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Sam Smith - Disclosure

: Disclosure
: 3.66 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 65 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 42 İndirme
: 01-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Sam Smith - Disclosure )
  1. sarah

    why does this sound lowkey like katy perry firework HAHA

  2. # ThegreatGabriel

    Solo comentarios en inglés Algún latino ???

  3. miriam huaman arredondo

    Me encanta ooooo

  4. Dylan Alcantara Román

    It's da da or never? 🤔🤔🤔

  5. bisexual gal

    Throw back to when this played every morning on VH1 & MTV

  6. Samantha Garcia

    does anyone else hear knuckles cracking or is that just me😗

    o l i v e

    i hear that

  7. Michael Guaman

    Wow can't believe it's almost been 6 years since this song came out

  8. Lorraine Carrasco

    Disclosure Latce Feat. Sam Smith-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. firstclasspassenger

    I can't believe this is from before "La La La", I thought that was his breakout piece

  10. Monica Wejmar

    Best Sam Smith song still in November 2019

  11. Nelson Whyte

    Best Music Ever! Who could win over this EDM group!

  12. M K

    keep this song on replay try it

  13. Aliiology

    This song has always been my favorite its beautiful and gives good vibes💛

  14. dogboy0912

    Arizona State gym, 2013. This song was like.. every 4th song in the playlist jfc.

  15. Kevin Aguilar

    Who else did this song randomly come up in their minds?

    Christofer Zambrano

    i can relate

  16. Nastya Adonyeva

    Всем привет в этом чатике

  17. Ren

    Holy shit I can't believe it's been 4 years! This used to be my jam.

  18. Lori Bridgeford

    Yes -Am refreshing this VIBE Nov. 2019. Still remember driving on CA I-5 freeway and thought I heard EVERY disco fav way back when , then realized was Sam Smith- whom never heard of, well, WOKE me !!! Replayed this song beyond the universal limit ! omg just turned 61 and feel like 16 !!! Masters like Sam can do this -with Disclosure . Perfecto ! Lucky ones there in person. Savor it ! Yum !

  19. Mila. TheModel

    whose listening while they are hiving birth in the hospital next month?!! 🤰🏽🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏾‍♀️❤️🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  20. Cryfex

    Oh god,remember this driving through a warm summernight Good times i'm getting old dammit

  21. Trap star

    Im the type to listen to hard trap shit like Bobby Shmurda, justblow600, brezzy600 But this shit right here... it aight

  22. Dragunovski

    everyday I miss vine more and more

  23. sykahh

    will forever be one of the nicest tracks imo

  24. All the best people are crazy

    Love this song

  25. jennifer moore

    Makes me wanna go hang out with rainbow babies topless

  26. bree stewart

    6 years ago I was 8... jees

  27. Sara Maldonado

    i was 12 when this came out 🥵😂

  28. Alexus Myles

    I was 15 and curious when this song came out now I'm pregnant 😂

  29. belledabest inhere

    Who listing in November 2019


    belledabest inhere meeeee always herreeee💗‼️❤️❤️

    Nicky Rose

    Here 🙏

    B U R N O U T

    Me..started to write my personal diary,while feeling sad,remembering all the good memories from the past

  30. BigBlackClocks

    I made a Gachi remix of this song. Check it out.

  31. Nipplezits

    Ah so this was the song I keep seeing kids going hard at karaoke in the parked cars while their moms grocery shopping back in the day, that bass and vocals is really close

  32. Noel Calderon

    This is the song my wife and I dance to if the DJ lets us request it. It reminds me when we first started dating and going out to the clubs. Nostalgic =' ]

  33. Chenai Williams

    anyone listening to this for the 46th time today nope just me okay :)

  34. Cynthia Coronel

    0:49 éxtasis para mis oídos!

  35. sinfulsykes band boi

    6 years ago I was ten, just imagine holy shit.

    Alyssa Evans

    I was 20 lol

    tokoshi !


    Jackson Shillinglaw

    6 years ago I was 12😂

    Lorri Storm

    I was 17

    Mr oofer The memester

    Céderic Vandenberghe ok boomer? If you do the math he’s 1616 year old is not boomer

  36. Alexa Arana

    November 2019?

  37. Raven Phonixe

    Anyone headed to 2020 with this? 😊💜😊

  38. uriana rock

    this is good for my halloween party in my class room lol

  39. Willian Rodrigues

    Que música gostosa de ouvir, durante a noite e com os pensamentos longe!!

  40. SwervHD

    Stunning 🎶❤️🎶

  41. Tiana Lady_Pickle Magee

    This is STILL one of my tops

  42. Kikito

    Anybody listening to this in 2020 😂

  43. Samuel Garcia

    2019 kockin these mfs down

  44. Julia.


  45. Heartless Lover

    This song maybe old but i love it

  46. jazzy0301

    If I see Sam Smith I'm automatically clicking. Period. And I'm never disappointed ❤️

  47. Avril Seppilu

    Summer 2014 Car rides in Anchorage

  48. Zircon Hiixz

    I’ll never forget the day 🤦🏽‍♂️💕 this song gives me some type of Chill

  49. Sherman Jr

    SoCal .hydra

  50. ZicoVirus 17

    I will always love this song. I come back and listen to it when I am in love or have a deep crush. When there's a special someone in my life that I feel distant from and will die a thousand times over just to be close to them.

