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Nigar Jamal - Broken Dreams

Broken Dreams
: Broken Dreams
: 4.08 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 91 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 60 İndirme
: 13-03-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Nigar Jamal - Broken Dreams )
  1. Sura Ibayeva

    Çox təsirli və gözəl alınıb. Allah şəhidlərə rəhmət eləsin...

  2. Aygun Aygun

    ancak avrupa hala susuyor 😞😞😞😞😢

  3. Irade Yusifova

    Körpə usaqlara təcavuz edib onlari ezabla oldurən ay ermənilər o dunyamda sizin lənətinizi mən oxuyacam

  4. Irade Yusifova

    O dünyamda belə tək Allahdan isteyim bu olacaq buna sebeb olanlarin və bu vəhşiliyi edenlərin cəhənnəm ezabini izləmək və lənət oxumaq.Allah belanizi versin insan buqeder vehşi olarmi Allahim uşagi dogramaq onu yandirmaq nədi Allahim şeytan bunlari görubdə şeytanliga nifret edib,mələklər görub buna agladi yer göy buna Azerbaycanlilar muharibə olsa belə onlari öldurer amma bu vehşiliyi etməz.bəzən mənə Azerbaycanlilar deyir aprel döyuşlərində ölən ermənilərin analari ah nalə edir onlarinda gunahi yoxdu filan deyirem yaxşi ölublər yenə nə olubsa az olub deyirlər sənində övladin olsa sende bucur olarsan,yenə onlarin ovladlari sadece ölub bizimkilərin böyuk qoca uşaq dogramaq yandirmaq bitməyən agrılar və onlari görən analar nə etsin.mən bucur millətimi başa dusmurem və tək cavabim mən o ölən usaq ana qocalarin yerinə öz anami oz övladimi qoyub deyirem mən ermənilərə nifret yox lənət oxuyuram bu dinimizdə bəyənilmir və hecvaxt lənət oxuyan insan deyiləm.amma bunlar heyvan həşərat qedər deyillər

  5. aysha askerova

    2019 salamlar

  6. mehemmed elizade

    Eurovisiona bu mahnı ilə qatılmalı idik.


    Not armenian genocide! Dont forget Xocali Genocide 🇹🇷🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿

  8. Kenan Ali

    Before Karabagh war Azerbaijanis were thinking we can not do harm to civilians. With Khojaly we broke this streotype.Sergs Sargsyan(former president of Armenia).No need for justifications of Khojaly by armenians. Your own leaders admited this. Your heroes feel proud and write proudly how tortured Azerbaijani children(like terorist Zori Balayan). The whole world must give up hypocrisy and recognize this barbaric act in modern history just 27 years ago and in fron of all "civil" world.

    Turkish Eurovision Fan Since 2008

    Kenan Ali tired of armenian bullshit seriously they are the ones who are terrorists and nazis but they say turks and azerbaijanis genocided them


    Нет слов...Душа замирает...

  10. Sombas Michalakis

    Truly love this song!!!From Greece!!!Although it speaks about a Turkic incident and Greeks are supposed to support Armenia I say that Azerbaijan is a wonderful country as Turkey is❤❤❤❤

    Turkish Eurovision Fan Since 2008

    Sombas Michalakis i love greece and greek culture.we are one.we don’t have to build a future based on from turkey

  11. Рокки Сталоне


  12. Rauf Samedov

    ermenilerin yaptigi vehsiliklerin dunyada analigi yoxdu,, lenetlenmis millettiler hec vaxt ermnisdan musteqil azad ola bilmiyecey😈

  13. rashid ibrahimov

    Hocali......Ganiviz yerde galmayacag Insallah!!!!!Hocalida gorysmek azrusu ile.....

  14. Grey Wolf

    Armenians are the most hypocrite people in the world.Edit: Also the ugliest people

  15. M.A Aslam Hirai

    We are with you Azeri Brothers.😔😓 from Pakistan 🇵🇰

    Mil Muqan

    Thank you.

