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The Prodigy - Firestarter

: Firestarter
: 3.45 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 99 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 80 İndirme
: 05-03-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (The Prodigy - Firestarter )
  1. Κριστυ Κριστυ

    I will be hearing that till i die

  2. Illum Mulli

    im so glad i saw them live in Australia just before he left us..

  3. ThatGuyTobyPlayz

    This was uploaded on my birthday holy shit, 27th may

  4. Yuriy Klimin

    What's up with different languages???😂🙈😂

  5. Alice Fairy

    кто его хореограф?

  6. grimSleeper59

    Why is it that an English song has thousands of comments from Hungarians?

  7. Brian Brittain

    This goes all the way back but not even close at the same damn time!

  8. Алень Делон

    Хуй его знает что они пишут, но я тоже добавлю Én vagyok a tűzindító, a csavart tűzindító! RIP чувак.

  9. Itsiwhatitsi

    Flint was one of the most original artist in the music industry. Hands down. RiP

  10. Scotabot

    No, I would have never guessed that this guy had bad issues!!!!!!!

  11. Isaac Cotton

    Not hating on them. I just sant to say, they must have watched every video with Jim Carrey in it to watch his dance moves or his movements.

  12. Dragon dust

    Firestarter? That's a weird synonym for the word cream starter

  13. Jane Doe

    I played this cd into the ground in college. Every track--dope. I took my Discman everywhere!


    Русские отзовитесь :>

  15. Stefan Linton


  16. Slayer 666

    Since no one else is going to do it I guess I will FUCKING SLAYER!!!!! 🤘🏼🤘🏼🔪 💥

  17. Norvesko Dete

  18. St0PmoAning PleS

    what the fuck did i just witness

  19. Nina Nebo

    Best of Rock listen here :

  20. C# Shawn

    R.I.P. Keith...

  21. Marshall Painting & Services

    What the hell is all this oogity boogity?😂

  22. M Salman Al farisi

    Behold! The spray that can turn you into liquid

  23. Daraygona

    Interesting message, singing about starting fires aka starting conflicts while he wears an american flag as outfit.Maybe I'm reading too much into it.

  24. Kim Sloan

    Me: raiding AREA 51. Me: plays this

  25. Keith Segovia

    What happened to his hair did he fight a lawnmower?

  26. MyNameIsJonas

    27k firemen around here

  27. Freejek38

    *this song makes me want to steal some jesus parts from a cripple and an italian executioner*

  28. Adrian Kaniewski

    Jam jest ten który miał przyjść na ziemię po raz drugi. To nie jezus przyjdzie. On jest po drugiej stronie. Ja chcę waszej ofiary za śmierć tylu ludzi

  29. Adrian Kaniewski

    Musicie mi składać bałwochwalcze pokłony

  30. Memesы

    The new burning down

  31. Κώστας Π

    2019 any Greeks real Macedonians Spartans Athenians I AM THE FIRESTARTER TWISTED GREEK Δυναμιτης

  32. hamuka

    Here's an explanation for all the Hungarian comments, I guess.The short version is that this song was referenced by a Hungarian animation-comedy Youtuber, called JustVidman. In the video causing this madness, he checks out ridiculous eBay listings, more specifically those offering "imaginary friends". One of these "friends" were illustrated with a picture of a clown showing an eerie resemblance to Keith Flint here, prompting the reference ("Én vagyok a tűzindító, csavart tűzindító" being a deliberately bad, literal translation of "I'm the firestarter, twisted firestarter").As for why there are so many people repeating this meme: Said Youtuber was extremely popular by Hungarian standards back in 2016. However, he had been absent for 3 years due to a myriad of health issues, including chronic sinusitis, nasal polyps and cysts (the latter two of which were removed via surgery), and constant headaches/lethargy with an unidentifiable cause. Despite this absence, JustVidman's popularity grew, and upon his return, his new video became immediately viral, prompting people to basically hijack this entire comment section.Hopefully things are a bit more clear. :D

  33. MONAGA


  34. PinkSmarties72

    The English comment you were looking for.

  35. Mac Doodles

    This is the second best Joker

  36. Thanos

    Don't mind me. Just an english comment passing through

  37. Dimas Shinchannel

    Takutt dengerin lagu ini

  38. Big Ad Boxer

    I hope you all like islands. Because hot zones just got cancelled in Israel.

  39. RadioactiveDragons

    где русские в комментах,отзовитесь!Тут 2019 год!!!

