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Tutku - İkinci Dünya

İkinci Dünya
: İkinci Dünya
: 1.76 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 61 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 45 İndirme
: 31-10-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Tutku - İkinci Dünya )
  1. Glenn Mariacher

    very good insights.


    Beautiful speech

  3. terry greenberg

    Abusive of course. Now, here's more: The CEO of Northwell said that any non-compliant physician is replaceable. Destructive to patient care. Destructive to all of us. Helpful, I'm sure to this CEO's finances.

  4. WieNie

    "Just start doing" ... doing what exactly? What do you do if you don't have the will or see the need to do anything because you have been trying and everything is constantly failing and falling apart and you're to afraid to do something and failing again? How do you give your all for something if you feel like you have nothing?

  5. Giny Singh

    God!just really loved it,it is one of the best speeches I've seen till date;especially for a similar confused teen like me😐

  6. Rusik B

    WOW!!!! SO GOOOD!!! <3 <3 <3

  7. CosFlow Effect

    I once said I was having a problem finding something to be passionate about. Then someone told me, "human beings don't find passion, they make it."

  8. José Crisalide

    Appreciate video content! Apologies for butting in, I would appreciate your initial thoughts. Have you heard the talk about - Chiveard Discovering Potential Framework (should be on google have a look)? It is a great one of a kind guide for finding your true calling and achieving success without the hard work. Ive heard some decent things about it and my cooworker after a lifetime of fighting got cool success with it.

  9. Saharin Cuker

    Appreciate Video clip! Sorry for chiming in, I am interested in your thoughts. Have you tried - Chiveard Discovering Potential Framework (search on google)? It is a great one of a kind product for finding your true calling and achieving success minus the hard work. Ive heard some decent things about it and my GF after many years got excellent success with it.


    Passion or finding a passion is SO difficult to find/discover, because it's a contemporary idea, meaning we haven't evolved to have/search for a passion; it's not in our genetics and according to evolutionary biology, genes take 25,000 years to change: MINIMUM. And this "elitist" concept of "finding my passion" is what, 25 minutes old? The best thing a modern human could do is to find your FREEDOM. The freedom that our ancestors had as hunters and gatherers, simple things that supported survival. The idea of finding a passion is hinged on the idea of "monkey see, monkey do"; we're constantly bombarded by what others are doing with their lives, with their passions, ANOMALIES in our society like artists or athletes, but did they pursue their passions or did they just hit the genetic lottery in a way that allows them to succeed to extraordinary heights in modern society? I just watched a documentary on how hard it's getting for people above 35 yrs old to get the jobs they want, and they were all in major debt, eating at soup kitchens, living in micro apts in horrible neighborhoods, or in a van, and they all seemed to have one thing in common: a failed business idea. I guess they too had this brilliant idea to follow a passion. Passion is a social construct; how can we derive happiness/satisfaction from something that we didn't evolve to pursue? Another sad(extreme) example of following passion is SKID ROW in LA; I bet if a group of these people poor souls were surveyed, they'd all say something like, I came out to LA to pursue a dream(passion) and instead of finding my passion, I found myself penniless and living on the street with a major drug addiction. The problem with these TALKS, or self help "gurus" and books like The Secret, is they're only interviewing or talking about winners, but what about the 99.9% who failed? I don't know this "finding your passion" is a movement, but a better movement, one that is in line with our genetic biology is the FIRE movement: Financial. Freedom.Retire.Early. These people seem smart enough to know all these passion talks, self help books are just another industry scam that keeps people trapped in an artificial system, and they've disconnected from this prison sentence we were all born into, and regained their FREEDOM. Finding your passion is good on paper, but most likely will only add years onto your prison sentence. I have 2 sisters: my older sister pursued her passion of being a business owner, my younger sister pursued something more natural, raising a family; I know this is anecdotal, and it goes without saying, my younger sister seems infinitely more happy, well adjusted, has some level of emotional control, than my older sister with the business. I guess the point is, our genetic makeup didn't evolve to produce happiness/satisfaction from these modern pursuits. But I'm just a free-bird on the internet, so don't listen to me.

