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Pitbull - feat Stephen Marley-Options

feat Stephen Marley-Options
: feat Stephen Marley-Options
: 4.27 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 52 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 42 İndirme
: 02-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Pitbull - feat Stephen Marley-Options )
  1. R.M

    fuck i missed this song omg

  2. Miguel Banting

    I lke this song

  3. Samantha Lira

    Good morning everyone n my luv

  4. Jalen Mcpherson

    Amazing song and great vibes 🇯🇲🇪🇹🇨🇺💚💛❤🔥🎶

  5. Grace Pilgrim

    2050 still here

  6. Ivan 38121

    November 2019 always here

  7. Troy Reyes

    Wrestlemania 33 theme song

  8. Javi p23

    💯💯💯💯 more

  9. Onès Bathalier

    2020 Janvier. Let's go baby.

  10. Sophonie Clervil

    Me gusta

  11. Rayshaun Fraser

    October 28 2019 I love this song

    Arrianna Leonard

    October 26 2019 here

  12. Jeff Swartz

    the godess from 1:49 to 2:11 are you kidding. smoking doesn't even cover that. she's hotter than the sun. stupid hot...

  13. fastonfuji

    Heard this for the first time while in Barbados on board the Cool Runnings catamaran cruise!!! Such an awesome time with a great song to boot!

  14. Fαkєяシ YTchannelシ

    here oct.2019this music gave me chills😌

  15. Celyne Wabuti

    Whose here 27/20/2019

  16. Brezill Chep

    Pitbul gat it

  17. Ibumu Gaming

    Over Underrated song with overrated singer

  18. Niicky Lindiwe Skosana


  19. Mulan Phyllis

    How to love

  20. nery victoria


  21. Bhra Bengazzy

    if you still watching 2019 hit the like button 🔥🇬🇭🌍

  22. Lil Abegine


  23. Y Ask

    This a #song 2 #CheckYourWifeOrHubby #lol or #BoyFriendOrGirlFriend . . . . I think this will let them kno 2 #StopPlayingWithYourHeart 👍🏽 😓 .

  24. Jr. Ras Entertainment

    Blessings bredren... greetings from Vanuatu

  25. iakopo


  26. Phie Mqadi

    I love those 3 cuties wearing a school uniform😊😊😊😊

  27. Olivia N Alexander

    October 2019 still my jam

  28. Maropeng Rampyapedi

    Pitbill is just a hitmaker,respect the man.

  29. Vikash के Videos


  30. el bichote de carton carbon fiber music

    los amo stephen pitbull mmmm jamaica y mary jane jijiji

  31. aditya meshram

    dat der damian marley

  32. Karen Wade

    MeIm Here From Oct 2019

  33. Josh Tinn

    @royal Rivo vlogs I know you gonna come here after zumba😂😂

  34. Nina Van Sloten

    He said I got options but you only have one.....ummmmmmmmmmm excuse me sir....

  35. Horacio Pulgarin


  36. Ashmi Hrahsel

    I'm here straight from my hood

  37. alex garcing

    im here. no other OPTIONS!

  38. Tom Big.

    I love it...much music

  39. RdK yGordin #1K

    Brasileiros em 2019 ?

  40. Casey R Aplin

    Pit bull make a song out of the words I posted on facebook

  41. Sekou magassa

    I love familles Marley 🇲🇱🇫🇷✔

  42. Jeremiah Diigula

    Nice song

  43. Neri JimeneZ

    Wrestlemania #2019

  44. Toshiba Tv

    Who's the first girl?

  45. babatee

    Oct 19 we here

  46. Rhose Ann Celebio

    Yup Oct 10 2019 make this blueeeee!!!

