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: 41 İndirme
: 04-05-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Pim - Distopya )


  2. Tokollo Damons

    What about China? Arent they the new superpower?

  3. Emily A

    @.SchoolForProphets. Is this movie available in Spanish?

  4. Jonah & Josephine Davis

    He is doing exactly what he accuses the Catholic Church trying to change prophecy.

  5. Jonah & Josephine Davis

    My problem With this video is he changes the definitions to fit his own narrative such as the definition of beast. Before I talked about 4 beast. And we need talked about the poor beast he said that the Beast stands for a king or a Kingdom. Now when he gets the part about America and another beast beat changes the definition and says a political power superpower nation or Kingdom because it fits the narrative he wants. And when he was talking about the for beast he said that the poor beast all belong to Babylon and the king of Babylon but it should have been for different kingdoms or 2 kingdoms and 2 kings. But that didn't suit his narrative so I changed it. He also said that the pegasi killed Jesus and his followers. But that is not True Potch's pilot Was misled by the Jews as the people were also misled by the Jews it was the Jews that killed Jesus and his followers not the pegasi. Also the Catholic Church was not the only to unite church and state. The Jews also United church in state. The Jews were destroyed and cast to the 4 corners of the world and came back basically from the great and are now in Israel once again. I don't believe that that makes Jews the Anti-Christ. The Anti-Christ was not a organization it was a man who died and became the Anti-Christ the Anti-Christ is unholy and not human. The Anti-Christ would rule for 1260 years. He regards the Anti-Christ and man as the same thing.

  6. Truth Teller

    People are not use to hearing something different that goes against from what they have been taught .Its like a strange teaching to them Jesus him self went through this his own people didn't believe Him And they often Misunderstood misinterpreted what he taught so keep the faith .

  7. Truth Teller

    U doing a good job brother this needed to be put out the Lord said every one will know the truth before He returnes the gospel will be preached all over the world so no one will have an excuse and say to God they didn't know God's people dont want any ones blood on them Ezekiel 3: 17 -18 Romans 1:14-16 ,but if the unbelievers want except the truth God says the believers are no longer responsible once u have told them Eze 3:19 if believers dont tell the unbelievers their is a penalty paul says 1 Corinthians 3 :11 -15 Roman's 1:14 -16 .

  8. Rusty Asplico

    I don't read much Bible coz sometimes I don't understand the exact meaning.This is really a big help.

  9. Truth Teller

    People want except the little horn is the catholic church until it's in there faces

  10. Truth Teller

    The sunday churches are not teaching this the catholic church worship Mary

  11. Truth Teller

    This is biblical truth the papacy is enacted a national Sunday Law in deguised in climate change forcing people to worship on Sunday if thats not the little horn I don't know what is.

  12. Truth Teller

    This is what the seventh Day Adventist have been teaching for years Ellen white talks about it in her book called the Great Controversy check it out .

  13. Truth Teller

    Nimrod was a male witch

  14. JusHanginAroun

    I enjoyed the video, even though I think Ellen G. White is a false teacher.

  15. Ric Vio

    Amazing work. Thank you!

  16. shayne smith

    I don’t Deny god but I don’t know what is the devil so I can avoid the adversary and I try to figure it but it’s frustrating to try and praise god correctly

    Unknown Unknown

    the origin of evil

  17. Rebecca Horvath

    But how do I worship God on Satursay

    Rebecca Horvath

    Typo. I meant Saturday

    Camilo Cardenas

  18. Denise Thompson

    The ten horns are the Muslim countries.

  19. Denise Thompson

    Babylon is Saudi Arabia

  20. Denise Thompson

    This is wrong. Just not so ...go check out Walid shoebat end times today. He's got the missing piece of the all makes perfect sense.


    1st off Denise, you couldn’t possibly know who’s right and whose not. It hasn’t happened yet. Secondly, Walid Shoebat is a Roman Catholic and by extension an apostate. He holds to the false gospel of rome. He’s a voice for the beast system. He is the LAST person you should be following for your eschatology.

    Denise Thompson

    @JusHanginAroun LMFAO are you serious? Boy are you going to be in for a shock. Catholics are not the enemy


    I’m sure I will be in shock. We all will. It’s the apocalypse after all. One thing that I’m not wrong about is the wickedness of Rome. They anathematized the Gospel at the council of Trent. They are a house of demons.

    Denise Thompson

    @JusHanginAroun I absolutely don't agree with the pope. He's sided against isreal since the beginning. All the popes have... The pope of 1943 I believe is the year, wrote our president Roosevelt and told him not to help the Jews fleeing Germany, and that there was no reason to let the Jews return to their Homeland, they should go somewhere else. John Paul in 2000 declared a papal bull that Catholics are God's chosen people, and he signed a treaty with the PLO calling for international guarantees that Jerusalem never comes under Jewish Bible is clear. Do not divide up his land he gave isreal, and all of isreal belongs to only the Jews forever. If you go against his people you go against God, if you curse them he will curse you. And Jesus is coming back to fight those whom are against isreal and dividing his land. The pope and Catholics that are bad, will be judged. I just don't believe the 7 hills are Rome. The harlot riding on the beast drunk the wine of fornication isn't the Catholic Church. Walid shoebat, Catholic or not, has been very correct about what all was going to happen so far. He's been right on the money. His theory just makes sense. You don't have to force prophecy to fit what he's saying. Hes unlocked a lot of prophecy that had been sealed.