  16. Bakhti

    Chingiz Mustafayev olmasiydi biz hech bilmezdik Khojaly hadisesinin olub olmamadigiAllah onu rehmet elesin!

  17. Koray

    Alçak canavar ermeniler ettginiz size donecek emin olun

  18. Zeyneb AGAYEVA

    Su anda gozlerim den yas sel dokuyorum kimse xocali faciyesini unutmasin unudurmasin bu vahseti asla asla unutmam allah hamisina rehmet elesin yerleri cennleylik olsun

  19. Elchin Mammadov

    Erməniyə, erməniyə dəstək verən fars və rus faşistlərinə lənət olsun!

  20. Fonax Fonax

    You are nothing Armenia without Russia,just remember it.Qarabagda bizimdi,Xocalida,qisasinida tezlikle alacayiq.


    nifret edirem ermeni məxluqlarına bu məxluqların qanlarını içərək qisasimizi almalıyıq 😠

    Alik Eyvazov

    @CAN AZƏRBAYCAN demeli bizde onlar kimiyik? Esla hec bir Yerde hec bir korpe olmamelidi. Bu munagishe ancaq sulh yolu ile hell olunmalidi. Hansi ermeni anasi guya muharibe isteyirki. Onlarin ushaqlarini zorla bashqa turpaxda gulleliyirler. Bashlarina oyun acillar. Ve hec bir dovletin kecmishi temiz deyil.


    @Alik Eyvazov bəli onlar kimi olmalıyıq çünki onlar günahsız körpələrə qocalara ana bacilarımıza rəhm eləmədilər olmazın işgəncələrini elədilər indidə gözləyir ki sülh yolu həll olunsun bu düşüncədə olduğumuz üçün torpaqlarımızı itirə itirə gedirik hələ başımıza çox soyqırımlar gətirəcək iyrənc məxluqlar 😠

    Alik Eyvazov

    @CAN AZƏRBAYCAN siz irqciliq edirsiz. Onlar dedikleriniz coxdan ölüb. Insan her yerde insandi. Hec kim ushaqini ishgence ile olsun deye dogmayib heckimde dunyaya geldiyi yrei secmeyib. Ona qalsa bizim turk tariximizde insanlari dirir diri basdirmaqlarimiz var (cinlileri) onda bizi ne etsinler?


    @Alik Eyvazov kim irqçilik edir? hansı ölüb sarksyan koçaryan balalılyan siz iyrənc məxluqlarla dostluq edərsiniz amma mən o məxluqlara nifrət edirəm 😠

    Alik Eyvazov

    @CAN AZƏRBAYCAN mende sarkisyana kocaryana nifret edirem. Kim dediki dosluq edirem?

  22. Khan of Games 1907

    Yine aylar'dan Şubat, yine günler'den 26...Hocalı katliamını unutmayacağız, unutturmayacağız...Xocalı soyqırımını unutma!#JusticeForKhojaly #Khojaly #EmpathyForKhojaly #DarkFebruary #Xocalı #Hocalı #Chodschali #Genocide #Azerbaijan #Turkey #Armenia #NeverForget #NeverForgive

  23. Ulya Yunis

    Allah sizin azerbaycan xalqina etdiklerinizi ermeniler yerde qoymasin...ozu versin cezanizi..Inwallah

  24. Baxar Sixeliyeva

    Xocalını bizdə unutmadıq Nigar

  25. Elvin Nazimli

    Ermenilerin vehsiliklerini Azerbaycan xalqi unutmayacaq.Qarabaqda gorusehk.Inshallah

  26. Osilius

    Azeri = Türk. Ben bunu Türkiyeden yazıyorum. Bazen keşke diyorum ki bizim milletimiz de Azeri kardeşlerimiz kadar düzenli, duyarlı, terbiyeli ve zeki olsalar. Kendilerini ve dinlerini kullandırmasalar. Çok üzülüyorum bunlara çok

  27. ferid oyunda

    Cox tesirlendim bu gozel yaradiciligincun tesekkur edirem Nigar camal

  28. Deniz Aslan

    Her izlediğimde ve dinlediğimde tüylerimi ürperiyor. Ancak bu kadar empati yapabilirdim.

