mp3 indir dur

Pitbull - Give Me Everything

Give Me Everything
: Give Me Everything
: 4.07 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 369 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 290 İndirme
: 02-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Pitbull - Give Me Everything )
  1. tribilin america


  2. mf brothers


  3. mf brothers


  4. jayden irawan

    2019 and still awesome

  5. Trovonex

    cade os brs?

  6. Yasmin Santos

    q saudade dessa época 🤧

  7. Maria Jones

    Still loving this song brings me bk to the day's I enjoyed in oasis in west bromwich

  8. Roman Hrz

    Lo unico ofensivo aqui es el estupido adgoritmo de youtube, que no sabe diferenciar musica buena con bodrio.Lo gracioso que Anaconda de Niki Minaj no esta restringido WTF.


    Eh buscado esta canción por años... No sabía cómo encontrarla... Pero ahora la disfrutó😊

  10. lalisa_ mb12

    What?? Youtube

  11. HARON CH

    Turkish song 2012.. Oh, nostalgy😭😭😭😭😭

  12. Creeper DK

    I love this song i dont care this old because i have fun from this ;)

  13. Amit Sachdeva

    Those were the days . This song was and always be lit! . The best party song still .

  14. Gloria Diaz

    Fu bich

    Gloria Diaz

    Ff FC h fe

  15. Stefani Macedo

    Muitooo lokaaaa 😍😍

  16. Kyro Melestry

    I was 5 when this came out.........

  17. luis siquigua

    la pase buscando hasta que al fin la encontre

  18. 1000 subscribers without videos Please xd

    Ne-Yo carried this for sure, Pitbull Mr World Wide did fucking good to

  19. SRN Kim-Chhun

    Miss this

  20. Genuineyoshi 13

    Ahh the nostalgia 😢

  21. Christie-Lee Horn


  22. Davaughn Parker

    This song take me back to the old days

  23. Utlwang Molefe

    Why is this song offensive to most audiences???

  24. Jon Ocio

    Dale pitbull

  25. Aiyaz Buksh

    My favourite song is the best

  26. Aiyaz Buksh


  27. dreamscape1312

    For the longest time i thought usher sang this song 😂😂😂😂

  28. The Discovered Channel

    Gotta keep myself busy during November 2019 if you know what I mean 👍



  30. Dipsy

    still a motherfucking great song

  31. Maria luiza Carlos

    Brabaaaaaaaaaa ♡

  32. GT Godbear

    I'm offended buy this video😀 there should be a confirmation before you watch it

  33. Henrique Sena

    Feel rings beautifil everyning sprays Swift does much me too Pitbull

  34. Cypress

    GRAB SOMEBODY SEXY TELL EM HEYI love this song 😭

  35. Aldo Gon

    A alguien más le salió el cartelito de contenido ofensivo? 😱

  36. Enrique Ariel González Palacios

    No entiendo porque Youtube dice que este vídeo podría contener escenas inadecuadas para ciertas personas.. Sabiendo que en el vídeo no hay nada inapropiado.. Es un error de Youtube quizás.. Por cierto.. Excelente vídeo musical!!!

  37. CowyC

    How is this offensive i just heard this on the radio and you know anybody can hear the radio including children


    Your a children


    @Boki. Grammar please?

  38. Toufik Benechaoui

    Pitbull u r awesome man u hv my respect i swear 😍😍

  39. Felipe zoeira456

    Uma das melhores musicas

  40. Carlos Conor HD

    Mierda que rápido pasa el tiempo

  41. Creative By Minds

    who listening in 2019.

  42. Trap Nations


  43. nardjes berhouni


  44. Gir The Spurr

    Can’t even scroll through these comments in peace without seeing 2019

  45. manfre salazar

    I like this song i here it every day and weekend

  46. Tiringa Stories

    Jovem pan

  47. Tiringa Stories

    Saudades, alguém em 2019 ?

  48. thayalan murugan

    Wow... Wow....

