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Seden Gürel - Show

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: 3.44 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 77 İndirme
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: 62 İndirme
: 15-12-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Seden Gürel - Show )
  1. Naciye Günhan

    Çok iyi ❤️

  2. Rose Anna

    I'll implement this choreo in my class :D by the way check the boys behind you they are so funny hahahaha 2:16 :P

  3. Barfina mus

    Super sarki ilkdefa duydum,hay lili ley ley

  4. Cathy Pete

    À la zumba je la danse

  5. humeyra oztekin


    Zumba Sulu

    tesekürler 😉

  6. Emel tarakçı

    pazartesi sabahı ohh ne güzel gitti💗💗😘😘

    Zumba Sulu


    Emel tarakçı

    Zumba Sulu pazartesi sendromunuyasq yaşayarak işe giderken saat geldim ve coknhosuma gitti.bütün negatiflik eriyip gitti😁😁

  7. Leandro Ciccone

    great job! U deserve more likes and subscribers! anyway, how many calories per day that U consume to mantain beefy body?:)Ure such an inspiration for all zumba instructor. your moves and expressions are energizing:)

    Zumba Sulu

    thank you for your kind words 😊

  8. BonBon lynx

    Man!! Seeing you dance makes me happy. 😋❤😘😘😘

    Zumba Sulu

    thanks 😊

  9. Ludy Letohic

    je suis dacore avc toi une vie de fille c'est Lou


    Sevgili ayhan; seninle Zumba yapmak çok keyifli. Güzel enerjimi bize verdiğin için teşekkürler💕 yıldızın bol olsun canım✨✨✨

  11. Dilek Sever

    Çok guzel

    Zumba Sulu


  12. Nohemí VelázQuez

    Wouuu!! Muy bien!! Nueva subcriptora!

  13. Monique Montoya

    Wuenschte ich koennte Deine klasse besuchen. Hab glatt Heimweh! LG aus Savannah, GA.😘❤️💕

  14. Maro 18

    u danced so good bless u for those moves *.*

  15. Atlantic_et_ Cie

    A l'école on danse dessus et j'adore

    Zumba Sulu

    Tres bien :) Merci beaucoup

  16. Fleur Blanche

    I have dansed this zumba for one hour last night with my friends at gym club

    Zumba Sulu

    😂😂 i hope you had fun 😉

  17. Fleur Blanche

    excellent job

  18. Garlic Girl

    Okay, 1-I love how the kids were getting involved and 2 I love how you mix it up!

    Zumba Sulu

    :-D thanks

  19. mariam essahmoudi

    i liiike it so muchhhh hh bravoooo!!!

    Zumba Sulu

    Thanks :-)

  20. alnimnea

    Aaaww los niños bailando qué bonito y que hermosa coreo 😀

    Zumba Sulu

    muchas gracias

  21. yvette santos

    Nice choreo i love it. Both of you are a good dancer!

    Zumba Sulu

    thank you :-)

  22. RONNY A.S

    me encanta como bailan arabe, es lo que mas me gusta

    Zumba Sulu

    muchas Gracias :-)

  23. Sophie Wolff

    nooo wayyyy ich denke mir so das sieht ja aus wie im Kleistpark Ihr tanzt direkt vor meiner Haustür wie geil ist das denn!! :))

    Zumba Sulu

    Geeeenau da ist es gedreht worden ;-)


    Omg this is so good !!

    Zumba Sulu

    Thanks :-)

  25. Sonia Del Gaudio

    how old are You? sorry for The question

    Zumba Sulu

    old ;-)

    Garlic Girl

    Pleeeeease! You are not old!

  26. Fing Book

    gorgeous couple. I really appreciate the positive energy. It is needed now.

  27. filomena quinto


  28. Mónica Romero

    schön!!!!So schöne Bewegungen!!!

    Zumba Sulu

    Vielen Dank :)

  29. Govher Abbasova


    Zumba Sulu

    thanks :)

  30. conso Pozo llama la.canción ??me lo.podeis decir porfa bailais genial.y muy lindos los dos muy buena coreo besitos

    Elizabeth Hurtado

    Hola busca en ITunes dependiendo de donde estas puede variar. La canción se llama: Show Ca La Paris. Listen to Show Ca La Paris by Costi & Seden on Apple Music. te sea útil.❤️

  31. Josihfitness

    massa! adorei sua choreo...sucesso pra espero que tb goste da minha coreo 24 horas da Ludmila e deixe seu comentario tb..origadoooo!

  32. wonder woman

    youre the best! what a great choreo! going to use it ! netherlands will show too! hahaha

    Zumba Sulu

    Thank you ☺️

  33. Tim Chittenden

    HOT! Love this! My ladies will go crazy over this! If that's OK? Thank you so much for sharing. Cheers from Knoxville, TN.

    Zumba Sulu

    Of course it is and you're welcome :-)

    Tim Chittenden

    Thank you...=)

  34. Pamela Worman

    I am so happy I found you. I love your style. I live in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada and have been zin for 7 years

    Zumba Sulu

    thanks!!and nice to meet you Pamela :-)

  35. zumba love Web

    loves loves this..may I use this in my zumba class in canada ontario....zumba love xoxox

  36. Candy Miranda

    Wow! Beautiful choreography. Antonia looks amazing...well, she always does. Sulu, you inspire to dance with your enthusiasm, smiling even with your eye while dancing. You make a great dancing couple. Love the oriental pop music.

    Zumba Sulu

    thank you and yes she do it ;-)

  37. mardegracia

    Excellent beautiful choreo!!! loved it, for sure I going to teach this one to my zumba students in California...can I buy this song in iTunes? big thanks!!!

    Zumba Sulu

    yes you can, because i have it from iTunes to ;-)

  38. Silke Geiger

    Choreo und Lied super 😍😍😍

    Zumba Sulu

    Dankeschön :-)

    Eve T

    Zumba Sulu what a wonderful job! 👍👌✌ hi! :) ich bin auch von Deutschland, bin aber schon ne gute zeit job- maessig in den Staaten. Ich mach auch seit Jahren Zumba in Louisville KY, Virginia und Florida und bin jetzt auch instructor hier. Vor kurzen war ich wieder in Virginia, wo mir ein paar mädels von dir vorgeschwaermt haben😄 lol. Da dachte ich muss ich mal schauen was da in meinem Heimatland los ist :) 👊👊👏

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