  29. Muhammed Bayramlı

    Ve ne yazık ki Türkiye dahil Hiçbir Türk Devleti Hocalı Soykırımı'nı Tanımıyor!!!!!! H O C A L I S O Y K I R I M I N I N HESABI SORULACAK VE İNTİKAMIMIZ ALINACAKTIR!!!!

  30. Ruhin Suleymanov

    World Justice XOJALY Genocide 1992 !

  31. izmirli

    Halen Dinlettiriyor

  32. Nationalist boy 90

    The Khojaly Massacre, also known as the Khojaly tragedy, was the killing of at least 161 ethnic Azerbaijanian civilians from the town of Khojaly on 26 February 1992. According to the Azerbaijani side, as well as the Memorial Human Rights Center, Human Rights Watch and other international observers,the massacre was committed by the ethnic Armenian armed forces, reportedly with help of some military personnel of the 366th CIS regiment, apparently not acting on orders from the command.The death toll claimed by Azerbaijani authorities is 613 civilians, including 106 women and 63 children. The event became the largest massacre in the course of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

  33. L Yuhizaki

    Yanınızdayız....Her zaman...

  34. Human Rights

    Christian form of Isis is Armenia.

  35. Elmir Samedzadeh

    Justice for Khojaly Genocide!

  36. Yaşasın Azərbaycan

    Tehrilian 777 adli ermeni Turkiyede yasayirsa Turkiye Xususi Teyinatlilarina hevale edirem onu,tutun butulkaya otuzdurun!!!

  37. Ali Nagiyev

    Karabax, Irevan, Tebriz birgun bizim olacax...

  38. Sahila Ali 313

    Halal olsun sene Nigar cox gozel alinib.


    Azerbaijan is a fake nation established by British Empire in order to destabilize the political situation in Caucasus region thus to prevent Russia's domination over oil/natural gas resources. For those who disagree or deny my words - need education and ability to think logically. Which concerns of such intensive propaganda from Azerbaijanian corrupted government about "genocide" and hatred towards armenians are simply made to hold their regime while distracting the population from more significant issues like poverty and social injustice which could eventually lead to revolution like happened in Georgia and Armenia.

    Ipek Çağlar

    Pretty little liar, that's not cool, so don't do this shit :)


    Cunem turkeri mamanera ay bozi thkaner lavneret cunem hambalner

    Vafa Kuku

    Fuck ur shit language

  41. Ahmet Öztürk

    benim soyadım ÖZTÜRK ben türküm , ben bir bozkurtum ve benim hayalim turan birliğinin bir gün oluşması ve tek devlet türk olması ancak bu olduktan sonra bize düşman olup bizi öldürenlere cevabımız ağır olacaktır

  42. Terlan Aleskerov

    Sadece bu Milletin bir Lidere ehtiyaci var.sozun esl menasinde Lider.teesufki yoxdu

  43. Rəşad Asgerov

    Khojaly Genocide


    OZCAN DENIZ , SEZEN AKSU gibi serefsizler de Azerbaycan sarkisini ermenice okusun!! Hayko Cepkin gibi ermenini ulkenizde barindirin Kanal D gibi ermeni kanalini kapatmayin.saKIn kapatmayin.neden korkuyorsan artik