  49. claudia money love bff cool

    Song ok Ryan love


    demais pitbull foreve alone demais quem ta vendo em 2019


    Aí sim papai

  51. smn smn

    I told my husband (who has little rhythm) he should try to move it & dance like Pitbull.

  52. Oğulcan Aktaş

    kafam iyi 😛😛😛😛🍭🍭🍭🍭

  53. Italomaniak

    Szmaty lewackie z youtuba karza potwierdzac jak oni sobie zycza 😈jak za komuny 👃

  54. Olga Castro

    La mejor canción sin duda

  55. Michael Alves

    Lembro quando dançava essa música em meados de 2011 kkkk

  56. Daniel Veslen

    who listen 2020 😀

  57. Vacilionツ

    _The first song I looked on Youtube, craaazy!_

  58. ul 172068022

    no al LANA bromaiy amor con ola o ya noayserc oanoaolaya oyecome o año ron e lobera km no de ogejiefiurhryewfhkve o año a playa uso come o la o den oal o palo laorenaienoenao😭uli

  59. andrea garcia

    Por que esta maravillosa song es ofensiva? Youtube de la ver. Xf

  60. faris rayn

    Ne-Yo:Grab somebody sexy tell her HEY!Me:Yo sexy girl HEYYYYYYYY!

  61. Solomon Howells

    Love this song

  62. Marco Alcazar

    Why this song is inappropiate?

  63. Omar Watted

    1:21 thank me later

  64. Sofia Itzelt Santos Salvador

    Where Is pets un word nouth the mor word you come is the mesius to.

  65. The Stos Man

    YouTube: this video is offensiveAlso YouTube: run by old people who still think all music should sound like Mozart

  66. Dorlan - Salud & Mas

    Quiero descargalo

  67. xD_g0d

    Guess I’m the one who watches internet historian

  68. Brunno Carvalho

    Caralho que saudades da minha adolescência ❤️😍

  69. Diego Henrique De Freitas

    14/11/2019 the best ever

  70. Wallyson BK

    Aaaaaah q Nostalgia Boa Manoo haha ❤

  71. treysi coaguila

    A alguien le apareció un aviso de que no se puede ver este video? Ami si... . Pero si la música y la letra esta muy buena😊

    -cѳѳҡyʂ ɗɛ ʍѳʀąɴɢѳ

    Armyyy !!

  72. Rodrigo Freitas

    Alguém em 2025 ? Da quinta dimensão.

  73. Phoenix Arizona

    Phoenix Arizona

  74. Loco Porvos

    700 millones!!! 700 millions!!!

  75. Sametschki

    When this came out I literally was 6 years old and I listened to Pitbull everyday to hear that shit as a 14 year old now is so nostalgic

    Genuineyoshi 13

    Sametschki I was like 7 or 8 during this time and now I’m 16 and I love it the same way as I did back then.

  76. Mogliiixxx Yay

    Defining song for 2011 -2012 The year before the end of the world.

  77. PamPamAss

    This video is wide af

  78. Yugali Gullapalli

    Man, these old songs were really good. !!!!

  79. Jaime Eduardo Navarro Peña

    Why is offensive?

  80. Vishnu R.das

    Give me everything tonight.... Yes it is inapropriate.

  81. Jasmin Məmmədli

    2019 ❤️

  82. Vitor Miguel

    Quando as baladas tocavam músicas boas ☹

  83. strong Typical

    Nobody Youtube: Videos there older than my grandma: ThIs vIdEo Is OfFeNsIvE

  84. Miklo Velka

    Q canción 😎😎

  85. Dusk- Boy

    Instead of raiding area 51 (which some of use did) lets raid YouTube hq cause....well whatever people/youtubers want

  86. CUENTA BOT :v

    la buscaba hace meses esta cancion

  87. topik abideen


  88. Oswaldo Perez

    Pongan comentarios en español que soy mexicano

  89. Berinyuy Lesly

    I love it

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