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Taylor Swift - You Need To Calm Down

You Need To Calm Down
: You Need To Calm Down
: 2.71 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 731 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 233 İndirme
: 28-06-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Taylor Swift - You Need To Calm Down )
  1. commoners

    Thats the tea sis

  2. M Tull

    Look at you spitting facts like it's fashion,And I'm just damn, I didn't know tham

  3. Catherine Peter

    The 6:59 Ellen tattoo references Taylor’s second track on her album cruel summer

  4. GlxyGrlzWrld

    Music clues we know now after the album realease:1. Ellen’s tattoo is for the song Cruel Summer on Lover2. The arrow shot at a 5 is for The Archerer, track 5 on Lover

  5. Arrowsofskies msp

    i loved the vid soooo much <3 if you don't support lgbt+ then just ignore it, don't go hating on people's lives it's so immature

  6. Maro Vok

    Hopes next time she does straight pride song do we have to have the gay shit pushed in out faces all the time ?

  7. Carissa Lee

    The 'Cruel Summer' tatoo on Ellen is the name of a song in her album.

  8. Jackie Peterson

    Ryan Reynolds and the ‘Beautiful Trauma’ nod to P!nk

  9. Ndronikus Ri

    Was that a music video or "find me" puzzle!!!

  10. Little Bunny

    *insert mr, hippo's speeches from fnaf*

  11. FettyBettyAndJozee

    My YouTube crashed while watching this, Tay is just too godly

  12. Fuji Susuke


  13. Batuhan Başerdem

    Confusing jade jolie with Taylor is a great compliment to jade's drag skills.

  14. JIn Kangsta

    Yo this b1tch is crazy.

  15. Stipo Rebekic

    10:10 he did throw the crown but taylor wasnt THEN singing "we all got crowns"at that part she was singing oh-oh-oh-oh-oh like you know the lets say main part

  16. Wolfyrusso

    You miss when somebody was dressing like cadi b

  17. Cortez Loera

    I’m an analytical intellectual. This video helps me so much!!!

  18. Gayle Falkenthal

    This might have long been pointed out but couldn't find it: at 6:37, figure skater Adam Rippon is handing out sno-cones. Figure skater - sno-cones are made of ice = genius.

  19. Jeana Gibbs

    President Trump is not the only one who has a birthday on the 14 of June, I do to.

  20. Huck Williams

    Is the lady on the bicycle Sarah Paulson?

  21. Alyssa Sigler

    Actually the video was released the 17th or 13th

  22. Jessica Foley

    Todrik hall worked with the dance moms girls

  23. sherwin salvatori

    The gubby

  24. The monster Under your bed

    I feel like we all have different opinions on different easter eggs but they all seem to work out

  25. SUPMEN

    My lucky number is 13

  26. charmnGUY

    Damn so much hidden and obvious messages! I came for Katy Perry, Ellen and Ryan Reynolds :-)

  27. Мышь из Луганськ!

    Мне это нравится!!!

  28. *Mrs. Kay*

    🙏🏽 *REPENT* 🙏🏽

  29. Li’ Li Tea-Time

    Oh my god who cares

  30. Lisa Carkner

    Norman Rockwell

  31. Alivia Rose

    13 is my lucky number too!!!!! And I kinda look like Taylor.............welp

  32. Lancia Playz

    Uhm you missed Archer and lover and like alot more

  33. Maria Paula Vialu

    Wait that’s one of the unlucky numbers of japan🎌🎌

    Maria Paula Vialu

    Number 13

  34. Eerie Raven

    No one: Insider: *Dae*

  35. Ayun Ria Ainun

    Track 5 on Lover: The Archer 😎

  36. Noemi Castillo

    (:(: all day music in my heart nc casper noemi all me in my heart muscle 💘

  37. Christina Jenkins

    I'm sure Trump was honored since he does more for the LGBTQ community.

  38. Malia Wolven

    My cousin is really good friends with Hannah Hart.

  39. Paula

    anyways, Taylor bisexual

  40. Alliyah Draine

    Like pop star female beauty pageants did you lyrics say we got crowns the song about girls powerTaylor Swift it's fair fries Katy Perry is a hamburger means Taylor Swift and Katy Perry and best friends again no more feuds no more fight

  41. Paul Yann

    You’re not the same earrings there and square ones that I don’t want to diamond ones can I buy this

  42. luizax

    Taylor just came out as bisexual on this video!!The colors on her hair are the same of the bisexual flag (at 4:30)

  43. Dang Karen

    I’m catholic and I respect LGBT

  44. Bonnie Preston

    Correction... The blue starred, silk, fringe shirt Taylor wore is a reference to what Anne Hatheway wore in red in the movie Brokeback Mountain. Anne's character was straight and so is Taylor.

