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Alec Benjamin - If We Have Each Other

If We Have Each Other
: If We Have Each Other
: 2.76 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 3520 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 3170 İndirme
: 01-12-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Alec Benjamin - If We Have Each Other )
  1. Ameen Khibil

    AW alec this is the sweetest song ever

  2. army 4 ever army

    i liked it

  3. Shuvojeet Ray

    His voice was god gifted ❤

  4. night_sky

    I love your voice and I always feel like dieing 💔 you really helped me

  5. Amber Morgan

    I love that the songs tell stories.

  6. Maeva Lake

    Totally get that feeling. For my sister and me it is the same...❤️

  7. Maeva Lake

    Totally get that feeling. For my sister and me it is the same...❤️

  8. Marin Herrema

    this is what i love to hear!<3keep on the good work bro! xx a girl from the Netherlands i love you!! name is Marin btw🔥

  9. Cynthia Macdonald

    I love this song... its the only thing i think of when 'im in hard times and i think everybody else who has heard just parts of this song can agree... your songs are so meaningful and they really touch your heart... you can literally click any part of the video and you can relate... i love your songs... keep it up...

  10. Sankalp Rawat

    His expressions are like if he had gone through these things. Af his expressions, voice is perfect

  11. raven black

    I hope this song was as popular as Let Me Down Slowly🥰

  12. God Gamer

    I love all of you songs but boy in the bubble and this song is my favorite you always make songs that me make songs we need to hearYour the best singer and your making the songs that I need here and I need to hear their always amazing

  13. Taylor and Friends aiello

    The ending tho (I feel the ending)

  14. iBruschetta

    *God... I'm crying, I never freaking cry for a song*

  15. Aneta Ponyhunter

    *I love this song* 💖💖💖

  16. nanak ji

    Toooo close to me 😍😍😍😍😍😍

  17. Gaming_ :D

    Damn this is so good

  18. Sara Elshobky

    I’m. Not even an emotional person! Why am i crying now? His voice really touched my heart ❤️

  19. Katelyn Darby

    Your the best person and I love your song so much ❤

  20. G and G Intertainment

    This song really makes me think of my older brothers I rarely see

  21. mosta071

    this video got 9 million views so right now he should have 9 million subscribers

  22. isaac kuwagua

    Am touched

  23. Neelam Verma

    Ur song's lyrics r too goodThey make me feel better...

  24. grayson lanning

    My gf just told to listen to this song. I love her

  25. Autumn Gray

    I can smell the weird old people smell in the old peoples car

  26. Firequeen4308

    "the worlds not perfect but its not that bad" Thanks for inspiring me

  27. Nicholas Brooks

    awsome song

  28. Salty Squad

    This song really is just so relatable to me, especially the last verse. My mom and dad had me when they were older and I'm currently still younge and it scares me to think that my parents could pass because of their age. Having my older siblings there to support me if needed is so comforting even when they pick on me for being short :') this is my new favorite song Alec and you just made my day and work and year and entire life :D

  29. boş luk

    the world is not perfect but it is not that bad dude

  30. Angry Bird

    Your songs make my alive. ♥ For me you're the best singer in the world.

  31. Justice Rennell

    i watched this video and i cried at the last part bc you and your sister get along rlly well and me and my brother hate eachother... im glad you have a relationship with your sister

  32. Gilly Gurl

    I can’t get this song outa my head and ima glad

  33. Nhitherobloxstar 741

    0:36 i see a camera in the mirror.

  34. Sophia Chanco

    THAT COUPLE THO 😱😭 I want that to be me and my girlfriend one day

  35. Barbara Malek

    Your such a great singer and when u gonna do another tour of Australia perth

  36. Meo Mi

    Love u...❤️❤️❤️

  37. Mark Bishop

    Nice songs

  38. EllPi_Lorrri

    I'm a mother myself... This guy understood the love of a mother to her child... Beautiful

  39. Gri Avell


  40. Jin Jinny

    I just discovered Alec and oh boyyy I love his music goddamn 👏😁

  41. KC Heart

    😖😖😖🤧... s-sorry.... this is the first time i’ve ever cried tears of joy, that i can remember.... this song is too precious!😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️🥺

  42. Princess Jackson

    What a NICE song I already shared to my brother we fight but I hate to see him cry I sing what you say the world's not perfect the world's not if we have each other then we both be fine I will be your sister and I'll hold your hand ❤❤❤

  43. Rahul Shinde

    Best lyricist ... Love from India

  44. Sir Doux

    la primera parte choca mucho alv v':

  45. Abbie 146

    This is such a sweet song!

  46. Samantha Branham

    Always makes me cry 😭😭😭

  47. loubna 81194


  48. Marissa Lynn

    This song makes me happy cuz I think it's trying to say someone is always ganna be there for u

  49. Zainab Mohammed

    This diss track or what?

