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Old G - Sar Baştan

Sar Baştan
: Sar Baştan
: 2.75 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 76 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 56 İndirme
: 23-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Old G - Sar Baştan )
  1. Michal Pletnia

    This is a amazing song

  2. Julius Kee

    YOU... ARE THE REAL TRYHARDNINJA you make all the song wow!

  3. growtopia abed

    03:08 legend always says that ballora never stop spinning until now. Legends says now ballora is a beyblade

  4. DJ Shycat

    Me: I'll listen to it one more time*1000000 times later*Me: One more time

  5. sessionpro T

    2:48 they are just standing! Menacingly

  6. Golden bee Gaming

    Ok now this is one of the best songs ever

  7. You know what,Screw you nether

    hey try hard ninja i love ur songs my favorite is probaly this one "It's me"

  8. miel m-m-l slendy

    Bienvenido a tu oficina Acomodaté y toma asiento por favor no prestes atención a los aterradores gritos deberías escuchar las advertencias de la voz que esta en el telefono esta noche quizás hayas venido solo tú pero tù no estás solo las mascaras que usamos pretenden que no están ahí pero tu puedes esconderte por mucho tiempo por que no pasas la noche entonces encontráras que hay maldad que espera dentro pasa la noche entonces te encontrarás que hay maldad que espera dentro pasa la noche entonces te encontrarás que hay maldad dentro pasa la noche entonces te encontrarás que hay maldad dentro soy yo que hay maldad que espera dentro soy yo *música*aunque hicimos nuestro mejor esfuerzo pareces tener suerte de principarte Llegamos tan cerca pero no pudimos hacerte uno de nosotros felicitaciones son merecidas son las 6 am y tú ganas! te veremos aquí mañana por la noche y lo haremos todo otra vez las mascaras que usamos pretenden que no que no están ahí pero tu

  9. miel m-m-l slendy

    Its me tord

  10. Its_NewWeirdo

    I am confused, The crying children wants to be free, and now they are, then why are they mad at purple guy???

  11. Collin Phillips

    I'm gonna say the f wordFreddy the fansbear

  12. Suphakorn Srisong

    3:08 me trying to dance for first time

  13. MINE GamerTz


  14. expensive695unit

    Good fnaf song ninja.

  15. Lali chaN

    My favorite song!!!

  16. I watch lazarbeam Play mincraft

    I like turtles

  17. Claire The Girl Plays Fortnite

    So micheal afton's eyes are purple cause of ballora and ennard.. but.. william afton got trapped in spring bonnie but in here apparently micheal afton was. IDK SOMEONE TELL ME WHATS HAPPENING

  18. hyper sonic sicko mode

    it was to bloody i did not like it

  19. Roxana Sanchez

    like si eres chileno soy la rata sebon XD

  20. wiliam miraclues بالعربية

    This mucie is unauthorised

  21. ЕРСАЫН Бактубай

    What in springtrap in scraprap ??

  22. Manjula Kulkarni

    The mask we wear pretend they arent there Guar:oh shiiii...!!

  23. Zabdy De leon

    Wait is this a story about fnaf?

  24. FnafNerd

    I love this song


    teacher: the bell doesn't dissmiss u i dothe students dont listen: 3:08

  26. WTGameS

    Clasic's c:



  28. milenagatinh

    Está é minha canção mais favorita sou homem tá bom

  29. NothingIs HereOKA

    The lyrics the Voice is ALL good best fnaf song

  30. Fon Ruangsri

    Balloon boy is not that scary

    Queen Pandicorn

    Lol ikr

  31. kim namjoon

    Why in the Sam hell did he wear that suit

  32. Visi0nz Ft

    Who here likes evil stuff?just wondering

  33. Forlan Suarez

    Te you like

  34. Louis Scyot

    Freddy tourmenter est le plus fort

  35. Rory_Nich

    Halloween time bois and I’m watching these again at at night

  36. Sagnik Adhya

    Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lol🙅‍♂️🙅‍♀️👨‍⚖️👩‍🎨👩‍❤️‍👩🚳🚳🚳🚳

  37. Magix_ louisansama

    There's evil thats wait inside...

