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Night Lovell - Let Me Die

Let Me Die
: Let Me Die
: 2.22 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 157 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 116 İndirme
: 11-03-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Night Lovell - Let Me Die )
  1. nadeem rana


  2. Geice Alves

    🇧🇷Presente!!! 🎶❤️

  3. Ajdin Sutkovic

    Nah, nah, nah, ayy, ya, yaI'm so done, I take my bloodAnd drop that in your bitchI've been thinking 'bout yourLies since I was just a kidPussy niggas alwaysTalking 'cause they got no blingI don't worry 'bout noBullshit 'less you take my ringLet me die, let me die,Let me die, bitchLet me die, let me die,Let me die, bitch (Sweet)Let me die, let me die,Let me die, bitchLet me die, let me die,Let me die, bitch, ayyRoll with forty niggasAnywhere I go with gangI don't do no talking,All these pussies know my nameYou said that you love me,I'm your light skin NovocaineAll you do is tell me liesAnd who's to blameWatch me drown inside your mind,I gave you all my shitRide me through the night, lil' bitch,I know you like this dickFind me in the grass,I'm laying over all my sinsWhy you touch my face a bit?Look at all these women, they callin'Ring, ring, ringing on my phone,They say they want meStill I fold these niggasLlike they origamiI could take your life and mine,Kamikaze, ayyI'm so done, I take my bloodAnd drop that in your bitchI've been thinking 'boutYour lies since I was just a kidPussy niggas alwaysTalking 'cause they got no blingI don't worry 'boutNo bullshit 'less you take my ringLet me die, let me die,Let me die, bitchLet me die, let me die,Let me die, bitch (Sweet)Let me die, let me die,Let me die, bitchLet me die, let me die,Let me die, bitch, ayy

  4. MaHmouDi WaLiD

    Waw🙂❤️ LoVe NighT NoveL 🤤🤞🏽 A L G E R I E N🇩🇿

  5. David Sahakyan

    Есть русские?

  6. King Khan King

    Only 2:25. Oh no. It must be nonstop.. love it.

  7. 23 ocanto

    range rover gang😈

  8. BabyGang Cially

    What font gangster gang?

  9. EvilJayy

    Beat hard asf!

  10. Enigma Dz

    Awsome song 💜

  11. Great 1

    I like general Grievous but hate this trash ass song!💯

  12. K8putmyselfinagrave Recovering addict

    Suicide boys and night Lovell....ugh fucking love em when ppl hear my play list they say you really wanna it

  13. Antonio Carrasco

    What the fuck is this Yall some fucking weirdos listen to some - The Jacka. the moonlight or any other one of his songs and get yo mind right and appreciate real struggle music or just the beautiful sounds of the streets Idk what the hell this is but it ain't it.... R.i.P to King JackA BAY AREA LEGEND.... the youth is lost

  14. D3V1LGota

    *General Grevious has entered the chat*

    Reyes Vallecillo

    Lmao 😂

  15. Fuxctsin D

    This is a love song five months late. No hate speed it up maybe

  16. Philip Scoggins

    👀Die Bitch!#!$

  17. Amiee W.V


  18. dinh cong


  19. I J

    0:45/0:59/1:15👍 1:44/1:57👍👍

  20. Badass

    Romania 👍

  21. Nahid Muzaffarli

    Doğulanda ağlamışıq, heç olmasa yaşayarkən gülərik

  22. Dorian Arion

    i feeling like a gangsta when i hear this

  23. Groovy Metta Karaoke

    That is a banger

  24. Doofy

    Это пиздец ребята

  25. ΞΙηfεrησTMΞ **

    What filter is he using

  26. 7 7


  27. WoolaMartian

    Honestly... My mind is fuckin blown. This man has written and performed my thoughts to the tee. If I was rich, this young man would have NOTHING to worry about.

  28. by imax

    Скиньте картинку оригинал пжлст

  29. Cezar PL

    Essa é braba

  30. IceCreamOnYou ?

    Lyrics?? Anybody??


    Search the title on

    IceCreamOnYou ?

