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Wiz Khalifa - Black And Yellow

Black And Yellow
: Black And Yellow
: 3.53 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 105 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 69 İndirme
: 09-12-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Wiz Khalifa - Black And Yellow )
  1. Owen Kowalkowski

    Only true pittsburghers know

  2. Nikolaus _348

    Who views this randomly in 2019p

  3. Alisi Seru

    This song was the best back in the day ❤️ no cap

  4. Alisi Seru

    This song was the best back in the day ❤️

  5. PatPat Phoenix


  6. Jose Jose

    I haven’t seen this video

  7. K Ahmed

    You know what it is!! Lmao!!

  8. VERTØ

    go to the 420 M views 😂

  9. Bethel Girma

    I wonder what bees think of this song 😂🤔

  10. gaussminigun

    i just came for my daily dose

  11. Jason Isima

    2020 who's here 👀🔥🔥🔥🔥

  12. Alex Sabo Thomas

    There's a slideshow on YouTube about school buses and they used this song.


    This is the better version of the song

  14. Love All

    I think about this song whenever I see my ex-girlfriend's teeth.

  15. Chris Kenedi

    This still goes hard af 🔥🔥 Never gets old

  16. Martyna Kujawska

    Poland hellloooo 👄🇵🇱🤞

  17. ImDrewDawg Sniff

    This was my childhood anthem!😂

  18. dragon ball armys

    Swag 2:47

  19. 2K AllDay

    Just released a sick Trailer on my channel. Plz check it out boys!!! Thanks

  20. James Lee

    wiz never been the same after this. TGOD WHERE YOU AT?

  21. Bastian Scheidl

    The best song for motivation👍👍

  22. Faisal

    My Haryanvi pal showed me this and I do not regret.

  23. Hilaire Legend

    This is his best song Anybody agree hits the like button


    It's 2019, nine years later and this song is still a legend🐐👑🐐

  25. ItzPatatouille

    love this

  26. Elijah Gresham

    My go to Basketball song

  27. Bank Pat'ya

    I Thailand like you Wiz khalifa

  28. mark schwind

    Does anybody else miss fast and furious

  29. SoundwaveAU

    Green and Purple is better. Kritikal goes harder.

  30. Potato Guy

    your teeth be like

  31. SC_ MB12

    Screw off

  32. SC_ MB12

    Love your music

  33. Tee Tao

    I’m here after mason Rudolph got fucked by Myles Garett.. fuck the brown let’s go Steelers

  34. Anthony Oros

    This came out when I was in 8th grade.. wow how time flies

  35. Donald Trump

    Who else want this song to blow up again?

  36. Dan Reese

    I’ve always loved this song but still fuck the Steelers

  37. Jerard Perry

    shot out bros

  38. Alexander Henriguez

    Yo i did and smoking a phat bowl in the Bong 😎💨

  39. Nathan Mohr

    Pittsburgh Steelers after six super bowl wins

  40. Nathan Mohr

    Who else think the background music is lit

  41. NoRisK NoFuN


  42. Little Gaga

    pittsBURGH lets goooOoOo

  43. R kelly

    2020 anyone??

  44. Izzy wigga

    This makes me feel so old i was 6 when this came out i had no care in the world, now i am fifthteen and i have got GCSE mocks in less than 4 weeks.

    Moses Lupai

    Old? 15? You still a baby lol. Still have a long way.

  45. Kroto Zoa

    1month until a decade to have been passed this song came out

  46. Belinda Jackson

    I really like your song wis kailefa


    tanki online..... Black and yellow.... 2012

  48. Elegant rose

    So love this song ❤but where's the black and yellow 🚗

  49. Kashyap Chonekar

    What is it?!

  50. Thiyagesh Waran

    Bees🐝- i got you bruhhh

  51. GamingStriker

    Am I the only white boy here 🙋🏻‍♂️

  52. 6xshazammx9

    That’s blonde stripe on his hair hit the streets harder than crack cocaine in the 90s

  53. Cooper Thomas

    Who’s in here before 2020!

