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Taylor Swift - Better Than Revenge

Better Than Revenge
: Better Than Revenge
: 3.36 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 89 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 57 İndirme
: 17-09-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Taylor Swift - Better Than Revenge )
  1. Jordyn Bates

    Reminds me of Paramore's Misery Business

  2. Aparna Rathore

    I like Camilla Belle so this song kinda troubles me.

  3. musiqq angel

    i fantasize about singing this to enemies i will never sing this too😭😂 or have the place in peoples lives to sing this too but just know... im thinking it and singing it lowkey highkey whatever

  4. musiqq angel

    i honestly

  5. musiqq angel

    the confidence

  6. Jillian Kivi

    I remember being younger and thinking the part where she sings ‘she’s better known for the things that she does on the mattress’ was referring to the fact that her enemy was a gymnast.*oops*

  7. otaku gemi

    This video ended faster than she could say sabotage

  8. savethepenguins

    *Well, what can I say, Taylor is a Sagittarius. Apparently they’re blunt (but kind-hearted and easy-going) and a “fire sign” like Aries and Leo*

  9. any one

    The shade....THE SHAAAAADE 💀💀💀

  10. Astha Thapliyal

    There is a bitch in my office whose less interested in her work and more interested in mine. She takes my help whenever she gets stuck somewhere and when she's out of it she turns around at stabs me at the back. She is an ungrateful bitch. I don't get her, she takes my help and then turns around throw shade at me, insults me, tries to bully me, show people that I'm not good enough and believes that she is better than me and then ask help from me everytime she gets stuck. Plays innocent but actually she always tries to compete with me, hates when I'm appreciated and when I do good work. And the worst thing is she sits beside me in the office. To who ever is reading would probably think I'm being negative but it's hard to deal with someone everyday who is manuplative and pretentious and unfortunately liked by bosses for the way she looks and the false confidence she puts on. My hardwork, perserverance, dedication and loyalty goes unnoticed because I'm not very impressive to look at and i am modest. She is so pathetic she has a thing for the boss son, always trying to flirt with him. When she feels she has something going on with the boss son she uses this ace card against employees she doesn't like and bully them. I'd love advice from anyone on how to deal with this kind of person. Please don't say ignore because I have tried that a lot but she is extremely shameless with no self respect and a whole lot of attitude.

  11. Shantell Kuykendall

    "She took him faster than you can say Santa claus"

  12. Aquarius Lovegood

    I remember wanting to sing this to my middle school bully. Never did, but the image of her reactions to it always felt so satisfying.

  13. Wheedta Saki

    I'm scared

  14. Maryam Ali

    Now go stand in the corner and think about what you didHa, time for a little revengeThe story starts when it was hot and it was summerAnd, I had it all I had him right there where I wanted himShe came along, got him alone, and let's hear the applauseShe took him faster than you could say sabotageI never saw it coming, nor would I have suspected itI underestimated just who I was dealing withShe had to know the pain was beating on me like a drumShe underestimated just who she was stealing fromShe's not a saint and she's not what you thinkShe's an actress, whoaShe's better known for the things that she doesOn the mattress, whoaSoon she's gonna findStealing other people's toys on the playgroundWon't make you many friendsShe should keep in mind,She should keep in mindThere is nothing I do better than revenge, haShe looks at life like it's a party and she's on the listShe looks at me like I'm a trend and she's so over itI think her ever present frown is a little troublingAnd, she thinks I'm psycho'Cause I like to rhyme her name with things, butSophistication isn't what you wear, or who you knowOr pushing people down to get you where you wanna goOh they didn't teach you that in prep schoolSo it's up to meBut no amount of vintage dresses gives you dignity(Think about what you did)She's not a saint and she's not what you thinkShe's an actress, whoaShe's better known for the things that she doesOn the mattress, whoaSoon she's gonna findStealing other people's toys on the playgroundWon't make you many friendsShe should keep in mind,She should keep in mindThere is nothing I do better than revenge, haI'm just another thing for you to roll your eyes at honeyYou might have him, but haven't you heardI'm just another thing for you to roll your eyes at honeyYou might have him, but I'll always get the last wordWhoaShe's not a saint and she's not what you thinkShe's an actress, whoaShe's better known for the things that she doesOn the mattress, whoaSoon she's gonna findStealing other people's toys on the playgroundWon't make you many friendsShe should keep in mind,She should keep in mindThere is nothing I do better than revenge, haAnd do you still feel like you know what you're doing,'Cause I don't think you do, ohDo you still feel like you know what you're doingI don't think you do, I don't think you doLet's hear the applauseC'mon show me how much better you areSee you deserve some applause'Cause you're so much betterShe took him faster than you could say sabotageSource: LyricFind

  15. Marlie Smith

    @ my ex best friend who got pissed when she saw her ex liked me after SHE dumped HIM after SHE cheated, and then proceeded to steal him back. Not date him, she just didn't want him to like me. Thanks Kiara

  16. World's Netizen

    holy shit! didn't know you are so energized&powerful before.This is the partner!