  47. Jeffrey Villegas

    2019 deym❣️

  48. Charmaine Loves Saydi

    💙 this song 🤙🏼🤙🏼

  49. aster campbell

    Who's here in OCT 2019

  50. yernaj arpilca

    Good music from Philippines

  51. Kristofer Chaplin

    What a tune boom

  52. Victor Contreras

    0:38 *OCTUBRE 2019* Latino 😃😘

  53. saurabh kumar

    One more options

  54. Nelson Mtui

    Who's here in OCT 2019

    Arokium Amelia


    Vladimir Romero

    From Key West a hug bro

    Ivan Ureña

    @Arokium AmeliaP0900Ll o9

    Deejan Cheverria


    yvonne buluma

    Me from 🇰🇪🇰🇪🇰🇪🇰🇪

  55. Melissa Jackson

    I never tried to attract a 19-20 year old...I'm 43 is it wrong...

  56. Annalicia Ravello

    boooom love this song

  57. Josette Cole

    I love your Songs

  58. Eduardo Delgado


  59. Spiny Babbler

    Who's here in 2072?🤣🤣

  60. Vicky Monterubio

    Stephen Marley🔥🔥🔥

  61. Vesta Hélios


  62. Panther

    First time I heard this

  63. Tamine Webster

    Forgive me but this accent needs work .🙀

  64. Nicholas Mannie

    Finally find a song that pitbull ain't naming major cities

  65. X-ERM 2


  66. Corey Skinner

    I love the females I been with and the ones I will be with the ones I will get to know

  67. Z. T.

    Nothing sexy about that woman. Feed her some food. Put some flesh on her. And next time, put real Jamaica women in there - dark, curvaceous, beautiful. These light skinned anorexics shouldn't be the standard of beauty. Enough!

  68. David Cartagena


  69. David M Jones ft Stephen Marley - Options..........I'm feeling this one off of 'Climate Change' .....Big (Facts)

  70. Jessica Leggett

    when i came across the song i fell in love with stephen marley's voice is so beautiful

  71. geninoh ndhlala


  72. Chris Suji

    big love from Kenya

  73. Roxy C

    Who else agrees that steven sounds like akon

  74. Darrell Vowell

    Hey Brandi I know you are listening in the shower,,,love ya Darrell

  75. Puna Tangimataiti

    This Ain't Human Android Era u seen the News U Can Rule the Heavens TaOnga.Miss Caroline HAIDEE Morunga APIATA chur my Girl Tara Morunga MokoMoko.

  76. Deborah Jones

    Jamacia is my mother land mi luv dis country free air good vibes jah bless

  77. bbesongt

    yooo is that Sean Paul at 3:46?

  78. isal mubix

    who is watching today.

  79. Patoo Donald

    A Jamaica parece o Brasil, ate na forma como os gringos veem o pais: sexo, praia, agua de coco e futebol.

  80. Vidya sonkamble

    I have do dance on this song😍😍😍😍😍🤗😎😎😎😎

  81. Pachucopl Haiti

    😲😲😲😲😲😲 Great...

  82. Merrick Gould

    Bit my entire family is from Miami sang at Fountain Blu Elbow Room and Miami Civic Center Milan aka Rick Rodell M Radenkovich 79 songs

  83. Merrick Gould

    Bobs studio been there with his Andy percussions

  84. Wayne Stewart

    Pitbull is like the boat and Stephen Marley is like the engine that makes it go without Stephen Marley this wouldn't be nowhere

  85. Yongky El Madrid

    Good music

  86. keri bagano

    Vin Diesel can do some rappin'

  87. Viajeros del Tiempo

    #Pitbull y Stephen Marley tienen que llevarse bien los dos son hijos de cubanos Pitbull de padre y madre Y Stephen de madre cubana Rita Marley unos de las creadoras del rege con Bob Marley

  88. Vitor Rogério

    isso sim é música

  89. EH Rahul

    September, 2019??? Any frick

  90. Aswar Mee

    welcome to papua brother

  91. Collins Aluoch

    Options... listening September 2019

  92. Dianita Acosta

    Pitbull parece cartero con esos pantalones cortos 😀pero igual y se ve lindooooo 😘❤💋💞

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