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Taylor Swift - Dear John

Dear John
: Dear John
: 6.22 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 160 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 128 İndirme
: 17-09-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Taylor Swift - Dear John )
  1. Chester Didzena

    I dont wana get up again Brenda thank u for bringing me up i finished school now im stil studying my medical school

  2. Chester Didzena

    My floors fell thru go look for someone whos better than me

  3. jason sicop swift

    3:09 2019

  4. Kortney Licano

    Fuck you Taylor

  5. Ngai 22b

    Hi. I’m from the future where her latest album is “Lover”.

  6. Blue Groth

    i used to cry over this song.. emotional abuse is real.. i was 19 to... now im with a man who loves me so much

  7. Geopat

    Sounds like it’s been slowed down to .5 speed

  8. Norlia MACALABA


  9. Gla Tata

    Oct 2019 cause she is the GOAT

  10. Ever SouLessence

    I mean every single word when I sing this out loud but he never listens anyway

  11. Nuuuy Latuna

    Oct 19 2019 💕

  12. R S

    John has got real talent and is way above her league. Just listen to Terrapin Station from Citi field this past summer.

  13. World's Netizen

    WH/DJ, am i right?

  14. Catherine H. Wallace

    Good job

  15. swimgood

    S.G. — you know who you are. You were my John. I was 16. You were 22. “And I’ll look back and regret how I ignored when they said run as fast. as. you. can”. I should’ve known. Or rather- YOU should have known.

  16. Ariane VLOGS

    Misss herrr soooo muuuuuucccchhh😢😢

  17. Charles Kaminski

    She's the Best.😍

  18. Sheilo Fuentes

    Oct 4 2019 taytay😘

  19. Anime Neverland

    I think I know why John called this a cheap songwriting.

    Gabrijela Širec

    Why?(I am not trying to be rude,I just dont understand cause i love this song)

    Anime Neverland

    Well it could've been written in a better way. Now don't tell "why don't you write it". With the skills Taylor has she definitely can write better than this and with a little bit of research I found out that John really wasnt a good guy.

    Gabrijela Širec

    @Anime Neverland tnx for explanationI think you cannot compared her songs(or anyone else')each other because they are the reflection of feeling some of songs are deep like dear john or archer some are really funny like me and you need to calm down.

  20. Heavenly Rain

    This song is what I really want to tell HIM... this song is literally what I'm feeling right now 😔😖

  21. Shiela Tapao

    Anyone here listening? 2019??

  22. Stephanie Sandler

    its always fuck john on periodt lmao


    RIP Johnny boy

  24. Rachael

    It’s a beautiful song

  25. jcm00

    this is me, after I watched the game of thrones finale at my best friend's house

  26. Sanobar Malik

    "You are an expert at sorry and keeping lines blurry" Takes my heart away. Taylor you beauty.

  27. KimChi Calamari

    Taylor Marathon Starting Now

  28. Gin-chan Jared

    You know she's really mad, broken and devastated when she writes a 7 minutes song about you.

  29. ppz

    i have an ex like this... ahh sad days

  30. I like watching people suffer because of me

    The fact that my ex is named John

  31. Jo Lax

    “I’m shining like fireworks over your sad empty town” is so powerful

  32. Mariano Jinotra

    Damn this lyric🔥🔥

  33. Carlos Kombo

    Quando a Taylor fazia obras primas! #BonsTempos #OldTime

  34. Jessica Baliscao

    Goosebumps everywhere.I miss this. This hit me really hard, tho

  35. John6yt

    Geez Taylor, did you have to out me like this??? Plus you messed with me more than I did you!


    rip johnny boy

  37. Love, Lexi

    Everybody thought that Back To December is the saddest song of Taylor but I beg to disagree. This is the saddest and probably the most painful song she wrote. Nothing hurts more than the fact that you lost your innocent younger version in the process of loving someone. That’s so devastating.