    Denise Thompson - So just to be clear, you’re willfully following the teaching of someone who believes a false Gospel. And you don’t see a problem with that?

  21. Anthony Porreco

    Nice work brother!

  22. Anthony Porreco

    By not using His name, YAHUAH you are casting it to ruin, that's why it was removed from scripture 6300 times.Lord = Baal and God are titles. Look it up for yourself.

  23. gracekb

    Wonderful teaching! 😊 God bless you!

  24. Analytic Alchemist

    What do you think of the RFID tracking chips that are being implanted in people?

  25. Truest Culture

    Amen!! Yes, preach it brother. My church has been attacked by the people who follow lies. We know this being the work of satan.

  26. Jake From State Farm

    I will be in haven for this cause all God’s people won’t experience this

    Camilo Cardenas

    This position is not biblical, persecution for those who keep the 10 commandments and have the faith of jesus will come by the union of church and state.

  27. Camilo Cardenas

    Historically and biblically accurate.

  28. Raquel Moreno

    well you do know that its all upside down right the god of this world is "Devil" and who they got us thinking is the Devil is actually our true God. everything you know about any topic is going to be the opposite like if its a boy no in real life its a girl or if its black take it as white on the Goddess it is what it isn't

  29. Marsha Dailey

    I remember when business were closed on Sunday..

  30. THAT GUY

    The best part is 53:48 to 55:20. Lite.

  31. Ahenkel36

    Rome still rules today they are the puppet masters of the worlds destruction hiding under the name of God

  32. Ahenkel36

    One Conclusion I came up with is that archaeology unleashed these demons science and technology is the opposite of God it is daemonic system...

  33. Ran with Angels

    The church and government is never a good thing for the people but for themselves. It all evolves collecting money from the people for them to build bigger temples and bigger government powers i.e EU anyone. One World Order comes to mind i.e "we make the laws you do what we say" It is all to suppress Gods people.You can have your Elite life here but you cannot take it with you, your wealth dies with you. Stay humble and true and help those in need, and your treasure will be your caring soul. That you can take with you.

  34. Lila W

    SCHOOL FOR THE PROPHETS:Also Noahide Laws will factor in to end times persecution of the saints who truly follow our heavenly Father and obey His Commandments. Please consider doing a study and exposing this growing threat. Thank you brother!

  35. Janet Douglas

    Hi Brother the sunday law is coming that day the should not be worship

  36. Gregory Baldwin

    The 1st amendment you mention in this video is not the only amendment that is under attacks the 2nd amendment is also under attacks, because if the first two amendments are abolish then the rest of the constitution can be abolish without any resistance.

  37. Jack RCC

    1th remark about the beast, look into Revelation, 17:8 ( King James Bible ) : "The beast that thou sawest, was, and is not, and shall ascend out of the bottomlesse pit, and goe into perdition, and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, (whose names were not written in the booke of life from the foundation of the world) when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is"Hey, Book of Revelation is dated about year 100AD. As you know, Vatican did not exists before year 100AD and here John says " that was , and is not, and shall ascend out of bottomlesse.... " So, I think this little horn is other, also not big, country which was etc. Check the historical accounts, including newest, more carefully. If you go thru Revelation ( not only ) you will find the truth easily.

  38. ALP ÂTÎ


  39. Vashti H

    i wish there was no bg music :(

  40. Ronmikhail Manalastas

    I’ve concluded for the matter...Israel is the whoreJerusalem + USA is Babylon.The Antichrist will rule from Jerusalem and will be a Syrian Jew.

