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PES Müzikleri - Pes 2014-Full Soundtrack List

Pes 2014-Full Soundtrack List
: Pes 2014-Full Soundtrack List
: 2.52 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 68 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 51 İndirme
: 01-02-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (PES Müzikleri - Pes 2014-Full Soundtrack List )
  1. Το Survivor Toυ Χωριού

    the best game I ever played (in my opinion)

  2. Remando contra a maré Ortiz

    Esse era meu PES no ps2, dominava. Kkkk Única trilha sonora boa é do carnaval de Páris.

  3. Lipe Dindo

    Única coisa boa, do PES 2014, era Guajira Guantanamera.

  4. Το Survivor Toυ Χωριού

    am i the only one that liked pes 14

  5. Matias Pessolano


  6. Rigoberto Z24

    Que pedo con el soundtrack de PES 2014

  7. Martín Sün

    JAJAJA no me acordaba la del guantanamera

  8. Vontszemu Mario

    Why?! Konami....Why!!

  9. Awesome PS3 Games

    The most underated PES...

  10. Argon Benur

    E aquí cuando murió pes con la música y la jugabilidad...

  11. Chv 10

    Este pes 2014 fue el responsable de que me cambie a fifa, literal, este juego mató el amor que le tenia a pes y a konami

  12. Marcos Akemi uekusa

    E muito interessante o meu video ta pessoal.

  13. Edson Vargas

    Por culpa de este PES, tuve que pasarme al fifa por un año!!!!!

  14. TugaYツ

    2019 NOSTAGIE

  15. Camilo Cruzeño

    PES 2014 PS2

  16. The warrior

    Pes 13 goodies songs

  17. Pupii445

    Me hace acordar a mi infancia :v

  18. darthnaved

    god i want to kill the person who responsible with this playlist.

  19. Ismael Silva

    que lixopes 2013 its the best

  20. NS2001

    PES 2013 BEST EVER!!!! 2013!!!!

  21. Aziz Taib

    The worst pes ever made

  22. jak MCloud

    aguante las canciones del pes 2010,2013,2015 :3

    Francisco Delgado

    2009 igual

  23. Γιάννης Τανίδης

    Pes2017 is the best

  24. Filipinho Araújo

    Are is fake

  25. Cachito Pepito

    Falto las canciones de desafío mundial

  26. GERMAN Ocaña

    El mejor pes para los ardidos del fifa ,online jugabas de modo un jugadpr

  27. Edson Vargas

    el peor pes de la historia!!!!!!!

  28. Ghost5379

    the game that made me switch to fifa.

  29. Walid Rais

    that was the worst year i've ever lived in my life


    terrible times on this game... finally i got pes 17


    pes 13 > pes 14

  32. Ryan Gabriel

    kkkk konami é foda

  33. Fernando Gomides

    Essa soundtrack foi ruim, mas PES 2014 foi o ultimo ''jogável'', depois só piorou!!!

  34. passando o tempo

    like canaval de paris

  35. Papageirou

    I hate it so much! It really gets on my nerves hearing guantanamera or carnaval de París 1000 times

  36. Jundiscleyditon De Caubrio Tondisley.

    Vai se danar , faz uma soundtrack do pes de ps2 seus fdps .Essas musicas chatas do pes do Xbox me irrita . passei mais de 2 horas procurando e nem um desgraçado faz uma soundtrack do pes do playstation 2 .

    Cristian CSC

    Ryuuzaki Lawliet a soundtrack do pes de ps2 e da 7°geração é tudo a mesma coisa seu animal

    Lucas Souza

    Ryuuzaki Lawliet q loucura kkkkkk

  37. Gonzalo Melian

    a este pes nunca lo jugue

  38. Edson Vargas

    el peor pes

    Juangamer* *

    Si lastima el mejor es el antecesor


    fala serio VEI até as músicas do pes10 e melhor

  40. Miguel Latorre

    soy el único que piensa que esta música no estaba en mi pes? salvo 3 o 4 canciones

    Miguel Latorre

    a mi todas las canciones clásicas del final no están en mi juego

  41. Luiz Guilherme Laurentino de Sousa Franco

    é muito melhor o pes 2013 a trilha sonora


    Luiz Guilherme Laurentino de Sousa Franci mas quem ganha nas trilha sonora pes14 ou 10

  42. Gmat32

    así como cuando no te queda música buena y colocas estas burradas en un pes v:

  43. Mahmoud Fahmi

    no son las verdaderas

  44. Tudoeumpoucomais

    Esse jogo e uma bosta

  45. Ciro Dos Santos

    A única música que presta é a primeira.

