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Two Feet - You Say

You Say
: You Say
: 2.43 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 75 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 57 İndirme
: 19-11-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Two Feet - You Say )
  1. K- POBRE


  2. M a l e e b ♡

    se me enchina la piel con sus canciones, love it!!❤️

  3. Duru Geyik


  4. Her Life

    More more more please

  5. lavinia Tănase

    Omg! This song make 1 year when he was put on youtube.p.s im romanian and i like to listen this song.

  6. Sarah Elizabeth

    this sounds how an orgasm feels

  7. Yasmin Bispo

    fuk me up 💦

  8. Manuelx_ :l

    Amo esta canción.

  9. Dea Plaku

    Honestly, Two Feet is the most underrated singer ever

  10. Anonymous1

    Fuck this artist 100%

  11. negrin comenta

    Es tan apasionante

  12. Jose Leonardo Sotomayor Cabanillas

    Dios amé esto desde 00:01 mi favorita de todas!!!

  13. Şevval Işık

    More song plzzz

  14. Allie Cruz

    I think that I'm falling now 💛

  15. April Lockaby Radford

    This guy and his music is so captivating and so addicting. Wow.

  16. tural xelilov

    you are great man, i like your musics because its not more 3min. Not feel boring. Reminds me Beatles ))

  17. Віка Безніс


  18. Ryan Fisher

    i want to get tickets so bad but they expensive.........

  19. 19 78

    Melhor música

  20. Caf3in3

    this song surmises 80s ... screw you . you're old !

  21. LLunatic69

    Wow, this music make me sleeping

  22. J Gildz

    Straight vibin

  23. Streacty


  24. Alesse 12345

    Two Feet x Glass Animals needs to happen pretty please.

  25. BTS4life A.R.M.Y

    Congrats you have found an English comment

    Sidney Shaw

    Yeah too many maid language

  26. Max Max

    This song needs Tay K

  27. Estefani Magdiel Mamani Turpo


  28. Via Morales

    Facu, si ves esto, te quiero. JAJA ♡

  29. 8565

    A R T E

  30. Tabatha Walker

    "Love is a B" came on my pandora over two years ago and I've been all about Two Feet every since. I listen to his music on a daily basis and have shown it to everyone I know that appreciates great music. I don't know if you ever read these comments, but your music moves my soul.I've never heard anything like it.You're a genre of your own and can't be labeled, no doubt.This song is one of my favorites as well as "Just felt like playing guitar and not singing." PLEASE, keep putting out more and please come to Tennessee!I really hope to see you live one day!

  31. Litsa Mullaj

    two feet's music is the music i would put on my bedroom while making love with my gf ...

  32. Todo dia um lomotif

    Não tem como explicar o quanto tem uma sensação boa as músicas dele cara ❤😍❤❤😍amoooo demais esse mano❤

  33. Santi Gamero

    Que género es?🙏🙏🙏

  34. Mundinho da Fa

    Socorrooo como que esse maravilhoso não tem milhões de inscritos e visualizações aindaaa😍😍😍

  35. Maria Fernanda Gaitan Hernandez

    Q tipo de pacto con el diablo hizo para q todas sus canciones sean exitantes y perfectas🌻🐝

  36. Denisa Stancu

    Amazing music beats. Amazing Voice. Amazing song. Speechless music style. I Just Love It!!! <3

  37. Kevin Montero

    Amo esta canción del dos patas 🖤🖤

  38. whatever *

    Amo esse estilo de música pqp


    Cute looking .

  40. Hussein Jawad

    Best artist ever. I love all of ur work, keep em coming

  41. Caio Alves

    Love me ...

  42. Raphael de Alencar

    Deixo no loop eterno essa música!

  43. Domenica Fierro

    Esta rola no la puedo superar...💕 Muchas emociones juntas nos demuestra esta canción❤

  44. Rogers Alvarado

    Amigo extraño tus canciones, todo bien?

  45. Crustaceo.Cascarudo

    This man and his music have the word "sensual" on his forehead * - *

  46. Tanner Meyers

    Love this song, but not lovin’ the way he’s staring at me like that. No homo.

  47. Br3nno


  48. Raphael Akira

    Good afternoon, my name is Akira.We are a brazilian movies and docs productors, now we are working in 4 Docs that we would be proud if we can use your library, that's amazing art!!Please contact us, we need to know how does it works and costs!keep in touchTks and keep AWESOME!