  41. Jack RCC

    Mathew 27, 51-53 ( about the change in the Gods Temple, very remarkable, and about the Saints who we, catholics celebrate but not only celebrate. We are also asking them, during our prayer, for intercession, cause there are already close to our God the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit, hoping, that this prayer can help us, sinners, here on Earth )51 And behold, the vaile of the Temple was rent in twaine, from the top to the bottome, and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent.52 And the graues were opened, and many bodies of Saints which slept, arose,53 And came out of the graues after his resurrection, and went into the holy citie, and appeared vnto many.As far as I know, only we do that. We, means catholics. And it is nothing wrong with that. As shown aboveWe also love our Lady, Mary. We pray : Hail Mary, full of grace; the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.Mary is the first fleshly person, the creature, to whom the mystery of salvation was revealed and the first person to believe in salvation, and in addition, completely and unconditionally. We pray a lot. Many Poles pray Rosary every day, many of us pray 3x a day. That is about 1 hour a day.In the church but mostly at home, in the car, when working in the garden etc. Why we pray a lot ? The persevering ( PERSEVERING ! ) prayer of the righteous has great power. Go to James, chapter 5, verses 13-1613 Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing Psalmes.14 Is any sicke among you? let him call for the Elders of the Church, and let them pray ouer him, anointing him with oyle in the Name of the Lord:15 And the prayer of Faith shall saue the sicke, and the Lord shall raise him vp: and if hee haue committed sinnes, they shall be forgiuen him.16 Confesse your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that yee may bee healed: the effectuall fervent prayer of a righteous man auaileth much.So, I love Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour, I love Mary and Joseph, I love the Bible, I love my church and I also love our priests because priests give us all the sacraments, celebrate masses as our Lord Jesus Christ required at the last supper on Holy Thursday and they pray with us and for us which gives us a chance for salvation. This is the way we walk trough our life.

  42. Jack RCC

    I will put some coments ( using King James Bible verses but I can also use polish one, very same)John 20:23 Whose soeuer sinnes yee remit, they are remitted vnto them, and whose soeuer sinnes yee retaine, they are retained.Mathew 16, 18-19 18 And I say also vnto thee, that thou art Peter, and vpon this rocke I will build my Church: and the gates of hell shall not preuaile against it.19 And I will giue vnto thee the keyes of the kingdome of heauen: and whatsoeuer thou shalt bind on earth, shall be bound in heauen: whatsoeuer thou shalt loose on earth, shall be loosed in heauen.Luke 1, 46-48 And Marie said, My soule doth magnifie the Lord.47 And my spirit hath reioyced in God my sauiour.48 For hee hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for behold, from hencefoorth all generations shall call me blessed ( and so on up to v.55 )1th Cor 11, 24-25 24 And when he had giuen thanks, he brake it, and sayd, Take, eate, this is my body, which is broken for you: this doe in remembrance of mee.25 After the same manner also hee tooke the cup when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new Testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drinke it, in remembrance of me.And so on, and so on. I can continue but I think for now is enough. Sorry but only Roman Catholic Church respects these verses aa well as rest of the Holy Bible. Because it is only one founded by our Saviour, Lord Jesus. You have build some story base on hypothesis. There were many of them troughout the past centuries. And there will be more, I'm sure. You are walking wrong direction. But if you are looking for beast then go to 1th John, chapter 2, verses 22-23. I can also show you other verses to help you to identify the beast. As well as to identify the great whore.

  43. Yashua Messiah

    I got a question for ya so every day is a year in prophecy. So when the beast rises to power in the end Will he reign for seven years or will he reign for 2555 years every day for a year?

    .School For Prophets.

    Where does it say he will rise for 7 years? Daniel 9 is not about the 7 year tribulation btw..

    Yashua Messiah

    No but it leases up to it and what Daniel says is in the revelations as well it’s all the same prophecy it just gets more in depth and more in depth

    Yashua Messiah

    But my question still remains seven years of peace with Middle East seven years that Satan Will rise and rule for does the year for a day count in that as well

  44. Mncedisi Lolwana

    I've seen this more than once but whenever I watch it I get new insights. Thank you for taking your time to research...

  45. MrYo69nas

    *We celebrate and get together on Sunday for these reasons (John20) #1 Because Jesus rose from the dead on Sunday. #2 reason is because the holy spirit is given on that same Sunday. #3 reason is we became a new creation on that Sunday. We need to draw a line btwn creation(God worked) vs salvation(God sacrificed). The first sabbath(Saturday) was for the 1st Adam the created man(the degenerating man), not for Jesus(2nd Adam) the new creation, spiritual man or the born of the spirit man (the regenerating man) Rom 5:12-21. Jesus established the Sunday meeting by showing up at least 2 Sundays in a row after he rose from the dead, not the pope or a mere man. pls read these verses for sabbath instruction for the spiritual man.( for the new creation) *Col.2:16-17, Rom.14:5-6, The Lord's day vs sabbath (John calls it the Lord's day not sabbath) Rev. 1:10-11. Your explanation is good but the conclusion is not scriptural, it is very miss leading. And neglects the GIFT of righteousness by Jesus sacrifice blood.(Rom.5:12-21) This is the problem with denominational teaching. Pls read the verse for yourselves and come to your own conclusion. One Father we all have, one kingdom we are from. Love, grace n peace to you in Jesus might name.