  11. DeAndre Williams

    This video is what I needed. Thank you! 😌🙌🏿

  12. Julie Long

    Don't wait!

  13. Peter Venero

    Align the problems of the works that need solving with what you love.

  14. Bora Corba

    Great Video clip! Forgive me for butting in, I would love your opinion. Have you thought about - Chiveard Discovering Potential Framework (just google it)? It is a great one off product for finding your true calling and achieving success without the normal expense. Ive heard some interesting things about it and my cousin after a lifetime of fighting got amazing results with it.

  15. Alex Murphy

    I took a job in insurance because I was afraid of not making money doing something I'm passionate about. Guess what happened? I hate my job AND I DON'T MAKE MONEY. So yeah, it goes both ways. I wish I would've gone for something that I actually cared about....

  16. Hamad

    My passion is to watching Ted talk

  17. Liliana Guerrero

    Is anyone else more confused now after watching this?

  18. hamizah isman

    "Don't wait for passion. Instead spend your time SOLVING YOUR FAVORITE PROBLEM. Be useful and generous. People will thank you, hug you and pay you for it..."I think I know what to do now😊

  19. Yumi Love Art

    You don't follow the passion, the passion follows you.

  20. Panos Rod

    Often success leads to passion and not the other way around.

  21. Surf More


  22. Sir Duplechan

    I love this, It literally made me change my life plan seminars, how I motivate people. Thank you

  23. Krishnendu Mondal

    Best ted speech i've ever heard☺

  24. Mad _Esh

    Mostly every motivation talks spoke about passion. But this motivate me

  25. Michael Shaleen

    Is this like... open mic night?

  26. Terry Tan

    Great talk. We always thought passion will show up if we keep on thinking. But that not the case, passion show up when we start doing.

  27. gareth jones

    Passions come and go that's basically the jist of it , we all pretty much know that , some are luckier than others

  28. Mátyás Laczkó

    I had so many passion about so manything and in the end the all die off.

  29. Christine Fawson

    I see the value of this talk, but I don't know what's worse - taking advice from someone who gave up on their dreams or taking advice from someone who never had any in the first place. Passion prevails!

  30. The Faith that Grows

    Nice video!

  31. Eds Vlogs

    *How I drag myself out of bed when I'm depressed.* when you go to bed tonight, tell your self what you will do to make your life better tomorrow, drink two liters of water before bed , when you wake up . Needing to pee will drag you out of bed and make coffee and drink it , take it slow and do whatever it is you wanted to do , but don't over do it. Save some for the next day , and repeat . Stay focused , this is the first seed to developing a routine

  32. John Evans

    Yeah.... this isn't true at all. I was very good at a job I hated and now I'm meteoric as a scientist/ student/tutor and I couldn't be happier and I feel very successful. Don't listen to this advice. Passion is actually everything. Literally nothing else matters.

  33. 90MysteriumFascinans

    It’s possible I needed to hear this talk! I’m at a point where I’m scared to go after what I really want but also worried because I don’t want to be resigned to doing meaningless jobs I don’t really want (which are actually obtainable to me at the moment). This is perfect advice for a procrastinator or someone with fear of success.

  34. james0327

    Takeaway message: Just Do It!


    i think that was the greatest ted talk of all time

  36. Earth Is Flat.

    I will be a greatest lawyer that the world has ever seen. With explicable amount of skill in writing, speaking and reading.

  37. Richa Sharma

    Passion is what keeps your flames burning even if you don't get any rewards.

  38. TechFan

    The best advice here is at the end, which I was comforting to think about, and inspiring.

