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Snap - I ve Got The Power

I ve Got The Power
: Snap
: I ve Got The Power
: 3.53 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 164 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 93 İndirme
: 01-04-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Snap - I ve Got The Power )
  1. Boylonglegbeatz

    City power


    I Got the Power

  3. Pammy Sean

    Jim carry

  4. Khanny

    No nut November, 2019

  5. Debora Zdravkova

    for those who will listen to it in 2020 😝

  6. ninetjerdjehuty primero


  7. Konsta Heikkinen

    Favourite band of Thanos

  8. Hole Fish

    Dog Bless

  9. Airamdavid Ledesmamendez

    Que época forever los 90 africa baambata snap MC hammer Corona rozalla

  10. Airamdavid Ledesmamendez

    Uff que recuerdos que temazo de snap

  11. Bernhard wiedemann

    war eine geile zeit

  12. Matien Azemy

    One hell of a song!


    Du vrai son ! J adore ! Ceci dit, j ai le pouvoir, ce n est pas mon genre de discours !

  14. Michael Youst

    It’s the best 90 s hit ever

  15. blockmasterscott

    I learned of this song from watching Perfect Weapon!

  16. LaToya Farrell

    DAMN! I was 14 when this joint dropped. STILL fire!🙌🏽

  17. Osman Kara

    i'm still listening to this in 2019


    Yes ive been listening to this for the past couple of days now. Ive been listening to other 90s house music too

  18. Champagne

    This will be my national anthem when I finally take over the world

    Pensador Anacrônico

    I Will be your right arm

    AP_ Jim_Math

    and I'll be the left

  19. Champagne

    Every early 90s baby fighting with their siblings for the TV remote. One emerges victorious. I've got the power!

  20. Lewis Thomas

    I already knew the song but Fresh prince of bel-air brought me back

  21. Opaa

    Agathe Bauer,Es geht nicht es geht nicht es geht nicht bei der Hektik

  22. Rizky Arifin

    When You have a SUPERPOWER such as Superman in a Real life.

  23. Rushdi Ishmail

    Great track.👌🏾

  24. Krish Mathur

    Who came here because of Fresh Prince?

  25. Lilit Sahakyan

    2019 i am.still.listening

  26. Demir TV

    🇹🇷🇦🇿Desem kaç beğeni gelir?

  27. Jacob Foster

    When you're in a car with a bunch of kids playing violin and you need them to be quite...

  28. Jimy the Duke

    Youth time memories

  29. Elbert Aguas

    Thanos theme song in infinity war

  30. Allen Trey

    Dummies #redshoes.

  31. Kareem Supreme

    The summer of 1990 brought me here. Hit that like button if you remember they stole this whole song, and the concept from Chill Rob G. He was overseas performing this song and snap stole it. Chill Rob Gee sued and got a handsome Ransom. He never had to rap again.😉

  32. Rubén Gutiérrez

    Who is listening in 2119?⚡️

  33. Liquid Zoo Productions

    I've got the power to not act like a cunt that thinks all modern music sucks and not say about how I'm listening in 2019.

  34. Furkan Demir

    *M A X I M U S I G O T T H E P O W E R*

  35. vasile chetan

    Хорошая песня!/好歌!/Good Song!

  36. hello there


  37. Василий SoftIce

    Американская фирма Transceptor Technology приступила к производству компьютеров "Персональный спутник".

  38. john ramsey

    when you install 64gb of RAM I GOT THE POWER

  39. محمد خالد لول

    I ve got the power 💪💥

  40. Nazi Reichtangle

    I have the power to take the all world!

  41. CHI4O_ KOKO

    2019 anyone 😁😁

    Lobito Negro Azul 1995

    The best of my parents' time


    Yea the best of all time 😂😂😂😂I am 16

  42. WEC Schnave


  43. Dom Lagana

    Why isn't this a meme yet! 😂 😂 😂

  44. NDNG - Yusuf muhammed

    Türk varmı Türk ?

    Tural Salahlı

    Var qardaşım

    Burak Gunay

    NDNG - Yusuf muhammed olmazmi

  45. Elcin Memmedov

    Barış Özcan dan gelenler +1

    Ease Livers

    Zaten biliyordum ama Barış abi sağolsun hatırlattı. I've got the power

  46. Marcelo Souza

    Gostei de ouvir essa música dancei muito nas boates Saudades


    Opa um br

  47. valmir junior

    novembro 2019! funfando

  48. Tanea meka


  49. More than cools

    RESPECT +++ if you still listen to this masterpiece!


