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SvA - feat Revios-Bir Sabah

feat Revios-Bir Sabah
: SvA
: feat Revios-Bir Sabah
: 3.18 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 48 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 38 İndirme
: 06-01-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (SvA - feat Revios-Bir Sabah )
  1. epic dabs mlg

    How do I empty it? I want to stop seeing nudist bicyclists.

  2. Chris Hunter

    I just want to point out that all people that are named "Baker" are not actually bakers by trade. In fact that's a really weird assumption to make.

  3. Myeonggi Lee

    impressive. Never thought about that works but that actually makes sense.

  4. Arishok Qunari do I memorize a certain poem now?

  5. INIV189

    caraio, até lembrei

  6. Donald Ciriacks

    At 19:53 I remembered I had listened to this yesterday....

  7. Archana Pathak

    Interesting and informative vedio

  8. sharon wg

    the last message that he gave to us was so powerful. it reminds us of how we live in a crazy world that doesn't care about anything in front of us because of technology. that was an incredible message that warns everyone

  9. mohamed ghoday

    Hi every body

  10. David Wilkie

    Extreme caution indicated. "Believe half of what you see, and nothing that you hear", comes from similar sources to the "Memory Palace", and as you think/remember, so you are.If you're brought up amongst people who have a culture of telling "fabulous" stories, no matter how positive they seem to be, the reason why human beings developed big brains is likely to be because we are trusting and hopeful children reliant on appropriate information from adults, and had to learn to distinguish truth from confabulation.Just Have A Think, about what usually/invariably goes very wrong with that. A Memory World, of navigational awareness from Math-Phys-Chem and Geometry in Spacetime sequences, of e-Pi-i resonance imaging holo-graphic presentation, is the Actuality of Time.

  11. Michael Evans

    Hey does anyone know where I can find information on building a mind palace with unlimited room?

    full movies

    Apparently you need to read the book

  12. Pukabowers

    7 and a half minutes in and still hasn't to the point. I remember that much.

  13. Knaiia R.

    My psychology teacher showed us this video in class. This is very useful!!!!

  14. Rodnel Janvier

    Sooooo exactly WHAT are the tricks to use to remember stuff??? None of that was really mentioned in depth....

  15. Peter Dickman

    Very similar sounding to a book I read by Dominic O'brien - Learn to Remember. I can’t believe they don’t teach this in school!

  16. zexo

    I will use this for my presentationThx 😊

  17. Ariel Ambrose

    OK. HOLD UP. This should be apart of class in schools.

  18. tommy davis

    wait, so, Brittany Spears ----i.m a bit confused--- finally, which is it? is chicken of the seas chicken or tuna ?

  19. ماعندك أحد

    I need help my girlfriend will kill me !!The naked people still in my imaginary house , how I can kick them out ?

  20. No ensimismado existes - RZ

    mientras buscaba las cajas de ficheros encontre esto:

  21. Livan Grijalva

    5 years later I am still using these techniques, thank you Joshua!

    Good Tree Ministries

    Beware yoga. Those spirits are not good. They are just demons pretending to be nice. Do not channel spirits.

    Livan Grijalva

    @Good Tree Ministries Yoga? What are you talking about? This video is about memory techniques.

  22. Omar Mohammed

    Why would anyone dislike this

  23. Cin Segó

    This helped me thru four certifications! I wish they would teach it as a standard/required course.

  24. Amna Khan

    Thank you Joshua for introducing me to this, used in my public law exams, memorised Lord Bingham 8 sub rules on rule of law and then the chapters that followed, not saying that it can work for everything but it may

  25. Threelly AI

    A normal conversation

  26. Vamsi Krishna

    does anyone else find his sort of lisp a turn on?...ok just me i guess....

  27. Mark Gifford

    I told a friend 'you have a bad memory" he replied "I do to' I said 'no you don't' he replied "yes I do" i said 'no you don't" he replied "yes i do' I said "no you don't" he replied "don't what?"

  28. Pyrogue

    You question why they don't teach these in schools. Teachers are there to teach you, but they never teach you how to use your own brain. It's like having a powerful tool, but no one ever tells you how to use it.

  29. commenter78

    why would he think of those people as "freaks of nature" instead of geniuses? I don't think the guy is a very nice person to know.

  30. Kyosai Kawanabe


  31. J N

    Thanks so much for this. I just did a ten minute presentation at work based on the memory palace principles. Aced the speech with near-total accuracy...and didn't refer to my notes one bit.

  32. Ankit

    Mike Ross from suits sent me here !

  33. muthukumaranl


  34. Nilav Mandal

    Please give the subtitles

  35. Julk

    I cringed when he mentioned blackberries and iPhones as if blackberries were as relevant as Androids!Great video nevertheless. Some people might think more visually than others, but everyone can learn to improve their memory by association.

    Lucia Urie

    Julk years ago blackberries were popular tho

  36. heyyy

    Five minutes in and I realize I've read his book before. It's nice to watch him do this Ted talk

  37. Happy Man

    7:00 The moment I realized he's talking out of his mental palace

    Arishok Qunari

    and why at this point?