  54. Miguel Cervantes

    Red and gold ❤️💛

  55. Princess Amy Rose

    Who’s here from the LEGO Batman Movie?

  56. Ghostshooter 47

    Who is here in No Nut November 2019?😂👍

    The Man in The Yellow Hat

    I failed 😔😂

  57. camsteelfan 261

    My Most Favorite Song Ever. Go Steelers!!🏈

  58. Shant Ebrahimi

    Almost 2020 boys, who’s still fucking this?

  59. specter290

    american cars.... meh.

  60. Manny HaKeem

    #HereWeGo #Steelers4Life #MannyHaKeem

  61. Elite Terry

    Black and white

  62. Anastasiya McCool

    High school days 🙃🙃

  63. djunior 1825

    #Taylor Gang ... N ... This Bih ... Let's Get It Family ... #SOL ... #Pittsburgh ... 11/12/19. 💌✌💪

  64. - Subaru -

    Wonder what happened to that *black and yellow* challenger

  65. Carrie Satterly

    Boyle county

  66. Matthias Asmelash

    ya know hat i noticed?? Why are there like no compliments about the song? All songs people trying to get likes like>Q

  67. Maciana

    Lego Batman <3

  68. Yogie Vengeance

    G - mix more better

  69. Brittny Please


  70. 360 Cam

    2020 anybody 😭⁉️

  71. Blake Brickner

    i love this song

  72. Hunter Brosnan

    One of my favorite songs of him tgod

  73. Ronaldo Cesar


  74. Naihla Douangsavanh

    Remember this song lol

  75. Rachel Watson

    The Hufflepuff song

  76. Ian Finegan

    I’m from Baltimore and I’m a ravens fan But I love this song

  77. sprint32m

    Who here after we got Minkah Fitzpatrick and he started popping off

  78. Shawn O'Brien

    I like black and yellow it the best song ever made to me because I sang the song at my school

  79. giden

    (; • •;)(;• • ;)( ; - ; )

  80. I Need A Name

    Lets go Steelers!

  81. Български Компилации

    I love this song and I still listen to it even it is 2019


    Оооо БГ

    Български Компилации


  82. Maciej Osuch

    Am I the only one who when hear this song want to watch Fast and Furious again?

  83. Frantz

    2:04 Here is why he is famous.

  84. ASMR Alfie

    God, i remember when this song was popular. I was in year 1 god now I’m in year 7 wow 😮

