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Super Junior - Lo Siento

Lo Siento
: Lo Siento
: 4.15 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 113 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 69 İndirme
: 04-11-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Super Junior - Lo Siento )
  1. Winter melody

    I'm a hugggeeee fan of kard and respect suju like a lot this collab is heavenlyyyy

  2. Iris Borges

    MY GIRLS, I LOVE IT ♡♡♡♡♡

  3. Camille *_*

    Me encanta Leslie y Kard, tienen muy buena música y talento 🎶😍

  4. Luisa Wilde

    I just love how the Koreans fans gone crazy with the sexy dance hahaha Latinos flavor ❤❤🔥

  5. Luna Ahn

    well after 'sorry sorry' from super junior, they're moving on with 'lo siento', i know the meaning of it from 'what's wrong with secretary kim' 😂😂

  6. 복동

    1:22 전지우 다씹어먹네

  7. Quentron Ozmero.


  8. 딩디용

    0:54 1:43 2:54 갓예성김보컬

  9. 바나나호홋

    카드도 이런노래로 컴백했음좋겠다

  10. sofia nabilah

    No oneLiterally no one Seriously no one Me: dying after seeing leeteuk with red hair.

  11. Madalyn Matthew


  12. Ameni E.L.F SuperJunior15 SuJu-holic

    Leggo for 13M !!♡

  13. Aaishah :D

    Can you guys stop hating on Irene. It’s not her fault she’s uncomfortable around boys, and plus she’s from a *GIRL GROUP* not a group with boys, some of you dumb fans forgot KARD has two girls and two boys (BM and J.Seph) so of course Jiwoo and Somin are gonna be more comfortable around boys. I understand Irene is very close with Suju but there’s a massive crowd watching her, You guys would probably be nervous too if you were dancing closely around Men. 😒 I love all three of these groups but you guys gotta stop and keep your annoying opinions to yourself.

  14. 림Rim

    1:21 3:12 ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  15. Vicky UwU

    che no es feat kard porq j.seph y bm cosita hermosa no estuvieron

  16. Ailiin Martinelli

    Jiwoo aprende a hablar por lo memos esa parte en español😭😭

  17. Luis Hoil

    No es leeslie pero canta más hermoso esa chica

  18. Diana Flores

    Hiddens we need your help, please vote for Kard to AAA in the category girls groups please

  19. Dark Agatha

    So sexy and great SoMinny💃💕.And Jiwoo so good too😊

  20. maria . tv army

    Shindong me engaño :( 😹

  21. Hoa Do

    Girl KARD

  22. Loll Popo

    Jseph is crying😂

  23. Loll Popo

    *Goosebumps* by their professionals attitude 😍 this is how it supposed to be !

  24. arum dewi

    Ahjussi rasa oppa🤤

  25. Ada Gaiden


  26. suki w

    i love LHZ his rap is so attractive

  27. suki w

    The last time…

  28. Triz

    ainda não superei



  30. real_ bbh

    Hi ELF's, Can we ask for your help for voting KARD in Starnews Popular Award in Girl Group Category? Link:! Please VOTE FOR KARD! YOU CAN VOTE ATLEAST 8 TIMES EACH ACCOUNT YOU HAV (Naver, Kakao, FB, IG, Twitter, etc.)LET'S MAKE KARD PROUD TO US! LETS GIVE THEM OUR LOVE AND SUPPORT!Link:

  31. jawaher al

    wahh jiwoo really so beautiful 💘💘🤤

  32. Chika Fujiwara

    Pertama, iyadah ini perform lebih real. Tapi, woilah--Irene kaga salah apa-apa 😒 Apa salahnya cewe gasuka disentuh-sentuh? Bukan masalah profesional ato nggaknya. Dan satu lagi, Irene sibuk kali coy, gasempet belajar koreo nya scr full. Dan satu lagi, as SM stand--saya dukung semua artisnya ga pandang bulu. Saya nggak pernah nyalahin SJ, hanya saja kalian para fans suka lupa diri kalo disenggol dikit. Okay, some reveluv immature kala itu, kalian elf yang MENANGGAPI, emang nggak immature juga namanya? Hm. Yaudahlah.

  33. Farhanah Ali

    I died when leeteuk smirked at 2.17

  34. saturn *:・゚

    It's been a year but this is still iconic

  35. Diana Molko

    Tremenda colaboración de suju con estas hermosas chicas de KARD 💙

  36. 이리아

    하 예성..존잘 미친다

  37. Ma.Gabriela

    "Lo siento" por los demás pero SuJu es el mejor grupo😜😙😍❤.

  38. OLIVER

    Oh gosh Jiwoo is amazing !!

  39. Mahima Nandagawali


  40. Miranda May

    I really want Yesung and Somin collaboration now. Their voices together are 🔥

  41. †Abii Jeong†

    :'( y mis partes en español? Jo...


    Estos bastardos me mintieron:'v Hay 2 versiones una en coreano y otra en español

  42. jemsi awumbas

    Enak bngt tu cwe di sentuh sma smua super junior

  43. myLife Story

    Where's heechul?