    aleyna aleyna

    alperen kral hayko cepkin konusunda katilmiyorum sonuçta ermenilerle ilgili bir seyi savunmuyor ama ermeniye kardesim diye hitap eden Sezen Aksu serefsizdir ne kadar iyi sanatci da olsa o bir cahil bana hiç humanizmden bahs etmeyin, kendi ailesine ermeni soykirim yapsa yine kardesim diye bilirmiydi? demekki Turkiye 've Azerbaycani vatani gibi gormuyor oranin insanlarini kendi vatandasi gibi gormuyor ve unutmayin ki Hocalida insanlari "lanet olsun türke " dedikten sonra öldürüyorlardi ve planlari büyük ermenistan kurup Türkiye topraklarini da ele gecirip sivilleri öldürmek kucucuk cocuklarina bile bunu öğretiyorlar ve Turkiyede ermenilerden özür kampanyasi yapmislardi bence ermenilerden degil kendi ecdadlarindan özür dilemeliler


    Azerbaijani brave soldier MUBARIZ IBRAHIMOV (only one soldier) FUCKED 200 AND MORE armenian soldier already...armenia are you ready next raund?


    A terrible confession – from (armenian writer) Zori Balayan about Khojaly... In the day of anniversary of Khojaly genocide the confessions of Armenian writers again are remembered.Again we present testimonies of Armenians for imagining horror of the massacre. Khachatur cut part of Turkish child.The participant of Karabakh events, the one of the most favorite Armenian ideologist, writer and poet Zori Balayan writes about the Khojaly genocide on 26 of February 1992 in his book "Revival of our souls"."When I and Khachtur entered the house, our soldiers had nailed a 13-year-old Turkish child to the window. He was making much noise so Khachatur put mother's cut breast into his mouth. I skinned his chest and belly. Seven minutes later the child died. My soul was proud for taking 1 percent of vengeance of my nation. Then Khachatur cut the body into pieces and threw it to a dog of same origin with Turks. I did the same to three Turkish children in the evening. I did my duty as an Armenian patriot. Khachatur had sweated much. The next day we went to the church to clear our souls from what done previous day. But we were able to clear Khojali from slops of 30 thousand people," the book reads.Armenian writer David Kherdiyan’s confessions on brutalities aldo committed by Armenia in Khojaly.In his book “For the sake of cross” Armenian writer and journalist David Kherdiyan who currently lives in Libya proudly recalls crimes committed against Azerbaijani Turks in Khojaly. In the 19th and 76th chapters he says;“Sometimes we were obliged to walk on the dead bodies of Azerbaijanis. I remember well, we made a bridge from the dead bodies in order to cross the bog near the place called the Dashbulaq. When I refused to walk on these lifeless men bodies, the major named Seyran Ohanyan ordered me not to be afraid. I obeyed him because caring out the order of the Commander of the higher military rank is one of the military rules. I was compelled to step on the 9-10 aged wounded girl’s chest and crossed the bog. My shoes and trousers were in the blood completely. And totally I stepped on 1200 corpses.” On 2nd March the Armenian group naming “Gaphlan” (their work was to burn the dead bodies) about 2000 contemptible Mongolians’ (Turkish) corpses were collected and then buried in various parts of Khojaly town.I saw a girl about 10 years old in last truck who was injured in her head and arms. When I looked attentively, I saw that she was breathing slowly. She was still alive however cold, hunger and severe injury. I will never forget this child’s eyes fighting against the death. Then a soldier whose surname was Tigranyan threw the girl into the fuel oil spilled over the bodies holding her ears. They burned the bodies. Afterwards cry and sounds of distress were heard from the bonfire.


    Bakin GEORGE ORWEL ne guzel soylemis "Trust a snake before a Jew and a Jew before a Greek,but don't trust an Armenian "GEORGE ORWEL

  48. Zaur Shirinov

    Allah sabır vermesin !!!

  49. gülseher akgöl

    Long live Turkısh people and never forget.... loves from Turkey C★ ..... Azerbaycan C☆Turkey C☆

  50. IGun Zeynab Seniorita

    Khojaly Genocide 26.02.1992 💔 Don't forget ! Stop armenian terror in KARABAKH 😡 KARABAKH IS AZERBAIJAN 💪👊

  51. Mdjdnf Dcbchc

    Canım türkiyem canım azerbaycanım canım azerbaycanlı gardaşlarım!

