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Spag Heddy - Love On First Sine

Love On First Sine
: Love On First Sine
: 3.11 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 76 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 64 İndirme
: 17-03-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Spag Heddy - Love On First Sine )
  1. Dr.DragonKnight

    I listened to this song a long time ago but I forgot the freaking name, thank GOD I finally found it! This is one of my favorite songs!

  2. Alicia Filio carmen

    Like si eres el unico de tu salon que escuca dubtep

  3. J T H

    The amount of spanish comments are driving me un poco loco

  4. Bugati 01

    I remember listening this in my dubstep phase😂

    Dark ArmyZ

    Me too xD

  5. Enemigo De Badabun

    Y con esta canción dió inicio a mi adicción al Dubstep...*Nostalgia auditiva*

  6. el pelotero 22 xD

    Like si eres el rarito que escucha este tipo de música enfrente de los reguetoneros :v

  7. Sara Mcmillan

    The background is sad ;_:

  8. Shua

    Lo triste es que cuando vi a Spag Heddy en vivo no tco esta rola en su set :"v

  9. Juan Alvarez

    like por amumu es para que ya no este triste :(

  10. Richard Beall

    99% is Spanish 1% is English


    me gustaría que skrillex volviera a hacer dubstep pesado

  12. Nicolas Osorio

    Amumu escucha esto cuando conoce nuevos amigos :,D

  13. yevre maximo9

    Nostalgia 😪

  14. Michael H

    when you know where the lines came fromstarcraft 2

  15. Fabian Ezequiel Fernandez

    Esperas un chingo de comentarios en gringo cuando la aguja del pajar son ellos jajaj

  16. Fabian Ezequiel Fernandez


  17. Fer -RomerC -


  18. mauricio gutierrez

    lul amumu xd

  19. The Dexøt

    23718??? Vengo del futuro 😵🤥

  20. TuPanitaGhost uwu

    Joder yo recuerdo estoo cuando lo escuchaba tenía 9 años :D

  21. Jonathan 13

    like si lo escuchas en 2020😊

    Jermaih Cordova

    Le daré like :b

  22. .,|by010|,.

    ah oldstyle spag heddy, where are you now ;-;

  23. Jeni Saavedra

    Like si te dicen loco por estas canciones en tu escuela o tu familia;-)

  24. Mecobrawl XDDD

    Soy del año 2030 y lo sigo escuchando si no me creen vallan se a la chingada Like si vienes del futuro

  25. Grade

    Who misses Sine Heddy? Anyone?

  26. Trương Công Phát

    Oh my buddha!

  27. Super Sonic

    I forgot this song was in GD

  28. GAMER Fox


  29. Ahmed Sakin

    Is that avee player??

  30. NikGamer 007

    Wo sind die Deutschen? Germany❤👊

  31. NikGamer 007


    Super Sonic


  32. Davide Lauriano

    Press F to pay respect to Amumu's happiness

  33. vato

    Amumu UwU

  34. Cafe Glorioso


  35. ๓๏๏ภ Dawg

    this channel has more subscribers than....official spag

  36. Śțâțīć

    Came from CoryxKenshin, "Smokin'!"

  37. Emerald Dragon

    english anyone?

  38. Vivaldo Paris

    Back to 2014 c:

    yeet her wig

    Memories 😭

  39. Alric Ivey

    0:57 SMOKIN

  40. raul Romero

    Mola mucho spa-guetti

  41. Roger

    Doctor: you have 1 minute to live Me: Can I listen to this song?Doctor: but it's 3 minutesGod: nvm, it's okay.

  42. spider gaming

    Why are most of these comments spanish?

  43. Die¡GO!

    Like si spag heddy hace unos temazos

  44. 3z willie

    Who still coming to this 2019 October


    a ton of spanish people

  45. penny wise


  46. csemaaj


  47. descargar musica

    me encanta esta musica

  48. Jhosepogi123 Jhosepogi123

    is amumu

  49. Nova Youtube

    how all those years passed away its 2019 and i am still listening this because of nostalgia

    Tristan Jillings

    I still listen cause its the shit

  50. Cyborg EADS

    Esta musica es muy profunda xd Esto vale oro

  51. FLAIN TM

    Make's me nostalgic 😞😞

  52. **B R Y A N G A R C I A**

    Eso si es dupstep y mis loqueras xd o dsg

  53. L Lawliet

    Still here

    L Lawliet

    Still here

  54. Nvrhpnd

    wow this is such great song!i love it

  55. Ripper Ezz

    Este dubstep me trae recuerdos de tardes en verano con uno de mis unicos amigos que tuve.


    Uuff hace 6 años que no la escucho

  57. Narancia Ghirga

    league of legend suck big

  58. David Espinoza

    I remember playing modded cities XL on my shitty ass PC listening to this song. Oh boy the cities I used to make

  59. FOXGAMER Garcia

    Like si buscas un comentario en español 😜

  60. Daniel Guerra

    Pt el q able ingles ( %)

  61. Emerald Dragon

    ay 2019

  62. Brujo Pony

    esta cancion es para todo contextome encanta¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

  63. Ramses Jones

    memories 2014

  64. REI DO PAO



    2019 MANINHOS

  65. Electro Gaming

    Dustepgutter forever

  66. haziel mizrraim

    like si eres esa personas que no sabe que dice en el titulo pero a un asi la escuchas

  67. higuybugfly3142

    cxk anyone?

  68. FoxyX YT

    let snoking it!!!!!!!

  69. Zeliagomes Gomes

    Alguém br 2019?

    Maycom Thyarles

    Aqui tem um kkkk

    blackgameplays e tutoriais

    eai men

  70. David González

    like si tegusto

  71. David González

    alguien mas abla español

  72. VinTeen [GD]

    Which drop is your favourite? Let me know about that!

  73. Lucina Arana Dorantes


  74. Major Orange

    I would just like to say, I'm starting a One-Trick Amumu account on League of Legends (so I only play Amumu). This will be the only song i listen to for hype

  75. el_ kartero

    I remember playing this song while playing League Of LeyendsGood old times

  76. Candy Rider 33


  77. Rosa Vidal

    Maluma el que lo lea

  78. Meaza Gebrekristos

    That drop hit harder than my dad

  79. Konrad Furtek

    Hello? Someone is here?

  80. Liseth Saldarriaga

    Like si sigues escuchando en el 2019 2020 y 2021

  81. ItsBounceB

    what does even *sine* means

  82. Troublxd

    Slow it down a little it’s sick!

  83. Bro ther

    I hate this fck head Amumu braw... it kills me everytime

  84. Nitro X

    Damn I remember 5 or 4 years ago I used to listen to this daily such a banger!

  85. goodbye moto

    I need a bottle bottle, bottle thats what I need

  86. Jota Eme

    0:57 ahí vieneeeeeeeee!

  87. Florencia Martinez

    dale like si te gusta todas las cansiones 100 likes o 1000

  88. John Roger Tarrayo Carlisle

    CoryXKenshin anyone?

  89. Ricardo El Venezolano


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