  46. james spurlin

    So they are white washed??? 🤦🏾‍♂️

  47. SIMO

    Jesus is not God the God is Elohim in hebrew = Allah in Arabic , if any christian believe that jesus is god , then you have to show your proof from your book ( the bible ) . No where in the bible jesus claimed to be god . Or asked people to worship him . Jesus said ( by myself i can do nothing ) and he worship the father ELOHIM = ALLAH the true God

    Camilo Cardenas

    Answer: Worship means “reverence paid to a divine being.” If Jesus was offered and accepted worship, then by doing so He was confirming His divinity. This is important because there are those who deny the deity of Christ, relegating Him instead to a lesser position than God. Yes, Jesus accepted worship. As the second Person of the Trinity, He was and still is worshiped.From the beginning of Jesus’ life, we see examples of Him being worshiped. As soon as the Magi laid eyes on the infant Christ, “they bowed down and worshiped Him” (Matthew 2:11). The Bible records the initial response Jesus received when He made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem: “So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying out, ‘Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel!’” (Matthew 21:9; John 12:13) The word hosanna is a plea for salvation and an expression of adoration. This word used by the crowd is definitely a form of worship.Just after Jesus amazed the disciples by walking on water, “those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, ‘Truly you are the Son of God’” (Matthew 14:33). Two more memorable examples of Jesus accepting worship occurred just after His resurrection. Some of the women (Matthew 28:8-9; Mark 16:1; Luke 24:10) were on their way to tell the disciples of the resurrection when Jesus met them on their way. When they realized it was He, they “came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him” (Matthew 28:9).Then there is the case of Thomas, who didn't believe Jesus had risen from the dead despite the other disciples’ testifying to that fact. It had been about a week since the resurrection, and Thomas still doubted it. Jesus, knowing Thomas doubted, appeared to him and showed him the nail marks in His hands and feet and the wound in His side. How did Thomas respond? “Thomas said to him, ‘My Lord and my God!’” (John 20:28). In none of these instances do we see Jesus telling those worshiping Him to stop, as did mere men and even angels who were being worshiped wrongly by others (Acts 10:25–26; Revelation 19:9–10).We continue to offer worship to Jesus today by offering ourselves to Him as a living sacrifice—offering ourselves to God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to do with as He sees fit (Romans 12:1–2). Jesus said, “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24). We worship God in spirit and truth by obedience to His commands. Worship is not solely about bowing to Jesus, throwing palm branches at His feet, or singing and shouting about our love for Him. Worship is about knowing Him, communing with Him, serving Him, and trusting in Him. From answers .org


    My Question was to show where did Jesus asked people to worship him ? the answer is he never did . and where did he claimed to be a GOD ? The answer is that he never claimed to be GOD. You showed me verses talking about people worshiping Jesus , i can show you hindus worshiping mouses and cows in india , that make or prove the mouses or cows to be GODS ? NO . << Romans 8:14 King James Version (KJV)14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. >>How many sons does GOD have ?

  48. Robert Meshew

    Wow, well done, history informs.

  49. Shirley G

    The beast is now trying to make Sunday as the sabbath. Have you not seen it? Can you talk about that please. 🙏🏾


    *We celebrate and get together on Sunday for these reasons (John20) #1 Because Jesus rose from the dead on Sunday. #2 reason is because the holy spirit is given on that same Sunday. #3 reason is we became a new creation on that Sunday. We need to draw a line btwn creation(God worked) vs salvation(God sacrificed). The first sabbath(Saturday) was for the 1st Adam the created man(the degenerating man), not for Jesus(2nd Adam) the new creation, spiritual man or the born of the spirit man (the regenerating man) Rom 5:12-21. Jesus established the Sunday meeting by showing up at least 2 Sundays in a row after he rose from the dead, not the pope or a mere man. pls read these verses for sabbath instruction for the spiritual man.( for the new creation) *Col.2:16-17, Rom.14:5-6, The Lord's day vs sabbath (John calls it the Lord's day not sabbath) Rev. 1:10-11. Your explanation is good but the conclusion is not scriptural, it is very miss leading. And neglects the GIFT of righteousness by Jesus sacrifice blood.(Rom.5:12-21) This is the problem with denominational teaching. Pls read the verse for yourselves and come to your own conclusion. One Father we all have, one kingdom we are from. Love, grace n peace to you in Jesus might name.

  50. Peter Vanko Here Catholics even call the Pope a son of satan

  51. Eire

    Thank you so much for going over and deciphering everything. Oh you did forget one thing and that was the Raptor coming before the revealing of the Anti Christ. May Jesus bless you abundantly.

  52. Petelenuo Keyho

    Does this mean the whole Catholic Church is anti Christ? Does this mean that Catholic churches all over the world are anti Christ? Does this mean the Catholic way of worshipping using signs, baptism at birth and worshipping Mary are not part of christianity and are the laws changed by the Pope? I mean I don't find this kind of worship anywhere in the Bible. So it's antichrist right? I really want to know so that I can warn people that it's not right. Please reply

  53. Petelenuo Keyho

    Amaaaaaaziiiiinnnggggg...... I really love it.

  54. Lassel Scott

    I will say #AMEN to that...

