Check my cover please 🖐
Who loves taylor swift
Her best song
БОГИНЯТА се е хванала за главата, защото е разбрала, какво са "измислили" КУРВИТЕ :)
My favorite song ever written by her ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Who listen this song when he feels sad and believe this song makes him motivatef
2019 2020?
Taylor didnt writw this song Owl Citry wrote it for her
An indeed a masterpiece 🔥
4:30 AM in the morning and i cant seem to play any other song besides this one ... One of her best pieces in my opinion
This is the best song ive ever heard
2:00am wonder do im wide awake! Now im pacing back in fort wishing you were at my door! Its like always the first feeling that i meet my crush outside and cant help thinking of! Hahhaa. Anyone november 2019?
Definition of underrated beauty: this
Chelo no mío.
I really want this to have a mv but now we cant
That one night when I was going home from my friend's and saw him. We took a walk. I couldn't sleep that night. It was one of the most beautiful things that happened to me.
I dedicate this song to Cole Sprouse. I wonder if he knew I was enchanted to meet him. <3
Still here for this lovely song❤️
This song really just lets me channel my emotions as I listen to it. It’s just so good, it makes me want to dance, laugh, smile, and all at the same time cry. It’s inexplicably good.
Yeah😊. Its that beautiful!!!
Who wish for this song to have a Music Video?!🤩
The only thing that I dont like in Taylor Swift is nothing...
my all time favorite taylor swift song 💗
u can hear her smile when she sings "playful conversation starts" it's beautiful.
Magical feeling:)
Today ?
It was enchanting to meet you 🤵🏻
nur als Denkanregung: Jeden Monat wird von irgendwelchen Agenturen irgendwelchen der anderen Marktteilnehmern im eigenen Marktsegment durch sich anbiedern oder austricksen der google Rankingkriterien einen guten Listenplatz zu ergattern!Nichts Unrechtes aber rein mathematisch wie wahrscheinlich ist es, dass die für ein Unternehmen vorgenommene Skalierung in einem heißbegehrten Marktsegment dazu führt auf Platz eins bzw. auf der ersten Seite zu bleiben?Und was ist der eigene Platz eins wirklich wert, wenn jeder weiß dass dahin optimiert wird?Wäre es nicht viel sinnvoller den Schiet zu lassen, die google Kriterien transparenter zu machen und dabei im Creator studio Netzwrerk nach sinnvollen Kriterien zu suchen und nebenbei für die Großen die Einfach bezahlte google werbung zu nutzen?Ich denke zu mindest mittelfristig könnte dies auch im auflisten bedeutete Verbesserungen bringen!Klar ein klassischer Intrernetgeldverdienbereich würde wegfallen, aber es entstehen gerade so viele neue Möglichkeiten so das dies aus meiner Sicht zu verschmerzen wäre Und das es z.B. Kris Stelles den sich hocharbeitenden Transportarbeiter wirklich gibt, da habe ich so meine Zweifel
Honest sweet gue corea niver meet hindi too ang mga idol ko sa corea kaya god bay
October 2019? :))
Definitely *no hate* 💕
Now the owl city cover made sense. Omg! Why did I only know this now?
Charm academy!!!!!!!!
Taylor Swift dedicated this song to Adam Young of 'Owl City.' They were exchanging messages through email. One time, in a fortuitous event, they actually met each other somewhere in New York for a specific gathering and both had a delightful conversation. Later, Taylor realized she had a bit of infatuation/crush with Adam and decided to make a song to express her feelings for him, as you can see or feel it in the lyrics. A few years later, Adam heard this music and realized that the song was meant for him, so he made a cover song from this music with the same title: 'Enchanted' - Owl City. He remade few lyrics like "I'm enchanted with you, too..." Later, he wrote a letter to Taylor Swift in response to her admiration for him and implicitly present his own music version of 'Enchanted' to Taylor as a Valentine's Day gift. Unfortunately, the two never dated. Taylor didn't react/reply publicly to Adam's letter and his own version of 'Enchanted'. Now, that's the legend behind this song.
Octobeerrrr 2019??
October 2019 ❤
There's nothijg wrong in this song... Except its almost 6 minutes long ฅ'ω'ฅ
October 2019
1.25x its good in my opinion
My enchanted space i dont care much no more
Whatever songs come out.. this is still my favourite song no.1 in my heart 😌❤
Imagine how much more epic this song will be when she re-records it with her mature/improved vocals?