  50. Asia Roberts

    OMG I've been ear hustling you f Etty on day 1I've been working Alot lately. I am So Freaking Happy For You. This wasn't given, it was earned

  51. Fear_ Exility

    Hey random person scrolling through the comments ever noticed that:Girlfri(end)Boyfri(end)Best Fri(end)Fri(end)Everything ends with end exceptFam(ILY) I love you ♥️

  52. gee vin

    who else has this on there spotify playlist.cause i do.

    Estefania Moreno

    OMG I thought I was the only one!!!

    gee vin

    Estefania Moreno yeah this is a really good song

  53. Forever Rain

    Gran video 😭 realmente alec ha estado conquistado mi corazón con su voz y sus preciosas letras, me doy cuenta que es un artista que merece la pena.

  54. javon Malone

    This is a really good song

  55. YouTube lover

    Alec's songs are not just songs they have a real meaning that speaks louder than all of us♡✩★★

  56. YouTube lover

    Alec's music sends a real message to this world... and we all at some point in life will realize this great message♡♡

  57. Eva Hutto

    “She was 19 with a baby on the way” “she was cleaning to the feeling that her luck was gonna change” it’s so powerful. It’s a story of how a woman pulled through a bad time. Preach it dude

    Gauthami Shenoy

    clinging *

  58. Jennifer Hille

    Hi this is my first time listening to this and I love it take back la stanevich

  59. Wolfey006

    This was so sweet. I love this song! :)

  60. A lonely kid

    His voice is so innocentBut the words that come out... *they're deep*

  61. Hisoka Meruem

    Thus song is si beautiful, I can't believe I didn't hear until now ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  62. Pavi Riya

    My bro dedicated this to me....

  63. b xiong

    Love your mix keep it up😉

  64. kdekwofjjsak djdjwkskkdjd

    the 1.6k people who "disliked" this had their phone upside down nd thought that was the like button.

  65. Marie C

    Beautiful song 💜

  66. Yarin הופרט

    I love your song

  67. Nate J

    This is an artist and knows his strengths, much props for meaningful musical adventures

  68. Lucas CELESTE

    Absolute beautiful perfection. Simple as that❤️

  69. hi there

    I wish my brother cared

  70. Mariana Villalba

    Alec deserves more recognition

  71. Ronal Lara

    Porno de incesto

  72. Ronal Lara

    Parece putito el Benja

  73. Sevin Deger

    alec benjamin is the world's best brother

  74. Tria Febriyanti

    I miss u when u still my little secret :')

  75. Swetapadma Mishra

    This song touched my heart 😘

  76. i_like tea101

    This song made me cry I think I have issues

  77. Brooke Blanton

    *Alecs voice is just amazing**its calming**its a message**its perfect**it sounds so sweet*Alec is just pure amazing I do not know what I wouldDo without his music💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛If we have each other we'll both be fine💙

  78. kyliee c.

    i love how this BOY is singing abt teenmoms lol love that

  79. Isa Park

    How is it that my brother only screams and sleeps all day? I need a new brother

  80. Jean Perez

    Nice Lyrics... Great Voice... Cute Boy 😅🥰🤗👍

  81. Xefr 5416X

    _the world's not perfect but it's not that bad_

  82. 吴Amy


  83. we aren’t the only irritating channel here

    k but ilu

  84. Andre Moeck

    How could anyone dislike alec his voice is amazing and I hope it never changes!! :)

  85. kawaii unicorn leah

    This is so sweet

  86. XxAidenxX ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

    สวัสดีคุณเป็นอย่างไรบ้างฉันมาจากสเปน :)