  38. Multiverse Echo

    Freddy's singing lol

  39. guest girl

    2:45 Kids: help methe others he does not care about the little rip

  40. Blue Aaron

    2018: Just a fine song2019: A best song ever and quick million views2020: The song never ends

  41. Варя Бойкая

    Господи это прекрасно. Впервые за долгое время нашла реально качественную песню! Мне очень нравится смысл текста, ритм и мелодия. Так заедает))) У исполнителя божественный голос 🤤 Ну и клип норм (просто я не фанат клипов fnaf, так что оценить объективно не могу) Повторюсь, очень долго искала великолепную песню, рассчитанную на аудиторию постарше 6 лет! Однозначно лайк P.s. Я тупа школьница, которая не знает английский, так что сори что коммент на русиче)

  42. Zero the forgotten

    The Thumbnail just like Omae Wa moushindeiru

  43. Mark Sarsonas Gaming

    For me for some reason that a theory of mine that william afton took the spring bonnie suitThen he wore it then the place burned down but he survivedThen there was a fire in fnaf 3 then he survived againThen he is in fnaf 6

  44. Nilton Mellado

    Freddy whent get that outa here 1:27

  45. NoobMaster69

    Yall also need to check out the enchantedmob animation of this


    >:) FABULOUS

  47. Mohamed Firhan

    Very blocky song

  48. Lohan Games

    Eu gosto da parte dessa música que o springtrap ele bota fogo na pizzaria

  49. Donna Mcgovern

    The mask that's we wear

  50. CrispMist

    lol the way ballots spun down the hall 😂

  51. Px Boz

    This is what happends when you broke all tv and phone.

    Px Boz

    This is what happends 2 42

    Px Boz

    2:42 i neant

  52. sharifah nor

    song floor 88

  53. broken arm


  54. GamingWith Alena

    I just realized maybe they keep going after each of the night guards not only to use their body to escape but possibly because they don't notice that springtrap is purple guy and think the night guard is purple guy.

  55. Sergio Castañeda

    This song be lit

  56. Вероника Нечаева


  57. Deb Gedeon

    Old bonnie:I have no face Ninja.

  58. Deb Gedeon

    I'm a cupcake.

  59. brint star flash

    Somewhere I saw scouts mom

    brint star flash

    But that's besides the point

  60. Donna Martin

    Who's watching after the enchanted mob Minecraft animation

  61. DA MinECRAft Boi

    2:18 so ur telling me tat as son as springtrap starts a fire he turns into jimmy neutron and nightmare fredbear comes?!Edit: 2:41 fredbear's head is smashed into his neck

  62. KaDynn Lewis

    i love this song so much

  63. Leah Taylor

    1like=1gunshot to purple guy

  64. Moorkan Kokonbaeva

    That we wear

  65. Moorkan Kokonbaeva

    The mask

  66. Moorkan Kokonbaeva

    Are not alone

  67. Moorkan Kokonbaeva

    But you

  68. Moorkan Kokonbaeva

    You might be by yoursel

  69. Moorkan Kokonbaeva


  70. Moorkan Kokonbaeva

    Of the voice that’s

  71. Moorkan Kokonbaeva

    Heed the warning

  72. Moorkan Kokonbaeva

    You should

  73. Moorkan Kokonbaeva

    Terrifying scream

  74. Moorkan Kokonbaeva

    Pleas pay no atettion

  75. Moorkan Kokonbaeva

    Settle down and take a seat

  76. Moorkan Kokonbaeva

    Welcome to you office

  77. Diamond Bro

    3:09 y e e t

  78. super sonic fan

    Noooo foxy ):

  79. vilinilla girl and chocolate girl

    Good one can you do a rap.

  80. juancarlos leondias

    Muy pro gran canción

  81. Meng Khut

    N o s t a l g i a

  82. Fabiola Eva Peña Leal

    R.I.P. freddy

  83. Rodrigo gamer274


  84. Lucas Salinas Silva

    Henry in fnaf

  85. foxy play

    no to ugryzienie fredbear to było smutne a te zatszasnienie sring bonnim to m sie nalerzało

  86. Einnar Emanuel Rodriguez Hurtado

    i love it

  87. axanstru

    “The masks that we wear, pretend they aren’t there”Withered Bonnie: *am I a joke to you?*


    The original comment is right above yours


    Nano4 Hmm? Must have not seen it lol sorry


    Inna Ly sorry not stolen, didn’t see the other comment :(

    Bing Liang

    Stolen comment I swear

  88. Isaiah Cantu

    This is a classic

  89. ty smith

    I set the video to max speed that u can watch a video at,no song

  90. Scrappy Doo


  91. TryHardNinja

    This is a very special video for me. It's Me was the first ever FNAF song I wrote. Back then there weren't many FNAF SFM music videos being released and It's Me never got an official FNAF SFM. That is of course until now :D Coda did an incredible job with the FNAF animation. I think it's a perfect time to release this SFM because we know the whole FNAF story from beginning to end now thanks to FNAF 6. So here it is, my first ever FNAF song with an animation that pays tribute to the entire history of FNAF!!