    World's Netizen

    @cloudyoun i knew, that's why i keep papers. LOL, just need time to do so. old machine unfits for processing many papers at the same time.

    World's Netizen

    @cloudyoun How's your game? LOL

    World's Netizen

    @cloudyoun "保尔·柯察金的爱情是检验政治觉悟的试金石", this is the game you played that projected everybody else as whatever label you like, LOL, CCP's 50 cent dogs have big new tricks now! LOL, sorry, to let your good(fake) reputation queen down, LOL

    World's Netizen

    @cloudyoun random? you mean you have no idea. well, that's the way it is.


    World's Netizen i knew ud reply with that, i dont know why you even sent that link to me in the first place bc guess what i wont click it and I wouldn’t even care tbh if this is your way of “endorsing” that link well its not persuading me bitch,, please fuck off ty

  17. Daniel Lim

    Jubilee brought me here :O

  18. aly rodriguez

    the lyrical content in this song ugh it’s so slept on

  19. Gin-chan Jared

    S A V A G E

  20. Amy Rosado

    This might as well be winter video about her being mad at SxG (snowers x giggles)

  21. Quentin Targaryen


  22. 최샤라

    years passed by I never got tired of hearing this song *REMAKE PLEASE*

  23. Lộc Trần


  24. Kenshin Brown

    Who else for a second this said "Better than revenge" meaning better than Creeper Aww Man song? xd

  25. Ava Janus

    miss you old taytay

  26. Cyrille

    This has always been such a banger!!

  27. Ty Dicharry

    I'm just here because creep art show. Yikes lmao

  28. katie

    Lol and this comes from the self-proclaimed fEmInIsT. And all cause Joe just didn’t want to be with her anymore.

  29. izzi santana

    this is 10000% about Joe Jonas

  30. stan loona 9998

    the part from 1:22-1:50 snatches my wig everytime

  31. Celine Snache

    The innocent way Taylor swift can call someone a slut lol

  32. Seraphina Krexe

    it's 2019 and some still doesn't know this song exist. like hello people, it's "better than revenge" then "blank space" so now go stand in the corner and think about what you've missed

  33. 01emercado01

    This song belonged in the LWYMMD era. She predicted it.

  34. Honeymoon Globe

    The original break up with your girlfriend I’m bored

  35. Nathalee Felix


  36. pjnk

    Knowing now that this is about Camilla Belle... wtf. Like, this was written about an actual person? I-

  37. Dinara Altum

    Taylor swift rock star?

  38. Reinhart Alvaro

    Damn this is real good, if Swift went into rock she wouldn't be as famous but her music would be better. I love Swift's music but everyone agrees her music is generic romance pop about ex boyfriends but at least this one is fun

    donna easty

    No one agrees with that theory Taylor is incredible she has great tracks like this ''Haunted'', ''Story Of Us'', ''State Of Grace''.

    Reinhart Alvaro

    @donna easty Literally T Swift making boyfriend music is a meme online xDIdk where you go to but online she's well known for ex boyfriend music

  39. Random person

    I listen to this my 8 year old mind and I was so inoccent I didn- scratch that I knew exactly what this song was about 😁

  40. Jeriza Mikai


  41. Pianist Piano

    i feel sorry for taylor and all that bullying she has suffered but than i realise she has done the same thing

  42. hi people

    The starting line tho....

  43. Mervenur Karaağaç

    She wrote this song for a girl, i don't remember the name of her, who's dated Taylor's ex boyfriend after they broke up.

  44. Emily May

    This is like a younger version of Look What You Made Me Do and I love it

  45. Anaya Areej

    I just saw a video saying that this song is about Camilla Belle dating Joe jonas

  46. TacticalTT

    creeperaw man

  47. Fea Li

    If the words were replaced with something else this would actually be a really good song tho. Like the tune is really catchy but I don’t like how r/nicegirl the lyrics are

  48. Sterling Archer

    This song didn’t age well

  49. Amberly Walker

    And no I won’t calm down sluts

  50. Amberly Walker

    I love Chris Mandy does that make you angry

  51. Justina Gilliland

    She took them faster than the songs ends lolz

  52. Kim Jongdae


  53. Samee C

    this is what you get when you mess with Taylor.

