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Siames - Mr. Fear

Mr. Fear
: Mr. Fear
: 3.77 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 202 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 187 İndirme
: 11-01-2020
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Siames - Mr. Fear )
  1. Nekato Buu

    Wey casi lloro 7^7

  2. Jevil Joestar

    so this is what homeworld thinks of fusion

  3. Sadao

    When u try to confess to crush* Brain: you know... My neam is Mr.Fear *

  4. CorvusBlood

    This song reminds me of my OCD My OCD is characterized by having uncomfortable or "intrusive thoughts" that I'm going to go crazy or do something I know I'm not going to do. They make me panic and feel generally like garbageMr.Fear would be the personalization of my OCD It's the part of me that's convinced that these thoughts mean something or that something is going to happen because I thought them (thought action fusion). Its not an evil thing its just me trying to prepare myself for the worst. I dont want to break down every lyric but the chorus "You know I'll never disappear Now get me out of here"I feel like these thoughts will never go away so when they get to be too much I just want to run and hide to where I feel like I'll be safe. "Just trust me in me my dear No cure is coming you know"I feel I'll always be like this and its almost easier to believe these thoughts and do the compulsions.The whole part with "because you make me feel like I'm so alone" This condition makes me feel extremely alone because it's very misunderstood alot of people think its just that you're meticulous and that your a perfectionist when it's more like a thought process that makes it so you cant handle your own thoughts and being stuck like that. "I know it's not real but it's my soul"I know these thoughts don't affect what I do and I that they arnt going to happen but they still affect me. "I just can try to face the dark inside my head"This part gives me stength and I thank you for that.

  5. Аnuta Laik

    wow wow

  6. Qwixr

    so this is scp 093?

  7. - ̗̀ Virtuality! ̖́ -

    This reminds me of Dune, Akira, Shin Godzilla and a little bit of The Martian Chronicles.

  8. Julilolmo 19

    I percibe some Death Stranding shit with does crates and gigantic things

  9. some radioactive human

    When there's something scary:The human brain: hello... my name is... mr.Fear...

  10. Pinkie Spy

    So this is what Homeworld thinks of fusion.

  11. Matthew Johnson

    i just wanna know what the red guys "orb" was tbh

  12. andre roldan

    que viva el porno

  13. James Holden

    Amazing animationFantastic songTerrible Jaeger pilots

  14. PaleHorizon 6502

    likes for this to be an animated tv series?

  15. Kidkashi Uchiha

    When they combine, it kinda reminds me of fusion in Steven Universe

  16. Ann Alkhazraji

    there’s something in this song,something like sumbliminals...

  17. Godlia

    scp 093

  18. kitchi

    “The Wolf” has been claimed as children’s content because it is an animation, even though it contains imagery of smoking, drinking, and reckless driving. (i want this claim to be removed because the video won’t be recommended, no one can search for the video, no one can comment, and most importantly you only make a slight percentage of revenue from the views you do get.) COPPA is a joke. i hope the claim is appealed, reviewed and removed as soon as possible so more people can experience this amazing music!edit: it's back to normal now :-)

  19. olive posts

    everytime i listen to this song. my mind think of childish Gambino doing "this is America" Dance.

  20. Clever Pleb

    If Yasuo was a girl in alien universe

  21. Catherine

    This is easily my favorite song of all time. This song never fails to send shivers down my body and the female voice faintly in the background is amazing. It also helps understand that mr.fear is everything and everyone and anyone. And the way it describes how it will never leave is great too. The animation story is great too, but i mostly listen to the music without the video. This will probably be my favorute for a long time.

  22. L I L

    Can someone tell Siames that their music video The Wolf has been declared as kids content?

  23. Venari

    I want the rights to make this an anime

  24. the baker of banana bread

    Is this why Tau and Humans don't mix?

  25. Tyler Logsdon

    my "Up Next" autoplay thing just goes back and forth between this and The Wolf

  26. Kaamil Saib

    i see the animator really liked moebius

  27. King of the Mountain


  28. Wheresdad

    Wait a minute. This is an Akira reference isnt it? the red guys got a red and white jacket and have laser rifles? whenever the beast appears the explosion is exactly the same as the one in Akira, and near the end the two characters are being squished by flesh just like the end of Akira.. huh..

  29. Адам Эгиль

    Не плохо

  30. adrian

    0:00 Look a cyber truck

  31. Филип Лисичков

    Does anyone else get moebius vibes from the art style?

  32. Dryan Kin

    Hello, my name is Mr. Fear.