  52. Qalib İsmayılov

    Bir sözlə perfection

    Troll The Great

    Qalib İsmayılov perfection ne demektir

  53. Ay Hesenli

    Beyenmeyen say 366.. çok ilginc.ermeniye yardim eden mota atıcı diviziyasi 366 saylı idi....kanibozuklar neyi beyenmediler ki????

  54. Yaşar Şahan KANBEROĞLU

    People who say that Khojaly Massacre is a lie don't know that even the President of Armenia admitted this genocide.''Before Khojaly, the Azerbaijanis thought that the Armenians were people who could not raise their hands against the civilian population. We were able to break that stereotype.'' (The President of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan)

    robert howard

    yasar, thank you for your actually proved that you are someone who just wanted a chance to post he same old turkish lies..I'm so sorry I wasted my time posting to you..No one ever said Armenians were saints, but they certainly were victims..You say you have a grandmother who came from the Trabzon region. Read how the turks took thousands of Armenians out in the Black sea and dumped them overboard, including thousands of children..that is why I am skeptical of your post. Kojoly, by the was, was a place where Azeri fighters who were mixed in with civilians were firing at Armenians soldiers as the place was being evacuated, so the Armenians fired back. Here we call that caught in a crossfire. What a strange idea so many people have, who are moslems, and turks in particular..when turks are massacering Armenians, and the Armenians actually try to defend themselves, somehow the Armenians are cruel. How turkish of you. Most Armnians will say that some turks ere killed, and I'm sure very few people who are Armenian are proud of it..I sure wouldn't be. The old man from Erzerum, did he mention what the moslem turks did to the Armenians from Erzerum..look it up-. The tell me how tender hearted you would be. I remember a boy who was looking at his grandmothers things, and there was a list of the people who perished in the genocide in her family. 52 was the number. I am talking to someone, I believe, who just wants to post how wonderful the turks are, and how they never did anything wrong. Sorry, they did, and you can post from now until Jesus comes, and it will not change what happened. It is easy to see why the flag of turkey is red..for the blood of it's murdered inhabitants who were in the land you now call turkey for thousands of years. I feel that I have been a sucker, and your supposed empathy for the Armenians is just more turkish bs. By the way, you say that Armenians must judge themselves ..why? because the turks are too thin skinned to admit the horrors they inflicted on mostly innocent people, and because they are racists, who even now are salivating at the thought of being able to murder more Kurdish People. Turks are thought of as barbarians, and I stupidly thought, your post, that somehow you got a clue. I admit, I was suckered into buying into your fake empathy. Go back to your grey wolves. For what you did you are beyond disgusting..but then, you are turkish. @Yaşar Şahan KANBEROĞLU

    Yaşar Şahan KANBEROĞLU

    @robert howard So funny. You're speaking as if I didn't accept Turks killed Armenians. I think you're not neutral because you're Armenophile.😂Your being Armenophile leads our discussion to an impasse, sorry. By the way, your racist thoughts to Turks just showed up. I thought you weren't racist, but obviously you are sneakingly. You don't have the right to stand against what happened to Armenians. What a pity!

    Yaşar Şahan KANBEROĞLU

    @robert howard BTW, you meant that Armenians were right for killing civilian Turks in Erzurum because other civilian Turks killed them. What a disgusting thought!

