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Amy Lee - feat Seether-Broken

feat Seether-Broken
: feat Seether-Broken
: 3.99 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 111 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 89 İndirme
: 12-02-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Amy Lee - feat Seether-Broken )
  1. Neneng Dj

    3 nov 2019

  2. littlegoobie

    why are all duet performances of this song from 15 years ago and longer?

  3. Rocky Losco

    Shaun screams profanity and Amy smiles and waves like she shy

  4. Rocky Losco

    Never thought I’d see the day when this was old

  5. La Bitácora Arcoiris de Carol

    such an example of women...nothing to do with meanstrrream poop girls.....everybodys fool ;) amy come back to argentina- we love you biggest sister!

  6. Budi Rahayu

    Queen of pain

  7. Bujang Senang

    So beautyfull amy lee i love u

  8. Ali Abdallah

    Anyone noticed how the guitarist stepped out of tune and was a shitty solo !! She looked at him like wtf ?!

  9. Brian Caloway

    God amy is so hot jesus... She has a gorgeous powerful voice that women has some strong beautiful pipes on that women Jesus! So attractive lol!

  10. Johan Burger

    Very sad that it didn't work out with these 2. Music and love should always win

  11. Zach

    1080p in 2004... well done

  12. Greg K

    Would be better without the growling drunk singer guy.

    Lata Wata

    He composed the song moron

  13. Artista Meruzzi

    não sei como a Amy Lee namora esse cara tão feio kkk

    kawaii muno

    Kkkkk tamb fiquei pensando isso cara khkjk

  14. jOHNNY DEM

    Great song....but this guitarist couldn’t play a solo to save his life.

    Lata Wata

    Pat Callahan easily is more than u think

  15. Benzo Brain

    Fuck 2019 take me back to 2004

  16. Raul Lozano

    Sick with the harmony

  17. Chris Baybay

    In every live version of this song, Amy is just endless.

  18. Alejandro Coman

    Her beauty, her fucking voice, her eyes, her fucking hair.. she's so fucking perfect😍

  19. R Lynch

    It's a raw live mix . . .Not the greatest. . Not the worst.

  20. m,dika m,dika angkat

    where is the voice in year 2018

  21. Skylar F

    When Amy Lee comes out 😆😆😆 how can someone be so gorgeous I can't explain...everything about her...

  22. Andy Baduq

    1:30 what did he say??

    F. Martousee

    "Let me see your fucking hands in the air, come on"

  23. B Dawg

    I am a YUGE Lzzy fan but AMY'S GOT THIS ONE nailed down , IMO !!

  24. Mackenzie Weber

    I love Amy Lee, such a beautiful singer. <3

  25. Erick Burgos

    Amy has such a beautiful voice

  26. Amanda Stokes

    Amy Lee is so humble. She always say thanks or thank you after every song & sounds like she truly means it which I’m sure she does.

    sascha laqua

    I was at 2006 of Concert in Berlin (Columbiaball)it was Amazing vor meine anderen my Friends !!! Just at this Point er all 100 Prozent Fans!!!!!!

  27. Dagorlord

    Almost like Beauty and the Beast   Too bad Shaun couldn't handle his demons at the time -- these two could have made some great music

  28. akron/nov61972

    Weren’t they dating back then

    Lata Wata

    Yes my boy

  29. Michael Angelica

    Did anybody know who Seether was before Shawn started dating Amy Lee?

    Ahya Ahya

    Honestly i dont know

    Brendan H

    Saron Gas

  30. Jeff Norris

    Back before Amy Lee weighed 400 lbs. She really let herself go.

    Jeff Norris

    What's a cuntbuster?

    Kry Kry Stott

    Jeff Norris its ok lol I got a little carried away myself

    Jeff Norris

    Kry Kry Stott i still love amy and evanescence.

    Ahya Ahya

    @Jeff Norris i see

    Hsk Red Mist

    I need more info on cuntbuster.

  31. Yağmur


  32. martina

    wow... i love this song but... perfect....i love that girl.

  33. Oscar Gonzalez

    Something about Amy Lee. She so hot in every way

  34. GameWalkthroughUK

    Do you have the rest of the show in this quality?

  35. Aaron Knight

    I just watched a version of this where Lizy Hale sang this instead and I had to come here so I could here the right person sing, Amy Lee is awesome

  36. veneki

    O cara na bateria parecia ter esquecido a letra, quando ele falou "Essa música se chama broken" Ele ficou "wtf?" Kkkkkkkkk

    Leon LT30

    bum Pior que é verdade, eu também notei

  37. i am nobody

    Shes so fucking beautifulDamn shes hot...

  38. Jeff Rexford

    Hard to believe that was 13 years ago. They fking rock!!

  39. A Junior


  40. Arnold Quiñola

    nice duet

  41. MotoSurge

    Amy lee is too much. Such a lady, thanking Seether when exiting the stage. The director must be exceptionally retarded to not have transitioned to the camera capturing her entrance.

    WeMeRsOn Gameplay's must be exceptionally retarded

  42. Krissy Riley

    I'm surprised that no one commented on the Evanescence wristband on the guitarist.

  43. G Benson

    easily a top 5 duet song ever made

  44. 97 Explorer

    Her voice over powers the whole band its amazing.

  45. Elmer Bloucher

    great song

  46. Sunshine

    I fucking love amy

  47. Media Burung Kicau


  48. Allie Potter

    I love there voices together! I also loved how amazingly hard it was for Amy to not be herself and totally rock out singing and dancing! lmaoo

  49. Marcus p

    I think this was a amazing performance

  50. Robert Suchy

    guy on the drums looks like he's going to die of boredom

    Philip McMullin

    He just in the song!


    he is good drummer :D

    Ashley Garrett

    Herion herion...2004 Seether

    Seelenwinter 666

    rio by day isnt half as good as by night... for that i hate festivals... i never bought a ticket for a concert by day and i never will...

  51. Adrian Pardo

    She felt so insecure singing with another band hahahaa! but she is Goddess!

    Derek Jolliffe

    Adrian Pardo Only she knows.

    Lata Wata

    Another band??? It's an original single with Amy Lee

  52. Derek Olsen

    His voice sucks so badly.

    Alepeño NYC

    Derek Olsen his voice is beautiful and it fits so perfect with the song

    Jim Askew

    Karma this is one house song

    Oleg Kazantsev

    I actually like his rough voice.reminds me of Adam's voice,the former singer of three days grace

    Michael Murphy

    Derek Olsen too bad he wrote it and u should just shut it

    Ahya Ahya

    @Karma bieber?? Lol

  53. RobTackettCovers

    Wow, did you hear Amy Lee on that last chorus...just when you think she's thrown it all out there she hits that high note like it's

  54. Katia Rachid

    amorrrr INCONDICIONAL 💖💟💞💜

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