  39. Dan Conroy

    Great presentation and great insight

  40. The Operation Theater

    “Success fuels passion more than passion fuels success”

  41. j s

    When you find your passion just by forgetting about reaching it. There are so many things in life I could potentially like and don''t event know they exist and I'm losing my time pursuing a standard overpopulated dream. If you wanna find passion do any thing you do with motivation and passion will eventually come

  42. RayMysteryo

    c'est pas mal sa

  43. SolarCasanova


  44. Lisset Griñan Perez

    I really needed to hear this. Thank you

  45. Ani Karapetyan

    I watched this video 4 years ago and now rewatching understand it completely differently. 4 years ago my losung was "stop searching and do nothing, I am tired of a constant search, literally exhausted waiting for the job to bring me life fulfilment". Now I felt more the vibes from the last phrase: don't follow your passion, let it follow you!

  46. Suraj Ahire

    Great! 👏

  47. Achim R

    well said

  48. john vicky

    "you dont follow your passion, your passion follows you." thank you terri

  49. Rockman

    Be chill and open minded, got it.

  50. Katie Rosa

    This is honestly the best advice I've ever heard from a TED talk!

  51. Sascha Walmroth

    first you have to think what is passion. passion is suffering so techniques like to dance to draw to sculpter to meditate help you to deal with your passion.

  52. Timo Tio

    *"You don't create your life first and then live it, you creat it by living it"*

  53. Singerstringer

    This is awesome!

  54. sasuke22dante

    In Soviet Russia you don't follow your passion, your passion follows you

  55. Abel Gómez Méndez

    Muy útil!!

  56. Natalia Bengaly

    One word: Ikigai

  57. zahidul islam

    She is not a human,she is a robot.

  58. Half Insane Outdoor guy

    find something that matches your personality, interests, talents and fills your soul with joy. The joy should counter balance the sorrow...

  59. Carl Guo

    Thank you

  60. Aswin Vinod

    She sounds like Siri

  61. Suning Starseeker

    There are two kinds of passion. One is learned while the other is innate. I think what she is talking about is the first one.

  62. Steve Clark

    Superb. Faultless. Thankyou.

  63. Yasin Ali

    You're so kind , thank you so much.

  64. BANKO007

    That makes sense. Now I can throw out a whole shelf of useless self help books and never buy another one again.

  65. Red Laser

    It's people like them who are so good at communicating but empty Vs people who are deeply passionate but cannot communicate

  66. Braham Prakash

    Dont judge me but She is attractive .

  67. bill nye

    This business advice is low key relationship advice.

  68. Mike Green

    Passionately terrible

  69. Churrow


  70. Elizabeth

    I needed this. Society's expectations can be heavy to bear when you feel like you have nothing you are passionate about. I really needed someone to tell me it's ok not to have a passion.

  71. Michael Jackson Fan

    I admit this is one of the goodest speechs I've seen in ted.. what a great topic and what a great prospactivee

  72. hamza al chamak

    how watched this because he doesn't have a passion

  73. Millie Holman

    I really love this, it has helped me see things differently and I needed it right now

  74. Corey Krochmal

    I think this talk kind of paints what passion is in an inaccurate light. Passion doesn't change from one thing to the next depending on the mood you wake in in the morning. It doesn't limit you from be aware of seeing or doing other things outside of it. I'm very lucky to have found my passion early on in life and it has been strong for nearly a decade even if I haven't always known it. This hasn't narrowed my perspective though, I'm a psychology major in school, I enjoy art, comics, reading, writing and other things. My passion is Parkour and my job is teaching it. I teach at a gymnastics gym so I teach other classes too and teaching has become a part of that passion. I'm lucky to have found my passion early, and it is one of the most important things in my daily life. I've been in very negative head-spaces and I think I wouldn't have gotten out of of them had I not had my passion lighting the end of the tunnel. Just because I'm passionate about something doesn't mean I will succeed and I understand that, but it gives me the motivation to try my hardest at what I care the most about. I would encourage people to search for their passion as long as they aren't sacrificing their livelihood for it. Mine came as a complete surprise, I took an opportunity that I had when I was young and ran with it. Just because you find it doesn't mean you will find success through it, but I think your quality of life will improve drastically.

