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Nicki Minaj - Barbie Dreams

Barbie Dreams
: Barbie Dreams
: 4.59 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 140 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 98 İndirme
: 02-02-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Nicki Minaj - Barbie Dreams )
  1. Chill Pill

    Steve wiv his BAWRS

  2. Zylice Liddell

    Why do breasts have to be blurred?

  3. Oprah Williams

    Well damn she pulled that out her ass...

  4. George Christian

    I love me some Nicki Barbie

  5. aaartt boodikar

    She's amazing away l love you Nicki.

  6. Kiara Rie

    I watch this religiously NICKI and STEPHEN ARE A GODSEND

  7. This World IsCrazy

    What's that big dip in her hair?

  8. mary sittnick

    she is so cute

  9. mary sittnick

    i love her dress

  10. G Sosa

    Her hair longe af

  11. Sergio Puchol Ortiz

    Niki Minaj the best

  12. pett pette

    This video made me like Stephen!

  13. Shwetha Singh

    Nicki’s Rap is at 2:46 ;)

  14. Juman B

    I ship em 😭❤️

  15. ARA Rivadeneira

    Love this interview. They both seem like they really like each other. :)

  16. Zakii Zakii

    Queen love you 👑👑👑

  17. Trazon McMullen

    OMG...I LOVE IT!!

  18. Divine Dayrit


  19. Lilith Amethystius

    The cover is iconic.

  20. Mickila Pop

    Nicki 1n only!!!!!Like if u think so!




    She’s classy as hell, i love you my QUEEN ❤️✨🍉

  23. Savy Yancy

    She’s F*cking gorgeous

  24. no one

    She's way more hip hop than b

  25. Akuila Ravosai

    She's Humble, Talented and Beautiful (ugh🤧❤️)

  26. Cool Melody

    Loveeee youuuu NICKIIIII

  27. Ela Kale

    i really really wish those momments aren't staged

  28. Artificial Data

    lmfao i love her

  29. Indra Taylor


  30. QTavi

    I'm sorry she did that!! I just wish her hair was pinned up.

  31. Yizhou Z

    I really love her, she is so funny ❤

  32. Arben Lakuriqi


  33. Slay King

    I love how the band played Chun li at the end😍 9:19

  34. Somebody somewhere

    Unpopular opinion: Nicki is cute

  35. SaSa Yessir

    Bring nicki back

  36. Pradnya saste

    Nicki Minaj ... The best Rapper... That's it...

  37. Your Girl Aliya

    Nicki being Queen Roman as always

  38. blockedtt

    This bitch is so pretty

  39. Lori Hanks

    I watch this from time to time and it never gets old 😂

  40. Fran Gd

    Why is Nicki like this, I can't stand her 😭😭😭😭😭😭💗💗💗💗💗

  41. Rad Z

    I still comeback here once in a while to see Stephen blush! 😂

  42. IBelieveInMiracles

    This interview and the one with Tiffany Haddish made me smile the whole way through.. I love seeing him blush.

  43. David Combs

    You can tell she write her own raps

  44. Jay Adam Mallapre

    The legit rapper who is genuinely and really funny and doesn't make weird sounds like okkuurrrr just to prove she's funny.


    cardi fans gon say she prepared before

  46. Clueless Angel

    They have such a good dynamic. 😂

  47. Dania Elshafie

    The OG rap queen never lets anyone down

  48. Heidi Guo


  49. Heidi Guo


  50. hugh jass

    Today is the day we heard about Nicki's retirement! I'm fucking happy for you Nic but you ain't going no where sis! ❤ #yousaidsix6albums!

  51. Elichia Moore

    This was funny lol 😂 lol 😂

  52. Arman beiber

    Nicki is the Oueen❤💕💓

  53. drink bleach

    I might fuck Steven after the showHe gon come back to work with a magical glowBut when you see us, please motherfucker don't stareJust address me as Queen Nicki Colbert

  54. it's Ure

    At 2:26 Stephan: I notice that I am not among the men on this list.Me:help me I'm dying

  55. LaggardInLove

    I think this is one of the best interveiws on Colbert. Please recommend if you remember any better ones... thanks!

  56. Corey Martin

    I'm here from the other post of this video...just to read the comments!

  57. Favour Kalu

    I love u Nicki

  58. mocochan

    I love Nikki! She is so kind and taught him how to rap.

  59. Bill

    " national treasure" ass!

  60. M i c D a m a g e

    This was SUPREME 💃

  61. Iconic Diego

    Totally different personalities, but the chemistry is amazing between them.

  62. 1TonCat

    Both of them are funny as fuck haha

  63. Harris Mo

    She's so beautiful here,

  64. Mr Cred

    F--k I adore this woman😌😌💏

  65. algamboa1987

    Man, they have such good chemistry. Nicki should be regular guest on the show.

  66. Onina Maraj

    “it feels right” hmmm Nicki sure

  67. Actually Nobody

    What is that song at the end? Is it Nicki's because it sounds familiar

  68. Ami Talati

    Wait y Stephen Colbert hesitated about the marriage question.. LOL

  69. trv96

    Stephen TYRONE Colbert💀💀

  70. justponx

    This clip is so cute for both of them

  71. Elijah Joshua Rebong

    Queen Nicki i stan so much!!!

  72. Jaydon MSP

    2 lines and he died

  73. Itsmeharper Jacksons

    "I wasn't done Stephen" That's what she said 😂😂😅

  74. Kye O

    I love nicki 💜💜💕💕

  75. TheSwifyyBk

    She’s amazing god damnit

  76. 215mookies

    Colbert killed that

  77. Mání Monét

    Omggg I fuckin lovedddd this

  78. near47 will

    Her wig

  79. Jessica Stone

    Nicki looks like a Rapunzel with this long hair, her hairstylist is genius...!

  80. 。アナベル

    I wish steven took nicki to red lobster instead of jimmy fallon that would’ve been so funny

  81. seokjinism cult

    holy shit he went red when she started freestyling omf

  82. jessica melendez

    Genuine men love big butts 😂😂😂😂

  83. Stevie Hubbard

    We fucking love the Mona Lisa nicki Minaj

  84. poppamuysexy

    She so phoney she tells all the talk shown host the same shit!!!

  85. Melina Bourne

    Nicki minaj is so beautiful just love to see her smile and laugh

  86. bluscorpion

    I love this interview. Like my fifth time watching it! Stephen rapping her lyrics is so much fun!

  87. Steve J

    That was hilarious 😂

  88. Shuhei Hisagi

    hahahahaha, guess its no surprised Donald Trumpf isnt Impressed by Lebron james! Seeing as King James has three rings, and Trumpf Achieved that Two divorces ago!

  89. LJ alter bridge

    Stephen probably had a boner throughout the interview...

  90. Omarr Koroma

    Magical glow

  91. David Figueroa

    Yo that album was amazing and nobody felt to realize that shit was hard and super creative

  92. Luna Kay

    Nicki is a Queen👑🦄. BarbzForever🥰

  93. Beverly Vinson

    I just love this woman . Shes vulgar but damn Shes good!! . You da man , Stephen !

  94. Sitakele mswati

    This lady is good at dropping bars

  95. Joon's Onion

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahah i am dead kill me now

  96. Joon's Onion

    RIP stephen colbert 2018

  97. Joon's Onion

    go nickiii

  98. XxAriana GrandexX

    She’s so beautiful!!

  99. XxAriana GrandexX

    I love this woman so much she’s just so damn lovable like how do people hate on her😤

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