She called her perfume wonderstruck.
The vow😊💖
i miss you :((
This is probably one of her best hook melodies
Coming from a teen-aged female, this song has captured one of the most impactful moments of my life.... I was at a party, kind of the Junior High version of Prom, "shifting eyes and vacancy..." I hadn't brought anyone, and I didn't really know any of the people there, so I just sat down and tried to blend into the background!!! That is, until I locked eyes with a silhouette across the room. He did push his way through the crowd to meet me, and we talked and giggled for most of the night... ah, I blush just thinking about it!!! I don't normally attend those things, but I'm so glad I did this time!!!
did anyone come here from the joseph x caesar amv from jojo kdhskdhd
If only she stuck to this kind of stuff instead of "shake it off"
wahahahaaaaa taylor fan tweeds crying to the song ...............wuhuhuuhhhhh now im crying too lol
Taylor is so gorgeous
Takes me back to middle school dances, since they’d always play this. Usually, it was the third and last one. I remember dancing with this guy my friends tried to pair me with 😆
I am literally mindblown. I just read somewhere in the comments here that this was written about Owl City's singer. Oh my goodness. How beautiful.
Who's listening until now 2019 ? 😘
This song reminds me of my crush.I never told my crush that I like him because he thought of me only as a friend 😭Now he's in Australia and I'm in Asia and I don't think I'll ever see him again 😔
She has a sweet voice
I dedicated this song to my ex-crush but she didn't tell me what i expected. Every time I listen to this song i still remember her face
**Me just literally finding my old comment**
I heard this from Owl City!
Smp negrie " 10" n smk swasta" selalu2" mensejatrahkan2" rumah2" ibadah2" nyaman2" segar" cinta hataman2" Al qur' an2" tanpa ada yg berkeadaan2" jenuh " malas" beranekaragam istikomah2" akan karna2" saya selalu cinta" Estefania" Resti anggraeni" n semua2" yg berjasa2" pendidikan2" guru2" Smp negrie" 10" smk swasta saya" akan selalu ingin bersama2" ingin2" selalu berkeadaan2" berkeseimbangan2" bersama2" Gemini" Estefania" Resti anggraeni" n akan saya Angga rachmadi" n kedua orang tua saya" ibu peni yuliastuti" bpk budiyono" beranekaragam2" selalu n semua berkeadaan2" orang yg tua2" yg berkerestarian2" guru2" Smp negrie 10" smk swasta2" saya n dia" the piecess" n the woman2" beauty2" princess" Estefania" Resti anggraeni" beranekaragamnya" ibadah2" n kehidupan2" berkeseimbangan2" selalu2" diusahakan2" n diakidah2" kan berkenyamanan2" kesegaran2" ibadah2" n kehidupan2" beranekaragam2" selalu menanam2" kesejatrahan kebahagian2" kedua" orang tua saya" ibu peni yuliastuti" bpk budiyono" n kekeluargaan2" terhormat2" nya akan Estefania" Resti anggraeni" beranekaragam2" walaupun2" sering2" berbuat2" berlebihan2" akan terhadap2" akan orang lain" akan beranekaragam2" dia bergaul2" berkenalan2" akan beranekaragam2" pria2" yg berjenis2" nulya akan selalu sunah" fardhu" akan saya2" perhatikan2" beranekaragam2" berperasaan2" nya akan utama2" akan ingin2" menyelamatkan2" n mempunyai2" utuh berkah2" akan2" Estefania" Resti anggraeni" beranekaragam2" nya" Akan saya" Angga rachmadi" sedih senang" selalu berbahagia2" ibadah2" n kehidupan2" beranekaragam berakidah2" cinta" berkerestarian2" segar" beranekaragam2" nya"
Just listen till 5:52 time
https://youtu.be/GujWPi44R-g please listen to soundtrack .
October 2019?
Of course. It's eternal music.
Yep, it’s been a hard month.
Just simply an incredible song!!🎶❤🎶❤ I think for her 8th album or just an album in the future, she should make an album like Speak Now that is like a mixture of country and Pop, Because literally, listening to one song, is like reading an incredible book!!!