  75. Meyecoal Hopkins

    5:12 Yo! That guy took that one personally 😂

  76. Jazzy Paints

    I literally cried in relief after watching this. What a rut I've been caught up in, not feeling like I belong or not feeling like I'm doing enough. I always thought if I could just find "my passion" I could practice and make money and be great but years have passed and I'm still in the same spot as when I started: frantically searching and waiting. It's time to start doing more and paying closer attention to the sparks of joy I get when doing things that drive me harder into positivity and effort than any other feelings possible. Thank you for your TED Talk!!!!

  77. Najee

    I found two huge passions watching this video.

  78. megan lambert

    I needed this

  79. Connor samuels

    Idk after being in a job that i didn't enjoy and not knowing what my passion was then discovering my passion and getting paid for it i will never work in a job that i dont enjoy ever again

  80. Oh yeah

    thanks for giving your perspective about passion

  81. Bernadette Salazar

    Happy to come across this. I’m normal after all.

  82. Vaibhav D

    there is a BALANCE! in life everything is POSSIBLE.. just need to have the right attitude for everything.. whether you are passionate about it or not.

  83. Ido Havazelet

    So simple and amazing.

  84. fandan20

    did i just see nipples?

  85. metal garurumon

    I know that just do it. Passion is overrated. And makes you ungrateful

  86. Tiphaine Malorie Amoussou

    Oh dear! Don't know what will happen at interviews if I said I didn't know where I'd be standing 10 years from now... I like this talk! Like barrier breakers!

  87. "The Aquarian Dream" Emilio "SYCONYC" Simon

    I do understand where she is coming from, but everyone has a different opinion about passion. For me, living life and just trying things can help you discover something you never knew you were good at and that you enjoy. Having passion to me means knowing your gift. For example talented singers, sure they are passionate, but passion alone isn't enough, they have talent. I was always a talented boxer, but didn't follow through, so now I am investing in my talent. 3 years ago, I quit my IT job to become a bike courier, I got tired of IT I couldn't see myself stuck in an office job, so I tried being a courier and after 3 years I become a professional, I discovered a new talent I never knew I had and I love it, I started a bike messenger business and now building a bike messenger/cycling fashion brand as well.

  88. Ian1557

    Слишком большой выбор. Человек теряется. Нужен ли выбор человеку?

  89. Daryl Cunningham

    She misses the point. She isn’t defining passion correctly. We have a whole host of skills and strengths, and fears, and weaknesses. Passion is that inner drive that employs our strengths to achieve our goals and fulfill our purpose. Marry your passion (which is not singular in dimension, but is distinct) with your skills gifted by God and you will find an occupation - and yes this will change over time with experience and maturity. A job is what you do to make money, but an occupation is what you love to do that happens to make you a living. She is compelling, but not correct. Too bad because she has a passion for motivating people.

  90. Chopperdoll

    Great advise! She may have just changed my life.

  91. くら_おさ.める_かく.れる蔵

    "Success fuels passions more than passion fuels success."

  92. TheoP56

    Best Ted Talk I've seen yet! Everyone needs to see this!

  93. Team Ecologic

    Love this Ted talk

  94. Huda Omran

    Success fuel passion rather than passion fuel success — I really needed that line ,, thank you so much ❤️

    Varun Kaushik

    Tbh it actually varies with what you do.

  95. JANIN!

    very interesting point of view.

  96. raghvendra kaloo

    you can always answer to the question "what is it you are passionate about ?" by saying "is it necessary ?"

  97. godfrey14

    We were told sooooooo many lies by our parents' generation.

  98. Vertika R

    I needed this ,thank you god, thank you for making me realize that I can choose a carrier without having passion for it, all my life I live in depression as I am preparing for Civil services but not giving 100% just because I'm not passionate, not serious or not giving attention to I will do my work with all my energy ,no more excuses..

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