    Legend never dies

  51. Kevin Kabuga

    November 2019

  52. Austrin Alick

    German band, American lead singer, worldwide chartbuster! Probably the only beat that was never ripped off again. 👍

  53. Yasser van Varsseveld

    Yep.. the only russian I actually know..

    Андрей Медведков

    Yasser van Varsseveld я тоже)

  54. Jvd Jvd

    Eebsieiesjez. 123455-7788910

  55. Antoine Nichols

    How people talk on the internet who's listening too this in 2019

  56. Nitrogue

    When you're a kid and reach your hand forward towards the entrance of the mall and the doors slide open.

  57. Honda 4 Life

    The 7.4k dislikes are from millenniums.

  58. fiffo faffo

    anni 90 the best

  59. Concepto

    J’adore !

  60. Daeru9732

    phil taylor

  61. Furkan Erdoğan

    Thanos like this😉

  62. alemon22

    strong voice lovely voice :D

  63. Flavio Barbosa

    🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷 Música antiga !! E muito boa 😂😂2019🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵

  64. Daniel Cristian

    Real music... not like the shit they put on TV nowadays

  65. Joe Escobar

    Oh snap, it's Snap!


    Man...this takes me back to being an Army brat living overseas and Friday nights at the skating rink. Great times. ♥️♥️

  67. Trevor Horan

    Fresh Prince of Bel Air brought me here. LOL

  68. Il patriota italiano

    When Mussolini gain the power after the march on Rome

  69. dragon punch

    That Lady in that video is outstanding. Beautiful. Great Track 💪🙌

  70. Manuel Quintanilla

    You're now entering the 90's.... prepare yourself.

  71. 罗 Low瑞南 Soke Lam

    我这个小南瓜 是不是小怪物 中西合作 送给你们这个给 TIGER THE EYE 更加努力学习 谢谢你们 共同努力Give Me The POWER

  72. Elena Koviliayeva

    СП р ма п под аокт

  73. Marc

    Who's listening in 1992?

  74. M R

    Jeff Speakman movie brought me here.

  75. megan rose

    Who else is smacked of there face on acid

  76. SirKeith Vincent

    No disrespect to Chill Rob G he rapped the lyrics better from the other version but this version I like the best because of the way the woman sings the song.

  77. Nukleon_238

    Apparently Sonic CD samples this in Stardust Speedway Bad Future in NTSC-2 and PAL regions

  78. gangstalking simulation

    All these years rolled by and I just recently realize that I GOT THE POWER....and I had it all along.....

  79. bibolcs

    Get off my back or I will atack and you dont want that....

  80. Livestream Livestream

    Herman and shera have got my power 🌟🌟💡

  81. Navam Obeysekara

    anyone listening in november 2019

    The Desk

    No, I'm not.


    ya know that these comments "aNyOnE LIsiNiNg iN...." are just annoying and serve no other poirpose?

    Long Haul

    indeed :) Just had to lsiten this song since it comes partly in one of my fav movies

    o stjohn

    Yup playing this for my coworker so we could get the chemistry machine working in the lab lol

  82. Bis Cuit

    Middle school jams I love it

  83. arshad shaik

    tollywood(telugu film industry) from india copy pasted this made in andhra studentmovie: thammuduyear of release: 1999

  84. Buk Lau

    *Wesley Snipes has entered chat*

  85. tc030564

    Am I really listening to this, 1989/90 when good music went into a coma and its still there 30yrs later, with one or two acceptations

  86. Maroh Kamara

    This music fits any type of drugs except keta

  87. Ava Long

    Wau! Still sounds great!! Respect 90's!!!!👍👍👍👍

  88. Marvina I

    Such a classic. Yass. Bring back great music please

    •Vale Acchi•


  89. Kalel Colbert

    Best song ever

  90. Michal Dobrzynski

    Cool. Not unsuported. But in a Country where u can make millions wtf? Why not? Other place? Sure if u can do hobby or passion or what ever. Why depression 4 fck sakes Why?

  91. Guntram Lenk

    Agathe Bauer aproves.

  92. Shahryar Bhutto

    I never ever liked this song. And still I don’t. I dunno what’s the fuss that made this song an international hit?

  93. vanessa perez

    Geil ♥️

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