    John thanks bro

  31. freeamf22

    Hey love the music definitely feeling the vibe u got but common man “Let me die”?U could have changed it slightly “Let me slide”“Let me ride”Let them try”I’m just saying I hope u have a long life I don’t want u to die keep making 🎶 #Fan

  32. Ulker Akkurt

    Siktirinnnn gidin kurdoooooo baskasinin onurunaaaaaaa serefine havlayin tmmmmmmmm her yer surtukleeeeeeeeeee dolu tmmmmmmm defolun karsimdannnnnnnnn ocalan benim diycemmmm gercekten bitti cunkuuuuuu

  33. Hallat Aziz

    L love those deep sounds ❤

  34. Жирилей Алиева

    Но а от е где-то не небольшое

  35. Жирилей Алиева

    Потолок олпгьа

  36. Justin Bieber

  37. -_NICHKA_- [BS]

    0:32 мне одному слишется ламина?)

  38. Evelyn Clayton

    I love night Lovell

  39. assassin


  40. Pichurienta Changolion

    Just go around the city with this in the night ufff.

  41. Dwayne 69

    Пусти ме д умрем кујо👿

  42. Alleister

    Ist das nicht NEO auf dem Bild?

  43. Bradley Novess

    Night Lovell about to take over💯🔥

  44. sieg5857

    Anybody here from getquakedon?

  45. Alberth Velazquez

    Aca en michoacan tambien las trepamos a la ranfla 😎

  46. Один Очка


  47. Mr. Gustav-

    i`m a white boy, but everytime i listen to night lovell i fell like i wanna join a motherfucking gang nigga !!!

    Blake Shoemaker

    This made me cringe. But laugh at the sand time

  48. Edimilson Alves


  49. mort1s c:


  50. OG Panda

    I got the whole album

  51. Shahzad Murash

    Chivas Regal and Cigarettes

  52. Jaime Tauroa

    Let me die bitch

  53. Stefan Simionescu

    What mask is that ?

  54. Enxrgy 24x11

    When you are a heroin addict

  55. Anne shep

    Love Love!!xx

  56. Ali Kamal

    You very good

  57. wassup 69

    ║┗┛║┗━╣┃║┃║ X X║║┏┓║┏━╣┗╣┗╣╰╯║╚┛┗╩━━╩━╩━╩━━||

  58. Nexo Bass

    Voll bock zu driften..

  59. Baylee Murphy

    can i have the link to the photo:)

  60. Meno Dodo


  61. MrShranky

    Night Lovell is underrated

  62. Mυkaraм Khan Swati


  63. manolis papadakis


  64. Nina Niña

    טוב מאוד

  65. aqatsuki•Bedwars•Minecraft

    1:19 uff🔥🔥🔥

  66. Punisher 2000

    Neo Unleashed

  67. assassin

    Night Lovell is the best!

  68. Danijel Milovanović

    Serbia love you LOVELL! <3

  69. Kenziique


  70. Faria 1337

    Amei demais dahora

  71. Steven Marx

    das is safe Neo im Auto

  72. Ahmet Emin Yılmaz

    Hi mask name ?

  73. Zm-Zm

    Сука что за хип хоп блять пошёл, 10 роликов включил, как будто один трек на повторе играет

  74. Виктория Булавка


  75. 6'666 Subs with 1 video?

    25000 Likes - 250 Dislikes100 Likes - 1 Dislikethats not bad

  76. Gio Scaduto

    Wow! That's all I got to say.💣🥊😎😁♥️🕺💃


    Sou Do Brasil E Tô Curtindo Muito Esse Canal Por Causa Dos Sons, Relaxante E Também Agitante Parabéns!👏

  78. lyricsftpskerch

    [Intro]Nah, nah, nah, ayyYeah, yeah[Chorus]I'm so done, I take my blood and drop that in your bitchI’ve been thinking 'bout your lies since I was just a kidPussy niggas always talking 'cause they got no blingI don’t worry 'bout no bullshit 'less you take my ringLet me die, let me die, let me die, bitchLet me die, let me die, let me die, bitch (Sweet)Let me die, let me die, let me die, bitchLet me die, let me die, let me die, bitch[Verse]Ayy, roll with forty niggas, anywhere I go with gangI don't do no talking, all these pussies know my nameYou said that you love me, I'm your lightskin novocaineAll you do is tell me lies and who's to blameWatch me drown inside your mind, I gave you all my shitRide me through the night, lil' bitch, I know you like this dickFind me in the grass, I'm laying over all my sinsWhile you touch my face a bitLook at all these women, they callin’Ring, ring, ringing on my phone, they say they want meStill I fold these niggas like they origamiI could take your life and mine, kamikaze, ayy[Chorus]I’m so done, I take my blood and drop that in your bitchI've been thinking ’bout your lies since I was just a kidPussy niggas always talking 'cause they got no blingI don't worry 'bout no bullshit ’less you take my ringLet me die, let me die, let me die, bitchLet me die, let me die, let me die, bitch (Sweet)Let me die, let me die, let me die, bitchLet me die, let me die, let me die, bitch