  55. Joseph Fleeman

    It's NOT just sabbath keeping the sabbath read Deuteronomy 6:6-9 , Jeremiah 31:33. Next it wont be sunday worship as the mark of the beats. Many sunday blue laws have been over turned .Next businesses run 24-7, they just ended blue laws here. You WONT be able to "BUY OR SELL" without the mark.People are buying and selling on sunday. Itll be the number of a man, or the image or name of the beast.I think it will be a biochip implant with his social security number, birth information, what government he belongs to etc. The governments will be against GOD, persecution will be against those who dont work saturdays etc. and who wont go along with LGBT laws which have been and will be passed.

  56. Blessed And Healthy

    Awesome lesson

  57. Clinton Gallagher

    The Negro race is of the "seed" of Satan (his progeny.) Genesis 3:15.

  58. Michael Smith

    Brother I have been a Born Again Christian for almost 50 years now. I happened upon you and the hair on the back of my neck is standing up. As a young man you seem to have been given a gift to teach. I was really floored by the 10 toes and who were the three that have fallen. I would recommend that you read the Recovery version of the Bible. If you do I would love to have fellowship if you are willing. I will wait for a reply and will at that time tell you how to get a hold of me. I am looking forward to it, I do not no every thing and would like to hear your takes of the foot notes. God Bless, Michael.

  59. Grapes Seladores

    3 days before, I asked/comment on a FB post "Can someone explain to me the birth of Roman Catholic?" Then here it is. My question is answered. Thanks :)

  60. ihatemally

    Romans 9:4-5[4]Who are Israelites: to whom perteineth the adoption, and the glory, and the couenants, and the giuing of the Law, and the seruice of God, and the promises:[5]Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is ouer all, God blessed for euer, Amen.

  61. ihatemally

    The clay isn't the church it's the house of Israel you are adding to God's word you need to repent


    @School For Prophets

  62. denise B

    Unreal video!!! 😵🔥👌

  63. Rose Igou

    This is a good video however I disagree with the 1260 years it's days =42 months..interesting point about the papacy..there also is a false prophet...

  64. Lynne Voyle

    Paganism and evil brought about the flood. The scattering of men by confusing their languages, spread false religion. False religion was there before Tammuz was born, not through his birth.

  65. Matt Stone


  66. Levis Ngugi

    i keep on watching this truth ed i never get tired. may GOD Bless u Atilla

  67. Biba Aime

    Thx powerful

  68. Delisa jackson


  69. Lea Perez

    God bless you!!! Thank you Lord for these talented group!! Blessing


    But the bible say Russia will destroy America..No body will want to live in America.. no one will buy their stuff

  71. Hadassah Yael

    EXCELLENT research! Very beneficial to help in finding the TRUTH!

  72. Hadassah Yael

    Israel is a Nation and a SPECIFIC People....not the Church. The Church does not replace actual Israel. This is called Replacement Theology. Where Christianity teaches that, because Israel had Hamaschiach crucified, they have been replaced by all who believes in Him. That is not Scriptural! Every end-time prophecy revolves around the Awakening of Yahowah's REAL People, who will REPENT as a Nation. They will return to His Laws, Statutes and Commandments. Then because of intense persecution His People will cry out to Him and He will send His Son; Yeshua Hamashiach to save them! And True Israel will finally keep the Covenant they made with Yah in the Wilderness of Sinai. And they will preach the gospel to all the World. For no other Nation has He known. In Deuteronomy 28 Yah Most High told Israel the blessings they would receive if they kept His Laws, Statutes and Commandments. Verses 15-68 are the curses they would incur if they did not. Verse 68 states: And Yahowah shall bring thee into Egypt (Egypt literally means BONDAGE) again with SHIPS, by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be SOLD unto your ENEMIES for bondmen and bondwomen, and no man shall save you. Mizra'im, the actual name of the land of Egypt is right next door, they walked out in Exodus, so Yah wasn't referring to that Land. In v. 49 He says, "Yahowah shall bring a Nation against thee from far, from the end of the Earth, as swift as the eagle flieth (Rome, Greece, Great Britain, America) a Nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand; A nation of fierce countenance, which shall not regard the person of the old, nor shew favour to the young." So you must ask yourself what People were sold into slavery in SHIPS? Who were sold to a Nation far away and who have never seen their home since? In v. 46 Yah said, And they (the curses) shall be upon the for a sign and a wonder, and upon thy seed forever. How long is forever? It is until the end of time as we know it. Until Hamaschiach returns. The CURSES define who the Children of Israel are today. You must have proper pretext and post-text to get proper CONTEXT of ALL scripture. The Bible was inspired by Yahowah Elohim for His People, penned BY His People, spoken by His Prophets, to be delivered to the World THROUGH His People during the Last Days. Until then we were born INTO the deception everyone is looking for to come. It has been here since His resurrection. Replacement Theology and this other Yeshua are what has been preached for 3,000 years. Religion has taught us that the Laws have been done away with and everyone is covered by Grace. Grace is a period of time given to correct yourself. Matthew 5:17-19 Hamaschiach said TWICE, that He did NOT come to destroy the Law but to do it! And that not one jot or tittle shall pass from the Law until all the Law and the prophecies be fulfilled. And not until Heaven and Earth pass away. We're still here! Keep ALL the Law! REPENT. Find out who Israel REALLY IS because all end-time prophecy revolves around them. Yah bless you in your search for truth SHALOM!

