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Amelia Lily - California

: California
: 3.70 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 82 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 69 İndirme
: 01-12-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Amelia Lily - California )
  1. Admiral Admiral

    Thanky you Amelia dear. Very nice music and beautiful artists. 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋for you.

  2. Dean Warburton

    Hi ur cool

  3. Adrián ARG

    I'm still loving this song! 😍

  4. Stars Dance Selena Gomez

    Wow Amelia Is So Beautiful

  5. Anastasia Grimwood

    Hot ❤️❤️

  6. Madalyn Miles

    I'm here because of Wonpil💛

    ring ding dong

    Me too 💕

  7. V М

    I like her voice very much

  8. R.K

    Can't believe this was 2014. Heck, where does the time go?

  9. Glendouille !!

    Amelia, it is as simple as this: You are such a freaking amazing singer 😍

  10. Roy James

    I just found this song last year

  11. Jay Rodriguez

    i Loved this New sound. Congras

  12. Jay Rodriguez

    três espiã demais?

  13. debbie bradek

    I think she did better in this video then she did in the vevos I think they wanted something from her that wasn't her so then she didn't get famous because it wasn't her and in the end she ended up trying to create her self but by then the name brand of companies that produce artist Had kind of already messed her image up maybe I'm wrong but those are just my thoughts

  14. J Carlos

    Excelente artista!Volta Amelia Lily... Você é uma cantora de alto nível.Gosto muito das suas músicas e dos seus clipes.Tudo de bom pra você!

  15. Kenn Cramer Hanberg

    You are absolutely right about that Amelia. Its much better. i was sad about your earlier music, which were too much mainstream. I hope you get me. dont let the concept hit producers control you.

  16. Lily Xx

    I can’t stop hitting replay 😍

  17. Olivia Blake

    best song ever

  18. Olivia Blake

    was you cross when your phone got a little bit wet i dont like you being sad i hope your happy

  19. Olivia Blake

    i would love to meet you your the best

  20. James Christianson

    She is what I THINK IS A STAR1

  21. Bhawajit Bora

    Superb Amelia.. I'm still watching it today

  22. Chidolay

    Поселок городского типа, колхоз тяжело переделать:) при всем при этом. Но с голосом все у нее в порядке все, и с фигурой.

  23. AmiNunni

    I wonder why she stopped trying and releasing music. She has a good voice. People need to be more focused on their goals instead of living it easy. I can understand, I make the same mistakes of losing my drive. I like the song, but it is confusing the lyrics are depressing, but the video is super happy.

  24. Cabo Wabo

    sounds like Shania Twain

  25. Isabelle Rachel

    This is on repeat for me right now, Amelia please come back to music <3

  26. FOxie SmartCookie

    who the hell lies on mattress in a pool with damn dress? :D

  27. Tanczacy Wilk

    eee... The refrain it's kinda simmilar to let her go -passenger and a part from alvaro soler-libre

  28. Maz Smith

    I loveee uuu

  29. Alma Miles Dei

    this sucks

  30. sean ruby

    I love this song sooooo much

  31. Yvone Elbells

    I love this song but hate the video

  32. • federyco •

    please come back from italyyyyy!!!! (matteo mandolini) ♥️😍

  33. Gato Curioso23

    I miss your music Amelia :(


    Johifer Tovar she is on celeb big brother and then she might release some more songs depending on whether or not she wins that is.0

  34. Blerim Memeti

    Biautifaul Song Sound

  35. Jaime In Your Area

    Why is not this song available on Apple Music? She is boycotting herself...

  36. Julie

    she's so damn pretty

  37. Oceana Frederick

    Emily Osment is who she reminds me of

  38. Roland Baldwin

    I wish we had more music from Amelia. She is far too good to not have a full album.

    Gato Curioso23

    I miss her music

  39. ZLine

    She kinda looks like Cascada mixed with Pixie Lott

  40. Robert Crosby

    Didn't even know Amelia had released anything after party over. She is one of the best singers ever to take part in X factor but xfactor ruined her. Voted out in the 3rd week then brought back forThe final through the 'wild card'.....she was easily the best singer but was never gonna win, too good to be a manufactured pop princess. California is a decent tune, lack of success is due to shit promotion

  41. Carol Espinosa

    I miss her so much


    Me too, she was such a great artist

  42. Go VeryPro

    The only thing she needs, she already has. A loving family (just look at the first audition). She already has all the confirmation of being a gifted singer. More fame makes screwed up situations.