  79. manuel Sokolski


  80. M1.ck3 OOFS

    🔥 🔥 🔥

  81. Obaida 007


  82. Robert Eisenbeil


  83. 2AM

    ~ LET ME DIE, LET ME DIE, LET ME DIE, bitch.

  84. Siken Padisah


  85. N7Bane12000

    I need help

  86. Mariana Dimitrova


  87. フィリップPhilosity

    L E M M E D I E

  88. Synderia

    neo unleashed is that you?

  89. soulful2767

    Sick af respect from australia

    jess Ava

    soulful2767 💯🙌🏽 Australia love

  90. Jabol Jabol

    Nah, nah, nah, ayy, ya, yaI'm so done, I take my bloodAnd drop that in your bitchI've been thinking 'bout yourLies since I was just a kidPussy niggas alwaysTalking 'cause they got no blingI don't worry 'bout noBullshit 'less you take my ringLet me die, let me die,Let me die, bitchLet me die, let me die,Let me die, bitch (Sweet)Let me die, let me die,Let me die, bitchLet me die, let me die,Let me die, bitch, ayyRoll with forty niggasAnywhere I go with gangI don't do no talking,All these pussies know my nameYou said that you love me,I'm your light skin NovocaineAll you do is tell me liesAnd who's to blameWatch me drown inside your mind,I gave you all my shitRide me through the night, lil' bitch,I know you like this dickFind me in the grass,I'm laying over all my sinsWhy you touch my face a bit?Look at all these women, they callin'Ring, ring, ringing on my phone,They say they want meStill I fold these niggasLlike they origamiI could take your life and mine,Kamikaze, ayyI'm so done, I take my bloodAnd drop that in your bitchI've been thinking 'boutYour lies since I was just a kidPussy niggas alwaysTalking 'cause they got no blingI don't worry 'boutNo bullshit 'less you take my ringLet me die, let me die,Let me die, bitchLet me die, let me die,Let me die, bitch (Sweet)Let me die, let me die,Let me die, bitchLet me die, let me die,Let me die, bitch, ayy

  91. BrandHD

    Самый охуенный тректв альбоме

    Артём Шиманский

    BrandHD он неплохой, но есть пизже как по мне

  92. Fortune Ntsiokoane

    damn night lovell ,youre the best rapper ....your songs are best remedy ,especially after writing examination

  93. Carl Barnett


  94. Alexander Tyan

    What’s program is it ?

  95. fatih kocaman


Let Me Die Şarkı Sözü
Nah, nah, nah, ayy, ya, ya

I'm so done, I take my bloodAnd drop that in your bitch

I've been thinking 'bout your

Lies since I was just a kid

Pussy niggas always

Talking 'cause they got no bling

I don't worry 'bout no

Bullshit 'less you take my ring

Let me die, let me die

Let me die, bitch

Let me die, let me die

Let me die, bitch (Sweet)

Let me die, let me die

Let me die, bitch

Let me die, let me die

Let me die, bitch, ayy

Roll with forty niggas

Anywhere I go with gang

I don't do no talking

All these pussies know my name

You said that you love me

I'm your light skin novocaine

All you do is tell me lies

And who's to blame

Watch me drown inside your mind

I gave you all my shit

Ride me through the night, lil' bitch

I know you like this dick

Find me in the grass

I'm laying over all my sins

While you touch my face a bit

Look at all these women, they callin'

Ring, ring, ringing on my phone

They say they want me

Still I fold these niggas

Llike they origami

I could take your life and mine

Kamikaze, ayy

I'm so done, I take my blood

And drop that in your bitch

I've been thinking 'bout

Your lies since I was just a kid

Pussy niggas always

Talking 'cause they got no bling

I don't worry 'bout

No bullshit 'less you take my ring

Let me die, let me die

Let me die, bitch

Let me die, let me die

Let me die, bitch (Sweet)

Let me die, let me die

Let me die, bitch

Let me die, let me die

Let me die, bitch, ayy

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