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Sam Smith - Burning

: Burning
: 3.74 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 87 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 62 İndirme
: 01-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Sam Smith - Burning )
  1. Diogo Faria

    Best singer on the planet right now!!

  2. Kerchelle Cropper

    Sam Smith is the definition of "voice of an angel"

  3. Tony Stark

    Very unique voice

  4. lolitomik

    Dear BBC, I have watched the show on the TV and I really loved it, especially the performance of “Like I can”. I can not find the full video from this exact concert anywhere! Is there a chance we all can embrace the full show somewhere?

  5. Arrios Mcafee

    Sammy is just soo cute and he sounds beautiful.

  6. Ειρηνη Ζανη

    Sam smith you're amazing one of the nest voice in our Century 🤗

  7. Jelani Moreno

    Amazing, gave me chills like crazy.

  8. Kanin Maneepairoj

    Instantly became my fav cover musician

  9. Roselle Manalo

    Ang sakit ng kanta

  10. Angelica Santos

    Amo essa música. Sou fã desse homem. Muito fã

  11. Đức Thịnh

    How could he sing like that ? He even doesn’t need auto tune. I cant stop lítening all of his songs. This is my faver. I love his voice so so much

  12. Lorena xx

    angels exist

  13. Janire Cadevilla

    Lo amo con toda mi vida entera, sinceramente la mejor voz que he escuchado y no me cansaría de ella jamas jsjssj

  14. Jen f

    Hugs 4 U x

  15. Helen Bostock

    hi statement of fact londons burning , i take my cloths to clean at the laundry.while busness man take there money to london clean it what about the tax they should have payed .

  16. Rosa Mateo

    Mi respeto.

  17. Maryam

    He's so cute

  18. brisa6656

    Hi, where can I watch the whole performance?

  19. Angela Hodges

    Damn, Sam has changed and I'm NOT talking of his looks either!!!

  20. sujin jeong

    his song is live best!

  21. Keith Foester

    "such a burden this flame on my chest" i literally googled this coz i recalled this line. just the way he sang it makes you remember. LOL

  22. Yeewan Cheng

    Love this performance so much...

  23. SAT0M1 R3NTAR0

    Seem easy when he do it

  24. Anna Ely Naur

    💖💖hey 👋

  25. Debra Dukes

    Truly Amazing Live. 👌

  26. Austin Szuda

    I feel your pain Sam you me can't find love

  27. isabela monteiro


  28. Trixx-rin


  29. Angel

    This was posted on my birthday <3

  30. Angelica 0514

    I crying even more after hear he singing this live:')

  31. Cyanne Anderson

    So angelic ... it resemble exactly what I've felt.

  32. Tawnie Henderson


  33. rebecca danielle

    you can hear the pain in his voice... i think he’s so inspirational and one of the few truly talented and down to earth artists out there. he puts so much soul into every single one of his songs and performances. gives me goosebumps, really

  34. rusniar _


  35. Calvin Lee

    [W] I had a good friend whom I met in September last year. We were on great talking terms, but one mistake made was that I had feelings for her, and she was attached. I decided to go cold turkey because I felt it was the best way to end the feelings but it only caused her to be hurt, and confused. I just want you to know that I'm so sorry for what I did and believe everything I did was genuine from the start and I just want us to be close again. [X] This song really perfectly describes me right now; it is my anthem right now because it resonates with me so much. Thank you SS.

  36. Carol Pinheiro

    Sam is awesome. Beautiful song!!

  37. Pujan Parikh

    Sam and Sheeran - the best male vocalist in the last 10 years

  38. Le Soleil

    Both are doing great.

  39. Taeun Gil

    갑작스럽게 stress 조낸 받고 Sam smiths 의 노래로 머리를 비우는중... Thank you, Sam

  40. AJ Estur

    This needs a music video.

  41. mrskennyfred

    voice of gold

  42. Adib Zahuri

    LyricsI've been burning, yes, I've been burningSuch a burden, this flame on my chestNo insurance to pay for the damageYeah, I've been burning up since you leftI've been smoking, ohMore than twenty a dayBlame it on rebellionDon't blame it on meWish I was youngerBack to the nineteenth of MayI had an open mindSwore to never changeFunny how time goes byHad respect for myselfThat river ran dryYou reached the limitI wasn't enoughIt's like the fire replaced all the loveI've been burning, yes, I've been burningSuch a burden, this flame on my chestNo insurance to pay for the damageYeah, I've been burning up since you leftOh, have you ever calledI will burst straight backGive you my forgivenessAnd the shirt off my backNo friends to turn toYeah, I messed up thatWish we could smoke againJust for a day, ohFunny how time goes byHad respect for myselfThat river ran dryYou reached the limitI wasn't enoughAnd it's like the fire replaced all the loveI've been burning, yes, I've been burningSuch a burden, this flame on my chestNo insurance to pay for the damageYeah, I've been burning up since you leftYeah, I've been burning up since you leftOh, I've been burning up since you left

  43. sortiztroche

    wowwwwwwwww goosebumps

  44. Porchia Williams

    I love this song..Sam Smith vocals are amazing!!

