mp3 indir dur

Nurettin Çolak - Snorlax

: Snorlax
: 3.90 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 65 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 49 İndirme
: 26-10-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Nurettin Çolak - Snorlax )
  1. Azure SG1800P YaoboyYT

    Clip reminds me of Domeno 'Fighter' (Lyric Video) .

  2. ElectRave

    Nurettin Colak brought me here :D

  3. Ulaş İbrahim ÖCEK

    Oda arkadasim snorlax a benziyordu. Onunla dalga gecmek icin snorlax videolarina bakiyordum. Bunu buldum, mutluyum. Teşekkürler snorlax gürdal <3

  4. Mucahıt Maden

    eline sağlık dostum

  5. sidikli yumurta aygün

    yabanci kiz da yokki dusurelim amk. neyse helal nurettincim

  6. Mehmet Aktepe

    şarkı choq güzel qanka :D

  7. ZeadMusic

    This is so good it makes me cry... Omg... Thank you <3<3

  8. Necdet Cebeci

    Bayraklari asil beyler!

  9. Kaula Moody

    The background looks like the scene from where the last a battle from naruto took place. It was naruto, sasuke, kakashi, and Sakura *cough* *cough* useless *cough* *cough vs that girl who took the fruit from the tree and was the first person ever to have chakra

  10. Jonathan

    weeeeeeeeeoooop weeeeeeeeoooooooooop

  11. yahia larbi


  12. Feeluck

    go get 'em snorlax!......zZZzZZzoh not again -.-

  13. Universal Melody

    Man the background visuals look dope! Sick track!

  14. Nurettin Colak

    hey guys thanks for the support!!

    Tanner Young

    dude this is insane! keep up the amazing work!

    ismail bera altan

    this is on the my top 5 list. bu kadar iyi şarkıların bizden çıkması gerçekten çok mutluluk veriyor.

    Talha Gül

    Bu yolda başarılar dilerim abi inşallah daha iyi yerlere gelirsin

    Jami3 Liu

    I love ❤️ this

  15. MyPrimus Records

    Nurettin is the best EDM producer in Turkey. Congrats for the new big tune!

  16. Malloki100

    we want old background back

  17. HEvYY

    Wow! Track n1 for me :)

  18. Pizza Time

    nurettin is a god dude cooler and this sick shit "snorlax" :OOOO this is breathtaking

  19. Karp

    Gotta catch em' all!

  20. BRiCK

    I saw the background on DubstepGutter :o

  21. ACT1VO

    As Bayrakları As As As!! hey nik not -COLAK- is -ÇOLAK-

  22. Cliffherd

    Snorlax, I choose you! zzz (ᅌᴗᅌ* )


    Also, is it just me or have more and more promotion channels been using Beeple's work lately?


    this is probably what snorlax dream of everytime he sleeps

  24. KIRPAT

    Asın bayrakları!

    Muhammed Burmaoglu

    oo hg abi

  25. Drago Sound


  26. verinityvoid

    The more beeple art you use, the better! Please carry on the legacy Monstercat started when they used beeple's amazing art in their early album mixes, and I've really been looking for a label to use his art work once again.Lovely music, too! First song From you I've listened to in a while.

  27. Taner Kse

    Çok iyi ;)

  28. bodylotion

    Honestly my favorite artist

  29. BrAyAn BrOnAx

    [Progressive] - Nurettin Colak - Snorlax · musick (y)

  30. starlightfx

    I love this.Simply because I love Snorlax ;3

  31. mert pişken

    nurettin reyiz seni bir taniyalim reyiz birseyler yap cik ortaya tam destek sana

  32. Vishnu Reddy

    YouTube compression makes the background look terrible.


    +Vishnu Reddy Pretty sure it has nothing to do with YouTube's compression. I think they are supposed to look a bit fuzzy

  33. Jildragon

    Cool new background. Maybe a little slower than now became good

  34. Lucidity

    heard this on JuicyLand #141 and i was like "Wow this masterpiece blown my mind" Good one Nik

  35. ismail bera altan

    nurettin abi helal olsun

  36. Zaspas youtube

    wallpaper looks like victone's pitch black

  37. Pemba

    Amazing !!!!!!

  38. Kemal Erdemli

    eyyy pretty good

  39. Can Kılıçkıran

    Bu iş bukadar işte Mükemmel Prograssive Müthişsin Nurettin Abiii!!!

  40. Norbert Jámbor

    Great song again Sir! btw those visuals are awesome ;)

  41. Trap Monkey

    Just amazing ! 🐵

  42. Yunus Emre ÇİÇEK

    Nurettin baba boynuma dola babaaaaa :) Türklere tam destek !

    can özsoy

    +Yunus Emre Çiçek xdd

  43. LoftySound

    Damn, the background is moving :o Amazing track Sir aswell!

  44. Conny15Games

    Nice background

  45. Galax-Zee

    Snorlax?...getting tired..zzz.


    Need more Future house/Bounce :)

  47. Ramazan Cicek

    Helal NURETTİN COLAK! Harikasın.

  48. Mantar's Workshop

    Asın beyler bayrakları

  49. arditb123

    First cooler now this, amazing :D

  50. Sukru Yazal

    Bayraklari astık :))

  51. RZAH

    Harika bir çalışma, Harika bir dönüş :)

  52. BigAssMuffin

    I prefer static backgrounds tbh

    Gustavo Ignacio Ruiz Cárcamo

    +BigAssMuffin I agree. I can't look at this for like 5 seconds without getting dizzy

  53. Anderson Fontenelle. ツ

    Wooow.. Agora a intro de cenas do Nik cooper ficou demais .. e Ótima Música (; ^^

  54. pasi123567

    I've seen this background already

  55. Francesco Cernecca

    Did I hear this on a Mainstage or something? Dope melody vocals and eargasmic drop! An original build-up would make this track 100% perfect :)

  56. Kerim Eskin


  57. EDMango

    pokemon! :)

  58. Emircan Taşkın

    TURKEY <3

  59. KilleurLegend

    Nice background! and nice music by the way

  60. DTX - Off

    i love Nurettin Colak - Snorlax ;)

  61. Elit-Fun CZ

    fock x 1000000000

    Ferchu Ndito

    +Elit-Fun CZ Fock Yoh Too Infinitoh

  62. Nik Cooper

    'Cooler' was one of the best tunes I've ever heard, Nurettin Colak is back with a brand new masterpiece called 'Snorlax'.Enjoy the tune and the new background visuals ;)

    Laura Faul

    Hell, yes I remember cooler and really liked it. This one is also very great :)

    Miguel Alonso

    +Nik Cooper Amazing track!! Good vibes!

    approximately 30 talibans

    Good day Nik! Really enjoyed the new visuals! I was wondering if you could use different speeds varied by the songs? Looking forward to the diversity of backgrounds you might put up. :)


    +Nik Cooper Dude, I remember when you used to have the pink backgrounds and everyone was like "Nahh, don't change!!" now every song is even more of an adventure.

  63. Elit-Fun CZ

    fuck you i love Nik Cooper this song stupid

    Ferchu Ndito

    +Elit-Fun CZ Fock Yoh x 2

  64. Kadir Öztürk

    very good :)

  65. Sanket Sharma

    This is absolutely amazing Sir! What a follow up after Cooler.

  66. phiilippp -

    Holy shit, that background kinda fucks my brain but still is amazing!

  67. phiilippp -

    Holy shit, that background kinda fucks my brain but still is amazing!

  68. Elit-Fun CZ

    stupid song tchami pls

    Ferchu Ndito

    +Elit-Fun CZ Fock Yoh

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