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Wardruna - Helvegen

: Helvegen
: 6.57 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 84 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 71 İndirme
: 24-09-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Wardruna - Helvegen )
  1. Max Hoff

    "You will be free from the bonds that bind you!"I just love that Line. I'm sure we all have our own ideas what that means, but i love the literal sense.

  2. Diocletian

    Come to California!

  3. rudyardcatling politically incorrect games

    they put someone on my path today with the same name

  4. Azhureus

    We need studio vesrion and on Spotify, can you do that guys ?

  5. Elbanano

    My soul got lifted there

  6. CanOwhuppass

    For Jonathan & Towe. Together again. Rest in peace. Life was unfair to you both. No more burdens, suffering or pain now.

  7. Bruce Lingen

    tears at the first sound of her voice..!

  8. Justin Luckett

    This song wouldn't be nearly as good without Aurora!

  9. Adriano Ivo Bisconti

    Fuckin amazing!

  10. Natascha K


  11. Kelly Cookson

    More collaboration between Aurora and Wardruna, please.

  12. The One

    Coming home!

  13. Lowry

    Is this an original viking song?


    No. There is no such thing as an original viking song.

  14. weisthor0815

    hail to all my germanic brothers and sisters around the globe!

  15. Steel Standing


  16. Amber Sather

    I dont even know what is being said but I have tears in my eyes for some reason listening to this. Beautiful

  17. Ute Stadler

    Die Norwegischen, Isländischen Songs Spitze,bin 66 Jahre und höre sie gerne!

  18. John Wallis

    compelling piece of music!

  19. Nayahu

    Wardruna is simply a masterpiece. Einar is a true bard.

  20. Mariela Casanova


  21. Hugo Vasques

    🇵🇹 de Portugal : Linda música! Uma harmonia em espécie de Fado nórdico. Talvez uma canção de batalha? Há vários tipos de batalha. Qual é a tua? Abraços a esse povo guerreiro, do norte.

  22. Widi LP

    best song on youtube. ah sorry, i mean on the planet!!!!

  23. Kheireddine Rekhrou

    i miss this feeling of sorrow and joy at the same time

  24. krishunt23

    Fuck yeah. Scull

  25. new opethyou


  26. Kinga Kowal Soundchild

    Dedicated to my Dearest Mum <3

  27. kpeecee

    I've uploaded a new video live from Manchester's Albert Hall 05.11.19..............aurora live kpeecee

  28. alnaru 33

    Soo guys how can i learn this language and what it's call?

    alnaru 33

    @Petr Včelák i think yeah but u know sometimes u find alot of language in one place

    alnaru 33

    @vidarmedl ok thank u


    @vidarmedl New Norwegian, nynorsk is not the same thing as old norse. This is nynorsk (wich is Norwegian), exept from the last spoken part, wich is old norse.


    @TMR Of course I know, I am Norwegian, and the part from Håvamål is old norse. But some of the words in the song seemed to be more like old norse than new norwegian.



  29. Giuseppe RSA

    The Goddesses and Gods of Old still walk and exist amongst Us all

  30. Royality

    624 christians listenes to this 🙌

  31. Ernes

    This sounds really really nice. I like

  32. Aram Kurdo

    Decoration is Good but i prefer 2012 Concert is more Epic!

  33. Francesco Colarusso

    Un Capolavoro. Bellissima. From Italy

  34. JoelMarcosSM1580

    Cuando escucho está canció traslada hacia colinas hermosas cerca del océano veo animales y también una selva en llamas llena de sombras y en lo alto una luz y un gran palacio hermoso....yo diria el templo entre el cielo y la tierra...muy hermoso...aunque yo soy del Amazonas originario guerrero que lucha con el jaguar ... puedo ver las colinas del norte ....y entrante en un lobo..y recorrer esas hermosura de tierras...saludos hermanos de la madre tierra que nos está gritando que nos Salvemos de nosotros mismos ...ella se regenerarà la humanidad no creo....

  35. Kathleen McKay

    Thank you, love from New Zealand xx

  36. Rufus Jackson


  37. Yvanov Le Tumelinov

    Juste sublime.

  38. Nephilim1977

    2 weeks from now in Utrecht... I'm there (again).

  39. blue spider

    Aurora looks like a fairy so cute!

  40. Дневник рыбака в Швеции


  41. Retro Hipster

    That man's voice is crazy powerful..

  42. Mehdi Bakkioui

    Wonderful omg !!!

  43. Ashir Naeem

    This is the best clip of helvegen like if I agree 👍

  44. key GR

    Me encanta!

  45. Jorge Castillo

    Viva Ragnar!

  46. RandomQuestion

    I recommend heilung for those that like this kind of music.

  47. 13mollydog

    Soul stirring stuff.

  48. Valeck Verden

    This will be played when i pass to other

  49. theyrenihilists

    It must be nice to have a culture.

  50. Irishgal333

    4:46 gives me shivers. This duo is everything, can't stop replaying it!

  51. CaptnEvil Stomper

    are you singing in Elder Futhark?

  52. Abraham Jamc

    Wooow! Woow! amo esta música, espiritual, resonante, bravísima, no se que lengua es, pero est intensa😮

  53. General Aladeen

    Ok, now i'll go and finish the Skyrim for the 251958715rd time.