  45. Nagham Aqeel

    I love you Sam ♥️

  46. gerardo garcia

    Fan since Lalala

  47. Carl Murphy

    Wow this song is DEEP!

  48. iSkIdZ

    Pure talent... No auto tune, gimmicks or silly dancers. Just when you think thought REAL TALENT was dead Sam Smith delivers and incredible live performance. Just brilliant!!

  49. JustPabsYo

    That pianist is going in on that song. He is feeling every little piece of emotion.

  50. Hima Fanta

    I love you Sam 😍😍😍🔥

  51. Life of Wanya

    My second favorite song, first gotta be scars tho🔥

  52. Abednego Muunda


  53. Pae Pongsakorn

    Oh wow !!

  54. Helena James

    His voice just gives me CHILLS everytime!

  55. Natasa Cic

    I've been burninig up since you left. 💚

  56. Bruno Laranhaga

    Não canso de te ouvir!!!!!!!!!

  57. Ruchira Madhushan

    I have only one question, HOW?

  58. Martina Violic


  59. My Nguyễn

    OMG. This performance is fucking fuckin fuckin.... perfecttt! His voice is like from heaven T.T

  60. Kaleiddmode

    Singing or sobbing?

  61. Poppy popeanuts


  62. Lufuno Mathivha

    He messed it up a bit there.


    I would really enjoy a cover of Burning by James Arthur. His rendition would simply be EXPLOSIVE

  64. Stevanus M

    The pianist like Bruno hahahahahahahahha

  65. Panturu George

    Just amazing!

  66. Sharon Morgan

    What an incredible voice Sam wowwww🎤🏆❤️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿Wales luvs yaa 😍✌🏻 x

  67. Ernest Sy


  68. Iūnius

    My personal favorite from the album. You have a big tour ahead Sam. Je t'aime mon amour. Meilleurs voeux!

  69. christine 's Cover

    My favourite song of the album

  70. Krishi Shah

    Those fifteen dislikers...why u disrespect him...this is a beautiful song...

  71. Chad James

    The talent is unreal man. You sound like you are in the studio. Keep dropping songs for us man. Cant get enough

  72. Courier

    I could listen to this all day

  73. James Ou

    This song is my fav in the album

  74. Galih AAAd

    Please live for thrill of it all I can't wait anyone please

  75. Galih AAAd

    My heart!!!

  76. Tony Q

    can't wait til he starts promoting 'no peace', best song on the album for me

  77. Mel Anie

    He's singing like this is the easiest thing ever. 😅#samsmithlove

    ThiaguinhoCraftEvilHD2014720 p

    Mel Anie, Well, he have the talent right?

  78. Ryan West

    Sam has given me inspiration for my christmas outfit.

  79. Camila Lima

    His voice 😍😍

  80. Aw Rehan


  81. oxgod slayer

    BBC 🙄

  82. Vân Hà

    His album is just epic

  83. iptah idham

    Startesd at 02:10 come ome, its too beautiful

  84. Mateus

    O cigarro ja ta comecando a atrapalhar a voz dele

  85. Dee W

    Even better live😍 Sam's music has got me through so much. He's my favourite singer ever.

  86. Le Xuan an

    liquid gold

  87. Darline Hawley

    10 deaf people

  88. Darline Hawley

    NEVER getting tired of his voice

  89. Cilla Buckman

    Burning is probably one of my faves from the album

  90. Aris Golseen

    British Born Christian

  91. Paulo Travels

    Who else noticed that Sam is singing this song 1 note lower than the original??

    Jake Peredo

    Noticed that too. But it's still good.

    Paulo Travels

    yes still good.. I guess he is protecting his voice.. the entire album is too high, beautiful but dangerous, because he've got a big tour ahead!


    Paulo Travels It’s in the original Key man. It kinda sounds low in some parts but still in the key.

    Amazing Zhau

    Nope, it's still the original notes, but the audio sounds is different

  92. Hanna Dehlén

    Sam du är bäst jag älskar dig

  93. FlyingHigh99999

    Awful singer this character. Decent tone but would help if he would empty his mouth with whatevers in there so we could understand you

  94. rodney middleton

    sensational song from a sensational man

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