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SHINee - Married To The Music

Married To The Music
: Married To The Music
: 3.47 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 81 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 66 İndirme
: 05-11-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (SHINee - Married To The Music )
  1. loveya ok

    This MV is so cool!

  2. Ángel De tu Guardia

    Halloween 😍😻💖

  3. xxeird art

    So no head?

  4. escarcha multicolor


  5. Excuse me miss Chocolate!

    Some of my colleagues were laughing when I showed up with a SHINee T-shirt. They asked me what I sp

  6. Excuse me miss Chocolate!

    Shawols! Today, with my team we celebrated Halloween. I managed to get Married to the music played twice before I got overpowered by my Manager. I did not care as long as I got to play this song.

  7. Matíi l

    Tiene una onda a Thriller me encantó hahah

  8. Bruh

    This still hella good

  9. Morayo Adedapo

    i wish i threw up confetti

  10. If You Loser

    Dreamcatcher please make a cover of this song. I really want to see that performance

  11. ANDER A

    Go streaming to married to the music

  12. ANDER A


  13. Vini Andriani Taher


  14. shinxemxt x

    Back at this legendary song to celebrate halloween 2019 😓 the tradition will never die lol

  15. Kia

    Literally the best thing abt October is that everyone starts making Married To The Music content, again. Nothing is more iconic than this MV (and Kibum losing his whole head. Legend.)

  16. Belen Hgeraldo

    Love shinee💎

  17. Matíi l

    Halloween 2019 ^^^^^

  18. Federica Tamerisco

    Left alone on Halloween but watching this mv to make my day better✌🏻

  19. kinga pacholek

    I'm back here for halloween ❤️🎃

  20. T de Lioncourt

    Happy Halloween everyone! (on a Kpop Halloween themed marathon)

  21. Lea Nott

    Happy halloween shawols 🎃🧡

  22. Alexis Battle

    Yall know what time it is..😊

  23. Ilaria D.

    Perfect for Halloween 2019 🎃

  24. Disney Addict741

    Anyone else watch this video every Halloween?

  25. Sabīne Laura Kiršteina

    Everyone rise for the national Halloween anthem

  26. m, loka


  27. Yehet Ohorat

    Happy Halloween 🎃🎃🎃

  28. Amanda Willis

    Happy Halloween, always come back to this video~

  29. Noelia H Mendes


  30. Frida awesome

    It’s halloween so.. Ah sh*t here we go again

  31. Excuse me miss Chocolate!

    According to the interview they had about this MV, the Koreans like to watch horror movies in the summer. Therefore, they came up with this concept, because it was released during the summer.

  32. Fuji Kaffah

    HAPPY HALLOWEEN 2019🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕

  33. Gillian Pinniger

    I can't believe shinee invented Halloween

  34. Shaima Jaffor

    *Happy Halloween*

  35. FBI

    Till this day this is my favorite music video in all of kpop. It's just so unique, in my many years of being a kpop fan I have yet to see another group that tries a similar concept. And I still think that little intro with the boys holding Jonghyun up is the coolest thing ever lol. I just love it and SHINee so much uwu

  36. Jeanethe Merino

    Jaaajaja la puse en los juegos ,porque mi sobrinita de 4 años le digo ten cuidado que te puedes caer y me responde se me salen los ojos como taemin jaaajaja

  37. Rusni Tanjong

    whats wrong with this MV ? . Its kinda scary to watch , but Im really in love with the song hmmm....

  38. Zee Sewed

    Love SHINee ☺️

  39. Selena On Tour

    This MV is Peek-A-Boo by RV's father

  40. 사탕


  41. Felix sdjjsfkgsjj

    Still shinee's best mv. Change my mind

  42. Grazi Bling

    Amas eu amo esse mv

  43. shining hoe

    istg this mv is on drugs lmfao.

  44. 솔의눈포카리

    아니 시발ㅋㅋㅋ설마 민호는 살리는줄 알았는데 2:52 민호도 어이없게 죽네..이거 팬들 뭐라고 안함? 뮤비가 줜나 기괴한데..팬들 반응 궁금

  45. Yoon Young

    역대급 최악의 사이니 뮤비. 지금 봐도 너무 역겹다. 이거 만든 감독 진짜 사과해라

  46. seo julia

    뭐여 왜 우리 샤이니를 다 죽이노? 버럭!

  47. Vandana Rawat

    Funniest video ever 😂😂🤣😘😍😍😍😘

  48. caitlin katrina s.

    Ya know I feel bad for jonghyun whenever I come back and watch this again. He was getting a kiss and SHE STOLE HIS LIPS :O

  49. Ai Yuu

    this is actually the first time I've seen this mv...haha it's pretty good

  50. jk nachochip

    존경심 이 시대의 사람 것 아니다!!! 범죄 선생들 제대로 징계하라!!!!

