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Nena - 99 Luftballons

99 Luftballons
: Nena
: 99 Luftballons
: 3.61 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 143 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 96 İndirme
: 16-10-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Nena - 99 Luftballons )
  1. dabartos

    they all look annoyed by having to do whatever

  2. Jay Clawwit

    Before, 99 red balloons were mistaken for an attack and later resulted into a war but if people saw 99 red balloons, they'd be yelling, "PENNYWISEEE!"

  3. Rayeiii Suarez

    Coca Cola ad.

  4. Réka Kiss


  5. spearhead1981

    GameGrumps mentioned this song

  6. Nicholas Café

    Watchmen brought me here

  7. Leslie Smith

    Oh, my goodness! I used to LOVE this song! All those cool changes, the singing, the energy of it used to give me so much life in my bedroom, dancing around like I was a member of the band! Good times! THANK YOU for the upload.

  8. Edwin The Destroyer

    Das ist sehr gut

  9. Breams 0024


  10. yeet bruh

    west germany had 99 luftballoons, east germany could only afford 45 and they had to be evenly distributed over the population

  11. Karol Gustaw

    Always Nena!!!

  12. Tan Jenner

    If you did not grew up in the Cold War era, with training for ABC alarms and tanks in the streets every few months from Nato manoeuvres, maybe you don't really understand what this song meant for my generation.

  13. kartal 91

    Sa pue la merde

  14. sabrina marie

    Best times ever

  15. Kamil Jamka

    Moje uszy krwawią rzygam niemieckim

  16. The History Critic Guy

    English translation: “were all f**ked!!!”

  17. Fainthed Cherry

    Thank you, Just Dance 2014.

  18. killswitch johnson

    begining of this song makes me feel nostalgic for the old days

  19. Ronald Ajero

    Peter Schiling is here too..? =)

  20. Phil Bert

    Why does music suck now?

  21. Desintegra Nebulosas

    Dance punk

  22. Loading 0319

    I don’t know what they’re saying, but this song is still good👍

  23. Jay Brown

    Write what you feel ownComments.

  24. Jay Brown

    Esmerussell your own comments Write what you feel

  25. Jay Brown


  26. abarcak90

    Que buena cancion!

  27. Rossano

    Ancora ad oggi per me è la canzone più bella di sempre!! Complimenti Nena.

  28. Elmas Nasıl Bulunur

    Ich Bin diamantenjäger und habe die größten Diamanten der Welt gefunden. Ich schaue den Musikkanal. Ich höre zu. unsere Momente der Suche nach Diamanten In Diamant kimberlite Ablagerungen in vulkanischen Felsen wer sagt, dass es in der Türkei keine Diamanten gibt?... Hier sind die Diamanten in der Türkei gefunden.

  29. Dusko Stankovic

    The best original version is sung in german, the english version sounds awful, DEUCHLAND Berlin I LOVE YOU

  30. Jacek Szufla

    Beautiful girl!

  31. ia btl

    Dark ⏳

  32. AIMEN C

    German Robin Sparkles

  33. Maximum Overdrive

    This was on WAVE 101

  34. aa. Asep DhaniHariansjah

    👍My favorites. 2019 aa. Asep [email protected] Mobile :+62 897-0397-240

  35. Miklós Gerzanits


  36. Rattengeplapper Rapsch

    Wieso schreiben alle Berlin wall und das auf English

  37. pjd412

    It was an anthem to Ronnie Raygun's bellicose nuclear Euro-madness.

  38. Charles


  39. Andrew Hanna

    Anyone else here after watching The Devil Next Door?

  40. hansel rodriguezlobo

    Soy el unico que viene por el momaso :v

  41. Artur Podpalov


  42. cmdr eftilon

    Heute aktueller den je !! Immer noch Gänsehaut.

  43. halil vesaire

    Bir dahaki seçimde tünelde kamyonet kasasında bira içen dayılar bu müziği kullanacak.

  44. OllieMakesVideos

    Happy 30 years reunification, Germany.

  45. Eil / Köln

    I remember when this song came out. Everyone was shufflin in real life

  46. Suliman Schabuev

    Du esel

  47. pumpkin Spice

    When you stop mass producing tanks and start mass producing some banger pop hits instead

    Ritz Crackers

    Relatable moment

  48. Honey Poo Poo

    🎈 IT

  49. pork chop

    I know this song has political implications, I just don't know what they are. I don't understand german


    It's an anti war song

    pork chop

    luise thank you

  50. Romanian Driver

    I used to listen to this song over and over again, for one reason: I don't speak German, but one thing sounds similar in my language, so I always waited for that part of the song. The word is: Benzinkanister.