  43. Wintea


  44. sylvee Wk

    Such a great voice, she need a good production house.


    auto tune.

    sylvee Wk

    +Chipster watch her X factor performance, she's good


    @sylvia wangkhem yeah she really need to be on the charts/spotify/best musics/radio.


    True but whilst she enjoys making music and stuff her love is stage

  45. Roar I'm a lion

    Why do those three girls remind me of power puff girls 😂

  46. Mozart Herbert

    It's a shame that she never was huge in the charts like she deserve it :(

  47. Maria Reyes


  48. mrdougeran1

    Auto-tune???????????? pplllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Why?????????????

  49. Zelia Pepeu

    Como fazer carneiro hidraulico

  50. Frankie Butcher

    She's one of those singers that needs so much more attention

    Kalinol Georgiev

    so true 😑❤👍👍👍

    Roxy Awad


    Bobli S

    Thens theres Jacob sartorious.


    She so definitely is. Although I hope she's gonna become a well known stage artist

  51. jokur

    I was not expecting that voice when she started singing lol

  52. Mr FkYoU

    gracias lily por sugerir mi video ;)

  53. EndingGaming

    Amelia, I've loved you since I saw your first audition on X Factor and you're a powerful singer. Your voice is one of the best to have gotten on to X Factor but you have got to stop letting your record label making you release this crap! You are so much better than that! This isn't who you are as an artist. You can tell you're a bit funky, bit different and you should probably be releasing pop rock music. You're an Avril Lavigne/old school Kelly Clarkson/old school The Veronicas type and that is the sound you need to be working with! You seriously have one of the best voices I've ever heard in my life and you knew who you was as an artist. Your music, your look, you had the whole package. The reason why the label won't let you release it is because they don't think it will sell but they are WRONG! This world has enough manufactured pop crap, you need to do YOU. Leave your label, get writing your own music, upload it here on youtube and try and send demos out to other labels, ones that primarily work with rock artists because girl you have some of the best talent I've ever seen and it should not be wasted on this shit just because you're a good looking girl with a good voice! We have enough of those! Do you, even if it means you don't get to release anything at least you're staying true to who you are and I will subscribe if you do these things and support you every step of the way and I am sure you will build up a big fan base again! Love and light x

  54. angy2204

    creo que ella daba para estrella de rock, no pop, con videos trilladisimos

  55. J0nB0yH88

    seriously? anyone could sing this song, Amelia has a great voice and a wicked personality...this is awful and doesn't feel anything like her at all

  56. Jason Lam

    Don't know where I sit with this one. On the fence?

  57. Amelia Adams


  58. Isobel Hardcastle


  59. C. Cole

    Her voice and look kinda remind of Pink :) Love them both

    Isabelle T

    C. Cole i thought the same thing!! (-:

  60. Claudio L Nubie

    I love Amelia Lily's...It's all.........<3

  61. SquigglyBON

    Very catchy song should have done better, so underrated


    Definitely is, this should of been known more I didnt even know about it till a few weeks ago

  62. Elizabeth Kitchener

    I love this song it's so summery. Hopefully, she'll bring her album out soon.

  63. gk594dber8el

    There is high speed? There is hardcore? Don't understand.

  64. julian sotelo

    i feel bad cause he is gay already and he is always having to play a "straight man"

  65. julian sotelo


  66. kawonawo hassan

    so lovely

  67. Chaplain Atheo

    I get the sense she belongs attached to songs LIKE Janis Joplin, Amy Winehouse, Duffy...something with a rough, tough voice. Her face says tough girl, been there girl.  Not sure if I can explain clearly, but she does not come across as a nice, polished girl, more like tomboyish.

    Barbie Lili

    @Chaplain Atheo Agree. I think she looks like PINK also. I love her voice, it's so awesome!

  68. αทα нєlєทα ρrατα

    this voice is perfect

  69. douglas b

    Love it :)

  70. julie ireland

    Awesome voice!