  51. DoveLady

    i'm trying to find that comment that said 3:51 sounded like "i can whip my dick out".

    Kat Sälkini

    It actually says "Im wank my dick out"

  52. inga tkaciova

    Goose bumps every time i listen !!! 😊😊❤️

  53. inga tkaciova

    Best song ever made !!! 😁👍👍😍😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  54. U R

    🗣2019 gang!!!!😍😍😍😍💖💛💖💖

  55. Gem Iñigo

    I'm partying this tune every October with my Homies the Ghosts. 👻 🎉 🎉 🎉 🍻🍾🍾🍾🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🥃🥃🥃🎂🎂🎂🍻🍻🍻

  56. Arman Abdollmohammadi

    Which one is better, the voice or beat?

  57. EeveeSaur

    This brings back so many memories :)

  58. Hunny Phillips

    Almost 5 years and this song is still a tune

  59. Jessica L


  60. Oversized sweatshirt

    I heard my older sister play this in my mom car and I instantly fell in love like you don't know how long it took me to find this But I heard it off of tik tok and searched the lyrics

  61. Nicola Belmehdi

    To all my fans and friends: thank you very much for the support.

  62. Bennett Jones

    I completely forgot about this I’m so glad I found it

    The Puma904

    Same love cats? Ido

  63. James Fuller

    Sam Smith and Disclosure go so perfectly together it's unreal

  64. goongonewild2

    Just found this, it's been a long time since I've heard this.

  65. Lucid

    This song hits me hard with nostalgia.

    Damon snacks Harrison

    shut up you knuckle head

    ya boi liz

    foreal >_<

    Jay C

    Dude I graduated in 2013, holy fucking shit with the nostalgia

  66. Year of The cat

    I really want to make a sad cat edit out of this beauty uwu

  67. Black American

    I think we're close in love!

  68. bruh

    This song makes me feel like I’m in love

  69. Reginald Hooplah

    Why does this give such a sinfully sweet vibe? Makes me feel both sad and happy...lovely song!

    Grecia Serrano

    Reginald Hooplah perfectly said! Couldn’t relate more ♥️

  70. Brandon Stokes-Jackson

    Who's listening to this tune! 😊☺

    claudy derize


    Sherril Johnson

    Brandon Stokes-Jackson the planet earth lol #me

    nick ward

    Yeah yeah

    nick ward

    Its still a complete banger

    T. J.

    I've been looking for this song for some time now... glad to have finally found it! Banger!

  71. Da'remian Gainer

    Love love love this song oct.11 2019 🔥🔥

  72. Kitty방탄소년단

    I love this music since 5 years !!! ^^j'adore cette musique depuis 5 ans!!! ^^

  73. Well what do you want me to do?

    Reminds me of when I’m in a night club 🤷‍♂️

  74. PettyKing Take this L

    This and stay with me is my favorite song from sam

  75. Maria Norton

    TOP CLASS TUNE 🎧🎤🔊🎵🎹🎶HOT🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥.. 👌👌👌MUCH LOVE FROM THE .UK.🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

  76. satoru kendai

    good old memories and nostalgia of 2015 ;-; i miss this year with 2014 and 2016 ;w; i want to go back in time

  77. Collette C. Covington

    Yes! I’m listening!🔥🔥🔥🔥

  78. j brew

    Still jamming my top five list of all favorite sets.! And songs 2019

  79. AG - 12BA - Stephen Lewis SS (2682)

    3:50 “ iiiiiii Ammm UNORIGINAL!!!!0”

  80. Hina Tahir

    Anyone listening to this in 2080??

  81. George Stanko

    This song: has four sentences...Me: says "ughhh..ahhhh...ughhmmm...aghhh...yes, I love you too..."

  82. hello world

    anyone listening early October 2019?

    Otaku trash

    hello world shut up

    Otaku trash

    These comment are annoying but also ultimately harmless

    Alessandra Ugarte

    On Halloween

    Deku Kitty

    I'm banging to this on my record player in 1823.

    Uncle Sweets

    I’m kicking your candy ass in November 2019

  83. Lord Shelbob

    I'm leeching onto you!

  84. dom

    5 years, still going strong.

  85. Debora Ravanelli

    love you sam smith

  86. christy capers

    Oh THIS is the song I always hear in stores that I never know the name of!!!

  87. Snowy Loaf

    2022 Anyone?

  88. paradise jimin

    one of the best songs created...

  89. Angel Dominguez

    i didn't even know this was sam smith when I first heard it.

  90. Vincent Fuentes

    I love that song.

  91. brian gomez

    2019 going into 2020 jamming 🎶

  92. Fabiola Perez


  93. MsMadhatter13

    a song to remind me of a distant love. damn

  94. K C

    This song always reminds me of my high school crush so I love / hate it 💔😭❤️

  95. Jimena Ramirez

    Take me back to this days...

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