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Young Bego - North West

North West
: North West
: 2.68 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 63 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 44 İndirme
: 01-02-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Young Bego - North West )
  1. judetunes1

    trump is an IDIOT !!

  2. Choking Doberman

    It could be a big deal...It’s probably not, but it could be...

  3. Erik E

    Cummings what a joke send him to zoo

  4. Anne Wyatt

    Who would know the truth!!🤷‍♀️ my main issue here is he hates Trump and as his attorney what happened to attorney/ client privilege? Cullen is a pig 🐷 Would've had a bit of respect after prison if he had just shut up... but who know what the truth is from this 🐷 I'm sure his lawyer and the dems wrote his opening speech🤦‍♀️ and Trump had an affair, so what !!! Clinton more than had them then openly lied to the American people. This 🐷 Cullen shouldn't even been here. The dems are scratching at straws 🙄

  5. Pope Cody

    God, this guy is such a stooge.

  6. James Wilson

    The Very Idea ThatCohen Abused TheAttorney ClientPriveledges, thenViciously AssaultedVerbal AllegationsThen Spew Attempts Possibilities?WithoutFact, Lies No Merit. Mrs.Wilson(Quote..."If I were Pres.Trump,I Would Sue Cohen,Muellar, & Pelosi,Bidden, Schumer......I would Sue ThemDefamation. OfCharacter................!

  7. Stephen Davis

    Look at all these devils they can't even accept that their president is a racist and everything that he's accused of this devil's play ground which is america is what caused the world to be like what is is today, the destroyer of the world.

  8. Lennart Krantz

    This hearing shows that the USA is still a free nation. US and UK soldiers liberated Denmark from Hitlers hangmen and pushed out Stalin's robot-soldiers from the Danish island Bornholm. Mr. Cohen would have disappeared long ago in Mr. Putin's Russia or Mr. Xi's China.

  9. Christopher Sinquefield

    Nice video

  10. Tech 45

    NO Russia cuison,DEMS stop wasting tax payers money! And stop beating a dead hose in the ground :(

  11. Simo Galile

    Thank you Mr. Cohen for lecturing the coward Republicans and showing them what they really are.

  12. tree man

    Another one bites the dustAnother one bites the dustAnother one goneAnother one goneAnother one bites the dustHey, they're gonna get Trump too😁👍Another one bites the dustBadda boomp boomp boompBa doom doom doom doom doomp.....Badda boomp boomp boompBa doom doom doom doom doomp!!!!!!

  13. A Naam

    I had no idea the queen was there too (Ms. Pressly). No pressure.

  14. Latasha Roberts


  15. Latasha Roberts

    Y’all voted for Trump! All politicians lied. Trump is not a good liar. The World is weak, will entertain anything that tickles their ears

  16. Hilmon Stigler. Isaac jr

    L I e lie

  17. Hilmon Stigler. Isaac jr

    What,s the real name

  18. Brock Madigan

    1st Witness will be going to prison for lying to Congress. Swear em in !!! He has been thoroughly vetted by Mr. Schiff, obama FBI and RMueller.

  19. Oreo Jays

    2:53:20 WHERE ARE THE BOXES!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Intru Enze

    Interesting how Michael blows the trumpet

  21. Intru Enze


  22. Caleb Keane

    That low life from North Dakota is clearly just angry about someone saying anything negative about Trump, you can actually see his hand shaking. I'm really tired of partisan politics!

  23. excited box

    How did they miss that he said not all those hush money payments had were to women? Seems someone was sleeping with men too.

  24. Albert Elmore

    That closing statement from Cummings tho!

  25. toney ingram

    Kim and Putin are making a bigger damn fool out of trump and his brain dead people who love a evil lying devil like trump

  26. toney ingram

    Trump always been a Lowdown lying dog and will be lying the day satan come back for him and his people

  27. Oreo Jays

    honestly think the republicans are just reading off scripts 🤣

  28. Mel Zee

    Jim Jones was evil too and look what happened to those poor misguided souls. Now, looks like millions.

  29. D T

    Cohen is lier!

