Chill bro.
OW!!!!! I found a staple in the center of this hot dog...........(And sadly, it was the best part). Now I'm off to puke in the urinal in the trunk of my car. Yes, I am that fancy, bet you wish you had a urinal in the trunk of your 2007 Altima. The original owner almost bought the cruise control and graphics package.......But his wife made him change his mind.......So I was almost really cool. Thanks for your time, the internet is very important, I only wish I could contribute as much as "chef brain scramble mad cow disease", here. Tasty stuff, keep up the good work........Or I will sue you!!!!!!!
I'll take one of each please. And then 2 more Mac and cheese dogs and two more chilidogs. and now I've had a heart attack
Golden flavor.. wtf does golden taste like?
like yellow but more golden
Golden shower like
A "California dog"? That is quite literally a Detroit Coney
Cali dog would be vegan with tofu on top.
Thank you!
"California" style to most fast food places is just lessening the carbs in the dish, replacing any beef or pork with chicken, turkey, or vegetables for health, then they add avocado to it. To me California style is synonymous with basic bitch style
apachedisco lol a Chicago dog would just have bullets in it. It's funny how Chicago thinks it's on the same level as New York or Los Angeles
you're just jealous california is the best state in the union suuuuck it!
Ketchup on a hot dog? Absurd! Now where'd I put that mac and cheese...
did you try and pick the most obscure deadwood quote for you name? haha i woulda gone with tell your god to ready for blood
Anyone who doubts me puts ketchup on their hotdog.
From Alain Passard to the staples center...this is why i love Ludo...! keep'em coming guys!!!
Every Ludo appearance has a line about him being French.
maybe hes proud of it...? care to comment on youtube videos where someone says "As an American..."
another 20 years it'll be a guy named Mohammed telling you he's "french"