    Yali Babik

    Тут я

    Mitzuki let's play's

    Здесь мы🔥

    Георгий Стрелков

    на изи

  40. Philippe Rossel

    Anyone wondering why the fuck does this video get invaded by various countries every now and then?

  41. Crash Hazzard

    RIP Keith Flint, you absolute fucking legend.

  42. Eurovision Junior from France

    Sais nulle

  43. Aragool

    my friend said this generation needed a prodigy experience and it makes me smile that he shared this music with me :)

  44. Bill Hamm

    118 million views

  45. Matthew MacCashland

    Do you think he ever saw himself on VENTURE BROTHERS?I bet he would have loved that."All hopped up on Yellow Jackets or something"I want a sweater like that.

  46. USSR Boi

    What’s up with the non English comments? 😂

  47. Nonahedrix

    Everyone out here with all this Hungarian and im here thinking about flesh spray

  48. Squakea


  49. Cyril Connelly

    And Biebers still here , no justice ..........

  50. Soval Damari

    Fire starter club

  51. Zsdana 963

    Szegényke nem érti☹️

  52. Zsdana 963

    Én vagyok a tűzindító, csavart tűzindító!


    POWERFUL. I love how he sings in his normal English accent. As it should be.

  54. Yo ming

    any algerian in the house

  55. Evgehiq307

    Ну умер и умер .

  56. Evgehiq307

    КИШ !

  57. Soviet II

    God Bless you Mr. Flint - one of my favorite ever songs!

  58. Velina Trifonova


  59. Lily Tiger

    Legyen ez is hungarikum. 😂

  60. Walter Matuda

    The Prodigy the best underground.....

  61. j'ai raison tu as tort


  62. Panton Muenchen


  63. Ганс Андерсен


  64. Radbiker33357

    RIP Keith 😭😭😭 we miss you so much 😭😭😭


    I love when the beats goes nuts at the end😁

  66. Ale Stereo

    The firestarter has died,but the fire's still burning.R.I.P Keith Flint

    Max Paul

    Fire it up

  67. Jerissa Martinez

    I love how he rocks the "Stars and Stripes"

  68. Славный парень

    Кит навсегда останется со мной в моём сердце... Россия FOREVER 🇷🇺

  69. Freddie Taylor

    BSB anyone?

  70. Hania Jaromírsdotter

    What is an English accent?

  71. Dolce Limone

    H O T P A N T S

  72. MrSumkinFedor

    просто камент на русском.

  73. Tordatfalvi Ciprian


  74. Red Rubix

    Jó jó, de azért egy trónok harcás maszkkal jobb lenne .

  75. MemeAvenueTV

    can you use the term firestarter describing trouble makers?

  76. Danny62

    Annyira csalódottak vagyunk, hogy Magyarország kilépett az Eurovision dalversenyből

  77. Mita Skeledzija

    Real life Joker 😂❤️😁

  78. Martin Chomiak

    R.I.P. 😈

  79. Patryk Sobczak

    Only 118 mln views?This is funny story Przecież to są pieczarki

  80. legalize homicide

    I'm the icestarter

  81. Likort

    Столько позитива тебе въебали Кит! По любому в рай занесли!


    Best video ever.

  83. quentin weider

    Rip 😢

  84. Free World

    Marriage is supposed to be a beautiful thing not something that kills you.

  85. Андрій Безкишкий

    Решил написать РУССКИЙ коммент ✌


    а я найти его )

    Андрій Безкишкий

    @Evgehiq307 вот и нашел !!!

  86. Whippy99

    EVERY workout begins with this track for me. It ends with Smack My Bitch Up and Breathe features about half way. Rest in Peace, Keith.

  87. Francisco Moreno

    Amo esta mierda

  88. annmarieknapp

    Prodigy and the 90's brought me here. You know how you dance to these guys? Any way you freaking please. God I miss mosh pits. Freedom to move and be crazy. It was glorious. Miss you Keith Flint. Another one of our own gone too damn soon. You were a Fire starter man!!!

  89. 68twigg

    Me on Friday haha 😂😂😂 also rip Keith flint

  90. Bobby

    2019 “Respect and dignity.” Furthermore:


    The prodigy we still love you.RIP keef

  92. Katy Mcadams

    Me at home depot picking up fire starters.

  93. Nuno Alexandre

    A Master Piece !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  94. Barrie Turner

    Time less ..................................................

  95. Sylvia Achahboun

    My absolute idol.....talented icon, miss you Keith....will play you till I die...

  96. Dejan Mormer

    koji je kurac sa ovim madjarima? gori su od rusa


    nemam pojima lmao

  97. Fast Cars


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