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A-WA - feat Balkan Beat Box-Kum Kum

feat Balkan Beat Box-Kum Kum
: A-WA
: feat Balkan Beat Box-Kum Kum
: 3.34 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 97 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 58 İndirme
: 30-05-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (A-WA - feat Balkan Beat Box-Kum Kum )
  1. Dariusz Duma

    Sorry balkan guys... a-wa made song this time :)

  2. Rho Bot

    SO GREAT!!! Love it! A-WA is my favorite! Love from San Francisco!

  3. Александр Вологда

    Respekt from Russia. Vologda.

  4. Felipe Silvestre

    a brazilian liked it ♪

  5. אביתר צוברי

    שילוב פצצה של זמרים

  6. Kevin M Yousfi

    this song needs some bass .. DJs go on

  7. sebastian hops


  8. michael myers

    my favourite vid representing the real tlvian style! Where was it taken? in shapira?

  9. M N

    Yemeni now✋

  10. Yoshe Kawabata

    Me encantaaaaa!!! <3

  11. ajsuflena

    This sounds like afrobeats

  12. PazElDog

    This has a better beat then most new American rap.

  13. Matt Portnoy

    WTH was this filmed in Ramat Gan?

  14. merav44

    קליפ מטורף!

  15. WMS VRS

    It looks great I came by Motorola a hug from Brazil

  16. WMS VRS

    Ficou muito bom

  17. soso

    I love the song

  18. noy f

    מישהו יודע איפה זה צולם?

  19. אושר אליאסיאן

    אחלה שיר , אחלה מקצב, אחלה להקה!!!!!!

  20. Face Double

    My God, how wonderful. Greetings from Italy!

  21. bordoraux

    qué fantasía no?

  22. Nili Zion

    חחח תפסת אורגינל🤠

  23. Sara Fard

    WOW ❤🔥

  24. Amro Karim

    Cool, and I noticed one of them is wearing the black and white palestinian scarf, ✌🏼 peace.

    Sadie J

    Amro Karim ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  25. Yasmin Kamh

    Greetings from Egypt 😍

  26. Donald Tramp

    Bravo to Israeli group

    Shannon Leigh

    Donald Tramp they’re Yemini but ok

    reut dahari

    @Shannon Leigh They are Israeli. Their grandparents were Jews who immigrated from Yemen to Israel.

  27. vj carft

    100% israeli' לאיזו רמה גבוהה הגענו בעולם שאפו

  28. Yossi Bar

    אהבתי את הכומתה (גולני)

  29. Loay Omar

    wooooooooooooow magnificent 😍

  30. NoFakesHere

    when your video budget is 1000 pesos

  31. vielfahrer nbg

    that really touched me. so lovely to hear how cultures merge. Europe's in :) one love one poeple. keep up that amazing work

  32. B Lusk

    This band has become seriously one of my favorites of all time. Everything makes me happy and my body can’t stop moving!

  33. Michael Tevet

    Wow great song but that video was done do damn well! Props to the director!

  34. Kiril Kaploon

    וואו איזה גרוב אדיר

  35. deng 1987

    arab music amazing.

    sponge bob

    They from israel

  36. MarcelToPawian

    Wild! Cool that you're not just a clone of Gogol Bordello but you're creating your own style! Keep it up!

  37. yonatan katz05

    שיר לפיפא🤣😂

  38. gilberto Ramirez Bribiesca

    Some one got to make you accountable for your sins,you are doing fine

    ra p

    gilberto Ramirez Bribiesca sins? In your head, IDIOT !

  39. Stefano Bartaletti

    I love bbb and a-wa can't stop listening and having a good time with their music 👏🏼

  40. MGtv

    Why does it remind me of "Bob Sinclar - Rock this party"

  41. Google User

    Here from Motorola

  42. Leon Da Quebrada

    Moto x4

  43. oceanblue

    So cool

  44. 3020 Studio

    Form moto x4 ad

  45. אלמוני

    אחד השירים היפים

  46. noy f

    איפה צילמו את זה?

  47. Atamaica Sifontes


  48. noy f

    שיר וקליפ מעולה! איך לא שמעתי על זה עד עכשיו!

  49. Har One

    This is so fun !!! GREETINGS FROM ROMANIA !!! :)♡♥♥♡

  50. Dak Qarraj

    Since when that Spanish. Or Arabic and African and half English becomes an Balkan mix what the fuck was that for ?