  30. Lennart Krantz

    It takes a thief to catch a thief. The republicans are wasting a lot of time telling us , the audience , how bad and dishonest Mr. Cohen is. We know that already. The republicans want a more decent and credible witness to question. Such nice people seldom have contacts in- or knowledge about the underworld. The entire Trump-investigation would come to a halt , if merely witnesses were questioned whom the republicans could appreciate , such as Mother Theresa or Mickey Mouse.

  31. metparker

    How do you run a government, like this. Why doesn't EVERYONE want to get to the bottom of these issues. It reminds me of the fall of Rome. Govern yourselves according.

  32. Mark Sanders

    If Trump was innocent he would not be calling Cohen a rat. When Trump calls Cohen a rat is he not admitting that he is guilty? An innocent person would not be responding that way

  33. MadakiNomaroishi

    I'm just here to get book deals - the end ,oh and I'm a Democrat 👌

  34. Rockinghorse Winner

    Dying, discredited (totally discredited at this point) MSM's last stand....

  35. Raoul Solarino

    The Republicans not only disgraced themselves in front of the country here but they proved beyond any question that they are complicit in the crimes of this president.Once Trump is crushed by the wheels of justice WE MUST NOT FORGET the traitors on this committee who sought to undermine our democracy.Jordan & Meadows, you are at the top of that list.

  36. Mark Sanders

    Trump is a liar and his corrupt. I hope he rots in prison...

  37. Sensible Observer

    There is a lot of "beating a dead horse" going on here.

  38. Carl

    7:11 you can defend someone all you want, when you use someone like you did it in the very least makes you a supporter of a racist.

  39. Carl

    All of these republicans speaking are traitors.

  40. joe harris

    i'd love to hear why it's so important to these republicans to have a guy from their team as POTUS. if he's a criminal why isn't that more important than their loyalties? can anyone recommend a video to me that would help me understand? please?

  41. Wendy Sue

    One will not be able to tell truth from lies. One can't tell what his motive for testifying is or for saying what he says. And when they had a chance to question a witness for Trump, Lynne Patton, who is known for her excellent character and accomplishments, they brushed her aside, called her a prop because she is black, and then said it was racist to bring a black witness, who knows Trump very well, to testify for Trump's character and show by her good charachter and opinion that he isn't a racist. See they won't allow anything else in the bubble of they're narrative. So they are all liars and this is much worse for the American people than anybody realizes. Because these lawmakers aren't using the law they are using the power their position gives them to destroy the law. And anybody who doesn't fit their ever changing narrative now is their target. They are lawless, operating under lawlessness and parading a lawless one about as their proof that others broke the law.

  42. travis barnhart

    everytime Replublicans time runs out during a question, Cohen shockingly "doesnt uunderstand the question" or "doesnt have an answer" hmmmm corruption

  43. Biobot One

    I don’t care if the presidents attorney general gets caught selling weapons to Mexican drug cartels, I’m still voting to re-elect him! Now what!?

  44. Carl

    @ 56:47 the bank copy of proof of a wire transfer to stormy Daniels according to Cohen is not at all what he says it is..Read the document...only proof there is that he withdrawed $131,000.....doesnt show a thing about what he did with that money...More lies from this idiot. Also @ 57:44 that check means nothing..You cant have a personal lawyer without paying them..Where is the proof of what this money was paid to him for..What a liar. @ 1:00:09 there is nothing at all illegal about that letter..This is what a lawyer is supposed to do.That was a legal document for the purpose of informing the school of the penal code..This man is just mad because he will be doing jail time, HE decided to lie under oath to our over sight committee and he wants to blame it on somebody,so why not Trump...Pathetic waste of air this man is..No wonder he got fired...Innocent until PROVEN guilty,remember that people.Zero proof Trump is guilty of anything..Mueller even knows this..Democrats will never learn.

  45. anneloc1

    I agree why are the reps not asking questions and just making speeches

  46. jayson biggs

    I get the impression that Rep. Jordan is trying to give the impression that he is smarter than he is. He comes across as a loud, arrogant knucklhead. Rep. Meadows appears to be smarter. Not a knucklehead. But definitely pompous and arrogant.

  47. Mandalyn Echols

    Republican are adding nothing of value... might as well save 3 hours and skip them.