  54. Alexandria Hicks

    “But sophistication isn’t what you wear or who you know, or pushing people down to get you where you wanna go.”PREACH

  55. Aaron Bhuyan

    Who are still listening to this song?

  56. ItsMeFaith

    Found the lyrics of this song on a friends post bio and my middle school flashbacks brought me back here

  57. abdul karim

    Taylor Swift look like a rock girl

  58. Allecram Tdimhcs

    *Top 10 anime openings*

  59. Eureka L

    ... where's Shake It Off? lol And Amy just let betrayal and hatred consumes her

  60. PyroJayxX

    Maybe this song was actually talking about herself?

    Bibash Siwakoti

    PyroJayxX dog eater

    Sugary Heaven

    It's about the girl who Joe Jonas used to date

  61. Utenzzz 1.6

    Got some Yandere vibes

  62. The Idiot Guide To High School

    One of my favorite TS songs

  63. vehemetiPolygoniae


  64. I'm Ugly But

    This Savage song is my favorite among all her revenge songs.

  65. Tia V

    This Song is popular among OMG. Really 😲

  66. Jeon Jeon

    She looks at me like I'm a trend and she's over it. That hit me hard LMAO

  67. Margaret Whitley

    I don’t know why but this kinda reminds me of misery business

  68. presley fincher

    2019 anyone else?!💓

  69. Pasng Doms

    Best revenge via sonh

  70. Alex Marie TV

    Lmao this whole song is about joe Jonas 😭💀

  71. Tech Savvy

    This song aged well lmao. A feminist icon who thinks okay to objectify men? Absolute scummy move swift

  72. Geisha Capacite

    June 2019. Who's with me

    presley fincher


  73. roni18412

    Still here in 2019....💓

  74. sharon-anne gallant

    stubborn ass fool

  75. sharon-anne gallant

    you are wrong

  76. Lauren

    Remember when Taylor ruined the poor girl’s career

    Louise Rentier

    Who's the song about?


    Louise Rentier Camilla Bella

    Billie Jean

    She never had a career 💀

  77. lazy lei


  78. lazy lei

    damn this song is gold


    "Soon she's gonna find stealing other people's tous on the playground won't make you new friends" my favourite line

  80. LM lovehorses

    Not my favourite song of hers.. You can't steal someone else's boyfriend, your partner is the one that left you.

    LM lovehorses

    Bibash Siwakoti LOL you can't steal a man! They have their own brains. He decided to date her!If your going to blame anyone blame Joe. HE was the one who broke up with Taylor and HE was the one who decided to date Camila.Stop blaming the women when a guy leaves and starts dating another. It his choice, no one else is to blame

    LM lovehorses

    Bibash Siwakoti if the girl started dating her boyfriend at the same time they were dating then her boyfriend is responsible for that and HE is cheating on her.Her boyfriend is responsible for not being an asshole and cheating on her. The girl her boyfriend cheats on her with does not cause that relation ship to fail. HE was the one who decided to cheat, and he's the only one to blame, sure she's not very morally right, but at the end of the day it's 100% his fault.He was the one who cheated, he was the one who left and he was the one who ruined that relationship.

    Bibash Siwakoti

    LM lovehorses what I’m I trying to say is that camila took joe Joans than started to be romantic and they started to fall in love and this was the same time that joe and Taylor where dating so joe Jonas cheated on her so than because he was starting to date camila he broke up with Taylor so she influenced joe Jonas to break up with her joe Jonas would’ve never broken with Taylor if camila belle didn’t took him out for a date ok so if a girl or a guy took your boyfriend/girlfriend to date or be romantic the same time you where dating them than your boyfriend or girlfriend wanted to break up with you because he wanted to date that boy instead you will not be mad?

    Bibash Siwakoti

    LM lovehorses but I have to agree that Taylor isn’t the better person in that situation but that girl isn’t innocent and Taylor didn’t slut shame her for no reason she had a reason

    Bibash Siwakoti

    LM lovehorses Taylor wouldn’t have slut shammed her if joe Jonas was already broken up with Taylor than like 2 months later he found camila belle than started to date her but no camila belle was started to take joe Jonas on. Date the same time joe was dating Taylor

  81. brandon lange

    Am I the only one who thinks she was influenced by misery business by paramore while writing this

  82. ainolynn

    This song is basically a chick sobbing because she got dumped 🤦‍♀️ it drips with Entitlement I'm so glad Taylor grew up after this


    Bibash Siwakoti

    ainolynn But actually joe Jonas was filming love bug and Camila belle was there also than when the mv was done joe Jonas was started to be. Romantic to camila belle and took her for a date the same time joe Jonas and Taylor were dating so than joe Jonas dumped Taylor Swift because he wanted to date camila belle so that’s why she wrote this song like camila belle is not innocent


    @Bibash Siwakoti so you would have rather him cheat or perhaps stay in a love less relationship? Jo broke up with Taylor because he didn't love her and made a song to cry about and drag an innocent women though the ground and ruin her career. Making this song was immature, selfish, and downright cruel

  83. ishtar rieda mhorfel

    This song reminds me of avah maldita's storyThe iconic scene in the story

  84. Mar Takanashi

    I found the master piece!!!!