  54. Christliches TERRA NOSTRUM

    Das Weib sollte ihre Haare bis zum Po reichen

  55. Aurélie Ohl

    totaly in love

  56. Enlightened Dystopian

    Me: enjoying the musicNorwegians: "lOoK aT oUr CuLtUrE"I don't have a problem with it, I just think they're reading way too much into it. It's music, it's a story, not a nationalistic uprising

    Ian Howard

    How boring would it be to be all the same?I love the culture and the show they put on with it

    Leo D

    Hm... so it's wrong to be proud om my culture? And it's not yet a nationalisttisc uprising... YET!!!

  57. Jesse Earles

    I want this played at my funeral.

  58. x' G.

    A death song you would play as your body is burned at your funeral. After that every body gets drunk.

  59. براہمداغ

    Kven skal syngje meg ————————————— Who shall sing meIn Pakistan Kon means who. Probably same root as Kven.Me/meg is maen.

  60. magnus476

    Gamla Norsk

  61. Ernie Murguia

    As soon as the music I got that vibe deep in my soul.Gonna have to take a "trip" to this.heh.

  62. MediterraneanBlood

    All hail king Ragnar.

  63. Pierre Berthy

    Anyone could spare some artist that do same kind of songs?

  64. 7135mirto

    (+) A M A Z I N G (+)

  65. Argovar Argo

    so cute

  66. Lotta Larsson

    Nu är det allhelgona, då vi hedrar och sörjer våra döda. Tack för detta. This is all hallows eve/day, when we honour and grieve for our dead. Thank you for this.

  67. J BIRD

    This version should be on iTunes.

  68. kpeecee

    What music does to you 3:28

  69. Jason Cowley

    Can you hear that?That's the sound of our ancestors.Calling us all.Back home.

  70. Bryce Hagen


  71. Aneta Šrajerová

    Neskutečné mám husí kůži, miluju to ❤

  72. Vtwin Gaming Kimico52

    she is perfect for this song

  73. Roger Marks

    I would 100% slip into a trance if I was that drummer.

  74. Özgür Karamanoğlu


    traust birazcık epik kalıyor sanki bunun yanında

    Özgür Karamanoğlu

    @Skjaldmø haklisin, hepsi bir birinden Güzel ama

    Özgür Karamanoğlu've tabi ki

  75. Becky White

    I have only just heard this song I love how haunting it is

  76. Randy Rowe

    Anyone else think this live version is even better than the already awesome studio version?

  77. SuperSaiyanRose' Lilian Beat

    3 singers but only 2 get shown the most. very disrespectful to the other female singer.

    Leo D

    5 singers.. quite normal to focus on Einar the leader of Wardruna and Aurora who was invited as a guest singer.

  78. Tiffany Alexandria

    WOw, Aurora is like Vanir Gods and Wardumdra are the Aesir

  79. steve66em1

    Absolutely exquisite, mind blowing beauty in this music. Glorious.

  80. hail2redskins1

    I wanna be viking

  81. Justin Fournier

    I need to buy this version and add it to my library.

  82. Phil


  83. Videomama1972

    Stupendous version.....tack so mycket!

  84. SidMachinery

    Can we somehow squeeze Sigur Ros into this combo and make a whole album+live show please? °-°

  85. Foxtrot Hotel

    I'm doing a culture & heritage course in Ireland at the minute we're balls deep in the vikings. It's amazing. We're getting a viking warrior skeleton back in the next few weeks. I think it would be cheeky but appropriate to have little sip over him

  86. Maksym Likhoy

    Uchi biboran. Shue, ppsh!

  87. Mario Eggenmueller

    Gänsehaut pur......würde ich so gerne mal live sehen, hören, fühlen...

    Dilateyourmind D

    Same here, I just found out Wardruna is playing in my home town soon but its sold out 😞

  88. Keith Becknell

    Please come to America and tour! PLEASE!!!

  89. Simon Tide

    Vikings did some pretty messed up stuffs. Doesn't mean their children should be ashamed & abandon their ancestors culture. Then again, every human race & human beings made terrible mistakes. We should learn from mistakes & be a better human beings. So to my Vikings, show the world that you're the greatest vikings ever known of in the history of mankind.

  90. Дневник рыбака в Швеции


  91. trumpet love

    Wardruna and The HU are the best

  92. Lexi Hacker

    I’ve always been drawn to folk music, especially Gaelic and Nordic. It makes me feel like I’ve I’m back in time and like there is some time of magic in the air. I took a dna test a while back and I’m half Scottish and general Northern Europe with a little bit of Native American and African sprinkled in. I don’t claim any culture besides American because I was not brought up in that culture, but I do my best to preserve and learn as much as I can; I’m majoring in history and hopefully after law school I’ll get my doctorate in history. Sounds super stupid but I’ve always wanted to be one of those historians they feature on the history channel. I’ve always looked up to the people that care enough about our pasts to correct people who are wrong about it, or at least wrong about what we currently know.Wardruna is my guilty pleasure and by that I mean I make all my friends listen to them in the car haha

    Jason Cowley

    There's a little Viking in all of us.

  93. Kent Fristad

    så fucking fantastisk bra BIG LOVE

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