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Olly Murs - Excuses

: Excuses
: 2.73 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 56 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 37 İndirme
: 13-01-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Olly Murs - Excuses )
  1. King In the North

    Playback speed 1.25 <3

  2. nikaya visser

    Beautiful song! But I just want to say that he literally doesn't age

  3. DomBlitz

    Have you ever listened to a song that was uploaded by someone who didn't make it, you listen to the official one, and then you absolutely hate their other songs? ALSO NO OFFENSE HERE HATE COMMENTS NOOOOOOOOO

  4. Jasonkuah永业

    The most touching song that i have heard in my life 👏

  5. Chit Yue Sze

    The song was soo great 👍 I like listen to this EVERYDAY. Honestly this should be in the top 10 song.Good Job Olly😍😍😍

  6. R&R Film

    awesome video Olly .. bravo...

  7. Brina


  8. Brina


  9. Ej Patagnan Vloggs

    Im a fan of you olly since the voice day 1! 😍

  10. Amber O'Neill

    Can you make a new song please love you xxxxxx

  11. Chocolate Gege


  12. Руслан Кулжанов

    Perfect!! You are the best singer.

  13. Thảo Võ Thu

    that's a great song!

  14. Sai Srinadh

    Why Olly murs and Enrique Iglesias are so underrated?? Oh!! Why?

  15. bel 78

    your my favorite singer Olly love all your music and all your songs are amazing hope to hear your music on the radio more often because it's amazing :)

  16. IT IS _ blue

    Why does he look like he's in 11 imagination in stranger things

  17. Nedim Sönmez

    Good very good.

  18. LizBliss

    Olly should upload new music's I miss him

  19. Bạn Tân Bàn Cuối

    leyla reminds me of this song lol, idk y but the melody is just so close

  20. datinzil cendrawasih

    I dont know wy i like your voice...

  21. GeekyGirl 033

    Why have I only just heard this now?!

  22. pascalito music

    the begin of the song looks like charlie puth attencion

  23. กัมปนาท แซ่อึ๊ง


  24. Emma Jones

    Love song and good beats who listings in 2019

    Emma Jones

    Amazing video

  25. HUSAM AD

    It should be 1B already

  26. Alper Duran

    Great voice,great song .As excepted... ty Olly from Turkey

  27. Keana Ke

    Why is it when we sad we feel the lyrics more

  28. karen baker


  29. Maimuna Shaikh

    Olly has such a good voice always go streight to my heart every song was like 100 %lyrical

  30. Oliver Birtles

    Ollie I was at your concert I really want to meet you for my birthday

  31. Rachel Gabor

    He’s grown up so much, his voice is so amazing. One day I hope to work with him. He sounds amazing.

  32. Sean Mcphillips

    Hi I am ciara I am 10 texting on my dad's account and ..... I LOVE YOU OLLY

  33. Claudia Frank

    Hi Oly,..thank you for this wonderful lovesong!🆒🆗👌👍💪🆙🆓🙋 I get goose bumps, great!!😘😍💋❤💓💔💜💛💚💙

  34. sharks 4life

    I was the ninth view on this video. Ps I love you olly

  35. Janet Gardiner

    Seen olly in concert what a performance he was fantastic 👍🕺

  36. A speakable 11

    I love you a enormous fan

  37. TH Production Wensleydale

    Has Olly done any songs for films yet?🤔 Cause he should, and I would probably see a film with a song from Olly Murs on it.😊😇 He should do Bond film number 25 - 'NO TIME TO DIE'.😃😄😁

  38. Hannah Vogt

    I Love this Song ♥️❤️

  39. Tara McMasters

    “i could blame myself but it’s your fault as well we’re crying out for help” hits me so hard every time

  40. Allie

    This is my favourite song! Love how Olly has transformed over the years!

  41. Becky

    Love this,beautiful song. It's by far my favourite on the album. It's from the heart, so emotional xx

    Wedam Mamboda

    You should try younger

  42. Xxshane_ NaomixX

    I just saw your another song an i played it i enjoy listening to your music and check all of the vid its so beautiful and emotional (btw im a new subscriber here)💕💕💕

  43. Branice Mulehane

    Michael I agree the guy is really underrated I love this piece

  44. guitar with Paco

    One word - underratedThis guy is amazing .Pure music , NO - drugs, offensive language, naked women,

  45. Mike Schleicher

    Danke für dieses Lied den es ist so schwer zu sagen Mea Culpa Mea Maxima Culpa mon Signore

  46. Silve Ndumbu

    Why can't you just be open and talk to me?? (DEEP WORDS) Do you even know what you do to me?? 😭😭Hell no this song relates to my current dumb~ass relationship....😖😖 how did it even get to this??🚶‍♀️💔💔💔

  47. Liverpool Life

    Ollly my dad knows you’re driver mark

  48. Blue Bubblé

    That fall.... Sometimes we need a we can rise up again... Stronger than before...

