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Sistar - Ma Boy

Ma Boy
: Ma Boy
: 3.17 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 90 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 69 İndirme
: 10-11-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Sistar - Ma Boy )
  1. Heerv Reenol Malan

    Miss Sistar 💐😭

  2. Eli Marie

    2019? Anyone?

  3. Stacy Angie


  4. YuSeeMi

    Hey! Body rolls are hard.

  5. Joseph Anthony Ferrer

    soyou is so fucking and hot and beautiful

  6. Anisah Ania

    Miss them soooooo baaddddd

  7. Jayda Ragbar

    them bodyrolls tho

  8. Sakura Jaya

    Right now we can hear who's the best voice 😊

  9. Lyn Marnhia

    Subscribe to HYOLYN official

  10. 무네카

    this is like rated pg performance and when Hyolyn dances to it in 2018 is the R18 performance, damn those moves and it sounded bass boosted

  11. flipevent

    I love how this one of the few songs that started with the sub-unit, then eventually became full-member performances. :)

  12. [Kim Rae-Hyun]김래현

    This song so popular in Indonesia

    Sakura Jaya

    Are you Indonesian? Me too

  13. Cassandra Tadaya

    I really miss them 😭It's 2019 and I am watching all their videos again

  14. Mr.Hatsayot Sornsenee&Saelee Sornsenee&Saelee

    Love You Too.

  15. Leave No Trace

    i miss that otter dance that body rolll

  16. Crescent Moon Driver

    Such an iconic song...

  17. Woolim Playback

    Bora is so PRETTY MY BIAS IS *BORA*

  18. Laiguanlin wifeu

    i miss sistar so much


    wau que voces ¡¡¡}

  20. Huy Duong

    from South Vietnam, Dasom is so perfect

  21. Riwfrokind CH


  22. Its Anne

    Whos still watching ? 2018 🌸

  23. Leggo Văng Kiệt


  24. Herbert l'ange

    omg, what a remember on them all, and on one of the best and hottest songs ever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. Ken Ri


  26. Ji Soo


  27. rambut goreng

    I train my self years by years doing this roll body dance, and my siblings think i am obsessed with ugly worm.....

  28. Travis Joel

    At the start-ish, what are the audience members yelling?? I don’t understand :(((

    Nadia Garcia

    If you mean around 0:38, they just yelled "Yoon Bora"

  29. Dreeei


  30. Noah G

    I miss sister. But at least they had a clean break up apparently without any fights, right?

  31. Potato Chan

    if Dasom can't dance then wth am I doing? Mimicking sea lions??

  32. Teknosid Official


  33. Ong Geulum 옹 그럼

    Even in the original version i can hear soyou's voice

  34. シュミリアン


  35. Oo Reh

    Dasom! You’re my favorite girl in this group. I don’t care what people say. You’re the best! I love you so much!

  36. PARK Eun

    I miss sistar😥

    PARK Eun

    I wish they will back again😭 and write a new song!!~lonely~

  37. Lei Jana

    Whos the curly haired one?

    Emma Gaesye

    JJ DUOS hyorin

  38. Shyenne Liaw

    I prefer if Hyolin and Bora sing it because yeah...

    Encik Tengku

    Did you know this song only two of them? Its sub unit song 😅

  39. Ira Lusi

    better four singers than two

  40. Lexciel R

    gdit i miss them

  41. Anya Cruz

    i miss my girls

  42. Kkew Full

    so you look gorgeous

  43. Chessi Kwon

    Omg, i just wanna cry :(

  44. SilverStrumer

    Soyu's voice fits in very well with the song. Just as good as Hyorin does.

    Last Hero

    yes .. soyou voice really good ... hyorin kill the high notes ..soyou have deep vibrant voice...

  45. Yaoi Hoe

    I can do the body roll in HEELS ONLY

  46. Alim Khan

    love you ! xD

  47. Alyssa Nguyen

    I feel sad, Dasom's my bias and people are saying she can't dance, that's sad, it may be true but do we have to mention it? Even at the end she didn't twist to pose, I think it's that her body is stiff and it's hard for her to dance, GO DASOM!

