U rock on mam
2 0 1 9 ?
I heard they were making Thor into a female but I didnt know it was gonna be Taylor Swift!
My favorite song
Who watching in 2019, leave a like if you are
Ma cosa è successo 😵😵😵
Amazing song my favourite on reputation also don't blame me (live)
300M? ⬆️
My faavv
Why does this have low views
Reputation album is so underrated tbh
November 2019?
Underrated song
Can someone please help me understand this video?
out of sudden, im became her fans
Omg i miss this song! This is my fav song
2019? Lover Era ❤
this is my BIGGEST guilty pleasure lmao
Yesssssssssssssssss music helps us get thru our mundane days🎶✌
nice song
taylor swife beutifull song
Love you forever
Everyone whose STR3AMING here, STR3AM also the ME! music video for the Lover era to have atleast 1 MV w/ 1B VI3WS. Pls. cooperate my fellow Swiftiesss!
Can anyone else see ""they're burning all the witches"" written on the escalator in the last scenes.??
There are so much things in movies and music videos.. Do you know about predictive programming?
I love taylor swift shes the best
Producer: How many robots do you want in your video?Taylor:yes
atleast listen to the beginning in x2
There is so much innuendo in this. So much secrets missed by all the common drones.
Mr. Dawes. His son cannot get a job, and is a chalk writer, a chaotic band. Maybe he can sleep on your lawn. Do you need a part wall and
...Ready For It? or Delicate ?...Ready For It? - LikeDelicate - Comment
Both.. depends on mood
try this at 2.0x
A perfect fot Marvel
2 years... :')
it has been 2 years already. time passed..
I dont think im ready for it
Te lo comenté, pero como no oyes bien de un ojo, pues no te enteraste ... Heeee ...Humm ....
I'm watching on October 27th 2019 the 2nd anniversary of the video, who else?
Do you like horses?
Build a hwy thru cis Italy and one South. Move everyone. Yes?? Poker chips rock money.
This is a whole mood
happy 2 years of this masterpiece
Tatit by tribe !!
Hope the septic tank gots what it take to take taylor we will be forever!!
Touchdown !! Wow hot
1:23 “but if I’m a thief then he can join the heist and we move to an island” *cough* la casa de papel *cough*
Anyone watching this for Halloween 2019?
Cause this is great for halloween
Bruh lmmaao
2 years of ready for it! 🖤
Seria un sueño bello berla en un concierto 😥
Kyle Silva86 ❤️ Taylor Swift89
2 years
Ready for wut?
My ready ... Q
You wasnt ready 4 me ;)
2 years have passed so quickly since the release of our queens one of the masterpieces from reputation ❤️️❤️️😍😍👑👑🌫🌫I wasn't ready for it back then ❤️️❤️️😍😍Happy Diwali to all Love you Taylor ❤️️👑😍
amo essa musica me define
Who’s here exactly 2 years ago!,
This video deserves more than 256,552,647 views!
The lightning scene's far better than storm's scenes in Dark Pheonix
taylor: are you reday for it ?selena:to love to love yeah
Taiylor is the best
October 2019 and still jamming out. Anyone else aha😂🤷🏻❤???
Until now, i wondering why Getaway Car didn't have a music video
Anyone notice the line 'They're burning all the witches' at the end??
Oct.25,2019256,464,823 views
The most underrated music video of all time!
Still my favorite Taylor Swift video. SO EPIC <3
Taylor Swift 2017 : Are You Ready For it ?Taylor Swift 2019 : You Need To Calm Downwell guys i think Katy is using Authentic views c o m to get views
Love this song
She have many genres, country, pop, rock, soul etc.
Don't forget her EDM song she wrote and featured on for Calvin Harris and Rhianna. ''This Is What You Came For''. one of his biggest hits.