  38. Mohammed Zaheeruddin

    Learning how to learn sent me here .

  39. Woody Woodsfurd

    that imagine bit at the front is just what drugs are like

  40. Amilton Dias dos Santos

    Não entendi nada😐😶😢

  41. astrid burdon

    This is so amazing when you remember things by making a visual representation in your head. Thumbs up if you memorized the story he gave us to visualize in the beginning.

  42. Karan Singh

    i am used to do this in school when i had to remember 2 and more pages of topics . so what i use to do is create a story as line prgogress new things happends to main character . when i need to answer those 2 pages then i just play that whole story like video and lines and paragrhaphs keep coming in mind. that time it was so easy for me currently cant' do that easily.

  43. Blue Soul Reggae

    So to sum it up , to memorise things:put in effort to make highly visual thoughts and stories about what you want to remember. when doing this , have no distractionthe Roman orators used these tricks

  44. Blue Soul Reggae

    Now where did I leave my keys ....

  45. Moha Sku

    Thank you Joshua...😊❤

  46. Ateii pachuau


  47. 내 작은책방

    this is really really a good one. It gives us so much of meaningful insights. Thank you!

  48. Maximillius

    ?? the britney spears bit was weird and misogynistic

  49. julie jello

    wow he made an incredibe ending of the talk!!

  50. Aida Tanatarova

    This was so helpful.I had no idea about everything he just talked about.I’ve always thought having good memory was a feat only a genius can master.This makes me feel better about myself.And I think Joshua sums it up very well at the end:A good memory enriches our lives and our experiences.

    Mark Pierson

    Well said

  51. Aida Tanatarova

    This was so helpful.I had no idea about everything he just talked about.I’ve always thought having good memory was a feat only a genius can master.This makes me feel better about myself.And I think Joshua sums it up very well at the end:A good memory enriches our lives and our experiences.

  52. Anna Wollin

    For how long can you remember the things in the palace?

  53. Bitseat Getaneh

    What an inspiring story!!!

  54. shikamaru nara

    This does not work...i havr already watched this video a long time ago and have forgotten about it completely . I looked at the thumbnail and thought "this look interesting " the half way through i remembered that i have watched it .... what a useless piece of junk i have of an excuse that calls it's self a brain i did not phrase that properly but i am sleepy and i dont care...bye

  55. shikamaru nara

    "And i said woahow, how come I never heard of this before? " he should have answered that by saying " because the education system will go bankrupt and no one will take student loans and then many things will happen accordingly like self taught phd level experts with no certification as well as home schooled game addicted genius children who have no need of leaving their home cuz they have ways of making money online that they taught themselves by memorising some books the stumbled upon in their school library. ...back in the day when they still went to school. .. and now although still teens they each have a phd understanding of some feild of science ....this is a detailed description of a nightmare that the minister of education has form time to time till he woke up in sweat and said to his wife : i must , *out of breath * i must with the help of media and the gov , hide every trace possible of the modern and ancient memory enhancing techniques from public to avoid such a disaster! ...His wife then says: i will go and make some coffe want some with your eggs and ham? He then says after swallowing realising what he sounded like *gulp* : yes please , that would be nice . *still breathing heavily but not as hard as before *..."////Ofc if he said something remotely close in his talk like against the gov or edu systems ....the least of his problems would be banned ted talk , then arrested or just assassination . Maybe dissappear. So here i am fbi , nsa and interpol etc... i am explaining why non of our curriculums contains such ancient techs to improve our learning , we are being ripped of and fooled into thinking we need to pay for and edu because we cant possibly teach anything to ourselves nor self develop our skills unless we pay some group of experts (uni ) to that for us... once people realise this they will stop paying and going or sending their family members to such places (its personal as well since i hate my uni so u can imagine alk the emotional struggle i am going through watching this video and writing this comment. ... i am kind of venting but notnin private so i am hoping someone sees this while not really caring if no one sees it.... so do not take this comment the wrong way while parts are serious others are jokes...u decide whih are which ) So come and get me if you think i am wrong . This kind of thing should be taught at pre school, high school , uni and companies and money that is spent on higher edu can be spent onnthe certification but in a different way , convince me otherwise (fyi : i am lacking sleep as i am writing this)

    masheeha farah tabasum

    I fully agree with your comment. I hope you get sleep though

    Leila Zacharias

    University doesn‘t exist to make us remember things, in a way it just forces us to actually study things by testing our memory in exams. but nobody really thinks that we can‘t memorize everything by ourselves, it‘s rather that university is supposed to help filter out what is scientific and worth memorizing and what isn‘t


    I'm learning to speak english with aplication Mosalingua or Mosalearning, and I seen this video becouse of this aplication...this video is very great.

  57. Altagracia Liciaga

    All these people do not actually explain what they did to train their memories. Why they don't say: I read this book and include the author; It's always and I am quoting Mr. Foer's words" I spent a year investigating ancient data on memory..." just say clearly what steps, books, (not ancient techniques used by ancient Greeks or "investigating memory "bla bla bla) Explain in short a method. Why don't he list books he had read.