    I can't believe she's only 20 years old she's so hot and her voice is amazing! Plus if katy perry sang this it would've been a hit but amelias more of a talent in my opinion. You go girl!

  72. venlo 1982

    amelia lily beatiful english woman

  73. Emma Barnes

    Really not a fan of the song, but rings true as my boyfriend is in California and I am in England! :(

  74. Joseph Mart Silva

    Brasillovi Ameli

  75. louis cartman

    I think Amelia is a top top performer but I want to see her in black leather studded clothes booming out some rock. Please Amelia leave the twee tennis clothes and teeny bop to Taylor Swift.

  76. Nils Petersons

    Nothing special new Christina Aguilera

  77. Cristina L.

    I've always imagined her with a more P!nk or Gwen Stefani kind of vibe. I like her very much but it feels like she doesn't "belong" in a video like this. I still like the song and everything though.

  78. Vicky J

    She looks so out of place tho

  79. Petar Sejpes

    Very good, but still for voice like your with so good character (one of most important things in singing to me) is better to make more serious sounding beginning of the song with instruments arrangement ... Refrain was amazing, but also because of your so good singing qualities, still is better to record accompanying instruments with some sounding - all to not cover your singing like here, than left you there to express yourself ... better to say - to left us who listen you, to hear in full your beautiful expression. You deserve that for you are written special songs with the best arrangements because you dear Lily are amazing top singer. All the best to you ...

  80. Songs4U

    plagia party in the usa miley cyrus

    Jadey Amelia

    ?! I don't even see the linkness between the two, thats ridiculous. loland I love those two songs btw

  81. Gemma Stevens

    good song but its ruined by the video. 

  82. mebluewater

    I need more music like this from Amelia Lily

  83. Ingrid Burtenshaw

    the video just reminds me of xtina-your body?

  84. Myashtrayheart


  85. Elsa Pena

    Bitch! Cuzco you ain't never been here so where you Dance again?????????????????? (coz she want Sly Boogie)

  86. Striping with Bella

    poor lily she has an amazing voice i think she needs to find her style of music i don't think this fits her at all 

  87. SilverEye

    Surprised this doesn't have more views. It's a great song. 

  88. Jeff Winger

    You're ace - more please!

  89. Liyla Lizka

    She went to my dance school:')She's gone so far, it's amazing, I love you Amelia!


    Liyla Lizka no way i feel like crying

  90. chloe liu

    Where does she come from?

  91. Jeff

    I'm not familiar with this artist so I don't know the old sound of hers that she's comparing this to, but I REALLY like this song!!!!!

  92. Ginger Tom

    This is awful sorry not sorry /:

  93. Daphnee bbs

    I know the face of the ( hot ) guy ... but where I saw him ? If anyone know what is his name or if he was on another music video or i don't know please tell me :D

    Daphnee bbs

    Thanks ! But I don't even find where I saw him ^^

    Janice Azzopardi

    He looks like finnick from the hunger games

    Daphnee bbs

    Maybe ... I didn't watch Hunger games 

    Janice Azzopardi

    then I don't know where you saw him from

    Daphnee bbs

    I don't know either 

  94. soundman2002x

    love what ever you choose to sing. I keep looking back at "show must go on"  when you sang it that night.The production of it, how you used your voice for it, your body language and passion.That's a home run big time.I'm old and seen concerts of everyone who was anyone. Performing like that the way you did is what people will pay to see.It's about the song. Wait for it. It's there.Maybe not today. maybe not tomorrow, but it's there for you. When you find it, nail it.people will get the shivers.You'll make it happen.

  95. Zlatan Ibrahimović

    This is amazing!

  96. Ki. Vi.

    I don't want to be rude, but this guy in the video, is he gay? He really looks like a gay. (Any hate)

  97. imanishi yurina

    I love it!!!

  98. Robert Dickson

    Catchy song, and I shall be buying it!!You have such an amazing voice and vocal range Amelia, but I feel like this song doesn't let you show it as much as your other songs.Can't wait for your album!Keep at it gurl! x

  99. Tià oliviaa

    She used to go to my dancing!! And then she went on the x factor also she is from my hometown!!😊💖

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