    .School For Prophets.

    Church means congregation.... not building. Building means nothing if the ppl are not in it... if u dont know that, your comment means nothing really brother.

  73. mjd assa

    Islam is the truth and there you can see more

    .School For Prophets.

    No prophecy in the Quran

  74. Adam Rush

    PSA: You do realize this is rife with historical inaccuracy, right?

    Adam Rush

    Okay let's just name two. Mesopotamia was older than Babylon and also believed that the sun was a deity. Therefore, his claim that paganism began at Babel as well as the further rabble explaining his theory is untrue. Seems to me he needed that to be true is for his overall theory. America was not some "barely populated land" when the Puritans came but a land FILLED with native Americans. Some estimates put it as high as 18 million native Americans. Those are my two quickest examples. Don't believe everything you hear on the internet kids. (Plays the more you know theme)


    @Adam Rush Praying for you and the fam. Choose Jesus now

    Adam Rush

    @ItsColes actually, I'm a Christian but thanks for playing 😅 just because I have Jesus doesn't mean I believe everything I hear just because it's from a "Christian". That's how people wind up drinking the cool aid.


    Adam Rush God Bless

  75. Andy Segarra

    Can you add spanish subtitles. I want to share it with someone the doesnt speak english.

  76. Barbie Twinmom

    This was a great video. It opened my eyes I have shared it I had it for an entire year and am JUST now watching and sharing. Amazing I'm now going to follow through

  77. ALP ÂTÎ

    Let"U"s Harden and Tighten THE CORD in order to BE/WALK with THE LORD!!!ITS THE TIME FOR;COGNIZING AND RE/COGNIZING “LEVIATHAN”! THE GRANTED GREATEST TERRORIST EMERGING AT END TIMES/NOWADAYS. B/AWARE OF IT!SINCE YOU’VE REACHED “HIS REIGN” AND IT IS ABOUT TO RISE FROM Y/OUR SOIL..,,,◄ Job 41 ►22- “The tremendous strength in Leviathan’s neck strikes TERROR wherever it goes.”25- “When it rises, the MIGHTY ARE AFRAID, gripped by TERROR.”33- “Nothing on earth is its equal, no other creature so fearless.”34- “Of all the creatures, it is the PROUDEST. It is THE KING of beasts.”◄ Isaiah 27 ►1- “In that day the LORD will take his terrible, swift sword and punish Leviathan, the swiftly moving serpent, the coiling, writhing serpent. He will kill THE DRAGON OF THE SEA.”VERITAS SHALL SET YOU first SOBER, then SAFE, finally FREE..,,,

  78. D BOH

    This was actually very interesting thank you for making this. One can see the logic in what you laid out, even if they do not agree.

  79. Johnathan Raitano

    I’m confused this videos already out and he is saying that it’s about to come out

    .School For Prophets.

    The Part 2 of this movie will be out. This one is part 1.

    Johnathan Raitano

    .School For Prophets. Ohhh ok now I fell a little dumb my bad bro

  80. Angela

    Great content, but the background music on the animation part is too loud.

  81. Daniel Budiono

    Revelation 13:11 And I saw another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and his voice was like that of a dragon. (The beast is USA and the two horn meaning it's party republican/democrat)(12) And he makes use of all the authority of the first beast before his eyes. And he makes the earth and those who are in it give worship to the first beast, whose death-wound was made well. (America become superpower after roman empire. America create United Nations with Europe, the ex roman empire (give worship to the first beast). the pope ruled vatican in the middle ages creating Christian dark ages. America support the new vatican roman pope after napoleon revolt (the death-wound). America build sewage system at mecca (saudi arabia) so it won't flood. Hence help moslem did their rituals.)(13) And he does great signs, even making fire come down from heaven on the earth before the eyes of men. (America drop atomic bomb on japan, explore the moon, etc)(14) And those who are on the earth are turned from the true way by him through the signs which he was given power to do before the beast; giving orders to those who are on the earth to make an image to the beast, who was wounded by the sword, and came to life. (America suggest "freedom", in doing so rising many weird fetish. Image of the roman empire is united nation. Roman empire is republic empire. The way its govern is like united nation).(15)And he had power to give breath to the image of the beast, so that words might come from the image of the beast, and that he might have all those who did not give worship to the image of the beast put to death.(united nation "rule" the world. Country which refuse to join united nation order might be destroyed by America military force.)(17) Thus no one was allowed to buy or sell things unless he bore the mark of the beast – that is, his name or his number. (No one will be able to export or import things if they are not the member of united Nations. Maybe they will release a new law in the future to fulfill this verse.)

  82. Andrea Amaya

    I love watching this movie. I watched it last year as well and showed everyone.