    Awwwwwwwwwwww♥ beautiful for my ears

  50. Empress Dee

    We go through a lot in our life, and your music is one of the things that keep me adrift. Please know that youre an integral part of someone's life----not that we've ever met or anything.Im just a fan.And point is, I love beautiful music fr beautiful people

  51. qet rekT

    use it for sex...

  52. Joaquín Miranda

    qué tipo de género es este tema¿

  53. Jorge Salazar

    esta canción mata, pero es hermosa.

  54. Koji Sama

    Amazing "-"

  55. Angela Santamaria

    Me encanta 💞😍

  56. Alsakaan

    Now i feel high , horny and sad

  57. Nohemi Galán 7v7

    No entiendo por qué está tan vacío aquí :'0

  58. MHiuuu


  59. Mateus Silva

    Essa música é incrível!!

  60. Allison Carmichael

    Saw them live and it was AWESOME!!

  61. Anny Cavalcanti

    caralho... que música poha!

  62. LunaticReason

    Hey don't know if you ever read this Zach but I heard what happened in August from one person who's suffered in the past with those feelings and wanting to end it I just want to say we're here and sorry for you're pain. Might not mean anything from a stranger from the internet but I had to say that going through those same thoughts. I also think it would be a great loss and not just because of the music. Anyways hope you feel better and you get the help and support needed.

  63. Kevin Covers

    Hola. Moy bien music. Keep going just found your channel very relaxing and peaceful music. Really Nice title of your song also, good inspiration for my music. Greetings from Tenerife. Peace out

  64. Power Guido

    Pensei que era um negão o vocalista. (Voz)

  65. Graceli Lopez


  66. Franco Samuel

    Hace falta un boliche que ponga esto...

  67. Franco Samuel

    What a jam for makin some fucking love

  68. Basically Biased

    Why do i feel so lonely when i hear this....

  69. lemon boy

    Im not high 😉

  70. Kemal Güneş

    Bizimkiler gelmeden +1

  71. Vicki Bebbington

    Your music heals me please keep creating these master pieces & thankyou x

  72. Michelle Cruz

    Fascinante ❤️🤤

  73. Poushi Razzaque

    Found my new obsession yeet

  74. Ariana Aguero

    Apesar de todos los auriculares saturados te sigo amando

  75. Thaynara Kentory

    essa música desgraça a cabeça mano

  76. Maria Aquilez


  77. AlicMerry Cavos

    Excelente voz me fascina un estilo único Two Feet 💓💓💓💓💓

  78. Derick Mota

    Two feet e noiz manooooooooooooooo9oooooooo mais uma top!

  79. phobo x

    Sirve para follar🎈

  80. eu não te odeio mas não te amo

    Só na noite silenciosa ouvindo esse incrivel somJust in the silent night listening this incridble song

  81. original films

    This song is perfect..PERFECT..You are too good man.

  82. Sistema Solar

    I love you.

  83. Leah Bucklew

    This song is so hot 😻😋💦💦🔥🔥🔥

  84. Secretos de una Diosa GUERRERA

    El dia q m ames de verdad.. llorare.!😢 A.E.

  85. Mia Holt

    why are my eyes legit starting to water rn, can’t tell because it’s so good or the fact it has a sad vibe.

  86. Xochitl Escobar

    Tristemente, Sensual y Envolvente!!, Es Inevitable no escucharlo!! Amo sus rollas, simplemente *Excelente*

  87. Arthur Armas

    por fin encontre su cuenta oficial saludos desde peru..latinoamerica

  88. César Arturo Manzano Rivera

    i love you two feet

  89. César Arturo Manzano Rivera

    esta cancion es exelente ❤

  90. Hayam Khaled

    Its not illegal i hope 😭😭😭😭

  91. R. Ann

    Ugh fk me .. didn't think that I could love ya any more 😏

  92. Tonton Kodyx

    One thing, Amazing !

  93. Mr James

    Esta canción es diferente, única, ya no es igual que las otras, es casi destinada a ser Nostalgica en un futuro no muy lejano. ❤️💯No la siento sexy ni para noches de amor, si no para dejar el mejor recuerdo en nuestras mentes.Sólo es increíble 🖤

  94. Lana


You Say Şarkı Sözü
I think that I'm falling down

You said that I'm crazy now

I know you can't stay around

Been draggin' you on the ground

I think that I'm falling down

You said that I'm crazy now

I know you can't stay around

Been draggin' you on the ground

I think that I'm falling down

You said that I'm crazy now

I know you can't stay around

Been draggin' you on the ground

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