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Seeb Bastille - Grip

: Grip
: 3.08 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 50 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 35 İndirme
: 13-01-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Seeb Bastille - Grip )
  1. Rene MB KygoLiam

    siempre hacen buena musica alv

  2. liveloveandlaughlots

    I think that this might be the most violent thing I've ever seen 😶

  3. Bogdan Ion

    poor vegans after watching this video...


    So satisfying!

  5. jasmine christopher

    2:00 after INDIAN KFC :)

  6. AlphAso AttA

    Fruity Squeeze Smoothie hmmmm yummy

  7. σlíndα

    Heartbeaking :(

  8. Rodrigo Bim

    que beatzao mdsss

  9. AgataC

    that made me feel so bad, I'm going vegan....wait

  10. Tokuma Hyata

    The barley human and i would rather forget , wash my memory clean.. for some weird way reminded me of Dbh (Detriot : become human)

  11. yoselin gonzalez

    me encanta la cancion

  12. StuckInASock

    Theyre tripping if they think that beat drop sounds good

  13. Flarez Fn

    Go check my insta ouf flarez.fn

  14. Kno3

    How to Basic, are you here ???

  15. Reecha Dixit

    Good thing I'm not a fan of fruit lolLove the song! I was just looking up music on Spotify and found this gem of a song.Glad I came upon it cause it's fantastic! :D

  16. nahla mahroof

    RIP banana man

  17. Norbert Tollner

    Autotune was never this good in a song, i love it!😁

  18. Daria Varha

    What a clever integration of IKEA into music :D

  19. MNov

    holy blender O_O

  20. ren

    I love this song!

  21. GabriLeL

    wa te fuc manautolike para no desaparecer

  22. Cathy K

    Anyone else heard cause the devil's got my heart amd it pulls me back into the dark first time they heard the song?


    ( Bastille watching this video)Bastille: I wonder if I could do this everyday...

  24. Gacha Green

    The eyes made me laugh to death😂😂👀

  25. りゔぁいへちょ

    I heard that Jungkook likes this song

  26. Natasha Augustin

    Some cooking lol!

  27. Your Friendly Neighborhood Australian

    Didn't mum teach you not to play with food? 🤣

    Doggy Plays

    Your Friendly Neighborhood Australian this is the best comment ever 😂

    Your Friendly Neighborhood Australian

    @Doggy Plays 😂🤣

  28. Myloish

    fuck you lunch

  29. May Neo

    (imo) why do i feel like the drop is so unsatisfying. the song is great, lyrics are great and the part BEFORE the beat drops is literally the bEST part of the song. i just wish the beat drop went a little harder and lower(?) if that makes sense fkdnfj

  30. Maria carolina Chinchilla hernandez

    Jungkook ❤️

  31. Izzy Sapp

    I will never eat fruit again.

  32. XEN

    Another song that is perfect for morning weekend (holidays) and night time!!

  33. Ferdi alwi

    thaats representing toture in the hell cause devil got his AaAAaaaAaaAaa

  34. Bikram Belbase

    RIP those cruelly butchered Fruits !! :(

  35. Amelia Burra

    directed by: How to Basic

    Doggy Plays

    Amelia Burra yeah,haha,that would be actually amazing though

  36. cool guy

    Devil's got my aaa aaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

  37. icuteplays GT

    They are killing my friends...;-;. cool song tho!

  38. Its Liza

    Jungkook’s playlist took me here!

  39. Arti Singh

    Accidentally did something great by listening a song like this.......Who agrees with me? 😊

  40. Aeros Blue

    Beautiful Concept 👌

  41. Aeros Blue

    Seeb music ? Autoclick ...

  42. Alex cogswell

    cos the devil's got my aaAaAAAaAAAAaaaaaaAAAAAaa

  43. Alex cogswell

    this is the first time i actuly knew what was going on to the fruit when put into the blender

  44. Alex cogswell

    poor fruit

    Alex cogswell

    poor poor fruit

  45. Ňëvã Čhąñ

    .. da poor fruits

  46. Ahmad Alnaser

    Children's in Africa watching the video clip in tears 😭😭

  47. Japkirat Singh

    That high pitch pierces through brain

  48. brennantg7

    I cant get enough of this song!!!