  58. Letong Chen

    Am I the only one felt I got nothing out it?

  59. Osman Ögel

    Where are you Sherlock?

  60. Amazing and most crazy Videos


  61. Gabriel Glover

    Such a POWERFUL strategy. I utilized this during a competitive Speech season, and it’s truly the reason I achieved State Champion in Impromptu speaking. Memorizing visualizations that represent stories/topics I tended to want to talk about..... I was “prepared” with ideas for each speech although many people didn’t know how. Very powerful too. Master this, people!!

  62. Egipher Mutinta Manengu

    I love this talk

  63. Jacci Wolff

    I began building my own mind palace after this, and have had it for nearly a year now. I fill it with facts i dont want to forget, phrases i want to remember, and even song titles I want to look up later. I started with an empty house that i must approach to enter, and it grows more vivid every time.Sidenote: i found this can also work in controlling memories that cause anxiety. In the backyard of my palace, I created a black hole in the ground, that i cover with one of those twist-top man-hole-like cover things. Every time i come across something i cant handle dwelling on, i unscrew the top and drop it inside, and reseal it. This works more and more every time i do it.

    Kirna Modi

    Jacci Wolff hi Wolff would you please tell me how you started

  64. Rupert Carlquist

    I love how a lot of Americans always go up a pitch with their voice when speaking, as if every thing they said was a question? That´s just amazing? Great talk however?

  65. Joel Nemo

    visual spacial context

  66. Shubham Khandelwal

    This talk reminded me of 14 years ago when I was able to remember all the dialogues of Finding Nemo movie. Now I realise how I was able to do so.

  67. William Plaud

    I am currently reading his book.

  68. Akira Y.

    Bravo!! Great speech. He really got me thinking.


    In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our firends. King Jr. Saludos desde Tijuana

  70. Talha Ahmed

    Im memorizing the first 1000 digits of pi, im around 150 right now


    How long did it take? It seems like a nice way to train memory. My friend remembered a bunch of random numbers like root of 2. Useless yet it seems like a great life skill to have.

    Deep Purple

    Wow! you wasted a lot of precious time for a completely useless thing!


    @Deep Purple What if he's in a scenario like Bruce Willis in whichever Die Hard movie with Samuel L. Jackson where they had to solve puzzles to keep a bomb from going off, but the solution is the first hundred digits of pi? He'll be a hero, the terrorist will fall off the top of a building, and we'll all have a Merry Christmas.

  71. Shubham Sharma

    This really helps...i was here a 3 years back. Loci method helped me alot in my studies.Now here to thanks jousha and TED.

  72. VekASh S

    Sherlock sent me here I was waiting for him to ,ention Sherlock when he talked about Baker 221 Baker street

  73. Kuro Heart

    My psych teacher linked me here. Sort of. She copied the link onto a document, then printed out the document and gave it to me.

  74. Diego Olivarez

    Dr. Barbara Oakley sent me here.

  75. Carla Gonçalves

    All fun and games, except if you have ADD...:(

  76. Rahul Ghand

    This video is available in hindi

  77. PeakLegacy

    Skyview HS

  78. Guillote Maldonado

    Awesome lecture. Very inspiring. It's all about practice.

  79. Crazy Play Station

    سبرايز مذا فكا

  80. Satyajeet Giram


  81. Maker Marx

    I cant forget, but i dont rememebr what...

  82. Mohamed Ali

    I mostly agree with you and it gave me alot of inspiration to be better

  83. mainul islam

    "in the first place" :D

  84. BeauJames59

    Crazier the construction, the better. I think I saw Terry Bradshaw describe this many moons ago.

  85. Joe Smith

    1.5x speed is fine.

  86. null

    Brought here from the book “A Mind for Numbers” by Barbara Oakley, it talks about the memory palace technique in much more depth.

  87. Kaylin Worthington

    "Our lives are the sum of our memories"--so true!!

  88. Ayesha Shaikh

    Loved it

  89. fibsernum30

    I have enjoyed memorizing the first 115 numbers of the Fibonacci sequence. I did not use any special technique.

  90. Jade Beth J

    Can't believe I'm just finding this video in 2017 lol

  91. James Goodhew

    Weird, that Brittany Spears story is not in his book, in fact Ed asked him instead of Him asking Ed.

  92. Marvixx

    Amazing. Thank you!

  93. Daniel Howard

    But there is something intriguing about this. Are Autistic savants using these tricks? I think not. They have access to the memories whereas what this guy is telling us is how normal people can access the memories. Right?

  94. Founder

    Божечки, как же скучно! Информацию двух предложений он умудрился на 20 минут растянуть. Сплошная вода, даже в моем дипломе столько не было. Джошуа Фор верни мне, блеать, 20 минут моей жизни!

  95. Gladys Alejandra

    wow! Great Speech!

  96. Alexis Acosta

    Really awesome Joshua. I'm reading his book "Moonwalking with Einstein" and it's fascinating. Thanks for sharing this.

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