  48. A Andrus

    "The days of this committee protecting the President at all costs are over." - Representative Elijah Cummings 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  49. Lariz Hector

    Michael Cohen, it don't matter if he came voluntarily, a liar is a lair and coming voluntarily;this is some old trick that many guilty people play.I can believe the short time that he going to be in jail; if it was one of us they will keep us in jail for ever? Also Mr.Cummings , He try to soften our ears with eloquent words, but He don't say nothing good about Our President, in fact he descriminate against The President.Wow! Democrats are terrify of President Donald Trump 2020. ( say no! to baby's killers) ( say no to socialism)RED on 2020.God bless the USA.

  50. Lilli Lizzy

    Dag! He's singing like Patti LaBelle.

  51. Fuck your reply.

    Jordan has to be the sorriest excuse for a man I have ever witnessed.

  52. iquanyin

    what, they are trying to charge him with more crimes to make him stop talking! nothing is too low for these R clowns. o.m.g.

  53. iquanyin

    man, two hours in and the republicans haven’t asked a single pertinent or helpful thing.

  54. iquanyin

    everything the republicans say about cohen is even more true about them

  55. iquanyin

    i love how the R asshats pretend that the people with the good on trump should be angels who would somehow know.

  56. iquanyin

    haha, the republicans are scared to ask any questions! because of what cohen might reveal. so they just spend time repeating their poster: liar liar pants on fire! 😂😂😂

  57. iquanyin

    debbie wasserman schultz helped rig the dem convention against bernie. had she not done that, bernie—the legitimate dem nominee and long thought by experienced people to be the ONLY one who could have beat trump—might have gone on to win and our country would be vastly better off. just wanted to remind folks of that bit of history. also, there would have been nothing for the russians to reveal.

  58. Cat Weasel

    We need more plumbers

  59. Stan Wilder

    Mr. Michael Cohen says that "Trump is Racist, Crooked, Dishonest and I agree he's just like Obama, Bush, Clinton" we thought that would make all the dems happy because that is what they have voted for over the p[ast 20 years.

  60. Luis G A

    Trumpf and these Republicans are all co-conspirators and Russian moles now... treason!

  61. Trichelle Vargas

    Well if trump didn't know a crook was working for and under him for 10 years, is he qualified to be president. He surrounded himself with these types of people but he had no involvement, no knowledge, and is surprised by all this? I find that hard to believe.

  62. Amanda V

    God, Rep. Jordan is a joke. Unprofessional and tacky. Ugh.

  63. El Profe Gomez

    These about us te people of the greatest country in the world. Congress is our reprensentative, but defending a crimal in office is not acceptable

  64. Cpt. Crunch

    1:50:00 "I have a color tv"

  65. Cpt. Crunch

    Looks like the "witch hunt" is working it's way to the whole coven.

  66. Cristina Cabral

    This is like Kabuki theater this is not going to age well for the republicans. The GOP you don't balance the budget, you don't care about health care, you have demonstrated to us what your position has been. You are all being paid by Putin

  67. muf

    Just skip the republicans parts, they yell stupidities just showing their mental disabilities. The relevant, important questions come from the democrats.

  68. Fredrick's Kitchen

    Michail cohen is just another democrat puppet.

  69. L. A.

    Michael Cohen committed crimes FOR TRUMP ! Gym Jordan and Racist Meadows are filth

  70. micky0000

    The way the republicans are behaving to defend their boss even tho it’s clearly how guilty he is , is the reason why humanity is gonna parish out of ignorance and corruption

  71. A A

    For some reason, I'd like to see a movie about this man's life.


    Did he say "liar liar your pants on fire?"

  73. islandslim ting

    How can the Republicans condemn Cohen when Trump paid him to commit all these federal crimes? How can you both justify and condemn an individual for engaging in the very same things ? The truth is they're all liars Michael Cohen, Trump, & committee members included.

  74. islandslim ting

    Starts at 21:00 ... You're welcome 😊

    Amanda V

    Damn, I wish I saw this comment earlier hahahahah

  75. Babe

    Mr Rory you mention the Americans are more concerned with the things going on near or at the border.. you failed to mention the two green beret soldiers that were caught smuggling cocaine inside the US... so stop it with the border wall speech.. The American people know the POTUS IS CROOKED! #impeachment #Impeach

  76. Josue2018

    testimony isn't delivering any real' damage to Trump. nothing particularly revelatory. testimony is pretty underwhelming.