  33. Vence Ibul

    This beginning is really similar to radio gaga by queen

  34. Will

    I think this might be the best anime I've watched all year.

  35. N A

    Amazing homage to Jean giraud "Moebius" aesthetic, color pallete and drawning style.

  36. Hule

  37. Binario_ T.I

    Love Mr. Fear 2020.../ his /

  38. Mike Gaming

    God, I want a sequel to this more than any movie

  39. Jir

    I'm not that smart to figure out meaning behind art pieces, so I'm just here to enjoy good music and animation. Cheers

  40. Gael Andrew

    I can not stop listening to this song, it conveys a very special feeling, this song has accompanied me in the most difficult moments I have had

  41. Blue Baron


  42. Humanoid is me

    Official explanation or riotno more theories! no more theories! no more theories!

  43. Humanoid is me

    what with the hunter being a girl, why does everyone thinks that?seem like a friendship to me.

  44. René Z.

    1st - WOW!2nd - ❤3rd - amazing lovely Video4th - which genre is this called? greets

  45. Ксения Потехина

    Fusion is a cheap trick to make weak fears stronger!

  46. th3 ph30n1x

    I was a big fan of The Wolf but when I saw this in my recommend I put it off for a while God have I never regretted something so much, this song is amazing and speaks to me on a personal level that is hard to explain. I know I'm not the only one to feel this but I listen to this song all the time now, it's one of my favorites. Thank you Siamese for the amazing music, keep it up!

  47. Cadete siperman

    Till this day one of the best bass line i had the pleasure of listening

  48. Maverick DX_Prime

    What if this was the race that would save the two surviving humans in Stuck in the Sound’s “Let’s Go”?

  49. Geo Guy

    SCP 093 anyone?

  50. Plastic Bag

    The animation was fuckin’ perfect

  51. G h e n o

    0:00 cybertruck mk2 leaked

  52. bunny !!

    giving me Octo Expansion vibes, i’m in love oml 🥺💖

  53. Chalk

    They made cyber truck?

  54. The Caretaker

    Other than the representation, I wonder if there is a specific story in this animation.Like, is it that human and Martian DNA is a volatile mix that causes a strange mutated mass that connects the two beings? And what triggered their sudden need for each other? Either way, don't mind me. I like to look for things beyond its intended medium

  55. Littlewolfgurl211playz OwO

    Hello mr fear I’m dad

  56. galaxy-stark

    hello,my name is mr. feari wish i had a faster therapyi've cometo mind control your needstonight i'm gonna star all of your leadsyou knowi'll never disappearnow get me out of herejust trust in me, my dearno cure is coming nearhow longyou'll call me insincere?i'm not here to fulfill your parodyhow comemy song becomes unreal?you never understand my melodiesyou knowi'll never disappearnow get me out of herejust trust in me, my dearno cure is coming you knowi'll never disappearnow get us out of heredon't fight with me, my dearwhy can't i be in here?cause you make me feellike i'm so alonei know is not real,but is in my souland i just can try to facethe dark inside my head"you knowi'll never disappearnow get me out of herejust trust in me, my dearno cure is coming you knowi'll never disappearnow get us out of heredon't trust in me my dearwhat cure is coming near?

  57. Yo v:

    mira esa hermosa referencia al viaje de Chihiro, o es eso o ya ando alucinando jajajajame encanta!!!

  58. Losty

    A E S T H E T I C

  59. Mike

    This song has been pushed to my youtube mixes since it was released. Its not a terrible song but I fucking hate it and you tube for pushing it down my throat, I hope everyone remotely connected to this song dies from cancer.

  60. Bruh oop

    What if this was a show I would see that

  61. Mr Davidenko

    Nueva cancion para memes si o no?

Mr. Fear Şarkı Sözü
my name is mr. fear
i wish i had a faster therapy
i've come
to mind control your needs
tonight i'm gonna star all of your leads
you know
i'll never disappear
now get me out of here
just trust in me, my dear
no cure is coming near
how long
you'll call me insincere?
i'm not here to fulfill your parody
how come
my song becomes unreal?
you never understand my melodies
you know
i'll never disappear
now get me out of here
just trust in me, my dear
no cure is coming you know
i'll never disappear
now get us out of here
don't fight with me, my dear
why can't i be in here?
cause you make me feel
like i'm so alone
i know is not real,
but is in my soul
and i just can try to face
the dark inside my head"
you know
i'll never disappear
now get me out of here
just trust in me, my dear
no cure is coming you know
i'll never disappear
now get us out of here
don't trust in me my dear
what cure is coming near?

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