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Technotronic - Get Up

Get Up
: Get Up
: 3.23 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 143 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 123 İndirme
: 02-03-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Technotronic - Get Up )
  1. Luna Jil

    es chica o chico ? 🤔💓👦👰


    Excelente música

  3. Miguelito Jodedor

    Noviembre - 2019Presente!

  4. Александр Юрьевич



    Fantastic song for ever!!

  6. Ben Noble

    If women at my local shopping centre looked like these trollops I would fart in public more

  7. jeroen de vries

    Alweer België

  8. David Atenas

    Just me who think Ya Kid is a beautiful woman (she hasn't changed much)?

  9. Romnick Castilo

    1989 fashion is 2019

  10. Matiz - "Life is brutal"

    Love from Proland 1980 for Pinays

  11. El Ks

    Like Si te gusta esta música ?

  12. Alfredo Libreros

    I miss this type of beat :(

  13. Yacquelinne Muñoz

    La mejor epoca

  14. pati. patt

    My Young Life ♥️

  15. Jan Jan

    Kurwa mega klawy wyjebany kawałek ♥️👍

  16. Xavier Cathalina

    early 90's Young M.A hahahahaahahhahahahahaaha

  17. Captivating Real Life Storys - 100 % authentic

    Legend song song in 10000 years to

  18. Libor Rybář

    Tohle mělo v Naší mladé době svoje kouzlo!

  19. Stayros Paparunas

    Give me some x-tra bounces....ultra boys

  20. hasmize

    Why do i see Mother of Dragons ? ?

    Rebecca Purcell

    Actually, now that you mention it she does some Dany about her..


    @Rebecca Purcell Some Dany ?

    Rebecca Purcell

    Daenerys 'Dany' Targaryen.


    @Rebecca Purcell o i see

  21. Elvis Contreras

    this is so stupid .. ! why people still asking who's "insert year here " is so retarded

  22. El Salvador Edificios y mas

    que es mujer


    1989 🇹🇷 2019..

  24. Ana Gualdoni

    deci no a la agresion no a la violencia no a la mentira belencita vaision chupala

  25. Luis Vargas

    Tengo 49 y aun puedo bailarlas...


    это точно 1989 год?От современного хип хопа блевать тянет, особенно от русского

  27. Carlos Henrique .Quintanilla

    Get up.. ❤❤❤

  28. Maria Angelica

    💯😍😍😍 Today October 20 2019 still playing

  29. Paul Jean Vella

    Well Done Boys. You're awesome.

  30. Florin Sirbu

    Fenomen @@@@@@!!!!!!!!🎩💣💔❤💘💋👌🎩💣💣💣💣💣💣

  31. Gustavo Vasquez

    esa no sonaba asi

  32. Bear man

    Buena música.

  33. Старина Фэнг

    Да да да.... ))

  34. Carlos Alvarez Solis

    Cuantas tonterias. Para intentar mover la cadera como. Ella lo hacia, madre miaa

  35. Tolich514

    А что с качеством звука то? Гэшное какое то...

  36. Marina Kulmann


  37. Alan Becerril

    Esos tenis están con fuego

  38. Noemi Uribe

    Super chido !! yeah Esta si es musica electronica no como las horribles rolas de hoy en dia . Are you listening grupillos? Look and learn!!

  39. mark kokojenko

    Better than today's music

  40. Carlos Campos

    15 de octubre 2019 limpiando la casa con leves movimientos sensuales jajajajaja

    Aries gallegos


  41. CASTIFUERTE 2017


  42. Jackson Silverio

    Nós anos 80e 90 as músicas eram demais foram bons tempos

  43. Gabriel Buizo

    Regreso la moda de los 90’ Pero como música lamentablemente no!

  44. Felipe Felipando

    isso que é musica GET UP!

  45. Den_Sibiryak


  46. Adrian Manea

    bune ma

  47. Charles-Antoine Bertaux

    PAPICHA <3

  48. Samuel Nanco

    Oct 13, 2019 Concepción Chile

  49. Roberto Roberts

    Do caralho!!Foi e continuará sendo!

  50. Nélio Leite

    Tive um tênis desse, uma camisa dessa, um boné desse, pena que eu era tímido e não tive coragem de usar.