    Danielle Frese

    Because you are Dumb 😜

    Romanian Driver

    @Danielle Frese Nice... very nice... Civilized people.

    0 0

    @Romanian Driver Ah yes.He is so mature.

    Romanian Driver

    0 0 Danielle is a HE? 😂

  51. Thom -_-

    XD evryone is posting the comments in English

  52. Julio Francisco Rodriguez

    The Wave 103!!!!

  53. Владимир

    Hey, ppl from 2020? still listening?

  54. Ben Bennett

    Just listened to this song in Barcelona. What a beautiful statement for freedom & peace, now more important than ever. Maybe you like our new video, too: It's called P.E.A.C.E and I just published it with a young singer from England. Check it out: Ben Bennett ft. Ziah "P.E.A.C.E" ❤️

  55. Nic 1900

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch sie haben einen deutschen Kommentar gefunden

  56. NIGHT HUNTER 666

    Still 2019

  57. NIGHT HUNTER 666

    Suzanne kerner sempre linda 😍

  58. 山田太郎


  59. I Made Bayu

    Prefer goldfinger version

  60. Sam Wlodawski

    Das ist wunderbar!!!!!!

  61. Archie Raiden

    damnn... i thought this song was English all these until now

  62. Frank Black

    much better in german

  63. BradsOwnChannel

    ...there’s just something about this song

  64. Roxter 801

    Like si vienés por el video de valgo verga

  65. Diana Berg

    Heute mehr denn je AKTUELL. Besonders bei DER Sicherheitslage und Kriege weltweit.

  66. Sonata Pumputytė

    Who comes here becouse of GTA Vice city? 😀😀😀

  67. Leonard Munz releasing balloons

  68. i-like cars

    More like, this beat dropped harder than Hitlers dead body

    Johnny Appleseed

    Probably not

  69. Nora Di Giorno

    Me gusta este tema. . . . .! ! ! ! ! ! 😊😊😊😊😊😊😜😜😜😜😜💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖😜😜😜😜😜😜😊😊😊😊😊😊

  70. Chaos_player 06

    Wer hört das auch 2019?

  71. xXDaOneXx

    I feel like some of you don't know this song properly. This is about nakasaki and heroshima. If these city's doesn't let a bell rinkle in your head.. then let me explain. On 6 and 9 august 1945, the USA army dropped the 2 nuclear bombs.


    No. It's about a miscommunication leading to nuclear war when both sides have nuclear weapons.

  72. Ludwig Von Mackensen Von Kluck 卐

    Beat dropped harder than the Soviet population

  73. Gina G

    30 years ago today the Berlin wall came down

  74. VirtualAdept777

    lml 9/11/19

  75. Andromeda Studios

    When you dont flinch at hearing and seeing an explosion. bad. ass.

  76. Papulinc777

    Radio: wave 103 Thanks Gta Vice City

  77. Joy of Lego

    She is 59 years old guys !

  78. Robbie Rabbit

    Die deutsch lied ist das beste, Ich bin Englisch und aus England. ich nicht kenne warum Ich sagte das..... zeitverschwendung,

  79. Emilio Andersson

    1.25 speed is the best

  80. Karl Tu 9G

    Our history teacher put this....

  81. Mourad Behar

    Vive les filles demerde a zot

  82. Pete Makkay

  83. Tommy Vercetti

    This reminds me that I haven't done my Duolingo German lesson today.

    Sisyphus Constantine

    Me too lol

    Hacker Jams &Justwegamer

    Tommy Vercetti he’s behind you rn

    Tommy Vercetti

    @Hacker Jams &Justwegamer"You haven't completed your family vocabulary lesson today. I sent your wife and children to Auschwitz-Birkenau"


    (Paraphrasing heavily from that soldier on the Roswell level of WS2) Ah Americans, I like your style! Very good, you are part of the Reich now, subject of the great Fuhrer. I hope for your sake you consider the Reich and all its glorious people your own. Now I trust you have been taking your German lessons Ja?

    Fainthed Cherry

    @Tommy Vercetti o h g o d

  84. derpty dumb

    Who’s here today on the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall ❤️


    Nemesis At least he’s not handling things as bad as Obama... He may not have a great speaking quality and presence, but the country isn’t suffering because of his sometimes unprofessional speech.

