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Amelia Lily - Party Over

Party Over
: Party Over
: 3.52 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 62 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 47 İndirme
: 01-12-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Amelia Lily - Party Over )
  1. Francesca Lappage

    Did you know that she is joining Geordie Shore

  2. Calvin Jones

    what a catchy amazing song

  3. Anderѕon

    I've just discovered this song todayIt's never too late to find out good music08/07/19

  4. [STARS]TyranT

    Amelia Lily is the greatest UK X-Factor talent that never happened. It just didn't fall right for her - and it's devastating. :(

  5. Michael Black

    One of the Best Song :) non stop listen 2019

  6. Максим Петренко

    you always super.

  7. Максим Петренко

    Still Love you.

  8. ABitofThisABitofThatandWhateverElse

    This should have been the big hit instead of "You Bring Me Joy".

  9. [STARS]TyranT


  10. Breeze Thompson

    she is just sowowamazingspecialising and I'm out

  11. K Nisa

    I like this song so much 😍

  12. Jonathan Robles

    It's 2018 and sti remember how I party with friends when I used to listen this jewel

  13. Kate Clark

    I love this song xx

  14. Olivia Blake

    your voice is amazing

  15. Jaimsy Rabbit

    she should do a song with Little mix and Jane just saying

  16. TheStockholmboy

    I love Amelia Lily but this song is boring and soooo formulaic - no wonder it only got to number 40 in her own country. How right she was - the party really was over for her chart career after this track!!!

    Daquan Nieves

    TheStockholmboy Who cares about the charts or how successful a song is!? It didn’t do good because her label wasn’t promoting it, & they dropped her album “Be A Fighter” which has since leaked online and it’s honestly a great Pop album. So glam & electric⚡️ This girl has talent, but the labels want you to be their image of you... That’s why she’s not really making music anymore

  17. Graciee moult

    Love the song it reminds me of youngcares festival because she was there and I met her xxx

  18. Mitch King

    Good song but I feel like Amelia's voice sounds so much better with a rock/reggae kind of style

  19. AmiNunni

    She has a nice voice, but her music is generic though.

  20. Maria Angelini

    omg amelia bring new music out


    Maria Angelini after big brother she will

  21. Stofke86

    She's a rockstar, they probably ask some stuff she didn't agree with, i don't really know , but on the long run i wish her the best. Beautifull she is, talented she is ! Booya, This party ain't F*ckin' over!

    Daquan Nieves

    Stofke86 Look up her “Be A Fighter” album... Her label refused to release it but it’s leaked online, it’s such a great Pop album. Very similar to “Teenage Dream” by Katy Perry. The labels wanted her to be something different so that’s why she isn’t really making music anymore... Hoping she makes more music🙏🏽

  22. Tony Powell

    She is amazing.

  23. Amelia Connell

    Who's watching this whilst Amelia is in the CBB house ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Sarah '93

    Amelia Connell me!!!!!!!!

  24. Anchalee Sawisit

    This songs a banger why hasn't she made more music

  25. dm tr

    eternal love to xenomania ♡

  26. Юзеф Ястремский

    i heard that she answerd "da"

  27. Jason Lam

    When cellphones were never waterproof.

  28. zane normonta

    i actually really like her songs. remember her from x factor

  29. Camilo Quintero

    I miss her what a voice and great songs!!

  30. Kate Clark

    I like this song it's really good.

  31. Ramneek syan

    omg I love this song had no idea she sang this song !!

  32. Fede Sur


  33. Barry Gibson

    Wish you'd come back Amelia!!!!! Love these songs

  34. James

    This is such a great song where is she now??

    Chloe Lynn

    Doing theatre work

    Dan Bana

    Big Brother.

    Лера Землянская

    Ана харашо пает яей ставлю лайк👍🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🦁🦁🐈🐱🐱🐱🐅🐱🐼🐨🦇🦔🦔🐇🐨🐈🙂🐅

  35. Jose Rodriguez

    Very Nice Song.

  36. Eleven Twelve

    Would be nice if Spotify had your music here. :(

  37. The Carnage

    Loved you since X FACTOR

  38. RayDLX


  39. Alu Ala

    OMG hustě žeru tu pisničku

  40. Michael Yates

    A great boro lass!!!

  41. Ricardo Bauza

    This song inspires to run reaally fast!!

  42. Tone Deaf

    Is this miku hatsune?

  43. Alu Ala

    wow  hustˇarna je to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  44. Simur

    OMFG! ive been lookking for this song for 2 fucking years WTF i had no idea what it was called and i just found it in my favourites xD

    Всемогущий Похуист

    I'm fucking happy for you!!!


    @Super Alex Wolf THANK YOUUUU!


    +SiM in case you forget

  45. ProblemChild

    Tell me is my career over?Over?Over yeah!

    Colly Car's

    her company that she is sole director publishes accounts online every year and according to that as of 2016 she still had £875,641 in the bank so I'm guessing she will be ok as thats a awful lot of money to have in her business account. I'm guessing she will have a lot in her personal bank too, career aside i think she will be ok. She's done well in the west end and writing songs and she hasn't exactly embarrassed herself on CBB she has been nothing but nice and a pleasure to watch. I highly doubt CBB will effect her future projects, its not like shes gone on and been drunk and made a fool of herself, she barely even swears.

    Martina Starkiss

    It's a shame. She is much more talented than Cheryl Cole.


    ProblemChild so upsetting that she is so underrated

    J Mac

    Im in the U.S. and I just found her and I love her

    Lucylikes lovelovelove

    tamatoaa tamatoaa totally

  46. Margaret Khan

    I love her vocal

  47. Werewolf グール

    ♥ *Yasss! Slay gurl , slay* ♥

  48. venlo 1982


  49. Amy Froud

    why hasn't this girl brought a album out???

