead Hellraiser

    The Same whigfield

  75. Miguel Music AJW

    i still dont understand how some people cant see/hear this is the same vocalist of whigfield lol

    Jorge Sotomayor

    Many singer have the same voice. Just hear material girl from Madonna and girls just want to have fun from Cyndi Lauper.


    @Jorge Sotomayor I can assure you that Sannie's real voice is completely different from that of Annerley in the Whigfield project, she has a strong Danish accent and her tone of voice is very deep. You can hear her voice in the last project album W (2012), in the new single: "Boys & Girls" and in recent performances where Sannie re-recorded the old hits with her real voice. Also that Annerley sounds different like Ann Lee than Whigfield, because she had to try to change her vocal timbre to not make it sound like Whigfield's.

    Jorge Sotomayor

    @WindowsRetro Madonna changes her voice through the time. From Material Girl to now. How can it be?


    @Jorge Sotomayor I think auto-tune or others studio effects

    Benny Bolton

    @Jorge Sotomayor Check

  76. David Fernandez

    2018 and I'm listening Old songs brings you old memories.

  77. JaVvieLon DV

    From time to time there's an emptynessA littles something that should be missedSay what it is, and will it ever passSometimes it grows on me so strongMy heart is saying there's something wrongTo get along, and make me understandVoices speaking loving, oohVoices in my mindVoices tell me somedaySomething that I can understandSometimes I move in an open spaceHow I deserve it to feel like thisI realy miss, something to ever lastSometimes it runs on me so wildIt makes me feel like a lonely childTo get on back, I want to understandVoices speaking loving, oohVoices in my mindVoices tell me somedaySomething that I can understand

  78. Teare Teikihakaupoko

    souvenir des années 90

    Zazabelle Laine

    elle est aussi la voix de toutes les chansons de Whigfield :)

  79. 꽃바니

    ♡ 좋아 ♡

  80. yst42


  81. JaVvieLon DV

    Ella estaba drogada en el video jajaja



  82. newentu

    Ella es Whigfield??

    Theitalodisco boy

    No vídeo está Annerley Emma Gordon (Ann Lee), que também foi a verdadeira e única voz original do projeto Whigfield. Sannie Carlson a garota que apareceu em vídeos e shows foi apenas um modelo dinamarquês contratado para dublar à voz da Annerley


    wooow, muchas gracias por esta revelacion, saludos!!

    Bruno Cavalcante

    Yes, whigfield voice . She is annerley Gordon.

    Zazabelle Laine

    Ann is Whigfield yeah !!!!

  83. Mera Banday

    I love it very much love too Ann lee 😍😍

  84. Vergel Atioan

    May 21, 2018

  85. BojayLenny

    This was uploaded when I was 1 yr old,3 months old,13 days old....Someone is keeping track


    sneakyeye Pet June 3rd 2008. How did you get here? Or how do you know this song?

  86. Mario's Art

    Ann Lee – Voices LyricsFrom time to time there's an emptinessA little something I surely missSay what it is and will it ever passSometimes it flows over me so strongMy heart is saying there's something wrongTo get along make me understandVoices speak of lovingVoices in my mindVoices tell me somethingI can understandSometimes I move in a open spaceHave I deserved it to feel like thisI really miss something to ever lastSometime it runs over me so wildIt makes me feel like a lonely childTo get on by got to understandVoices speak of loving...Can you hear them running around in my mindRunning around in my brainYou know I don't sleep at night they're always in myHead they're everywhereTime after time and all over againAnd they tell me that I'm empty inside so deep insideVoices speak of loving...

  87. Reiland Lapez

    2018 here..childhood memories

  88. Call Me Corazon

    I was always wondering what drugs did she take...


    Top tier stufff no question

  89. Dilfer Usuga

    puufff los retro lo mejor

  90. Xtreme Baruj


    Maria Belen CN

    Xtreme Martz me .i was just 12 then

    Ivandro Vezzaro Farias

    Like and 2018!!!I love eurodance <3

  91. silvia castaño cànaves

    voiceees. lo bueno nunca pasa♡

  92. Loco Lule

    Q buena ....música mis tiempos

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