  77. Carl

    Notice his head shaking when Mr. Jordan was trying to make it sound as if all his crimes were committed for himself lol.

  78. docoluv9

    So it's ok that all the treasonous acts that came from the emails happened just don't steal the emails. Lol completely rediculous

  79. docoluv9

    4:15 wiki leaks hacked. Ummm so they did so is it Russia or then can't be both. BTW want any hacking was Seth rich that obsconded with the stolen info. That's why he was murdered. Kim. Com explained it.

  80. Ronnel Vickers

    As much as I like Jim Jordan ,I wish he could have went deeper into hammering this pos ,missing the bulldog who jumped out for no reason ,Chavez, and Hillary smoker Trey howdy ,missing these people !!!!

  81. Rob Holly

    AOC asked questions like a pro

  82. red russo

    Americans are so lazy and stupid you love car salesman that smile to your face and tell you emotional BS that makes you excited. Facts don't mean anything because Americans don't know what a fact is you guys love this Cohen guy who lies to your face. Trump continuously works for this country and does things no other president has ever done and now you all want to live in Soviet Russia the place that we came from to get away from socialist you're all idiots

  83. Gerald Slonaker

    Cohen's closing remarks at around 7 hrs and 19 min sounds like they were written for him by CNN or MSNBC LOL

  84. Ralph

    Melania, take your son and head off to Transylvania or wherever it is you and your chain immigration parents came from. Time to move on.


    Anunaki T. Nah fr is she even doing anything as first lady? I have no idea I know Michelle Obama was doing a health kick when Obama was pres. You know lmao

  85. Pickle rick!!

    Libtard alert! I'm sorry making fun of people with mental handicaps is just wrong and gets Dems butts hurting.redacted

  86. Roberta Hubert

    As bad as Cohen is he is an innocent compared to Trump. He is going to prison for his crimes but Trump remains the President of the United States.???how is this possible???

    Priyesh Soni

    The us is a dictatorship. The us presidency is now as powerful of the monarchy of George III. Infact the size and scope of a modern bureaucracy and technology make the presidency a dictatorship

    Lennart Krantz

    As a Dane I wonder too.


    Priyesh Soni checks and balances?

    D Vance55

    I agree, how does someone's lawyer goto prison for lying yet the man he represented and lied for is not in prison. Something is a miss

  87. Roberta Hubert

    6:49:11 a black man was removed by the police?? I'm just wondering why??

  88. Sea shadowbanned N.Christopher

    HAHAHAHAHAHA... the bigots on the Left are so desperate.....So sick of socialist democrat propaganda....”PROVING POSSIBLE....blah.”..HAHAHAHAH

  89. Christina Mueller

    Why in the world would anybody not want to hear the truth about a sitting president?

  90. Mac A.

    4:27:45 Interesting... when Mr. Steube asked Cohen about proof of the purpose of the payment, Cohen says "Mr. Trump doesn't text message"... but then at 7:03:09, Cohen says Mr. Trump texted him to find the straw bidder... hmm.

    Bethany H

    "Tasked" him with finding the bidder - not texted.

  91. Yaneen Fedrick

    The president is guilty

  92. Serge Sauvé

    This is awful. Republicans asking the same damn question 20 times bashing the guy on personal topics. Not asking pertinent questions concerning the fraud that Trump is. Pathethic guys... Did Trump use funds thrue his trust to pay prostitutes ? YES. Did Trump knew about the Russian deal ? YES. Did trump falsify documents in order to pay less tax ? YES. Is Trump a liar ? YES. And on and on...A real crook.

  93. Ragnarok

    Debbie was helping Hillary cheat in the election and she was forced to step down, funny how she wants to talk about trump cheating when she’s no better.

  94. Gideon

    what. a. joke.

  95. J S

    I love how the Republicans bring up Mr. Cohen's ethics while defending one of the most unethical people I've ever seen, I also love how Mr. Jordan brings up the Dems using a play book as he reads from a script

  96. Sophie Peraaud


  97. Sword Breaker

    Just another leftist farce, debunked almost before the video finished uploading.

  98. B B

    Imagine wanting to invoke the 25th on a totally insane destructive POTUS! Oh yeah...let's do it!!

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