  83. Word of My Heavenly Father333

    My heavenly father is bringing his children together by awakening them☝🙌🙏doesn't matter what denomination you came from,he(heavenly father Abba) is showing them the truth for what is to come☝🙌🙏

  84. Word of My Heavenly Father333

    Another Gods chosen awoken☝🙌🙏

  85. Darci Mabe

    Working on the Sabbath12 At that time Jesus went through the wheat fields on the Sabbath. His disciples were hungry so they were picking heads of wheat and eating them. 2 When the Pharisees saw this, they said to him, “Look, your disciples are breaking the Sabbath law.”3 But he said to them, “Haven’t you read what David did when he and those with him were hungry? 4 He went into God’s house and broke the law by eating the bread of the presence, which only the priests were allowed to eat. 5 Or haven’t you read in the Law that on the Sabbath the priests in the temple treat the Sabbath as any other day and are still innocent? 6 But I tell you that something greater than the temple is here. 7 If you had known what this means, I want mercy and not sacrifice,[a] you wouldn’t have condemned the innocent. 8 The Human One[b] is Lord of the Sabbath.”No matter.. we are to worship Christ ALL days. If I go to church on Sunday Wednesday or Thursday.. it's all to his glory. Amen

  86. Daniel Budiono

    If sunday is the mark of the beast. We all are going to hell.

  87. FreedomInTruth

    Tilla, I have reason to believe that Sunday nor Saturday is the true Sabbath because the calendar was changed twice since the death of Christ. Here's where I discovered this, did research, and found it true... Please give me your thoughts about this.

  88. Daniel Budiono

    The steel legs are eastern rome and western rome.

  89. kkdj

    Thank you, for this video and sharing it for all the world to see it, and for your hard work in making it. I have a question, does the book Josephus, explain how Semiramis, was not only Nimrod's wife, but also, his mother and granddaughter? Thank you, Just curious.

  90. Camilo Cardenas

    Historically and biblically accurate

  91. Nicky Nustar

    This is hugely bullshit in a number of areas.

  92. D O V A H K I I N

    any muslims watching? hit the like

  93. Roxyrokyou Miccheck

    Why people are so mad at GOD????

  94. Miranda Wallo

    “He had disarmed the rulers and authorities (satan & his demons- the kingdom of darkness), He made a public display of them, having triumphed over them through Him.THEREFORE, no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or ***A SABBATH DAY***— things which are A MERE SHADOW of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ.”-Colossians 2:15-17

  95. God is wonderful

    After one year I'm watching it again. God bless you.

  96. Livestream Roblox LerafNoob


  97. Miranda Wallo

    Romans 14 is very clear about observing 1 day as holy/sacred -vs- observing every day as holy/sacred. PLEASE READ THE WORD- ***ALLLL*** OF IT!Furthermore, Hebrews 4 makes it VERY CLEAR, exactly Who our Sabbath rest is. And one last very common sense point- he did not address the fact that no one will be able to buy or sell anything unless they take the mark of the beast in their hand/forehead.

    .School For Prophets.

    @Miranda Wallo be careful sis, that's not what it is saying. It is pointing to the rest of Jesus Christ which again verse 4 says it is the seventh day. Nowhere does it say Jesus is our Sabbath rest.. it says we enter into His rest (clearly from verse 4 that is the Sabbath which verse 9 says it remains, and verse 5 says He limits a day). It does not say Jesus is our rest.. nowhere sis.