  85. Country Girl

    There is nothing i do better than revenge.....*stands smiling holding a bat surrounded by broken windshield glass* 👊😈 B*tch didnt know who she messed with she does lol

  86. m norton

    the way she says “she” in this is so fucking shady for some reason.

  87. uni cat

    3 year old me:She's better known for what she does on the mattress huh? 🤔*looks in urban dictionary*WOW!!!!!

  88. ItzMidnightBlackoutAHB MSP

    I love this one x

  89. Luna Dara

    What's in the background?

  90. hmay h

    I thought it was " Head to toe so glamour" but it really is "Head to toe so player!" RIP me 😂😅✌

  91. Lisa Marie Is a weeb

    Ah yes, a song written about objectifying men and blackmailing/slutshaming a real person who didn't even steal her man. It's also pretty sexist even though it's made by a "feminist" Welp, now I'm gonna be attacked by tons of middle school girl :)

    Bibash Siwakoti

    Lisa Marie Is a weeb are you retarded this song was literally written in like 2009 or 2008 why the hell are getting mad over a song that was written in like 2009 or 2008 dumb fuck and also she isn’t even objectifying a boy she said “soon she’s going to find stealing other people’s toys on the playground won’t make you many fans” what the lyric is the saying is the is stealing others peoples. Boyfriends she isn’t saying that men are toys or anything and also Taylor Swift said she was a feminist in like 2016 and this song was. Written in like 2009 your just a dumb fuck who is commenting over a song that was written in like 20009 and plus you do know that Taylor apologized many times for this song

  92. Alfredo Sauce

    Be a yikes from me dawg

  93. Arianna Marie

    I miss this Taylor swift

    Sugary Heaven

    She's still the same just more grown up

  94. Daniela13

    "than you could say Sabotage".

  95. joe jonas

    taylor: she’s better known for the things that she does on the mattress me: woah

  96. sundollprincess

    this is me at my stoopid ex bestfriend who took my boyfriend from me😈

  97. Nokia Ayala

    She wrote this for Camilla Belle.

Better Than Revenge Şarkı Sözü
Taylor Swift Better Than Revenge Şarkı Sözleri

Now go stand in the corner and think about what you did
Ha, Time for a little revenge

The story starts when it was hot and it was summer
And, I had it all; I had him right there where I wanted him
She came along, got him along, and let's hear the applause
She took him faster than you can say sabotage
I never saw it coming, nor did I suspected it
I underestimated just who I was dealing with
She had to know the pain was beating on me like a drum
She underestimated just who she was stealing from

She's not a saint and she's not what you think
She's an actress, Whoa
She's better known for the things that she does
On the mattress, Whoa
Soon she's gonna find
Stealing other people's toys on the playground
Won't make you many friends
She should keep in mind,
She should keep in mind
There is nothing I do better than revenge, Ha

She lives her life like it's a party and she's on the list
She looks at me like I'm a trend and she's so over it
I think her ever present frown is a little troubling
And, she thinks I'm psycho
Cause I like to rhyme her name with things, but
Sophistication isn't what you wear, or who you know
Or pushing people down to get you where you wanna go
Oh they didn't teach you that in prep school
So it's up to me
But no amount of vintage dresses gives you dignity

She's not a saint and she's not what you think She's an actress, Whoa
She's better known for the things that she does
On the mattress, Whoa
Soon she's gonna find
Stealing other people's toys on the playground
Won't make you many friends
She should keep in mind,
She should keep in mind
There is nothing I do better than revenge, Ha ha

I'm just another thing for you to roll your eyes at honey
You might have him, but haven't you heard
I'm just another thing for you to roll your eyes at honey
You might have him, but I always get the last word

She's not a saint and she's not what you think
She's an actress, Whoa
She's better known for the things that she does
On the mattress, Whoa
Soon she's gonna find
Stealing other people's toys on the playground
Won't make you many friends
She should keep in mind,
She should keep in mind
There is nothing I do better than revenge,

And do you still feel like you know what you're doing,
Cause I don't think you do, Oh
Do you still feel like you know what you're doing
I don't think you do, I don't think you do
Let's hear the applause
C'mon show me how much better you are
See you deserve some applause
Cause you're so much better
She took him faster than you can say sabotage

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