    Ericka Guzman

    Forj+%%-';%-'-"+"+fjfkfckgkfkfdkddkdjfjdhjfjfjffjfjfjfjfjffjfjfjfjxfjfjfjfjfjfjfjffjfjfjfjjfufxufjdicfufufjfjfififjchcjckfgkgkgfkckhkgkxkgkfgkfjgkfkfdkdkdkfflggktkdkdkdkxgnfmfkfkdkdkfkgkfcnfkgfkfnxjffkdkdfkcnckfkkdngnddkfkckecnjfcnfndnxndknfckzkzxkxnxfkdkzxnxxxxfkfjjxjxdjffjfufjfjfjffufjfjfjjjfjffjfjxhdjdjffgfjfjfhrjfjfkrfkfjfjfudfufuuxuufueuffkfkfjdjfufuffufudjdjffjfjfjfjffjfjffjfxjfjfjgjggjjjfar NGC 8

    Redstone minecraft

    1:52 golden freddy sans

    Nga Luu

    i like shring trap

    Mark2 two

    We know the whole storyUltimate Custom Night: Laughs in new game

Sar Baştan Şarkı Sözü
Boşverin artık sahte stildeki kanter için de ki kahpe bekçileri
Panter içimde ki sahne benim çekil al tarafını seç kalktı Rap treni
Karalamayı bırakıp eşlik edin, zahmet etmeyin cadde rapçileri
Bastı tekmeyi tüm aslanlara bırak, ağzınızdan alsın ekmeğini

Napsaydım s*ktir etmeyip, tercüme dilinde rapti mesleğim
Hiç diretmeyip yaktım geleceği tam beş senedir pis bir işteyim (zorlu pistteyim)
öğrenmelisin takdir etmeyi, aksi takdirde kalemimin ucuna bi daksil ekleyip
Silip atarım kapa taksimetreyi!

Yoruma kapalı konu konuşan epey var kana kana kafana dik o kanı
Gelip konuk ol okulum Hiphop çeneni bi kapa kodumun konulu yeni p*rnstarı
Tozunu yut sokağın poz ver Old, poster ol, bas recorda erkek ol sancılanma
Yanaşın süngülerle, savaşım yaratılmış tanrılarla

Sana göre fiyakalı bi yaşama sahibim ama bir araya gelmiyor iki yakam
Delilik ha? Bu beni yakar! Açtığın kulağını geri tıka
Beni büker hayat ama seni yıkar, ben kendimi yoktan var etmişken
Tanımadan hakkımda demeyin ne olur, dışı faça piçin ama içi kaşar!

Nakarat x2:
Elimde bi kalem çıktım yola,
Asla vermedi hırsım mola
Kafa sağ dedi ben kırdım sola
Bi kaza dediler buna güldüm falan

Söylediklerin düpedüz yalan
Rapse mevzunuz 1vs5 tamam
Olmasın sakın şüpheniz falan
Üzerin talan üzerim kan, sar baştan!

Verse 2:
Bul bi kalem ve de yaz metnini, Rap kimisini maddeye azmettir
Çal hayatını bas tekmeyi, durup da demedim hiç az bekleyim
Pas geçmeyin, egoları beş para etmeyen mc sağlıyor has kitleyi
Bu hiç adil değil, inadına koştum denemedim asla vazgeçmeyi!

Savaşım çok ve yarattım bir canavar şuan aramız cidden çok iyi
Çok değil on ayda çektiği tetiği dayadı bu piyasanın anlına (okkey)
Rapçi mi olucan? Bi’ dakka zor değil, boyna bi bandana bir anda zombiyim
Yan tak capi bide salaş bi kot giy, bone thug Rapçiye kalaşnikof G!

O kitabı kapa peki bu planı kaça veriyon? İkonu para, kilodu kana boyayın
Acaba şaka mı dayı? Kalemi saça dolayın bırakın hiphopu bana sokağı kana bulayım
Her kelimeye ispat sığdırıp öyle yazıyorum in bak, bırak
Okşama ruhunu kindar şıllığın, sesin bi kahpenin imdat çığlığı

Gözlerim hala kan çanağıyken yeni moda rape niye kalçalar gerek?
Başla hamlene gel az zaman verek, onlar saçmalar hep
Beni bulman için yere basmaman gerek, depremler beni sarsamaz bebek
Seçtiğin yola yürüyemiyosan halâ boynunda binlerce tasma var demek!

Nakarat x2:
Elimde bi kalem çıktım yola,
Asla vermedi hırsım mola
Kafa sağ dedi ben kırdım sola
Bi kaza dediler buna güldüm falan

Söylediklerin düpedüz yalan
Rapse mevzunuz 1vs5 tamam
Olmasın sakın şüpheniz falan
Üzerin talan üzerim kan, sar baştan!

Mp3 indir

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