  51. Yasmine Kaoua

    Came here from Papicha movie ! That song is so amazing

  52. Evelyn cristiany Chandomi morales

    quien esucha en octubre 2019

    Zoe Ojeda

    yoooooo chelo martinez

    Gabriela flores

    Yo,aqui para tratar de olvidar un poquito lo que pasa en mi pais. Estamos en plena crisis social #Noestamosenguerra #Estamosunidos seguimos luchando,aguante mi Chile querido🇨🇱

    Anahi Gonzalez


  53. DIgitusSmartas

    Again here after a while

  54. Kara Savvinova

    I'm gay for her

  55. Martha Padilla

    Tecnotronic...m encanta este tema..una excelentisima cantsnte y bailarina.buena coreografia😙

  56. Xio T

    Get a question: the singer is woman or man? But the music is so excelent


    Pretty disorienting right? ;) It's a woman. She's named "Ya Kid K".

    Xio T

    @BC2L Haha thanks. I confused because she dressed as a man. But is pretty...


    @Xio T You're welcome! And I love this track too (incredible that this song is 30 years old, I wasn't even born lol)

  57. Florin Sirbu


  58. EdjeMr1975

    Give me a time machine and i go back to the 90s

  59. Yertor Rodriguez

    Lesbian mind sick mind disturbed

  60. Jhonny Ganoza

    The best song the 90...

  61. shusterPO

    Don't understant so many dislikes. Can somebody explain me this? This tune should be in Hall of fame...


    people = idiots

  62. Andrezio Rodrigues

    Oh oh dance music que marca até hoje quando toca festa leva a galera ao alto astral todos dançam

  63. douglas augusto arana rosales

    es hombre o mujer lo miro mero raro

    Daniela Tristan

    Tengo la misma duda!

  64. андрей титов


  65. 김현

    SO COOL :->

  66. margarita bustamante

    Que vuelva el techno quiero a mis 43 años moverme al ritmo jijjii a ver si llego a completar la canción .

  67. Cyril Connelly

    I was 22 and it was my go to dance floor jam , guiltyyyyyy ...............

  68. jocelyne gacuma

    Great song, certainly dancing band. America in the 90's so cool.

  69. إيغور Garykovsky

    Excellent stereo effect

  70. إيغور Garykovsky

    Phantastic rhitms

  71. Deyanira VF

    30años después

  72. Deyanira VF

    Ahora se llama reymix jajaja

  73. Deyanira VF

    Ahora se llama reymix jajaja

  74. Danilo Acosta

    04/10/2019 vigente!!

  75. W.M. Aslam - Author

    No guns, no ‘N-words’, or ‘bit#€es’ or ‘ho£’ degradation.

  76. MefistoExcalibur

    Не забыли эту песню спустя десятилетия, не забудут и спустя века!

  77. Joan F-82

    Que recuerdos

  78. алексей кич

    вот откуда начинались БРОВИ

  79. la reina arabe

    Pense que era la cara de janet garcia sin maquillaje ycon gorra😅😅

  80. Ross Hunter

    Limmy's wean brought me here

  81. Roberto Alejandro Carrillo Vallejos

    Hoy 30 septiembre 2019 escuchando technotronic bkn

  82. Ely Escobar Alvarez

    La adoro

  83. Onesimo Chitay

    Bonita canción

  84. João Elias de Brito

    Please, update this in 4K! This is masterpiece! <3

  85. Music Sounds Better

    Felly and her blue lipstick = ICONIC!

  86. melvin valerio

    Música que se le paso a la época demasiado moderno todavía excelente música quien lo pensaría ya casi 30 años de eso que inolvidable música

  87. Marcos Caldas

    Dancei muito e ainda danço 🙌 2019

  88. Melany Lupita

    Menos mal en lo años antiguos existieron las cámaras de musica porque si no al reggaeton

  89. Sandra Acosta

    Lo mejor de los 90

  90. Daniel Castro sosa

    Hoy septiembre de 2019 y sigo escuchando estas rolitas..

  91. rafa gallardo

    Te esperamos tecnotronic en el concierto gira ecuador 2019 para seguir escuchando tus canciones y que nos sigas trasmutiendo tus lindas canciones arriba tecno tronic

    Angel Fuentes

    rafa gallardo cuando?

  92. Lukas Goj

    Best classic!!! amazing rap vocals And sing too!!!!

  93. The Dandelion

    Sounds nearly exactly like "Pump up the jam", but nevertheless great song. Impossible not to move with it.

  94. Bernard Paton

    GREAT CLASSIC My Favorite Song From Technotronic

  95. Marko Scientist

    Total finder and destroyer, absolutely flawless and best teacher greets you in one of lovvest states.:-) It seems like I did enough to become... a bit 'wider'...;-)


    😘 2019 $ 2020

  97. betos betos

    Cantaba bien chingon

  98. Jimmy McNulty

    I was 11 when this song came out. Loved it then, love it now.

    Hlhi Hlhi

    not the clubbing generation then

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