  49. Elías Anchundia

    😔 😔 the right song to explain how i feel

  50. Gacha_ Eve

    I started to disliking hm because of the song grow up.. it was a lil but cheesy to me.. but I’ve started liking him more,

  51. Amy Bolingbroke

    My Fave part is But I`m just making up excuses

  52. Amy Bolingbroke

    I listen to this song like allllll the time Anyone else?

  53. Chloe Wilkie


  54. Chloe Wilkie

    👱🏻‍♀️👗👡 this is Nikki she’s a big fan one like 1% to see Ollie murs

    James 7

    Chloe Wilkie oof

  55. Chloe Wilkie

    hi I love you

  56. Chloe Wilkie

    I love this new song excuses but my favourite is snoop dog

  57. Evie Baxter

    love this song


    Hey Olly,You have a INCREDIBLE voice you are LITRILLY my singer crush I love you sooooo much!!!!!!! It would mean the world to me if you reply or heat my comment I love you and I really want to meet you in real life!!!!!!😘💞💕💝💜💓💚💙💛❤💗💖👌👏👋👍👍😍

  59. Drew Curtis (AU)

    you voice me cry it's sooooooooooooo good

  60. verenaisi waivula

    I really really like this song nice voice 100%

  61. black rose

    i'm sad because olly murs deserves more views and subscribers;really !!i follow him since he was in the X factor

  62. Jordan Eden

    So touching 🌟

  63. Rono 618

    chris pratt

  64. Harriet Jade

    great video edits xx Love ya olly xx

  65. Harriet Jade


  66. Mia Jeffcoat

    Aw, my heart is weak 😔💕

  67. Paola Vega

    Hace como 7 años que no sabía Nada de él

  68. Maria Francisca

    Amo muito essa música <3

  69. Mark Cay

    It means I'm crying if I'm listening to this song.

  70. EDM On Top

    Imagine marrying someone who doesn't like this song

  71. Nurhayati Utsman

    Great song in low budget video.He deserve a better video more than this.

  72. cecilia montaner

    Amo esta cancion :)😍😍


    You deserve more attention. Sending love from India ❤️

  74. Sherif El Ghoneimi

    The best

  75. C. S.


  76. SunflowerTheBunBunBunny

    ‘Oh darlin’ lyric reminding me of ‘dear darling’...

  77. Lucy Freeman

    I will marry one day Olly Murs

  78. Rafaxx glam

    No matter what can't hate his voice 😍😍😍😍

  79. Dương Phan

    In a competition i heard this song by chance , it's really a beautiful song

  80. Gacha Potato

    Why didn’t I hear this at the concert in Gloucester? I <3 it!!


    Me neither?!

  81. SWTY . Clan

    Olly I luv the bids can u do more songs

  82. Ji-young Shin

    Love this olly♥♥♥

  83. Cone head Zombie

    Is your brother married

  84. Cone head Zombie

    How did he do this? Is this filmed in the studio or not

  85. Fernanda Garcia


  86. Georgia Raybern

    For a while I left Olly Murs For video game singersBoy I am glad Im back!

  87. claire neil

    i could blame myself but its your fault as well xx

  88. Ru _

    He should reach out to Ed Sheeran tbh I feel like that would be a good collab.

  89. Blossoming Beauty

    My daughter was gutted this wasn't on the tour last night xx

  90. Catalina Gallegos

    Te la chupooo

  91. Hawa Luna

    Absolutely no excuse not to fall in love with this song

  92. Ruby Potts

    Why is everyone calling him underrated he’s not, if you went to his concert last night you should of seen how many fans he has. I love you olly 💕

  93. A B

    Really wanted you to sing this song last night in liverpool x

  94. Khairunnisa Abdul Rahman

    I just want to say. I love you Olly. For some reason this song makes me wanna group hug all the people in the comment section. :'(

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