  49. Robert T Gibson Music

    Lots of spiritual metaphors in this song. I really like it

  50. Axrft Sla

    "Grip" in portuguese sounds like flu.

  51. Syb Wilbrink

    0:51 not sponsored by ikea

  52. jane paul sartre

    "We don't know what's good for us 'cause if we did, we might not do it"Strong lyrics. I hope anyone who needs to hear this can find this song just in time.

  53. klein dufix

    Was that how to basic?😅😅

  54. Waddia S.

    I'm a simple man. I see Bastille. I like the video

  55. Danilo Silva

    Algumas frutas do vídeo são caras no meu pais.

  56. ClickFyre

    This is gonna be a big hit! Great tunes 👍

  57. monafri

    poor avocado

  58. Face Destroyer Inc.

    Stupid video and mediocre song. Bastille has way better songs than this.


    The comments seem to talk about everything but how fantastic this man's voice is.

  60. Abdullah Tamer

    cos the devils got my arms

  61. Paul Video’s

    I don’t understand the meaning of this song. Some one pls reply and tell me

  62. Magdalena Waluga

    Only i See "Ikea" on this knife?

  63. Evelien Peeters

    love this song!!!

  64. J#CK H#SHT#G

    After 10 times of looking at this clip,i've turned my dislike into a like

  65. TheAlex3109

    Wow, the trailer for Sausage Party 2 looks dope.

  66. Christine Sankar

    The live action version of fruit ninja

  67. Loli Loki

    What did the fruit do to deserve this !!!!!😂😂

  68. Lia

    For months I thought they sang "but if we're dead, we might not do it" which is.. a kind of stupid thing to say.

  69. Robert-Eduard Baciu

    Congrats HowToBasic for the video!

  70. Braelyn Patton

    *How To Cook In 2019*

  71. Marc Francis

    How to find this song:Google “cause the devil’s got my aaaAaAaAaAAAaaaAa”

    Samuel Jordan

    Lmao 😂😂😂😂 u got me

    Vix Vi

    It actually works!

    Wesley Vieira

    I DID IT 🤣🤣🤣

  72. Tide.2

    bet they spent half of the budget to get someone to crush the egg

  73. Summer Johnson

    Video directed and produced by @HowToBasic

  74. Gilbert Abdintara

    how to make lyric video from how to basic

  75. Why u sad idk nan molla

    But who puts eggs in a smoothie tho😳

  76. matthew DiDomizio

    cut UR self

  77. KillSwitchTwo

    Damn they killed off annoying orange.

  78. Bori Stinson

    This MV looks so like "How to basic" series on Youtube...

  79. RemixZX

    This song is literally 75% beat and 25% repetitive, bland lyrics.

    No U

    RemixZX that's basically every mainstream media pop song lol

  80. The NEW Oostin williams

    2:35 That avocado has seen to much

  81. Gabriel Helewa

    Warning: Contains Fruit Violence

  82. Muhammad Miswary

    Behind the scene pls😁😁😁

  83. Shira Shizuko

    The most brutal music video of all time.

  84. AúvrtXdean

    Thank u, jungkook

  85. R B

    Does anyone else feel an unusual amount of sympathy for these fruits?

  86. Suck my Diss

    Still listening?

  87. Akshit Guleria

    Directed by how to basic

  88. Ash The Umbreon

    I wanna hear Imagine Dragons sing this...🐉🖤

  89. Cauan O único

    I didn't get the clip :/

  90. • O h •

    I cant look at fruits the same way I did before.

  91. 武天丸

    Don't waste food...QAQ

  92. Antidote

    That vocal glide with auto tune just beofre the drop is becoming a seeb classic. That’s my favourite part of this track

  93. love maze

    Jungkook recomendou ♡

  94. - Alice Gray - Want 100 Subs!

    Y'all okay? Something you need to talk about?

  95. francisco olarte

    muy buen video

  96. Raze

    So brutal

  97. Ansh Chaudhary

    Oh shit where did my arms go?

  98. Michelle Kuto


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