    robert howard

    Someone who criticizes Turks is racist..when Turks do it against Armenians, Turks say they're being historically objective..By the way, many Turkish People recognize the genocide, and do not dare say what they think, in public. I really doubt your story about having a grandmother who was an Armenian, but, just on the 1% chance that is true, do you believe your grandmother's relatives did something to deserve to be murdered, starved, raped, drowned, or thrown off cliffs for? Afterward the massacres and deportations, though there should be no excuse for it, I can imagine the blind hatred some Armenians must have had for their murderers, tormentors, rapists, and those who robbed them of their wealth. If you read comments by Armenians most would like to be friends with Turkish People, but, every time I actually talk to someone, who is Turkish, I always hear, well, what about them? Once I talked to a man who knew many Armenians, he even wrote a book on learning Armenian, in it's eastern and it's western dialects, two different books. His comment was thus: Turkish position is this; there was no genocide, some people were moved around, and some was wartime..not many died..and if it was more than 300, 000, and if it was more, it wasn't that many more..and if more did die, well, they probably did something, or maybe were thinking about doing something, so they deserved it anyway. At the funeral of Hrant Dink some 200, 000 Turkish People protested, while holding signs saying, " We are All Armenians. " Now erdogan is your leader, so I believe you are truely now all Armenians, and may G-d help you, Turkey and the Turkish People. I once met a Turkish man, charming, from Istanbul, who told me about his many Armenian friends in that city, and how well Turks and Armenians got along. I later mentioned that some Armenians still lived in eastern Turkey, and his reply was that if you dared to mention Armenians there, or were one, you would likely be killed. It turned his previous statement on it's head. I do not believe most Turkish People are bad..but I DO believe that this fear of admitting that Turks ever did anything wrong has become a national phobia, in Turkey. And unfortunately, I have met one of their apologists online today.l

    robert howard

    Yasar, by the way, do you think that Morganthau, who was Jewish and the U S ambassador to the Ottoman Empire at the time, also did not have the right to speak against the inhumanity which occurred there. I do not know if you know this, but there were Turkish leaders who protested what was happening, some at the cost of their lives. They are not forgotten. @Yaşar Şahan KANBEROĞLU

  55. G. H

    Buna baxdim aqladim yene...:(

  56. Savalan Imanov

    the genecide akt of Hojali people . This akt is by armenian army.

  57. Edgars Peter

    Каждый день молюсь чтобы люди которые сотворили этот геноцид мучались и умирали ужасной смертью. Когда я узнал эту новость, был уже апрель не то май месяц. Живу я в Риге и когда показал соседям что произошло в союзной республике, все люди были в шоке,мы даже не представляли что люди на такое способны... Царство небесное всем погибшим!

  58. Afsana Nabieva

    Nigar Jamal – Broken Dreams Lyrics My only oneWhere are you nowWhere do I goMy home is broken now I will never stopI will pray for youTill the sun comes up All the hurt and painWon't mean anythingIf we just forgetOur memories won't fade away A generation torn apartThe rain is gone but the flood remainsNowhere to runWhen you have been walking on broken dreams

  59. SadixVusalAsiye Mohsunlu

    супер супер

  60. Habil Osmanov


  61. Che Guevara

    Bravissimo, Nikki!✌

  62. turna

    Mükemmel bir şarkı!... Verilen mesajlar da çok anlamlı... ne mutlu Türküm diyene... 😊😇😇


    Azerbaycanımızı cok sevıyoruz ermenistandan ermenilerden nefret ediyoruz

  64. The Alizade

    FUCK armenia Justice For Karabakh

  65. Sılındı 01.31.18

    Christian peole support Ottoman Empire betrayers armenians but in the comment section i dont see any christian,guys Humanity is upper than any religion muslims are also humans..

  66. Brcll Yldrm

    Bu kadının gözlerinden neden hırsı okuyorum?Çünkü unutmadım!Çünkü unutmayacağız!#HOCALI

  67. The Artist Formerly Known As El Gringo

    Armenians…Lie about a “genocide” happening in 1915Actually commit genocide in 1992Then people wonder why Turks and Azeris have disdain for these walking abortions.

    robert howard

    the, one and one half million is not a genocide, but 600 is are you ok?