    Squid Billy

    I was in middle school when it happened.


    Wolfpack79 Well not going to talk about if it is right to build a wall since I think such answer doesn’t exist in the first place. everything happens for a reason and I am probably too weak to make a change to the world but I always wish our world the best. A place where we no longer need to sacrifice others’ wellbeing to be happy.


    焦雪源 Unfortunately the only time that could’ve been guaranteed was in the Garden of Eden. We can do are part to become closer though, and that’s something hopefully all of us can agree upon ✌️;)

    Menno van Beek

    Nemesis different purpose, dumbass.

  85. OhSadSatan

    30 Jahre Mauerfall! Wunderschön!

  86. Edahel

    Had to come back for the 30th anniversay of the fall of the Wall.

  87. Yurii Logic

    Да , помню как упала стена. Сразу чувство ностальгии. Как не странно песня по-своему актуальна до теперь. Всем мир

  88. Oh Mon Dieu Madame

    30 years.

  89. Underground Warrior

    German New Wave/Synth Pop.

  90. damien debbah

    a cette époque on ce chercher on se téléphoné suis triste......

    Saskia Viking

    D'accord boomer

  91. Dan Hollifield

    This was all over MTV back when they actually played music videos. Both versions, too!

  92. InDiscreT _

    Jojo Bernard

  93. Vlad Tepes

    nena ist die einzige, die sowas wie sowas von sowas sagen darf.

    Vlad Tepes

    irgendwie irgendwann irgendwo sowas tun - man braucht halt pläne im leben.

  94. Vincent LO

    Tomorrow it's gonna be 30 years, The Berlin Wall fell.

    Hacker Jams &Justwegamer

    エレダー stfu communism is a good idea

    Jesus Melendez

    Matthew Heatley as opposed to capitalism? Which is responsible for destroying the global climate? Dickhead


    @Matthew Heatley Capitalism has it's own faults too.

    Matthew Heatley

    @Águila701 any better ideas?


    @Matthew Heatley Capitalism sandwiched in-between socialist policies that don't allow individuals to become too poor or too rich and at the same time helping foster competitiveness and a growing economy to meet the demands of the local populace in an ever increasing globalised world. Or Haha, maybe whatever Ghandi was preaching.

  95. Louis 13

    The devil next door brought me here

  96. John Rankin

    Hey look a balloon!*Why do I hear boss music?*

  97. blaino bunnello

    so what are luftballoons (red balloons)

  98. The Realist


  99. The_Lone_star_scorpion

    The German version is so much better 😍

    Matthew Heatley

    The_Lone_star_scorpion it’s the only version?


    Matthew Heatley there’s a English version

99 Luftballons Şarkı Sözü
Hast du etwas Zeit für mich
Dann singe ich ein Lied für dich
Von neunundneunzig Luftballons
Auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont
Denkst du vielleicht grad an mich
Dann singe ich ein Lied für dich
Von neunundneunzig Luftballons
Und, dass so was von so was kommt
Neunundneunzig Luftballons
Auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont
Hielt man für UFOs aus dem All
Darum schickte ein General
'Ne Fliegerstaffel hinterher
Alarm zu geben, wenn's so wär
Dabei waren dort am Horizont
Nur neunundneunzig Luftballons
Neunundneunzig Düsenflieger
Jeder war ein großer Krieger
Hielten sich für Captain Kirk
Es gab ein großes Feuerwerk
Die Nachbarn haben nichts gerafft
Und fühlten sich gleich angemacht
Dabei schoss man am Horizont
Auf neunundneunzig Luftballons
Neunundneunzig Kriegsminister
Streichholz und Benzinkanister
Hielten sich für schlaue Leute
Witterten schon fette Beute
Riefen Krieg und wollten Macht
Mann, wer hätte das gedacht
Dass es einmal soweit kommt
Wegen neunundneunzig Luftballons
Wegen neunundneunzig Luftballons
Neunundneunzig Luftballons
Neunundneunzig Jahre Krieg
Ließen keinen Platz für Sieger
Kriegsminister gibt's nicht mehr
Und auch keine Düsenflieger
Heute zieh' ich meine Runden
Seh' die Welt in Trümmern liegen
Hab 'n Luftballon gefunden
Denk' an dich und lass' ihn fliegen

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