  38. Ilous Sulastri

    I love someone who named Johan called JohnAnd he don't know if i love himIm trying to forget himBut i cant, don't know whyHope if he is my destiny and come to me and love me

  39. Evan Wilson

    She stole thos song

  40. Hendrich Buhrer

    dumb bitch stole form this dude

    It's Gadfly

    What are you talking about? John is a snake. She must of found out he was cheating on her, hence she wrote the letter. Jon is also a name given to guys who seek prostitutes.

  41. Laura Castro

    Amo ouvir ...2019 ...

  42. Leonela Fabiola Minaya Daza

    again my mother a acused me to loosing my mind but i was fine,all this time you paint me your blue sky, but you change the rules everyday, wonder which version i will get tonigth this song is to let you know why:wamv, jdr, fmch, hjmd, and the world who is like that:Dr Jhon i see it all know that your gone dont you think i was to young to the girl cry all the way home from Ingienieria school to my green house, you never inspired for all the things that i have done, so dont look know im shinning like firework over your sad empty town.!!!! 😨

  43. Saswati Dutta

    Weirdly enough the essence of this song is quite John Mayerish!!

  44. Jacqueline Whiteley

    Why didn't Taylor know she was too young. She was after all 19. She needs to take some responsibility for her failed relationships, of which there are many. She obviously has issues of some kind. She can't make a relationship last longer than a few months. I think she is the problem, not the men she chooses to date. And why is she falling in love so quickly, and so often.I like Taylor's music a lot, but I think she's on the road to having an unhappy life if doesn't change her her ways

  45. Chami Khiangte

    Im starting to understand how she feels

  46. bell-bottom jeangurl

    Now listen to John Mayer - Paper doll

  47. tom bennett

    You suck now quit

  48. joy Shi

    2019 everyone??

  49. Meghan Modica

    This is a dear john letter.

  50. Jacqueline Whiteley

    Never knew she had dated John. She makes him sound like a terrible person. It's a shame

  51. pam lorenz

    That's what dating is, finding if you click with someone. Sometimes you find the right one. Keep trying until you do .

  52. Chester Didzena

    I hack of your. Put them xmT

  53. Aegel Adriano

    Taylor swift's old song marathon ❤️ who's with me?

  54. Hira Fatima


  55. margie belen

    Listening from 2019.👑♥️♥️♥️♥️

  56. Ben Carmona

    Kudos to Mayer for piping a 19 year old Swift for a bit and then moving along to the next. Never knew they were together. Well played sir 😎

  57. dee

    Break up song for John Mayer lol take that!! You rocks, taytay 💟

  58. Yvonne Valler

    Hi 2019

  59. Ridha Aulia V

    You paint me a blue sky, and go back and turn it to rain ~

  60. Ronggrik Marak

    On a serious note, John Mayer is a much much much much better singer-songwriter/musician and a much better person than Taylor is and will ever be. Maybe he wasn’t good enough in their short lived relationship but that was because he was in a tough period of his life. Like John said, he didn’t deserve this. It’s a cheap skill of songwriting

    Tyrese Willis

    So true dude

  61. Izuaan Abdul salaam

    4 days away from Lover era... and I’m in a marathon that’ll make me cry 😭

  62. Izuaan Abdul salaam

    Love this 😭 ❤️

  63. DanDan GamingYT

    Dedicated for my love 💖

  64. Elena Villegas García

    Who is here after Lover to realize how happy is she now?

  65. Jojo beanz

    Why is it every hardship i have has a taylor song to it

  66. Kristian Pitts

    Mayer’s still a God though

  67. Zor r

    OMG very good

  68. joshua rosales

    "I'm shining like fireworks over your sad, empty town"

  69. Eureka L

    ..."two fucked up people, one perfect relationship."

  70. Book of shadows contributor Brian

    Cool song

  71. Iki Niuhulu Green

    Taylor swift is going to be a legend of her generation and future like Michael, bee gees of their era. I love her songs of emotions. Loved it even more when im drinking or high. Puts you right back to that situation. Ive made peace will all my darkest past but its like wtg a movie. Its amazing how her songs able to do that to me. Thank you Taylor

  72. Mayank Choudhary

    It's raining and the perfect time to listen to this song.