  87. rahul roy

    So thoughtful,so meaningful..each time hear the song tears came out

  88. Name

    She was 19 with a baby on the way On the Eastside of the cityShe was working everydayCleaning dishes in the evening she could barely stay awake She was clinging to the feelingThat her luck was gonna changeAnd cross townShe would take the bus at night to a one bedroom apartmentAnd when she turned on the lightShe would sit down at the tableTell herself that it's alrightShe was waiting on the day she hoped her baby would arriveShe'd never be aloneHave someone to holdAnd when nights were coldShe'd say The world's not perfectBut it's not that badIf we got each otherAnd that's all we have I will be your mother and I'll hold your handYou should know I'll be there for youWhen the world's not perfectWhen the world's not kind if we have each otherThen we'll both be fineI will be your motherAnd I'll hold your handYou should know I'll be there for youThey were 90And living out their daysOn the Westside of the cityNext to where they got engagedThey had pictures on the wallsOf all the memories that they'd made and though life was never easyThey were thankful that theyStayed with each other Even though sometimes were hard Even when she made him angryHe would never break her heartNo, they didn't have the money To afford a fancy car But they never had to travel Cause they'd never be apartEven at the endTheir love was stronger thanThe day that they first metThey said The world's not perfectBut it's not that badIf we got each otherAnd that's all we haveI will be your loverAnd I'll hold your handYou should know I'll be there for you When the world's not perfectWhen the world's not kindIf we have each otherThen we'll both be fineI will be your lover And I'll hold your hand You should know I'll be there for youI'm 23 my folks are getting oldI know they don't have foreverAnd I'm scared to be aloneSo I'm thankful for my sisterEven though sometimes we fightWhen High School wasn't easyShe's the reason I survivedI know she'd never leave meAnd I hate to see her crySo I wrote this verse to tell her that I'm always by her sideI wrote this verse to tell her that I'm always by her sideI wrote this verse to tell her thatThe world's not perfectBut it's not that badIf we got each otherAnd that's all we have I will be your brotherAnd I'll hold your handYou should know I'll be there for youWhen the world's not perfectWhen the world's not kindIf we have each other then we'll both be fineI will be your brother and I'll hold your hand you should know I'll be there for youYou should know I'll be there for you

  89. Rith27

    your dam good man

  90. donny bristol

    such a sweet awesome song! love it!

  91. Malakai Morton

    I’m your mother

  92. Eline Langes

    I have been in love with your songs for ages, but never knew who sang them. In love with the voice, the lyrics, just everything and now I have a face with it, the songs only got better❤

  93. Blauer Stein

    Don't get me wrong but the first time I heard one of your songs in the radio I thought a girl was singing until I searched the name of that song on YouTube and I found a boy

  94. Deyvid Rojas

    La canción más hermosa del mundo 🌎 le tengo dentro de mi ❤️una canción que me trae recuerdos hermosos y los mejores de mi vida

  95. chaichaihenchai

    If we have Benjamin!

  96. Vanshika Gupta

    How can someone be so creative ? And also how can this video have only 8.5 M views ?

  97. ace drear

    I love your music

  98. Alec Benjamin

    Tickets for my world tour and special NY + LA shows are movin fast :0 . grab tix here:

    Mikaela Campa

    Love this song :) shout out to Alec he the bomb

    Mikaela Campa

    Quỳnh Anh

    Sara Moon

    You are so cute 🥺✨

    Yusuf Jawad

    Ever Coming to Milwaukee?


    @Sin Nombre This is strange, it does not come to Spain, but in such a small country as the Czech Republic will have a concert, more precisely 15.11. I guess.

If We Have Each Other Şarkı Sözü
She was 19 with a baby on the way

On the East-side of the city, she was working every day

Cleaning dishes in the evening, she could barely stay awake

She was clinging to the feeling that her luck was gonna change

And, 'cross town she would take the bus at night

To a one bedroom apartment, and when she'd turn on the light

She would sit down at the table, tell herself that it's alright

She was waiting on the day she hoped her baby would arrive

She'd never be alone

Have someone to hold

And when nights were cold

She'd say

The world's not perfect, but it's not that bad

If we got each other, and that's all we have

I will be your mother, and I'll hold your hand

You should know I'll be there for you

When the world's not perfect

When the world's not kind

If we have each other then we'll both be fine

I will be your mother, and I'll hold your hand

You should know I'll be there for you

They were 90 and were living out their days

On the West-side of the city next to where they got engaged

They had pictures on the walls of all the memories that they'd made

And though life was never easy, they were thankful that they stayed

With each other, and though some times were hard

Even when she made him angry he would never break her heart

No, they didn't have the money to afford a fancy car

But they never had to travel 'cause they'd never be apart

Even at the end

Their love was stronger than

The day that they first met

They'd say

The world's not perfect, but it's not that bad

If we got each other, and that's all we have

I will be your lover, and I'll hold your hand

You should know I'll be there for you

When the world's not perfect

When the world's not kind

If we have each other then we'll both be fine

I will be your lover, and I'll hold your hand

You should know I'll be there for you

You should know I'll be there for you

I'm 23, and my folks are getting old

I know they don't have forever and I'm scared to be alone

So I'm thankful for my sister, even though sometimes we fight

When high school wasn't easy, she's the reason I survived

I know she'd never leave me and I hate to see her cry

So I wrote this verse to tell her that I'm always by her side

I wrote this verse to tell her that I'm always by her side

I wrote this verse to tell her that

The world's not perfect, but it's not that bad

If we got each other, and that's all we have

I will be your brother, and I'll hold your hand

You should know I'll be there for you

When the world's not perfect

When the world's not kind

If we have each other then we'll both be fine

I will be your brother, and I'll hold your hand

You should know I'll be there for you

You should know I'll be there for you

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