  44. walaa walaa

    I m so sad cuz iam heddin kard and i didn't see this before now Like woooow this is sooooooooo good And proud that kard do a collab with super junior

    JK's Fangirl

    If u new, u can also check somin collab with hui pentagon You'll luv it!😊

  45. Park Villanueva


  46. Haidée Vicencio

    Sigo regresando a esta colaboración tan ÉPICA 😭♥️ KARD Y SUJU SON LOS MEJORES

  47. megan y jimin esposa de jimin

    Sacaron el español😒😲😢😤😠😡😳

    Haidée Vicencio

    Esta canción tiene dos versiones, una en español y otra en coreano

    megan y jimin esposa de jimin

    Pero a mi me desepsiono

  48. Lloyd Alvin Sunga

    Go Yesunggg

  49. Azminda m.a.v.v

    그는 멕시코에서 그들을 사랑했습니다. los amó desde México 🇲🇽

  50. آيفين الحلوى

    2020👇we 2020👇👇🥰Like👉

  51. Krishna Rojas

    Oh, I love it

  52. Lejindary Potaeto

    Ba na na na ehh



  54. Nayeon - Chaan

    Vi KARD vim correndo😍🥰


    Damnnnn Somin and Jiwoo out did this performance hands down.

  56. Meli G.

    Can someone pls tell me the names of each member in this Video (describe With suits colour)😅😅😍😍😄😄😄😄😄😄

  57. Esmeralda Apaza.

    Es muchisimo mejor leslie q esa aburre

  58. Crimson Kim

    THe rEaSoN wHy jIwOo aPpEArINg aT tHe vIdEo wAs LeSs tHaN sOmIn Is b'cUz bM Is jElOuS HSHSHSH

  59. 030 000

    Come back from I think I I miss them performing on stage really..

  60. Mitchell Jack

    I wish Heechul could perform with them

  61. Twice tus patronas

    I really like Kard but I prefer the version with Leslie (I prefer the song in Spanish, apart from why I can sing it: v)


    Estan las inegrantes de kard

  63. Hari Yanto

    Oktober 2019

  64. blosson Shanker

    I literally can't believe Yesung is FREAKING 35 YEARS OLD !!😲😲😨

  65. Lone Fox

    I still watch this and"girls are hot, boys are hot, why everyone is so hot?" - Min Yoongi

  66. Blue Angel

    where is heechul?

  67. Beaglecheoreom

    The collab I never knew I needed, and boy what an amazing one it was!!

  68. Nurvita Adriyani

    Where is heechul that time..?

  69. Maria ExoL

    Love it❤ miss ko na Super Junior 💕

  70. ToolShed BootyGoon

    Where’s heechul

  71. gloria van

    Super Junior & KARD 💕🤩

  72. Alondra Valo Leto

    Lo siento nunca me gustó la colaboración con las chicas de Kard no les queda y su voz no se presta para ello me he es tedioso escucharlas y a pesar de que no me caí bien leslie prefiero por miil la canción con ella ♡

  73. Patricia Louise

    Somin was a lucky woman on this video🌚❤

  74. AIOnce ID

    Still love this song

  75. Rozavella Blaize

    Yesung OPPA

  76. Afifa Khalid

    KARD ❤ I wish they get more n more recognization in Korea 😍💜💜 soomin n jiwooo🔥🔥

  77. e moonlight

    Somin 'lo siento' pronunciation is really good

  78. shibersdad

    Who else came here for their 2 favorite groups?

  79. Berenice Ponce

    Como me sigue gustando este ritmaso, no cabe duda que siguen siendo muy buenos

  80. vaishnavi parthasarathy

    Can anyone tell why heechul is not here🙄


    he was injured.

  81. Tu Nguyen

    donghae is so handsome

  82. María Fernanda Mora Navarrete

    KARD have a Latin hot sexy style, and girls are very well singers and dancers that are comfortable in complicate choreos. They fit perfect for a Lo Siento Korean version!! Perfect choice SuJu. I aspire it serves for KARD to obtain more popularity in Korea.

  83. joysse elaenne

    Porque aqui tem mais visualizações do que no clipe? No entiendo!

  84. Queen Sita

    why heechul didnt participant here?

  85. Isha Ayub

    Can someone tell me the name of the guy in the blue suit? He got a really good voice.



    Isha Ayub

    MIDZYdeul thank you

  86. Taeyoung태영

    0:06 Yesung's eyes omg

  87. Arianna Ramirez

    Oh look Leeteuks is holding Jiwoo waist here BECAUSE THAT'S THE CHOREOGRAPHY! Seriously Irene just brings a lot troubles

    KRY in 2019

    Not Irene's fault... But her crazy fans.


    How is it Irene’s fault? It’s her stupid immature fans’ fault

  88. Pâmela Silva Kard novo mv!

  89. Syeda Buraira

    Somin and Jiwoo have strong impactful vocals to match with experienced superstars as SuJu. Wow! Proud of Somin and Jiwoo

  90. sh ab

    ما عندي اتعليق عبدلةة هيوكي ههه اووبا ما هذا ؟

  91. Nusaiba Mehrin Hridi

    Seriously! WHY CANT I FIND *HEECHUL*?!

  92. CLEAN n

    How can kard sing with that dance..

  93. BTS tus patronesᅲ듀ᄃᄂ

    Super junior & leslie grace♡

  94. Konpal Batra

    2:23 onwards there dance moves are so powerful! Damn! Can't take your eyes off the screen!

  95. Jeniffer i nee you

    Cómo es que no me había dado cuenta de esta joyita :0

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