mp3 indir dur

Trae tha Truth - G Thang

G Thang
: G Thang
: 2.86 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 70 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 56 İndirme
: 28-01-2019
Mp3 indirmek için tıklayın
Kullanıcı Yorumları (Trae tha Truth - G Thang )
  1. Christopher Maynard

    My electric company got me throwing it BACK. put me on hold FOREVER. THIS SHIT SLAPS


    BAHAHAHA im dyin. I got it for hold music, and they kept cutting it at the beat drop for the "Did you know you can go online and..." had me so pissed i had to find it.

    Quentin Franklin

    Thank you

  3. USArmyB.R.A.T.

    Cracking up over these replies but AFC customer service hold music prompted me to Shazam and come to this channel. Thanks for the upload!

  4. Bianna Bell

    Anyone coming here from Shazam

  5. Brutus Zypher

    Childsupport phone-line on hold be thrash'n

  6. C. E. DeAllen

    My dentist office got swag

    The Movie Howze

    C. E. DeAllen same here 😂

  7. OCB

    Red Sox ticket office customer service 😂

  8. pincheperro13

    By far the best hold music I’ve ever been stuck listening to...First City Credit Union

  9. Joshua Hicks

    Thank you Newmar customer service.

  10. Giovanni Laureano

    good beat

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