  45. Dylanjaden Guinto

    You are so Bad😭❕🔥❕🔥❕🔥❕❕📍❕📍❕📍❕🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍥🍥🍥🍥🍥🍥🍥🍧🍧🍧🍧🍧🍧🍧🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰❕➖➖➖➖➖❕

  46. Shane Purnell

    Ha gayyyyyy

  47. starbtle

    The Ryan Renyald's scene is also a nod towards Norman Rockwell's Triple Self-Portrait

  48. Horror Fan131

    In the scene when everyone is throwing cake one of them looks a lot like the one in blank space

  49. the wolf pack

    taylor just became my new favorite singer.

  50. Marina Rodriguez

    I wasn’t a Taylor Swift fan, but watching this video has me a step closer and I admire what she speaks up for and represents. 💕

  51. Colleen Buck

    You're wrong the one holding the boombox is RIA mae. Not that other person you said

    Colleen Buck

    Not hannah hart

  52. Luna Guevara

    lmao i think most of these were coincidences 😂


    Luna Guevara, You don’t know much about Taylor, do you? She’s a world class micromanager. And she’s been in the Raster egg business a long time.

  53. 666 Mizuki

    At 2:14 it shows a tattoo, this hints to the fact that she has a tattoo

  54. Tiff Prendergast

    U can order her case on her website

  55. red mercury

    the equality act would also basically put women out of sports. so go ahead and support it. dont want to be discriminating against the gay race. lets take that L ladies! who the hell needs womens sports anyway am i right???

  56. Shahzaib Nadeem

    This video is streat up dumm

  57. Blue berry editz

    ahahah ahah ahah you need to calm down

  58. Graham Glasoe

    I remember queer eye in big mouth

  59. IrisRoses

    Now that I watch this video, everything makes so much more sense!

  60. Michael Riemiek- Hunt

    Soo.....what I'm getting from all this is, she has an atypical fixation on homosexuals.....did she have to go to all that trouble? It's cool, man. I myself have a particular fascination with little folk. Especially when they are tossed. (With their full consent, of course.)

  61. Chelsea Viveros

    Who cares

  62. Penguin 471

    Cruel summer also Taylor’s song

  63. Kayleen

    I Love songs they are awesome and rainbows love it

  64. Shortpickle 27

    I love how she released it on trump's birthday SAVAGE

    Alyssa Sigler

    Actually... The song was released June 13 or 17th . Trumps birthday is the 14th. The video and you are wrong.

    Brooke Rivera

    Shortpickle 27 not really

    Mini Oz

    @Christina Jenkins right cuz wanting to fire all of the gays from the army isnt homophobic

    Christina Jenkins

    @Mini Oz Who wants to fire the gays? Ild like to know where you got your resource from

  65. Funk Leberry

    Gosh, this video just reminded me how many people need to get a life. Taylor, the narrator and myself included!!

  66. Magen Ervin

    So basically leftist propaganda

  67. nitendo shuwichi

    Holy-My birthday is June 13

  68. Brenden Lockhart

    I am related to the lockhart guy

  69. Emily McAdam


  70. Kjkfloor 17

    do you notice a nother button on the jacket she wears on the magezine says calm🤔🤔🤔

  71. The Woofles!

    I love the bit when Chester Lockhart swoons at Laverne Cox! When the video said that she was transgender, I was like “ DAM! She has had good surgery!”

  72. The Woofles!

    I think the line “ that sign must have taken you all night” is Taylor basically saying that homophobic people are wasting there time. 😋 I absolutely love Taylor’s song! 🏳️‍🌈🌈

  73. Amy Whicker

    She plagiarized my life for this video.....

  74. wabeech

    Ryan Renolds is doing Norman Rockwell. Google Norman Rockwell self portrait.

  75. J Cooper

    Stick to entertainment. Let the rest of us handle politics

  76. Shortrailer

    Romans 1:32 "Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them" There's still time to repent, and change of your wicked ways, before God hands you over to your hardened heart, and then there's no way of turning back. Romans 1: 28 "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient

  77. Evelyn Frias

    Cruel summer on Ellen’s arm is her other song on Taylor’s lover album

  78. Hetty Hetty

    She is smarter and more talented than that Kardashian. Hahaaha

  79. Paige Benjamin

    I think the burning of the phone 📱 was a nod to her disdain for what social media/technology has done to society. We have lost the space for personal interactions so we have lost that connection that nurtures love!!!

