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Whigfield - Sexy Eyes

Sexy Eyes
: Sexy Eyes
: 3.74 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 64 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 47 İndirme
: 03-03-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Whigfield - Sexy Eyes )
  1. Naddyx

    Wigfield ist polish

  2. Dressa Cardoso

    Hahh meus 14 anos 😌💭🎶

  3. Elton Laleham

    I think this song is super but the 90s was by and large a crap decade


    fez parte da minha infância

  5. tkhnzvnrv

    Классные раньше песни были весёлые и радостные

  6. Дмитрий Краснопольский

    Excellent 👍

  7. Shirlei Sosa

    E o piersing da WIGFIELD..

  8. All in one!

    what is the name of the model

  9. Entertainment4all

    2019 she's so sexy really

  10. Juan Sanchez

    Ojos sexys😎😎😎

  11. Yokei986

    0:47 meow

  12. Mitesh bhandari

    I still love them all... Lots of memories...!!

  13. Maleficent Dirms

    I am feeling so emotional... Makes me recall my childhood days

  14. marco vicente

    Gostei dessa ,por ter levantado o meu astral!

  15. mak13612


  16. vayuice

    Searching for long . Remember from child hood. The song famous in 90'S along with saiyonee.

  17. Sanjay Kumar

    watching in 2019??

  18. Eduardo Moreira

    Alguém em 2019? Vou ouvir por toda minha vida.😎

  19. Miranda Stigsen

    Here in 2019 but feels like 90s

  20. Nikka 1

    BR noventistas 2019, kd vcs??

  21. Rahul Jain

    with love in millanials !!

  22. Janine T.

    Listening in 2019

  23. Joe Koech

    Anyone listening to it in 2019?

  24. Angela Silva

    2019 ✌😍

  25. Dani de Janeiro

    Why is she kissing that gay sailor?

  26. sanju imam

    Refreshing ....

  27. Scuba Steve

    This song was a hit at my teen town dance back in 2002

  28. moonmist9

    Ah Italia!

  29. Rockstarfrom1989

    I can remember that much people said the 90's were a bad era for pop music.If you listen to it now you can't deny that it was one of the best era's of pop music

  30. Kevin Perez

    Que recuerdos.. esto es musica

  31. Павел Митин


  32. carolina gc

    Ritmo muy chevere pero letra en español si simple...

  33. Alessandra Brt

    Portovenere wow che posti ...dove vivo 😍🤩

  34. canzone57

    5 terre, Portovenere e La Spezia centro.. per chi non lo sapesse !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. Neeraj Rawat

    2018 🤘

  36. Daniel Santos

    2018 alguém

  37. Joselita Ferreira

    Show dez n tem outra igual amo todas musicas dela uau vou dança e lenbra os velhos tenpo q n volta mais e n tem musicas mas,como antigamente♡☆☆☆☆2018

    Theitalodisco boy

    Els dublava à voz da outra cantora. Ann Lee

  38. Selviney Pereira

    minha diva

  39. cheryllyne Sheryl

    Ilove this song

  40. Alex Jaen

    Esto es música no la vulgaridad del reggaeton, que regrese la época de los 90s

  41. Miguel Music AJW

    ann lee voice :)

  42. Aquisamac Tavares Carvalho Carvalho

    Show essa música

  43. Vladimir Madariaga

    Temazo salxdos de Chile idola por siempre

  44. esteban mrro

    mis mejores años, buenos recuerdos se me vienen a la mente gracias....

  45. Yasmine M

    My cousins and I used to jump around the house dancing to this back in the day, this song holds so many good memories <3

  46. Roberto Corrêa

    Meu primeiro CD! Eu nem tinha onde tocá-lo ,mas comprei por gostar de dance music. Minha mãe perguntava onde eu ia escutar se nós ainda não tínhamos onde reproduzir 😂😂😂😂😂😂Whigfield foi um ícone dos anos 90 (1995)

  47. apog 1989


  48. Sebastián Sanchez Sandoval

    Epoca del techno 90's

  49. Englishman In England

    Just add Saturday night with the music. Bloody awful.Dem geezers look like shirt l*fters.

  50. Vladimir Madariaga

    Temazo salxdos de Chile besos a esta Diosa

  51. Mizz Nixx

    Childhood memories! 🎶🎧🎶

  52. Doug 94

    BR 2018 ??