    Amy Froud

    I haven't heard a song from her in ages and i love her songs been searching for a album from her and i can't find one :-/ 

  50. KM Paul

    Hi . I'm a young independent music video director . This is my first time that I'm showing my work . I'm 20 years old .I made it with iPhone 6. Please give me a chance and check it out . I've worked a lot if you liked it please don't forget to thumbs up

  51. LiamJL

    What a tune heard it in the gym today

  52. Dejan Tomić

    DUBSTEP rulz! :D :D

    przemysław Furman

    This ain't no dubstep, this is a commercial track.

    Dejan Tomić

    @przemysław FurmanCommercial? What do you mean by that? An ad for iPhone maybe?I know this is not really dubstep, but just listen to the beat... it is the kind of beat found in dubstep.

    przemysław Furman

    @Dejan Tomić Well. This is just a track made to be popular. It uses some Breakbeat and vocal DNB, but not Dubstep (dubstep is a breakbeat subgenre). Most good breakbeat tracks are made to sound good, not to attract masses. However I'm not the specialist in these. I miss some heavy irregular bass pattern for the dubstep I like, all is too soft seeming like commercial vocal DNB track.

  53. thrillamf

    This is a rip off of ATB - What About Us.

    Dimitrios Magkos

    WTH? Rubbish, just listened to it.

    aGiLe TV

    @thrillamf I genuinely listen to ATB, and love his music. This isn't a rip off though, trance and progressive house are my favorite genres but this is just some sort of generic DNB sounding song....

  54. niv muhg

    What kind of phone is it ?

    Georgina Clark

    iPhone 5 - silver

    lauren x

    Iphone 5

  55. Paul Van Mar

    Amelia sweeties irl  and voice <3

  56. Ludy Tatlonghari


  57. Arash Dan

    Tell me is the party over ? with Amelia It's impossible ! ♥ ♥ ♥

  58. Kontiki77

    i em from latia

  59. depejrak

    0:33 joseph gordon-lewitt

  60. Hec†or G.

    She looks so much like Jenna from tonight alive

  61. R4nD0mZ

    I'm also from middlesbrough and I used to dance with you at fusion 😆 you were a great dancer and singer and btw I saw your brother yesterday

  62. Smurps

    This is wank

  63. elmoo23

    Amelia I miss You .I wanna hear Your album .Poland Loves You .

    Asia M

    Serio Polska ją kocha? Pierwsze słyszę.

  64. Sylwia Smoronska

    Jak ww

  65. Super Lps

    Классная песня! Cool song!

  66. TheKrebitz

    I love this sound Amelia Lily :)

  67. Iwan Hristow

    Great beat , Great artist !!! Greetings from Bulgaria , Amelia ! I hope you'll visit our country soon :)

  68. Jack Jackson

    Geordie shore brought me here

  69. TheOfficialDexperia

    I like this alot.

  70. daffasudiana

    Dat drum n bass

  71. Daquan Nieves

    GREAT song, cant wait for an album :)

  72. Peanut

    I like that beat :)

  73. Thainara Leme

    Diva! s2

  74. Amelia Schmitt


  75. Matt Vandekerckhove

    Well i don't know why people don't like this song 

    Matt Vandekerckhove

    Well yeah but why cancel the album I mean not every song has to have meaning i mean

    teddy burcke

    @Matt McMiller I assume because her label thought the album would not make any money, based on the fact that this song didn't chart as well as expected. 

    Matt Vandekerckhove


    Jaimsy Rabbit

    I know right it's a good song her voice is amazing people just stupid

    Daquan Nieves

    Matt Vandekerckhove I love this song too, it’s so modern and edgy. People didn’t get her style, which is why she wasn’t so successful.... She was so glam & electric⚡️ With rock vibes. She never released her “Be A Fighter” album but it’s leaked online and it’s honestly such a good Pop album, similar to “Teenage Dream” by Katy Perry. They really let her down

  76. ewoksinspace

    Is the party Vulva? I certainly hope not.

  77. ApostlePeters


  78. ApostlePeters


    Sonia Witte

    hate you



  79. Георгий Сокольский

    Beat - it is like intelligent D'n'B by 2005 y

  80. Martina Byrne


    Alice Crawford

    think this is just a single like You Bring Me Joy

  81. Brutalious

    The only redeeming value in this song is the beat.

  82. Adrianna Wargala

    So you know her?

  83. solikemia

    I went to school with Amelia, I was like four years below her.

  84. CuteSuperGeek

    Atleast she doesn't suck at singing.

  85. 1234demon1234

    Love how Sony promote their headphones, and then smash the iPhone....

  86. Ellie Southern

    Love this song x

  87. bboychance

    no she is not.

  88. bboychance

    Yes - it's over. Sony's dropped you like a bad habit.

  89. Jai Grant

    What label drops an act of the flop of one single? It's your fault for holding the album for so fucking long?

  90. Angel Ordax

    wtf? how anybody that started singing a Janice Joplin's killer song and rock it out ended doing this shitty commercial autotuned and echoed stuff? I guess that's the contract she had to sign, I'm just waiting for the real Amelia to rise.

  91. ante o m

    No phones were broke in the making of this video

  92. xRob

    better marketing and more catchy - to be frank

  93. UrbanCarnage

    her career is over......over.....over

  94. Chiara Bianco

    Cool, cool!

  95. paperstarjar

    I partied hard in my younger days, and I never went to a party like this. Times change I guess....

  96. spicychickenburitto

    Uwaga! Audycja zawiera wielokrotne lokowanie produktu.

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