  80. AMAL A

    You missed ellen

  81. oliamoliapowpow

    Wow so detail

  82. B. McQ

    Not all of us Christians are haters. Be careful 😘

    RUFTEY . exe

    R u Christian if so jesus loves you

  83. mallory is pan

    It took me two weeks to realize that Adam Lambert was not Jack Black fun facts

  84. Regina Maria

    Taylor n faz nd sem ter propósito

  85. Frank Arizaga

    Your just hating!

  86. BUTTER94

    At the clock the number 2 is missing!!!! How dod you missed that?!

  87. Master Mateo

    Yes not the star there is a high heel in the kitchen. And if you look real close there is a toaster at the left side of the screan

  88. Hitoru Matsumoto

    The most queer song I've seen in a long time. Absolutely love it!

  89. madalyn Hiscock

    Is Taylor bi?

    Floyd S

    nope, she's just trying to bury the hatchet with other female singers

  90. Zachary Walker

    Thank you! I couldn't figure out all of the references 🤣😂🤣😂

  91. Kyle Kluender

    You missed that Taylor was throwing shade at Apple with the iPhone that caught on fire

  92. Kitten Mochi

    Must have taken all night.Tan sips tea stating THATS THE TRUTH HUNTY!

  93. Arya’s World

    What is wrong with people nowadays

  94. Flat Accord Music

    This song already came out like three times. Ask Lorde.

  95. Rosie Vielma

    Why dud the narrator constantly use tge wird "queer"?

  96. Rebecca Line

    Wow you really love Taylor Swift

  97. MacPro8CoreMan

    Despite the fact that the latest polls and studies show that only 5% of Americans say they are gay, lesbian, homosexual, or bisexual; the Entertainment Industrial Complex continues to shove this extreme lifestyle down the other 95% throat.  Of course I believe that there should be equality among for LGBQ in the workplace. I do not believe that there are more than 2 sexes, I do not believe that 95% of our Great Nation should ever be forced by law to hire anyone whose appearance does not comply with the standards set by management, or that the 95% should ever be forced by law to comply with Gender Fluid Pronouns.  I am absolutely sure that President Trump would be happy to sign protective laws for the gays, he is not homophobic at all.  Another batch of recent studies/polls showed that Americans believed that 24.5% of our population is LGBQ!  So the Entertainment Industrial Complex has been successful in brainwashing Americans through music/TV/movies to believe that there are 5 times the number of gays in the US than there really is.  This music video is just another stab at middle America. I believe it's also a jab at what POTUS Trump supports are, as seen through the eyes of these vapid entertainers. She should have stayed out of politics and civics. The 5% LGBQ crowd got all of the rights they'll ever need, during Obama's 8 years of dividing the nation.  It's time for the LGBQ population to take your now legal rights and be happy.  Lets try to all get along. We have a President who has done more for everyone in his first 33 months than any other POTUS in history. Stop hating President Trump and his supporters. Start seeking out the REAL news with REAL facts about everything. It saddens me so that so many of my friends have their understanding of all things Trump so completely wrong. I pray that the USA will reunite under President Trump early in his second term. If we all came together, with the most transparent and determined POTUS of all time, this country really could be great again, getting so many important issues solved.

    Floyd S


You Need To Calm Down Şarkı Sözü
You are somebody that I don't know
But you're takin' shots at me like it's Patrón
And I'm just like, damn, it's 7 AM
Say it in the street, that's a knock-out
But you say it in a Tweet, that's a cop-out
And I'm just like, "Hey, are you okay?"
And I ain't tryna mess with your self-expression
But I've learned a lesson that stressin' and obsessin' 'bout somebody else is no fun
And snakes and stones never broke my bones
So oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
You need to calm down, you're being too loud
And I'm just like oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh (oh)
You need to just stop
Like can you just not step on my gown?
You need to calm down
You are somebody that we don't know
But you're comin' at my friends like a missile
Why are you mad?
When you could be GLAAD? (You could be GLAAD)
Sunshine on the street at the parade
But you would rather be in the dark age
Just makin' that sign must've taken all night
You just need to take several seats and then try to restore the peace
And control your urges to scream about all the people you hate
'Cause shade never made anybody less gay
So oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
You need to calm down, you're being too loud
And I'm just like oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh (oh)
You need to just stop
Like can you just not step on his gown?
You need to calm down
And we see you over there on the internet
Comparing all the girls who are killing it
But we figured you out
We all know now we all got crowns
You need to calm down
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
You need to calm down (you need to calm down)
You're being too loud (you're being too loud)
And I'm just like oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh (oh)
You need to just stop (can you stop?)
Like can you just not step on our gowns?
You need to calm down

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