    Gih Zmann

    Doug 94 🙋

    Doug 94

    Inscrito no seu canal ✌😊

  53. Miguel Dos Santos

    Adoro esta musica

  54. Maurotempus Dkr

    What beautifull girl y que hermosa voz ka esencia de la miusic

    Theitalodisco boy

    A' voz nao dela. Ela dulava.Ann Lee è a cantora

  55. Gabriel Victor

    Aoooo sentimento de nostalgia forte ! Meus pais ouviam essa música sempre quando eu era menor. Poxa,que legal essa música,uma pena que hoje em dia não criam mais músicas desse tipo ;/

  56. museman007

    Anyone else listening in 2024?



  58. Arthur Fortes


  59. steve humphries

    i was called sexy eyes by someone in my youth my loss x

  60. Sam Sahoo

    Anyone listening to it in 2018?

    Dani de Janeiro

    It's already 2019 amigo

    Jamie Pritchard

    Trying not to... 😖

  61. Wabum Social Dating

    hey registrati gratis su è carino ❤

  62. Richard Upton

    i saw her a few days ago at the new years eve thing at berin brandenberg gate, she looks stunning.

  63. miss snowrose

    My first ever CD haha 💜 when i was 6 & on chemo 💜

  64. Margot Godoy Muñoz

    Lo mejor de mi epoca heeesexy eyes heeee

  65. Margot Godoy Muñoz

    My frien idola

  66. Maurotempus Dkr

    Hermosa canción viejos recuerdos de los 90 no pasara de moda en un buen gusto y energía que nos da la musica

  67. Nonato Mendes

    Então vc se diz Old

  68. Coronel Lacerda

    São os olhos da minha gatinha!

  69. Dan Frost

    So tragic it's almost a masterpiece...

  70. Jose Colmenares

    Tengo 32 años, esta vaina me acuerda a las "experiencias Belmont" como era menor de edad y me rebotaban veía la rumba desde al apto de un pana ; muy buenos recuerdos

  71. Hägen Mund

    Old times.

  72. Francisco Javier

    Que bonita canción que buen ritmo.

  73. Felipe Silva Silva

    tempos bons que não voltam mais !!!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😆😆😆😆😆😢😢😢😢😢

  74. Ni Ka

    Trés" sympa", really positiv. So don´t let all those here excluded boring guys bring you down girls!

  75. Vladi Azevedo

    anos 90, minha adolescência

  76. y Dhani

    A very good song love it 💃👍🏻😘🙂

  77. Anita Santos

    Love this song! 😍😍😍

  78. Theitalodisco boy

    Annerley Gordon on vocals <3

    Theitalodisco boy

    Ultra Nasty This song came out in 1995 and the autotune in 1997 that's not the case ahahaha.. lol anyway you can recognize Annerley's voice (Whigfield) also in the single entiled: " Annerley Gordon - Donna". ;)

    Theitalodisco boy

    Ultra Nasty That's Sannie Carlson singing over the playback "Saturday Night" in 1995 and you can notice that her voice is completely different than the recordings!

    Paul K

    Yes, Annerley has an very strong English accent.

  79. Cidineia. Silva

    amo essa música

    Ron Kalishoek

    Cidineia. Silva Puta

    Afonso Santana

    É demais,mesmo!

    User TV

    *_Ron Kalishoek revolta alert!!!_*

    Rene Fuentes Larrea

    Es bella

  80. Jac M

    lol @ the cat

  81. Abdus Samad

    i cant belive i m still lictening to this songs, thanks you tube. hope this songs will stay forever.



  83. Violet Shadow

    just be a kid again xD

  84. Selina

    I don't miss the greasy guys of the 90s but I do miss the carefree fun of the women in the videos. Now it's all about being so sexy it's just not fun

  85. henry kurgat

    it reminds me of the years back when I use to write lyrics In an excise book. there was no memory cards

  86. Ligia Medeiros

    nossa isso sim é musica ...

  87. Luis Paulo

    Adoro está música marcou minha infância. A lembro da vontade de chorar, não é igual estas merdas de hoje, onde será anda esta cantora. ♥♥♥♥♥


    Luis Paulo Ela nao é a cantora real! À vocalista original é Annerley Gordon

    Theitalodisco boy

    Annerley Gordon voz

  88. Tomas Hlavacek

    Gold 90''

  89. Janaina Lima Dias

    nossa que saudades dos passinhos !!!!

  90. Lincoln Derjon

    ah anos 90...saudades

  91. Marcelo Júnior Alves de Sousa Alves De Sousa

    anos noventa arrebentou

  92. Marcelo Júnior Alves de Sousa Alves De Sousa

    anos 90 só o ouro

  93. David Moller

    s bit gay

  94. Minus Zero

    2017, watching.. <3

  95. Lawrence Newman

    Look at this video, then look at Starships with Nicki Trannyaj. One is civilised, one is pure degeneracy. Can you guess which is which?

  96. Josephkore


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