  51. Jose M

    lov it. . !! great beat.. 21~

  52. Trung Huỳnh Vĩnh

    You guys just make me chill every time I listen to this ^^

  53. Jozef Mak

    do as u please.....I just dont really approve of this

  54. Akmal Arif

    came here after Moto X⁴ Ad 😁

  55. Laura Sketch

    Me encantaría verlos en vivo algún día, BBB son lo mejor!!! Saludos desde Med,Colombia!

  56. tomy levi stanleigh

    Fucking amazing

  57. Quetzal MS

    Fuck !! Wasn’t expecting this You rock lads Mexico looking forward to seeing you live Peace and love guys

  58. David Admon

    צריך לעשות לזה רמיקס tribal

  59. toomi

    La cancion del moto x4 😂

  60. rebelonyx

    I really love this one. Great video without twerking girls and fake stuff.. Really makes me smile just to see these people having fun and make real music!! ChinChin is about that fake stuff. I love them because they sing about political issues and whats wrong with the system we live in today. Great vids of the new album. I hope they make a video of - i'll watch myself - too..BBB 4 ever!

  61. Peter Atanassov

    Great song, great video! Love from Bulgaria :)

  62. Michael Robinson


  63. Suhail al-eryani

    wooooooooooooooooooooooow, a-wa a-wa tomer Yosef, love and respect

  64. Harie Myng

    10 years later, i'm still loving EVERYTHING you do. Thanks for such good vibes <3

  65. Google User

    Came here from the motorola ad

  66. Mates Be

    Absolutely awesome combination, great clip!!!!!!

  67. Malki770

    Loooove this!

  68. devr vr

    Me encanta esta canción !!!por favor alguien que me pueda traducir no le entiendo ni j pero me contagia mucho su ritmo

  69. Стоян Цска-ров

    love this music. i like pixelom.this veru coooool!!

  70. Yogilove


  71. 444ranger444

    fucking arabs

  72. MSG

    major lazer? :/

    עומר שרייבר

    MSG nah, bbb are batter

  73. Lior C

    מדהיםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם 146 מליון לא אלף

  74. mytrailofdisgrace

    What were the shooting locations?


    mytrailofdisgrace in israel, looks like Tel Aviv

    Sharon Benyamin

    by the factory in the background, im guessing Ramle. they also have a big Ethiopian comunity there.


    אל תגזימו בני דודים שלי גרים שמה ברמלה וזה ברמלה אני יודה אך נראת רמלה

    טספה אנדאייהו

    OFR Cohen. זה לא ברמלה חבר זה ביפו זה בדיוק איפה שאני גר

  76. Danixa Ramos

    Vengan a Chile!!!!!!

  77. Mariella Story

    Best band in the world

  78. ליאת גרנות דדון


  79. עומר שרייבר

    בזמנים של מוזיקה מזעזעת תמיד נחמד לדעת שיש את באלקן ביט בוקס שמביאים אלינו רק מוזיקה טובה.

  80. Conservative TLVian

    איפה זה צולם?

  81. Tzila Malka

    קליפ קצבי נפלא!!!! המשאית מדהימה!!!!

  82. Aviran Shahino

    Fuckin cooool

  83. Fatih Yilmaz

    OMG , WOOOOOW Amazing Song ;)

  84. Vanessa Chanes

    I love you guys! A hug from Brazil!

  85. ליאת גרנות דדון

    איזה שיר כיפי. מדליק לחלוטין.

  86. Jorge Gonzalez

    I need the roll in spotify!!

  87. MarQ

    Who else from motorola moto x4?

  88. טל שושן

    שיר פצצה , אהבתי שצילמתם ביפו ד' מתחת לבית

  89. Shay Zitzman

    שיר זוועה

  90. asi800195

    גדולים,ענקיים....זה מילים קטנות עליכם...פשוט אלופים ...

  91. Pop User

    פשוט מטורף כיף לשמוע אתכם אתם באמת גדולים!!Fuking greattt

  92. Tess Fingerstyle

    Big breasts!!

  93. Annhie GRiver

    Y de repente...Cae el primer comentario en español.:DBBB <3 come to Mexico Guys :3

    Freddy Turbina

    Annhie GRiver segundo comentario en Español! Y también de México!

    Annhie GRiver

    Freddy Turbina qué buenos gustos tienes ^^ Saludos

    Disturbing Memes

    1:15 Chingado wey... CHINGADO WEY !!

  94. oshik tubul

    יאללה דאע"ש....

  95. Mike Kiske

    Awesome, greetings from Brazil! \o/////

  96. גלעד רובין

    אלופים!! Respect!

  97. Tess Fingerstyle

    Form Moto X4 😃

  98. snir yeish

    גאון! פשוט גאון בצורה בינ"ל!

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