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Ann Lee - Two Times

Two Times
: Two Times
: 3.46 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 125 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 91 İndirme
: 03-03-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Ann Lee - Two Times )
  1. Paul Hannan

    Holiday in Salou Spain 1999. What a great time to be 16 that was

  2. Queen Fan Forever

    November 2019 ✌️

  3. leweyjimoyamusic

    you don't want to know what sort of shit i typed in google to look for this song

  4. Massimo_Decimo Meridio

    Le vecchie canzoni disco House degli anni 90 sono un qualcosa ti straordinario

  5. sippingonstraightclorox

    i am stoned and I can't stop listening to this

  6. Raul Beltra

    June 2020 still listening. Oh yeah

  7. Will James

    Belden village mall is still up why is Michelle inside my truck she should get out because of smelly ness kind to her didn’t mean that Jeff did go to his house again

  8. Томас Анджело

    Здесь смотрят русские?Лайк посмотрим сколько нас.И опять октябрь 2019)))

  9. Magda Uszynska

    She resembles my language teacher that much that I feel uncomfortable

  10. Vicente Pardo

    goood tune eternal

  11. Larry links

    She looks like Sharon Osborne

  12. Pospolity German

    Gratulację polski komentarz

  13. jose angelo pessilan

    Brazil, oct/28/2019.

  14. Haramys Santos

    Brazil plugged in this song :)

  15. welshgirl cymraeg

    I’ll have whatever shes had!

  16. Jackson NHL

    Flyers brought me here

  17. M Z

    I love her little voodoo doll of her self cute 😃

  18. 蕭蕭

    good song

  19. Nicholas Thomas

    the flyers brought me here

  20. Donoso Demaistre

    me likes this song :)

  21. Jacob Mabry

    Here because the Flyers, anyone else?

  22. Poey D

    Pumped this track in me car in the 90’s , take me back ..............



  24. cripty 101

    0:36 eat a gum,gum the way you go

  25. Classic-Car-Perspective

    what other song has the same/similar music tune as the opening/chorus? can't find it at all

  26. TheSnike23

    Inwazja mocy RmfFm...Ech....

  27. Apek Nollis

    Like sí parece una loquita

  28. Fernando Sanchez

    Que tiempos escuchando esto en la ruta del colegio

  29. Hannan Aden

    was it just me who searched for the meme 6 times 3 and found thislol I'm so curious and clicked on the vid

    Tomas Tampa

    Do t bring your meme bullshit into this masterpiece

  30. MiChElLi_ SaNtOs/RB

    Meu Deus dancei pa caralho💃 época nostalgia dos passinhos BR na área 🇧🇷👊2019

  31. Moana Soakai

    Childhood memories are the best! 💖💖💖💖

  32. Antonio Junior


  33. Vanderlei Miranda

    Cadê a galera de 2019 2020

    MiChElLi_ SaNtOs/RB

    Salve br🇧🇷👊

  34. JayJ

    used to rollerskate to this song, man have times changed...they shut down all the roller rinks here...deemed "unsafe" feel so sorry for the youth of today

    Tomas Tampa

    I was born in 2004 and I dont like the 2010s Everyone are such snowflakes now ☹️

  35. RaeleenKelly06

    90’s are the best can never get sick of listening to

  36. Marcia Jurumenha

    Amo essa música

  37. Miguel Flores Carlon

    just like

  38. G4mm4G0bl1n

    The German youth from 198x ~ 199x know the song from :D ->

  39. Copper102003

    Still love it!

  40. Felipe Silva Guerhardt

    Musica muito.linda sucesso

  41. Guido Gudas Jr Gudas

    Brasilllll 2019 outubro

  42. Jennifer Gibbs

    Cute song!

  43. Fabricio Ramos



    2019 and i discovered that she was the real Whigfield singer

  44. hugo contreras


  45. Josiane Raedemaeker

    Dit is het eerste cd singeltje dat ik van mijn mama heb gekregen Liefs van Josiane

  46. ama Ibrahim

    October 2019...... remember this always played at the fair when i was a youngern

  47. Hugo Daniel Pereira Ocampos

    Muy bueno

  48. Kawaii Mango

    philippines 🇵🇭 2019?

    Biboy Jenkins

    This song ruled our sound system in our Xmas party in 1999

  49. Frank master

    In October 2019 now listening 👍

    Circle 25

    i was just looking at the charts of 1999. it was in the top 10 in october 20 years ago.