  73. Sugar Ice

    Anyone 2019? Please this song is too beautiful to fade

  74. kmung paite

    wow.this song is nice I like it

  75. Pets andmore

    Taylor is such a genius! Hard to believe a 19 year old wrote so many touching, beautiful lyrics that have helped people through their darkest times and always made them smile!!! The stupid haters bashing her don't even have any idea who she is,.. Love you Taylor, my Queen~

  76. Reylha Joy Talavera

    :'( 2019 anyone?

  77. hennk nannhu

    You are shining, while queens play you. . .

  78. Taylor Swift

    A true swiftie is still here.

  79. S Beck

    Johns song is better

  80. María José Zepeda Álvarez

    But I took your matches before fire could catch me, So don't look now... I'm shining like fireworks over your sad, empty town.

  81. Heaven Arteries

    John mayer. _Only you._ 🥀

  82. jocye nane

    My first crush's name is JOHN and yes i cant relate to this song because there was never an us... this just somehow reminds me of him.... LOOOL

  83. Huy Lê

    I need this deep cuts on *"LOVER*

  84. Alchester Tagwalan

    July 24 2019???

    Nat Elle II-//

    Alchester Tagwalan hello

  85. Drey Van

    Im directly searching for john mayers song but why this song is on the top list? Hahaha yeah isn't it obvious?

  86. namjoon kim

    this is for you mj, fuck ya for not choosing me but still I love you

  87. G E M

    Maybe people hate on her because they’re afraid to love a person who can make music with lyrics with feelings so real and raw... 🙃🙃🙃

  88. Elysian

    You should've known.What a great ending.

  89. QuinnUltra

    I feel more like she was immature and too naive, not so much that John was abusive.

  90. Kulin Kulin

    "or maybe its you and your sick need to give love then take it away. " july 19 2019

    MsNella Taylor

    Kulin Kulin Sounds like my ex 😏

  91. Thomas bakker

    As a huge John Mayer fan, i actually really like it.

  92. Nelson E Brown

    Who doesn't know that this is about John Mayer? LOL LOVE TAYLOR!

  93. jack henry burkenhagen

    John Mayer said on tmz that “when I go into relationships I am truthful at the beginning, middle and at the end” that means he will never lie throughout the whole relationship if he felt the wrong way about the relationship he would say it not keep it in

  94. Disha Singh

    Who's listening in 2019 ???

  95. Beanyhead

    Oh wow. I haven't listened to this song since I was like 13. Now I'm nearly 21, and I actually understand the lyrics because this is exactly what I went through at 19...

  96. Crystal DesRochers


Dear John Şarkı Sözü
Taylor Swift Dear John Şarkı Sözleri

Long were the nights when my days once revolved around you
Counting my footsteps,
praying the floor won't fall through, again
My mother accused me of losing my mind,
but I swore I was fine
You paint me a blue sky
and go back and turn it to rain
And I lived in your chess game,
but you changed the rules every day
Wondering which version of you I might get on the phone
Well I stopped picking up, and this song is to let you know why

Dear John,
I see it all now that you're gone
Don't you think I was too young to be messed with?
The girl in the dress,
cried the whole way home.
I should've known

Well maybe it's me and my blind optimism to blame
Maybe it's you and your sick need to give love then take it away
And you'll add my name to your long list of traitors who don't understand
And I'll look back and regret how I ignored when they said "run as fast as you can"

Dear John,
I see it all now that you're gone
Don't you think I was too young to be messed with?
The girl in the dress, cried the whole way home

Dear John,
I see it all, now it was wrong
Don't you think 19 is too young to be played by your dark twisted games, when I loved you so?
I should've known

You are an expert at sorry,
and keeping lines blurry
Never impressed by me acing your tests
All the girls that you run dry
with tired, lifeless eyes
cause you burned them out
But I took your matches before fire could catch me,
so don't look now:
I'm shining like fireworks over your sad, empty town

Dear John,
I see it all now that you're gone
Don't you think I was too young to be messed with?
The girl in the dress,
cried the whole way home.
I see it all now that you're gone

Don't you think I was too young to be messed with?
The girl in the dress wrote you a song
You should've known
You should've known
Don't you think I was too young?

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