  68. Almila Yıldırım

    Solcular ve çakma hümanistler neden buna ses çıkartmıyorsunuz

  69. Lamiye A-va

    dislike edenler sebebiniz cox maraglidi

  70. Berik Kydyrov

    мировое сообщество куда смотрит, ООН? Почему допускают такой террор по отношению к Тюркам

  71. G Alizade

    bu mahnini dinlerken gozlerim dolur

  72. Eldar Ismayilov-pro

    Azerbaycanlilar zülme ugradi...1...muselman olduqlari ucun,...2..Turk olduqlari ucun.

  73. Ado Adonc

    У этой девушки не натуральная красота лучше бы пела Айсел или Сафура ..


    Ado Adonc Aнет ..Лучшей бы Елнур Гусейнов

  74. Ado Adonc

    Армения и Азербаджан это как белый цвет и чёрный. Как Бог и Сатана. ..Армения ангелская чистая страна...Христианство это самая правдивая религия а вы мусульмане. .заблуждённые. ..это вы жили на наших землях а не мы. .вас всегда обманывали и вы не знаете правду вся ваша проблема что вас всегда обманывали обманом писали вашу не существующую историю и вы как зомбы ненавидете нас....это мы из за вас страдали а не вы. .ищите правду

    Nuna Melis

    You sleep and dream about Great Armenia. You lost your lands in war, that is all. Qarabag become our land and we lived there since centuries. Each country accepts that Qarabag belongs to Azerbaijan. When Putin goes to history, we will get our lands back, because we gave you Qarabag ourselves.


    Loool ты неангел ты сучки в Российчкий бар и Мы трахат тебя вечный....ты пешка Росси

    Kyhde Naghssb

    Eto angeli satvarili takoe v xocali?Pust budet vecno prokleti tekie angeli kak vi. Vi angeli satvarili v xojali takoe cto eto daje v qolovi satani ne prislo.

  75. Philip Wulke

    WOW, this is a big Good!!! Nice Song...

  76. Her sey daxil

    bunu bilmirem neycun ATET nos goz yumuru bunu dunya nos goz yumur


    Natiq Qurbanov Turk milletine gelende muselmana gelende dunyanin gozu yumulur...sebeb budu..ozleri de ysxshi bilir ki Qarabag bizim toroaqlardi sadece oz itlerinin terefini vermek istemirler...TURKDEN tarix boyu cox qorxublar ona gore Turkleri gormeye gozleri yoxdu ne Avropanin ne de Amerikanin...QERBI HUN(qedim turk imperiyasi) ATILLA avropanin anasini, Teoman da UZAQ werqdekilerin anasini s...rdi ..Gozleri o gunnen bugune qorxub ona gore Turkleri duwmen gorurler hemise

  77. Savalan

    Nigar Jamal - Broken Dreams should be gonna to represent Azerbaijan in Eurovision!

  78. Telman Sukurov

    mən Nigarı bir evrovizionda Türkiyənin bayrağını qaldırdığı üçün və bu mahnıya görə sevirəm 👏👏👏👏



  80. Sureyya Zeynalova

    bu mahnı süperdir ama niyə bunu heç kimsə sharzama yükləmir axı xocalı ilə bağlıdır