    Hannan Aden

    lol same

    M Z

    I just found this song by accident and I am like 😮

    Kelly Orme

    Takes me back to being 16 🙈 now I feel old

  50. Ricardo Hardstyle

    Hier word je toch blij van...

  51. Leandro

    I saw the video clip on MTV in 2013, but I forgot the name of the song.

  52. Zarak Will


  53. No More Rain In This Cloud

    This song is similar to Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom!! of Vengaboys

  54. mónic A

    forgot about this one!

  55. Hasiel Garcia

    la cantaba en la primaria a los 10 años que recuerdos!!!! ahora pura basura se escucha desde morro que lastima

  56. Michael Middleton

    I haven't heard this song since i was a kid in the 90s literally woke up at 4am this morning thinking about this tune and here i am 😂

  57. Sarah Smith

    Nostalgia baby ☀️☀️

  58. F RC

    1999 💜

  59. Colm1903

    Max Power 🔴⚪️🔴⚪️

  60. Ana Green

    This remembers me so much to my childhood!!

  61. Duterte-Marcos

    Anyone listening from the Philippines???🇵🇭

  62. Aien Lacostales


  63. Alexis Varacolacci

    The 90's...

  64. Duddi

    the two times forsenCD :v:

  65. Maria Chambers

    Omg me and my cusion Esther's old tune we was up on the dance floor when this tune came on with everyone looking because they couldn't dance to save there lives lol we were very good looking ladys and we could dance now got a job to walk omg what life does when you get old but my girls can dance and I'm not just saying this but my girls are beautiful and my cusion daughter charmaine and my little princess my granddaughter my God I love that child shes took over the house a d I couldn't give a shit if she smashed it up as long as she is happy it makes my day to see my little princess playing with her dolls a d toys so when shes at nannys house she can do what she likes and she do my little woman 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  66. JAIME DUENDE Gongora y Gongora

    *todo en la vida pasa de moda, menos estas bonitas melodias 💪🔥🔥🔥🔥👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻🙏🏻*

  67. Jorge Campa

    alpenzusjes naar voren naar achter i don't speak dutch there a same song like this

  68. Fernando González Duncan

    Como todo en los 90's, ésta canción hizo época...recuerdo que en el recreo de la Secundaria, todas las niñas se ponían a bailarla. Ya luego, íbamos a las Discos (antros)...recuerdan? Excelente día!

  69. Ernesto Ulloa

    Jajaa esos tiempos

  70. Sammy Marquez

    2 times? 3 times? ?? Good beat. Some one tell me what this songs about.

  71. Rafael Slim

    1999 ✌🏻🎧😎

  72. Ignacia Reza Cruz

    Yo vengo nadamas por el ritmo like si tu tambien

  73. Uji Jabari

    Who's here because Tongan short film?🤣

  74. leemer1

    I played this back at 2x. Sounded like rap.

  75. Steve Smith

    What exactly is this song about? :))

  76. Mauro David

    Can't get more nostalgic than this

  77. the coughing coffin

    1999. The best year of music...

  78. Ángel Car919

    Años sin escucharla y sin saber el nombre por fin la encontré:,)

  79. Mariela R. D.

    Ponte onda en scuby du👧🐕

  80. Larisha Govender

    Every school disco in South Africa, at this time, had this song.

  81. Jhovany Rojas

    Me parece una gran 3 de las cosas 😘

  82. sigh alva

    i hatte this

  83. Isa Rodríguez

    ...Me encanta este rolololon....

  84. Dead by Dawn

    Great track but what the fuck is she on about, two times what?

  85. Martin Prückl

    A Little Hymn for All Singles in this crazy World !!! Make our own Thing....without Stress

  86. OMGItzJames R

    🇦🇺 🇦🇺 this legit goes goooood with my loud galaxy a50 phone 😎😂

  87. Kintaro Takanori

    shes like a friends mom who like to sing xD

  88. pablo salle

    Canción hinchaweas


    Oh my god yes!

  90. Nigel Buckley

    My sister love this

  91. Ana Roncevic

    Predivna pjesma

  92. Geyzer Perez

    Amo esta cancion!!! #lovemypueki

  93. Callosal _Gaming_

    September 2019


    I'm 🖐️🖐️🖐️

  94. Ola Mafi

    its september 2019 now. whos listening ? 🙋‍♀️

    edgardo gregorini


    Mark Roberts

    Ola Mafi I’m listening x

    Martin Gardner

    October 2019 for the 20th anniversary of charting in the UK.

    jose angelo pessilan

    Brazil, oct/28/2019

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