    Alyssa Nguyen

    YES I AGREE, SHE WAS AMAZING!! Her voice was so nice and soft

    Darren Wong

    Alyssa Nguyen She is only the weakest compare with others member, but seriously she can dance tho ! SISTAR member are strong on every dance move 😱😱


    The crazy thing is that I think that Dasom is the favorite in Korea and Hyolyn the underrated one like wtf they are all the most beautiful and talented girl group I've ever seen

    Sheena Robles

    Because she's a singer-dancer. She's supposed to know how to dance. That's her job. I'm not hating. I've come to like all of them through the years, I'm just saying.

    Cherry Alesio

    Lol. I'm not a fan but damn Dasom can dance! Hahahah.

  48. Justine Joy Ferrer

    Love it ❤

  49. Shawon Williams

    who cares who can't dance and who can no matter have you seen I like that I think not

  50. luukassl

    Omg Soyu and Dasom sang so well

  51. Risse

    idk why but only Hyorin and Bora looks perfect when they're dancing to this song . The song kinda feels different with all four of them singing. I like the song better with just Hyorin and Bora.

    Jane Valerie Fernandez

    Clarisse it's because in the original's only bora and hyolyn

    Jihoon and Daehwi's Long Lost Wife

    The Original of this is only hyorin and bora try ro search bij

    Candypie 2010

    U stupid

  52. Sherwinson Basuel

    Hyorin's voice looks so tired here and looks obvious when Soyou backed her up at the bridge/end high note.. Take some rest girls! I don't want any of you getting sick or what! Sistar fighting!!

    snoop ss

    i know, poor her.. but i'm amazed how soyou immediately help hyorin just by looking each other, their team work is really amazing.. sistar jjang!! ^o^


    Bora Hyorin Soyou can dance very well but desom she cannot dance I hate desom because I watch all the video of sistar dasom she cannot dance she doesn't help her partner and she just smile and act like she the best one who think like me ???? Crazy dasom 😤😤😤


    ELLA ZAZA Now she can dance :) Check out their recent peformances on maboy

    Revel Tzen

    fix ur grammar first before judging people how about that? and u like SISTAR? but hate Dasom? that doesn't make u their Fan u know you just like the other peeps but you dont like them as a group and how about u do some body rolls then?

    Dreamy subliminals

    Actually you’re the crazy one 😂😂 she is okay at dancing but she’s not the best dancers and without her sister would have a different feeling to it . I feel like every member stands out in sistar.

    Girls' Generation Is my religion

    Okay first of all bitch what is your status are you a holistic dance chreographer can you even dance can you sing while dancing bitch no are you famous? The fuck no so who the fuck are you to judge are you simon cowell? Well nope are you an owner of a company nope so who the fuck are you to say such words?

    Last Hero

    go take a shit and feed urself . ... dasom is good

  54. Kianna BTS taehyungie

    i like music but this kpop no

  55. TheCrazyKidsShow

    The thin girl on the left cant dance lol

    JC Gonzaludo Salarda

    Paul Legaspi "CITY ALBAY" & Mindy Chua"hua" : If 2 of you are HATERS of SISTAR'S . You 2 are better to SHUT UP. And don't watch again SISTAR'S Video. (PANIRA kayo ng araw eh) parang ang GALING GALING NIYONG SUMAYAW AT KUMANTA? SISIKAT BA KAYO SA COMMENT NA YAN? AYAN CAPSLOCK NA MAINTINDIHAN NIYO. TUNGUNU. ATLEAST SIKAT SIYA! KAYO?


    +Jc G. Salarda kalma lang hahaua


    Paul Legaspi Now she is able to dance :) Check out the recent videos

    Mariel Jeilene Fabi

    Jc G. Salarda ad hominems, ad hominems. Attack the claim, not the person. Anyway, yes she is stiff compared to others. Maybe because she awkwardly includes her shoulder while doing the body roll, instead of the limbs. Well, that aside, she's pretty decent, though I wouldn't say she's bad


    Paul Legaspi you shouldn't say that since they are disbanding really soon.

  56. Ceasar Morales Jr

    B.E.S.T Sistar

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