  81. Ilahe Ehmedova


  82. RASHid Mammadov

    teqdire laiqdi

  83. MYS O

    1905-ci və daha sonrakı illərdə bundan betər olub. Nə olsun ki? Nə yadda qalıb? Yenə də nəsil təbəqəsi yeniləndiycə hər şey qaranlıq keçmişdə qalacaq. Bu tarixi faktdır. Daha sonrakı illərdə bu əclaflarla necə də mehriban yaşayırdıq. Biz unutduq, onlar isə qandan doymamışdılar və hər zaman təzə doğulan uşaqlarının qulağına "Türk sənin düşmənindir" dedilər. "Biz" isə əsrin ortalarından torpaqlarımızı peşkəş edirdik, bəli, bu 70 ildə (SSRİ) məlum "vajaklarımızın" vəzifə zirvəsinə dirmaşmaq üçün hədiyyələri məhz şəhidlərimizin qanı ilə yoğrulub, ərsəyə gəlmiş torpaqlarımız idi. ...nə isə, nəticəsi də bu oldu. "Müharibəni, ondan xeyir götürənlər edir və ya onun baş tutmasına biganə qalır.Uduzan tərəfin lideri gülürsə, motiv üzə çıxır". Hər şey yaddan çıxacaq? Yenə də nəsil təbəqəsi yeniləndiycə hər şey qaranlıq keçmişdə qalacaq? p.s. ...quyunsa başını aşağı salıb hər şeyi təsdiq edirmiş kimi mə məəə mələməyində davam edir.

  84. ? ?

    Lenete gelesiniz ermeni rus zulumkarlari(((

  85. Nazrin Ismailova

    vehşi ermeniler heç bir pislik yerde qalmır yer üzünden tezlikle kökünüz kesilsin!

  86. aztu 315s


  87. Rafael pro tv

    2017 ci ildi...unutmadiq ! !!!Ermenilere Allah ozu ele Bela gonderecek ki...ozleri ozlerini yeyecekler!!!

  88. Gzm XxX

    karabağ elbet birgün öz vatanına dönecek

  89. Latifa Alieva

    Great song for the world, justice ! 🇦🇿

  90. Orxan Abdullayev

    Bir Hocalidan olan kadinin anlatdigidoktorlar bagiriwib hasdanenin odasindan diwari cikdilar sorduk noldu diye?hamile bir kadinin bebegini cikarib yerine kedi koyub dikmiwler dedicocuklari iri borulara toplayib agzina kaynak yaparak yandirmiwlar.....bu sadece olan olaylardan bir tanesi...... hala binlerce aci hikayeler vardir allah rahmet eylesin.....ermenilerin allah belasini versin orospu cocuklari

  91. Sekine Nagiyeva

    Allah bize ermenilere soyqirim yasatmagi nasib etsin...amin.

  92. furkan gulay

    Unutmayacağız unutturmayacağız ....

  93. Kamran Huseynov

    superrr cooox gozel

  94. 22453234529068

    My thoughts go to the Azerbaijanis that were forced to leave their homeland of Karabakh. I honestly don't have a strong opinion or idea on what region belonged to whom in the very beginning, but it's undeniable fact that at a certain time or another, Azerbaijanis lived in Karabakh, and lived lives on land that they called home.It's never, EVER tolerable to kill others based on ethnicity or religion, and to force people to leave their home behind in conflict. I sincerely hope Peace and Love will come to this region as soon as possible. Love from Japan.


    Tehlirian777 lool again typical fake armenian history..These lands always belongs to us and belonged to us before...Ask yourself and watch the map...what are you doing between two Turkish republic.


    QAZWSX oh did you get brainwashed by these turks agian? i apologize for them. i just wanted to let you know that if the brand of coca cola is older than azerbaijan ever existed, and armenian history is considered the cradle of civilization, it kind of makes me wonder...

    robert howard

    Most azeris moved to Karabak in the 1980s..

    Dilbar Babaeva

    We love you Japan, from Azerbaijan ❤️🇯🇵🇦🇿

    Scott Snow Wolf

    @Tehlirian777 With your vile and sick words, you just PROVED better than anything else that your intent IS genocide. You are sick fuck in need of institutionalization!

  95. EmNem Allahverdiler

    Ermeni amklarııı indi bura nece yazrsZ sızınn ananız bu zulmü yawayb??? Ananzn.. neslli kokun taa ezberlemıwık.... Turkish We are One!!

  96. Anagiev684

    Шикарная песня

  97. ömer Kaya

    Çok güzel tüylerim diken diken oluyor her dinlediğimde. Çok güzel çoook. Azeri kardeşlerime selam olsun.

  98. keila mendes


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