    Miranda Wallo

    .School For Prophets. Hebrews 3 & 4 truly is repeatedly teaching us that Christ *IS* The Sabbath rest which is available to us TODAY (on whatever day you are reading this- Heb.3-4+)Heb 3:11- “As I swore in My wrath, they (the unbelieving Israelites) shall not enter My Rest.”👆🏻The Israelites kept the law of the Sabbath Day (Saturday). Orthodox Jews *still* keep this letter of The Law to this day. So, what did God mean when He said “they will not enter into My Rest.”? >> Chapter 4 answers this question with even more elaboration.NOTE (Heb 3:19) “So we see, they were not able to enter (His Rest) **because of** unbelief.” **************************Heb 4:1-2 “THEREFORE (3:19- Because the Israelites were unable to enter His Rest because of unbelief), let us fear of while a promise remains of entering into His Rest, any one of you may seem to have come short of it. For, indeed, we have had Good News preached to us, JUST AS THEY ALSO; *but* The Word they heard did not profit them, **BECAUSE** IT WAS NOT UNITED BY FAITH in those who heard.”👆🏻We can only enter into His Rest by BELIEVING God. (If unbelief leads to disobedience Heb 3), then belief is precisely what leads to obedience of faith- the ONLY form of obedience which is acceptable & pleasing to God and profitable to us {bears fruit} -Romans 1:5; 14:23).👆🏻vs 2 is a whole new Bible study. We’ll leave it at that. ☺️***************************Heb 4:3- “FORWE WHO HAVE BELIEVEDENTER THATREST,**JUST AS**HE HAS SAID, (Ref again to the same OT passage/quote from Heb 3:11)“AS I SWORE IN MY WRATH,THEY SHALL NOT ENTER MY REST.”ALTHOUGHHIS WORKSWERE FINISHEDFROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD.”👆🏻So, do you enter God’s rest by keeping a certain day (as the Israelites did do)? Or do you enter God’s Rest by BELIEVING THE GOSPEL (as the Israelites did *not* do)?*****************************HE MAKES IT EVEN **MORE** CLEAR IN THE FOLLOWING VERSES >>>“Therefore, since it remains for some to enter it, and those who formerly had good news preached to them failed to enter **because of** DISOBEDIENCE, He again fixes a certain day, “Today,” saying through David after so long a time just as has been said before, “**TODAY** if you hear His Voice, do not HARDEN YOUR HEARTS.””👆🏻He clarified twice that “TODAY” is the day of salvation- the day you hear His Voice in this preaching. It is NOT any specific day of the week. The Scripture defends itself.👆🏻We were taught in Heb 3:18-19 that their UNBELIEF caused them to be DISOBEDIENT. This passage is teaching even more depth of exactly HOW unbelief causes works by hardening the heart. (Much like Romans 6-8 teaches us about the nature of sin & how it operates, these passages are teaching us about the nature of unbelief and how it operates to keep us from entering into and abiding in Christ.) It is also noteworthy that this is NOT a stand alone (in these passages only) lesson. It is found throughout The Scriptures.****************************JUST IN CASE THERE IS STILL ANY DOUBT ABOUT **TODAY**, THE SCRIPTURES BELABOR THIS POINT **AGAIN** IN THE NEXT VERSE. >>>>Heb 4:8For **IF** Joshua had given them rest, HE WOULD NOT HAVE SPOKEN OF ***ANOTHER DAY******AFTER THAT***.(Referring to Joshua 22:1-6)👆🏻22:3- the kept God’s commands in The Law (observed The Sabbath Day)👆🏻Joshua 23 God did give the Israelites rest from their physical enemies. AND YET- here, Hebrews 4:8 is making it clear that they DID NOT YET ENTER INTO **GOD’s REST** WHICH WAS **YET TO COME**.Yet, these passages are making it clear that God’s Rest is available to us to enter into **TODAY**. Brother, hear The Scriptures- JESUS **IS** THAT SABBATH REST!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️In Him, all works (striving to earn salvation & redemption) cease. ****************************

    Miranda Wallo

    .School For Prophets. I will conclude with this Scripture which confirms & elaborates upon the Scriptures both here in Hebrews 3-4 and in Romans 12 (which IS referring to Sabbath keeping):Colossians 2 (READ THE WHOLE THING- It’s all amazing! ❤️🙌🔥 But here’s an excerpt vs. 15-17 >>>“When He had disarmed the rulers and authorities (satan & his demons), He made a public display of them, having triumphed over them through Him. THEREFORE no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon ***OR A SABBATH DAY***- things which are A MERE SHADOW of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ.”Scripture ALWAYS teaches & defends Scripture. It’s truly perfect & infallible- a steadfast & trustworthy guard for our hearts & minds in EVERY.THING.May The Lord bless, keep and preserve you until the very end! He is faithful! He will do it! Hold fast to your faith and always press into HIM brother! You are precious to Him. ❤️

    .School For Prophets.

    Hey sis.. I actually have videos on these. Alot of ppl misunderstand it because they dont read everything. There are the feast day Sabbaths that foreshadow the ministry of Christ and the Seventh day Sabbath which does not foreshadow Christ because it was established before sin and before a savior was needed and that's what colosions 2 if the whole chapter is read, says that the ORDINANCES are blotted out, not the 10 commandments. The ordinance are that feast day Sabbaths that center around a sacrifice that foreshadow Jesus. These have nothing to do with the seventh day Sabbath sis. So be careful. It is satan's job to confuse you into disobeying God.

    Miranda Wallo

    .School For Prophets. Jesus *fulfilled* the entirety of The Law & Commandments. ALL of it was a foreshadow of Christ. It is not right to separate any one of the commands or laws. He fulfilled them all. They are beautiful, precious and good! It is not wrong to observe EVERY day as Holy unto The Lord. Jesus’ yoke is easy & His burden is light- so even in our work (which is done in, through and with Him), we have perfect rest in Him- IF we are truly abiding in HIM. ❤️ In Him, we find our eternal rest and obtain it through faith. Rest is not found in a day.It is found in One Man- Christ, The Lord.Additionally, He fulfilled all of the Spring Season Festivals/Feast Days and WILL fulfill all of the Autumn Festivals/Feast Days, beginning with The Feast of Trumpets. ❤️ These too served (Spring) & still serve (Autumn) as a foreshadowing of Christ.

  98. Gandalf

    1:34:57 Asian morpheus is now inviting you to take the pill.

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