This song reminds me of my crush who sadly moved away the week before last week without warning. I am able to get in touch with him on PS4 though so it's not as bad but I still miss seeing him in person. It was hard for me at first because I didn't know a way to get back in touch with him so I ended up suffering from Separation Anxiety and Insomnia, which is when you feel very depressed, not yourself, can't eat or sleep, etc. but then I remember he loves video games and so I looked up his name on PS4 and sent him a friend request and luckily, he accepted it. Weve known each other since the first day of 5th grade and we would talk alot and even sat at the same table as him and his friends who also became my friends but didn't have a very good school year last year because of another kid who had the nerves to lie to us both back and forth for months and he tried to talk to me about it to figure out what was really going on but I was too shy and would run or hide everytime he tried so I felt like shit so it's a sign he forgives me. I hope to play a game of Fortnite and talk to him over mic soo. Then I can still explain everything and how everything that kid said was mostly lies they made up to hurt our feelings and most importantly have fun! I miss seeing him and hearing him so much so I'm more excited then nervous because I know there's no need to be nervous and could go back to talking like old times and it'll be a new page.
There I was again tonight forcing laughter faking smiles same tired lonely place walls of insincerity shifting eyes and vacancy. Makes total sense to me
Hey anywhere here in 2019?
No. I'm in 2020 😑
You re not alone ..
im in 4328, dinosaur
4:30 my favorite part✨
Lyrical masterpiece
october 1,2019????
Hey... It was enchanting to meet you 🎶
My crush literally made me feel this everytime we met or made eye contact.
Dreams Into Reality
Hey fellow Swifties! Go check out my cover & little bit of emotionally vulnerable meaning behind what this song means to me & if you like it then give it a like & subscribe! The link is below! 🖤😘✌🏼https://youtu.be/x9YYDoL0yAM
Never get tired of her songs really.
Owl city. Absolute yes.
i love this song so much ❤️❤️🖤😍
I only discovered this song just now. Aaand it was Adam's who I first discovered. Cute. A moment of silence to a love story that could have been. ;w;
am i the only one who gets sad when playing this song? :< this brings so much heartbreaking memories
No words to praised her.... She is amazing.... Her old songs always touches my heart 💗💗💗
You are a perfect girl!!!My heart is LOVER for you!!!😍😍I love you Miss Perfect!!!Martin P..Good day beauty!!
My school use this song for listening test xD
All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you 😍😍
ooooo BITCH
"Please don't be in love with someone else,Please don't have sommebody waaiting on you."God. I cried.
Imagining this song plays in one of jane austin's movies.
There I was again tonight forcing laughter, faking smilesSame old tired, lonely placeWalls of insincerityShifting eyes and vacancy vanished when I saw your faceAll I can say is it was enchanting to meet youYour eyes whispered "have we met?"Across the room your silhouette starts to make it's way to meThe playful conversation startsCounter all your quick remarks, like passing notes in secrecyAnd it was enchanting to meet youAll I can say is I was enchanted to meet youThis night is sparkling, don't you let it goI'm wonder struck, blushing all the way homeI'll spend forever wondering if you knewI was enchanted to meet youThe lingering question kept me upTwo a.m., who do you love?I wonder till I'm wide awakeNow I'm pacing back and forth, wishing you were at my doorI'd open up and you would say, heyIt was enchanting to meet youAll I know is I was, enchanted to meet youThis night is sparkling, don't you let it goI'm wonder struck, blushing all the way homeI'll spend forever wondering if you knewThis night is flawless, don't you let it goI'm wonder struck, dancing around all aloneI'll spend forever wondering if you knewI was enchanted to meet youThis is me praying that this was the very first pageNot where the story line endsMy thoughts will echo your name, until I see you againThese are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soonI was enchanted to meet youPlease don't be in love with someone elsePlease don't have somebody waiting on youPlease don't be in love with someone elsePlease don't have somebody waiting on youThis night is sparkling, don't you let it goI'm wonder struck, blushing all the way homeI'll spend forever wondering if you knewThis night is flawless, don't you let it goI'm wonder struck, dancing around all aloneI'll spend forever wondering if you knewI was enchanted to meet youPlease don't be in love with someone elsePlease don't have somebody waiting on youHere's the lyrics
the lyrics is so well written for you to feel that enchanting momentbut this just makes me cry every time I wondered what if they dated?this is the saddest love story for me...
It speaks to me deeply inside
Sept. 2019 ? ❤😍
2019 who listen to it?
Here I am listening to this again 6 years later. Reminds me of how happy those 400 days made me.
This song makes me cry!