  85. treez

    this man looks like ryder

  86. Bronwyn Fenty

    The time a new era was created🔥

  87. 松尾繁藤

    You know what it isお前は何かわかってるBlack and yellow, black and yellow黒と黄色、黒と黄色Black and yellow, black and yellow黒と黄色、黒と黄色You know what it isお前は何かわかってるBlack and yellow, black and yellow黒と黄色、黒と黄色Black and yellow, black and yellow黒と黄色、黒と黄色You know what it isお前は何かわかってるEverything I do, I do it big俺はやる事は全部、デカいScreaming thats nothin悲鳴をあげてもしょうがないWhen I pulled out of the lot, thats nothin運命(地元)から抜け出してもしょうがないReppin my town when you see me you know everything俺の町を誇りに思う、俺を見たら、すべてがわかるBlack and yellow, black and yellow黒と黄色、黒と黄色Black and yellow, black and yellow黒と黄色、黒と黄色I put it down from my whip to my diamondsムチで打たれるライフからダイヤモンドライフに落ち着いたBlack and yellow, black and yellow黒と黄色、黒と黄色Black and yellow, black and yellow黒と黄色、黒と黄色Black stripe, yellow paint黒のしま模様、黄色のペイントThe niggas scared of it but them ho's ain't奴らはそれを怖がる、だが、女達は違うSoon as I hit the club look at them ho's face俺がクラブを来たらすぐ、女達の顔を見てみろPut the pedal once make the floor shake1度ペダルを踏むと、フロアを揺らすSuede inside, engine roaringスエード革(高級品=いい女)がいるぞ、エンジンが唸る(胸が高鳴る)It’s the big boy you know what I pay for it大人はわかるよな、何を支払うかAnd I got the pedal to the metal俺はペダルをピカピカにしたGot you niggas checking game I’m balling out on every level奴らはゲームをチェック(暇してる様)、俺はどんなレベルだろうと全力Hear them haters talk but there’s nothing you can tell em奴らの愚痴話を聞いても、奴らが彼女達に言える事は何もない(お金がないんだろ???)Just made a million, got another million on my schedule今、100万稼いだ、また違う100万作る予定ができたNo love for em nigga breaking hearts奴らの為の愛はない(女をゲット出来ない)、奴らは失恋するNo keys, push to startスタートボタンを押す鍵はないYou know what it isお前は何かわかってるEverything I do, I do it big俺はやる事は全部、デカいScreaming thats nothin悲鳴をあげてもしょうがないwhen I pulled out of the lot, thats nothin運命(地元)から抜け出してもしょうがないreppin my town when you see me you know everything俺の町を誇りに思う、俺を見たら、すべてがわかるBlack and yellow, black and yellow黒と黄色、黒と黄色Black and yellow, black and yellow黒と黄色、黒と黄色I put it down from my whip to my diamondsムチで打たれるライフからダイヤモンドライフに落ち着いたBlack and yellow, black and yellow黒と黄色、黒と黄色Black and yellow, black and yellow黒と黄色、黒と黄色Got a call from my jeweler this just inちょうど、俺の宝石商から電話があったand bitches love me cuz Im fucking with their best friendsビッチは俺を愛す、なぜなら、俺は彼女達が思う最高の友達(ダイア)と一緒にいるからnot a lesbian but she a freak thoughレズビアンじゃないにしても彼女は変わってる(ダイヤ好き)this ain't for one night I’m shining all week hoe一晩だけじゃなく、俺は一週間中、輝いているI’m sippin clicquot and rocking yellow diamondsクリコ(ワイン名)を飲んで、黄色いダイヤモンドをロックするso many rocks up in my watch I can’t tell what the time is俺の時計はとても多くのダイヤモンドが埋め込まれて、何時だか分からないgot a pocket full of big facesデカイ顔で、ポケットをいっぱいにしてthrow it up cuz every nigga that I’m with tailored俺がオーダーメイドすると、奴らはみんな、投げ出してしまうYou know what it isお前は何かわかってるEverything I do, I do it big俺はやる事は全部、デカいScreaming thats nothin悲鳴をあげてもしょうがないwhen I pulled out of the lot, thats nothin運命(地元)から抜け出してもしょうがないreppin my town when you see me you know everything俺の町を誇りに思う、俺を見たら、すべてがわかるBlack and yellow, black and yellow黒と黄色、黒と黄色Black and yellow, black and yellow黒と黄色、黒と黄色I put it down from my whip to my diamondsムチで打たれるライフからダイヤモンドライフに落ち着いたBlack and yellow, black and yellow黒と黄色、黒と黄色Black and yellow, black and yellow黒と黄色、黒と黄色You know what it isお前は何かわかってるEverything I do, I do it big俺はやる事は全部、デカいScreaming thats nothin悲鳴をあげてもしょうがないwhen I pulled out of the lot, thats nothin運命(地元)から抜け出してもしょうがないreppin my town when you see me you know everything俺の町を誇りに思う、俺を見たら、すべてがわかるBlack and yellow, black and yellow黒と黄色、黒と黄色Black and yellow, black and yellow黒と黄色、黒と黄色I put it down from my whip to my diamondsムチで打たれるライフからダイヤモンドライフに落ち着いたBlack and yellow, black and yellow黒と黄色、黒と黄色Black and yellow, black and yellow黒と黄色、黒と黄色

  88. back to future


  89. Alex Martin Gulf City Overwatch

    Can we still get some love for that plate of bacon and eggs???

  90. Sadio Mané



    I just now remmber this song i used to hear this song on the radio

  92. Neza

    Jedzie dzielnicowy chuj mu w dupe chuj mu w dupe

  93. X_csn

    This song gives me a taste of real music Everything is just mumble rap with tons of swearing and inappropriate music videos

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