  46. Cesc Entreri

    The soundtrack may suck, but nessum dorma is pure beauty though.

  47. Franck Ribéry de PES 6

    Guajira Guantanamera!!!!!!!!! jajajajajaja que pinche asco das pes 2014.

  48. Rogério GONÇALVES

    Just put a file in music ps3 named WEPES14, put 64 songs that you like and it apears in pes menu and choose. Pes in licences, music and goalkeepers is the aquiles feet of the franchise.....maybe japanese dont like music....but i love pes..

  49. Gary Joel Sojo Vargas

    No sé que le ven de malo. Porque aparte de esas canciones, ustedes pueden agregar una banda sonora personalizada. O simplemente remplazarlas. Y listo, disfrutan el juego a su gusto.

    DeadFroZT XD

    Además si quieren escuchar canciones que jueguen el Just Dance

  50. Fredi Lee

    Qual o nome da musica do axl roses do pes 2014 ps2


    El peor PES q e jugado

  52. Santii El Patovica

    Las peores canciones que un PES puede tener las tiene estee... verdaderamente, el PES ya no es el de antes... PES 2010 y 2011 come back please!!!

    joaquin payola

    PES 2013 tiene buenos temas

  53. Serbian Gamer


    Βαγγέλης Γιαννόπουλος

    I totally agree with you. That's why in pes 2015 they put the best songs of all the pes games...


    +vaggos giannopoulos nopeeeee 2012 and 2013 had the best, but 2015 was also great


    Quieres decir el peor no amigo ??

  54. Данило Миљковић

    memories :D best pes in the world


    i think u accidentaly clicked on this instead of pes 13

  55. garin pasyha

    ada yang tau lagu reggae yg kalo dimainin namanya aida da march?kalo ada yang tau kasih tau ya 

  56. zahory jimenez

    Qe mierda-.-

  57. suiburle

    Y desde el PES 2010 este grandioso juego comenzó a apestar y FIFA lo supero. :P

  58. Carlos Martínez


  59. Gato Toscano

    Jajaja 0:30 es futbol para todos es la cancion del torneo de argentina, es gracioso que lo pongan en el juego

  60. malakius

    It's missing that extended Champions League song.

  61. RAWEN

    Omg wtf this music is like from disney movies

  62. Stephen Owens

    Why would anyone say that FIFA's soundtrack is good? This year's is as awful as the last one's. Just god awful pop songs that get irritating after the third time you've heard them. I turn them off after a month. 

  63. Axel Verduzco

    Fifa has better soundtrack lol


    +Axel Verduzco lol this is basically the shittiest pes game ever, 2013 easily beats this

  64. Dela Afari

    What's the name of the song played at the end of the World Cup finals?

  65. Diego Marrufo

    Man, they really fucked up here

  66. CM JorX

    Pes 2013 Soundtrack > Pes 2014 Soundtrack



    Данило Миљковић

    pes 2012!!!


    +CM JorX and 2012!!! like android said

    Küçük Herif

    pes 2018 soundtrack > fifa 19 soundtrack, fifa 18 soundtrack, pes 2017 soundtrack, pes 2014 soundtrack...

    mohammed mechennef

    Pes 2014 all are beautiful

  67. Hani Basim

    good job

  68. nao enche poxa


  69. markgun007

    Actually , there are 3 songs, the other songs were made by konami ( sorry 4 my bad english)

  70. MrEAGLE467

    They have more songs than they have teams in the game HA HA HA

  71. A.K.

    WTF only 11 songs, I'm a bit biased towards FIFA but this is a disgrace either way

  72. Влад Сидоров

    Video is okay, but song is horrible! So dislike

  73. FrightNightHD

    Omd, theres no top comment. Heres my chance..yolo. TOMATOES!

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