  51. Angel Tears

    Honestly, I don't like seeing this video because I see hurt and pain. Whether it's meant to be Halloween fun or a protest about the pain, fear to be yourself, suffering, isolation, self-doubt, feelings of inadequacy, hopelessness, etc as the result of being bullied or abused, all I know is I don't like to see these guys hurting!

  52. sad reee

    Is that mark lee

  53. Undīne Daņiļina

    God damn I love this song💜

  54. Nadie Absolutamente nadie

    They are so beautiful :')

  55. Pandaa Lovee


  56. Chogiwa Park

    I can't believe SHINee invented Halloween! 🎃

  57. The OnlyTrueZiki

    i love that they didnt even dropped this in spooky season and yet spooky season has been theirs ever seen

  58. Excuse me miss Chocolate!

    Married to the Music 17 M101 14 MCountless 14 MI Want You 12 MJuliette 10 MOur Page 9 MAmigo 6 MLove like Oxygen 6 M


    Everybody 40 MDream Girl 22 MTell Me What to Do 20 M

  59. caitlin katrina s.

    MV: chaos going on everywhere Minho: still somehow looks hot as hell

  60. nayare


  61. KiNG JoKeRZ

    2019 Halloween is near so who's remember to watch this as their Halloween package?

  62. Melinda Natal Inspirit/Exo-L

    This is such a great song. I love it.

  63. The OnlyTrueZiki


  64. mari j

    sm should eat shit and die in a hell hole please, but their artists are *chefs kiss*

  65. amyy

    I want to cry

  66. Draco Braving

    0:32 Favorite part

  67. yeous

    i miss jonghyun.

  68. Tky Britton


  69. aulie


  70. amelisvr


  71. amelisvr

    Nobody:Jonghyun: so listen baby~Me: ASDGHJKFLmiss u jjong :'

  72. Nerdy Kiwi

    Anyone else making a spooktober Kpop playlist? 😂😂😂

  73. Baekhyunsendsme

    It might just be his hair but why does Taemin look really good even without eyes? Jonghyun also looks hella fine even without a mouth… I think there’s something wrong with me…

  74. Delaney Blackman

    Who else is ready to play this for Halloween

  75. Matíi l


  76. とてもcatchy✩

    happy haloween!

  77. Mushroom Kid

    Everyone was way too high on this party.

  78. Excuse me miss Chocolate!

    It is October, Halloween month, thus, Married to the Music should be advertised in YouTube in the US to show Shinee’s greatness. How can we get SM entertainment executives to do that?

  79. sweet mask

    Ok but I just realized the face at the end after 4 years

  80. 다이연

    Back to listen for spooky season!!!!

  81. Margo Le Sann


  82. lila wu

    HAPPY 2019 HALLOWEEN ♥, GLAD TO SEE ALL OF US BACK HERE THIS OCTOBER. HOPE Y'ALLS.HALLOWEEN GOES FUN AND SAFE AND accepting :). Praise this album, praise 5HINee, and I'll see you all next year October same time same place. ((jk honestly, listen to this good shit year round))

    Rain Drop


  83. Saori Lee

    Crazy video 😂

  84. Ayanna Valenzuela

    Jonghyun ❤️❤️😭😭😭😭

  85. I B

    This is one of the most CREATIVE MV ever released! I love it so much

  86. Lala Lolo

    cus it's finally october!!

  87. bobatae

    taemin my flat titty goth gf!!!

  88. bobatae

    bruh its that time of year

  89. TAEYEON’g _SS

    Their songs are so wholesome uwu

  90. TAEYEON’g _SS

    Ivhviyfiycigf I fuckin miss jonghyun’s voice

  91. Elizabeth Pearce

    as has become my annual comment- happy halloween to 5hinee only

  92. Chittaphrrr

    Shawols, it's October 1st! You knowww what it issss*stream married to the music*

  93. misspiration

    It’s is s p o o k y season it’s time to get mArRiEd to the MuSIc


    yeah! spokky season!!!

    Stay Bin

    Happy Halloween Everybody!!!! Lets get married to the music 🎃👻💀🧛‍♀️🧛‍♂️🦇

  94. Donna Lee

    wait halloween is coming up time to play this on a 24 hour loop

  95. Destiny Choi

    So, I haven't heard this song til now why??? Because someone said the song was scary and I was going on a whole spree. But here tf I am. And I'm here from now on. Halloween, I don't celebrate it, but this most def getting played on that day 😭💞💞💞

  96. ᥐiᥴole !!

    I miss you shinee The best group!❤

  97. Brenna Hodges

    This song is so catchy, but the MV... WHAT THE FUCK

  98. M KIM

    took me two year to watch this video again WITHOUT crying ! still feel pain but happy to watch them

  99. Rocío Villa

    Wow mi querido Shinee siempre lo he dicho sus MV'S originales 👑👑👑👑

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